December Monthly Challenge



  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Start weight Sept 2017 184
    Weight 11/11/18 151.4

    today 12/09 160.2 (+8.8)
    12/17 158.6 (- 1.6)

    Well I've gone down a bit which is great but I'm not keto and I actually don't think I will be until the New Year in reality as I know having taken such a long time off I will be ages getting back into being a 'fat burner'. With lots of visitors staying over Christmas and a New Year away I'm not actually going to stay Keto and no good kidding myself and then feeling like a failure. So what I'm going to do is just try to loose a bit and maintain over this rapidly approaching madness!
  • Biggster69
    Biggster69 Posts: 84 Member
    SW: 146.1 lbs
    GW: 135 lbs

    Sunday 12/02: 142.9 lbs
    Sunday 12/09: 142.1 lbs
    Sunday 12/16: 141.3 lbs
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • valleygirl74
    valleygirl74 Posts: 159 Member
    Sunday 12/02 222.0
    Sunday 12/09 221.4
    Sunday 12/16 219.8
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    edited December 2018
    Started Tracking 07/15: 174.0kg/383.6lbs / Started Keto: 07/18
    Sunday 07/29: 166.6kg/367.3lbs
    Sunday 08/26: 160.8kg/354.5lbs
    Sunday 09/30: 153.5kg/338.4lbs
    Sunday 10/28: 148.4kg/327.2lbs
    Sunday 11/25: 145.5kg/320.8lbs
    Goal Weight: 78.5kg/173.3lbs (Or a healthy weight that I am good with)

    Sunday 12/02: 144.30kg/318.2lbs
    Sunday 12/09: 142.70kg/314.6lbs
    Sunday 12/16: 140.61kg/310.0lbs
    Sunday 12/23:
    Sunday 12/30:

    Today's Weight: 140.61kg/310.0lbs

    Yesterday I had my lowest weight in at least 5-6 years. 140.3/309.4lbs. That felt pretty great to see. While I don't expect to breach the 136kg/299.8lbs threshold by NYD, I will hit it eventually. If I hit it early, awesome, and I'll keep on keto'ing on. If not, I'll keep on keto'ing on.

    Good luck to everyone on their journey to healthy!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member
    Posts: 116

    My goal is to have a loss this last month of the year. Any amount accepted!
    Started Keto Oct 1 - 180.3
    Last weight in Nov. - 174.8

    Sunday 12/02- 174.4
    Sunday 12/09- 174.8 (My one and only Xmas party was yesterday, so gain expected. Mashed potatoes, pie, 4 Sees candy.)
    Sunday 12/16- 174.4 (OK, back to where I started the month. 2 More chances to show a loss for December.)
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • Larkspur94
    Larkspur94 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm female, age 24, 5' 5''
    Starting weight -154 (Sept 26th)
    Current weight -132
    Goal weight -around 119 (depends on image and haven't done any weights/resistance yet)

    Sunday 12/02 -134
    Sunday 12/09 -133
    Sunday 12/16 -132
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30

    Oh boy, so close to Xmas, so much to do still.
    You know, I don't think I was this light since under age 12 at least. I still have some clothes from age 13 which are a size or two larger than what currently fits me. (*cough* Bit of a hoarder *cough*) I can't remember what age I was at this weight last. Wouldn't have been full height. Always been overweight.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Starting weight (July 24, 2018): 200.1
    Goal weight (by June 10, 2019 -my birthday!): 140
    Current weight (Nov 30, 2018): 169.9

    Sunday 12/2: 168.4
    12/09: 168.4
    12/16: 169

    I went up just a bit, but that's better than what I was expecting. I haven't been to the gym in a week. It seems there is a function, concert, recital, or some other thing I need to play taxi service for every day!

  • shirli2018
    shirli2018 Posts: 74 Member
    Started Keto: May 24, 2018
    Starting Weight: 248.2
    November GW: 189.9999 lbs - smashed!!!
    December GW - 180 lbs
    Mini GW: 179.9999
    GW October 2019: 127 lbs

    Sunday 12/02 188 lbs (-3.9)
    Sunday 12/9 188
    Sunday 12/16 186.5 lbs (-1.5)
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30

    I had a bunch of work functions this week and I've got so many compliments from folks who haven't seen me for a while- felt amazing!!!
    When I first started Keto, the only exercise I was willing to do at almost 250 lbs was swimming. 20lbs later, I started walking on a treadmill and very slow jogging. This week I logged 7 workouts including a total of 17 miles running, 25 miles biking (single ride) and 2 miles swimming. For me, being able to do this, and being fit and stronger is what maters more than the number on the scale. However, I can see my fitness numbers getting better with every pound that I drop. My goal is to smash December's goal by taking advantage of the Holiday's to add more exercising time.

