Progress Report



  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited December 2018
    well, there won't be an update today. Even though i know that I have been successful in staying below my calorie limit for 3 of the last 7 days and was within 200 calories of the limit the rest, the scale showed a 7 lb gain this week, going from 277 to 284. My limit is set to lose 2 lbs per week, so eating over by 200 calories on 4 days should have still registered a loss for the week, not a gain.

    Since I know for a fact there is absolutely no way I was eating enough to gain 7 lbs in 1 week, I can see that this water weight is being extremely stubborn in going away. *sigh* All I can figure is that I've had some high sodium meals this week, with pizza hut pizza on Monday, restaurant chili on Tuesday, and canned soup yesterday, and along with lack of sufficient sleep this week are contributing to this water weight gain. I'll keep plugging along, trying to get semi-fasting days in next week, and see what I can achieve by next Thursday. I kept it to around 1,000 calories yesterday, and I'm planning for 1200 today. Tomorrow is going to be up because of a Christmas dinner at church, but the lower days should cover that. *sigh* we'll see, anyway!
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    edited January 2019

    A view from my window just after midnight. Wasn’t even paying attention... a calm and quiet new year... with the exception of the fireworks 🎇

    01/10/2018 331.1 lbs
    06/02/2018 344.7 lbs
    01/01/2019 323 lbs

    I started last year merely tracking for several months. Then I began incorporating more water and exercise. In September, I started to focus on staying below my calories. I have gone over 5-12 days a month. But in the first half of the year, I was over by about 2000-5000 calories several days a week. Since September, I am usually over by about 500-2000 calories due to a holiday or depressive episode. So, that is a huge NSV.

    Here’s to better health and self love in 2019!!
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    @RunaMarti love your resolution, better health and self love in 2019. Yes, that's what its all about. Following this, will make everything else fall into place.

    Congrats on your NSV, and I can't wait to see your progress in 2019!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 260 lbs
    Current Weight: 289.9 lbs 1/11/19
    Loss this week: -- lbs
    Total loss: -85.1 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work: I don't know; I just - I don't know. My greatest fear is becoming reality, and after losing 100 lbs in 2017, I've stalled and have started regaining, and nothing I do to try to halt the process is working to stop it. I regained 15 lbs in 2018, which is completely unacceptable. I just want to pull my hair out; one little voice inside is screaming at the rest of me to stop, get this under control, but I can't figure out what changed or why I suddenly cannot lose any more weight at all. I told myself it was just a plateau, but its been ongoing for a year now. I've had my hormones checked out, and the last bloodwork said my thyroid levels were back to where they should be. I sought some help with the depression, but the meds which were supposed to also help with weight loss and are in fact half of the contrave formula have done nothing for me at all - they didn't curb my appetite one whit. I cannot seem to limit myself to 1500 calories no matter how hard I try, and I am ALWAYS. HUNGRY. A true portion size does not fill me at all. I've tried focusing on increasing fiber, lowering carbs, increasing fruit and vegetable intake, trying to get more protein, trying to fast, so many sorts of things and none of it is sticking or working. If I allow myself to eat breakfast first thing, I find myself wanting to snack all day long. If I limit breakfast and make myself wait until 10 am to eat it, then the snacking urges during the daytime are better, but nothing has helped the snacking urges of an evening.

    I'm always tired and I always feel foggy brained. It can't be due to not eating enough because as I stated before, I've not been able to limit myself to the 1500 calories, and routinely go above, much closer to maintenance. Its been over a year since I lost any statistically significant weight, and have actually gained, so it cant' be that my body needs to recover from the massive weight loss from 2017; it should have had ample time.

    Its all I can do to get myself to go to work and do the bare basics to keep my house going; I hate regular exercise, having never found something that was enjoyable and instead, the whole process is painful, exhausting, and leaving me drained, and I can't get a routine set, especially as I'm always so tired of an evening, that I can't win the self-control battle to force myself to exercise. And forget trying to do it before work; I am NOT a morning person, so getting out of bed at 5:30 AM just to get ready for work is a huge battle with myself; there is no way on this earth I would be able to drag myself out an hour earlier just to make myself exercise - I've been there, tried that, and failed miserably.