    Happy Keto
  • jennutech
    jennutech Posts: 9 Member
    Starting weight 268
    Current weight 252.8
    Goal weight 165

    Sunday 12/02 258.8
    Sunday 12/09 254
    Sunday 12/16 252.8
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    SW'17: 368
    GW: 194 - 225
    Dec goal: 265 (or lower)…I am hoping to have a net loss of at least 5 lbs (the net loss of 1 lb in Nov is rather underwhelming and depressing). The 1.2 gain is worse. But. With that said, I am still sitting comfortably in a size that i haven't in years. and my "infinity" belt is having spots used that have never been used. so … that is good. and a 0 gain/loss week over week when i have been consistently higher? i'll take it

    Monday 12/03: 270.4
    Monday 12/10: 271.6
    Monday 12/17: 271.6
    Monday 12/24
    Monday 12/31
  • rpmkarting
    rpmkarting Posts: 49 Member
    Started Keto April 2018
    Start weight 300

    SW 200 11/28
    GW 180
    Challenge goal: 190
    Sunday 12/02 200.5
    Sunday 12/09 194.3
    Sunday 12/16 195.5
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30

    It has been very up and down this month. I can see some big change coming in the next couple of weeks to finish the month off strong!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Start weight Sept 2017 184
    Weight 11/11/18 151.4

    today 12/09 160.2 (+8.8)
    12/17 158.6 (- 1.6)
    12/23 157.6 (-1.0)

    which is about to go straight back up but hey it's less than I was when we got back from holiday: some one keep me from the carbohydrate snacks!!

    I'll post the January Challenge next week so we all have something to look forward to in 2019!!!
  • valleygirl74
    valleygirl74 Posts: 159 Member
    Sunday 12/02 222.0
    Sunday 12/09 221.4
    Sunday 12/16 219.8
    Sunday 12/23 218
    Sunday 12/30

    Happy holidays & Merry Christmas to all!
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    Started Keto: June 21
    Starting Weight: 167.4
    Sunday 11/25: 142.4
    Goal Weight: 141

    Sunday 12/02: 141.6
    Sunday 12/09: 139.8
    Sunday 12/16: 140.2
    Sunday 12/23: 142.6
    Sunday 12/30

    I'm checking in for the first time this month here, though I've been tracking all month. I just finished updating the spreadsheet. You can see where I let go a little. HA! This last week, I have not been too worried about sticking to Keto, but enjoyed a cookie or two each day. We have been so busy with the holidays (plus both of my kids' birthdays are this month, plus children on both sides of my and my husband's families also have birthdays this month) that we have gone out to eat several times this week and I used it as an excuse to get the things I normally wouldn't. The nice thing is, I don't feel bad about it. My clothes are a little tighter, but I know I'll have no trouble losing it again. My goal weight stayed the same because, honestly, I just want to drop one more pant size and if I end the month around 141, that means I didn't put on a bunch of weight from the holidays. I'm taking some time off work and plan to be pretty strict with myself while sitting at home.

    Happy Holidays to everyone. Next week's weigh-in I'll be back on track, so I'm not super worried. Size 8, here I come!! <3
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,747 Member
    @sykin, I love your outlook about this month, you definitely won’t have a problem losing the small about of weight you might gain. Enjoy your time off work and I absolutely LOVE your new profile picture, 😀
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member
    My goal is to have a loss this last month of the year. Any amount accepted!
    Started Keto Oct 1 - 180.3
    Last weight in Nov. - 174.8

    Sunday 12/02- 174.4
    Sunday 12/09- 174.8 (My one and only Xmas party was yesterday, so gain expected. Mashed potatoes, pie, 4 Sees candy.)
    Sunday 12/16- 174.4 (OK, back to where I started the month. 2 More chances to show a loss for December.)
    Sunday 12/23- 174.0
    Sunday 12/30
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    9/24-Keto SW-206.8lbs
    12/1-CW- 183.2lbs
    Current Goal- 180 by 12/31/18
    Next Goal- 160 by 5/31/2019

    Sunday 12/2- 183.2--12/1 weight
    Sunday 12/9-179.4
    Sunday 12/16-177.4
    Sunday 12/23- 176.6
    Friday 12/30-

  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    SW'17: 368
    GW: 194 - 225
    Dec goal: 265 (or lower)…I am hoping to have a net loss of at least 5 lbs (the net loss of 1 lb in Nov is rather underwhelming and depressing).

    Monday 12/03: 270.4
    Monday 12/10: 271.6
    Monday 12/17: 271.6
    Monday 12/24: 268.6
    Monday 12/31
  • rpmkarting
    rpmkarting Posts: 49 Member
    Started Keto April 2018
    Start weight 300

    SW 200 11/28
    GW 180
    Challenge goal: 190
    Sunday 12/02 200.5
    Sunday 12/09 194.3
    Sunday 12/16 195.5
    Sunday 12/23 192.6
    Sunday 12/30

    Pushing for 190. I briefly touched 190.9 a few days ago but I am hoping to hit 190.0 before the 30th. Doubt it is possible but I will keep doing what I am doing 1800-2000 avg calories per day.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Starting weight (July 24, 2018): 200.1
    Goal weight (by June 10, 2019 -my birthday!): 140
    Current weight (Nov 30, 2018): 169.9

    Sunday 12/2: 168.4
    12/09: 168.4
    12/16: 169
    12/23: 168.8

  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    Just a quick visit to let you all know I've added the tab for 2019 to the Spreadsheet. If you've been updating it regularly throughout December you should still be on it. If anyone would like to log on the Spreadsheet, please feel free to add yourself to a column.

    Here is the link again.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    thanks, @NikkiJRM!
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    Thanks Nikki. You are the best! Happy New Year :)
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    @NikkiJRM or anyone... Can someone please add me? I have never actually been added to the spreadsheet. First some reason, I’m not able to add myself.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,747 Member
    edited December 2018
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    @NikkiJRM or anyone... Can someone please add me? I have never actually been added to the spreadsheet. First some reason, I’m not able to add myself.

    I just added you, :)

    thanks, @NikkiJRM!