    *sigh* I don't know what the problem is, and while I'm not giving up, I can't seem to figure out how to lose my downhill slide, let alone regain the lost ground. I"m having the same problem with work - I hate my job, I go home each evening feeling depressed, unfulfilled, and like a failure, but I feel stuck in a pit with no way out. I don't know what to do about it and have no resources available to be able to figure it out. I can't afford to go back to school either traditional or online, and none of the programs I see interest me, anyway. I'm afraid I am burnt out emotionally and mentally, but have no idea what to do about it. I'm single and must have an income to meet my needs and financial obligations, and can't think of any other way to do that in the area I live in. I can't afford to move again - this last move pushed me to the line and I can't afford any more debt; furthermore, I don't WANT to move anyway. I'm happy to be home back in southern WV, in the small town I grew up in; the problem is, while the rural life is good for my soul, its lousy for my work life......
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    @bmeadows380 I'm at a loss of words of advice for you. I don't want to tell you something you don't want to hear, or have already heard.

    Hmmm, you said that you've sought help with depression, it doesn't sound like that has helped. Maybe try working on your mental health first, then your physical health. Different meds work differently on different people. Maybe you haven't found the right one or the right dose. Work with your doctor to figure this out. Be honest with him/her.

    How much sleep are you getting? Sleep can control your body in weird ways. And I'm not talking about how many hours are you in bed, but how many hours are you actually sleeping? Have you done a sleep study? Is this the culprit?

    We all know that you don't need to exercise to lose weight. It's a matter of calories. Maybe forget about the exercise and focus on healthy snacks first. Stop giving yourself more things to hate yourself for doing or not doing. Exercise can come later. You said evening snacking is the worst. Conquer that first. Worry about morning and day snacking after you've conquered evening snacking. I know this sounds cliche but you can't eat what you don't have in your house. Go shopping after you've eaten and when you are in a good state of mind, and only buy healthy snacks. I am a HUGE impulse buyer, so I am able to order my groceries online - those that I know I actually need and not want- and pick them up at the store. This helps me not pick up the bag of chips at the checkout counter, or the new flavor of oreos. I don't know if that is an option for you. Or maybe write a list, give someone your card and ask them to buy the stuff for you.

    Why did you lose weight in 2017? What was your motivation? What is different? How did you do it. Going back to the basics sometimes helps. Also, you mentioned you've tried a lot of different things. Are you giving them enough time to actually work? Or quitting before you see the results?

    I don't know if you are a spiritual person, but I am praying so hard for your success!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @cnavarro002 Thank you for the kind response!

    On the sleep front - I average probably between 5 & 6 a night; not enough, I know, but nothing difference than I've ever really gotten. I play catch up on the weekends. I was sleeping this much back when I was losing weight, too, so nothing has changed on that front. I had a sleep study done, back before I lost the weight, and had only very mild, borderline apnea; the weight loss I have experienced should have taken care of that.

    The sad part is, that my drive to eat gets very creative when it comes to snacks. It's not that I'm craving unhealthy chips, candy, etc - I just can't seem to find satiety with what I'm eating, and I'll over eat on the healthy snacks. All I can figure is that when I started losing weight, I was eating around 2200 a day because of what I weighed when I started; at that level, I could eat and feel full and feel like I had plenty of options and room in a day's time. However, as I lose weight, the number of calories I can have and still continue losing weight has to drop, which is why I'm now trying to stay around 1500 a day. However, that 1500 gets used up so very fast during the day, and leaves me still hungry.

    It is amazing how creative I can be when it comes to snacks. I don't keep any chips or cookies, try not to keep bananas or higher calorie fruits, but I seem to still myself driven to find something to snack on, whether it be saltine crackers or even just a slice of bread from the freezer. I would love to snack on cheese, but again, a serving size of cheese is still around 100 calories, and one serving size doesn't even come close to satisfying me. I keep lunch meat which does help some and is at least lower calorie, but trying to stay to 1 serving size of an evening tend to end up being a futile exercise in trying to have self control.

    I have no idea why I was able to lose weight in 2017; I have no idea what clicked on during that year that had me able to stick to a diet plan. Whatever it was, it has apparently clicked back off. This has happened before: in late 2011, I started calorie counting and managed to keep it up for about 10 months, losing up to 90 lbs that time. I had tried before, but that time it seemed to stick. BUT in 2012, I hit a plateau, like now, and then over the next year, slowly began gaining the weight back. For the next 5 years, I tried time and time again to calorie count or find something that would get me back to the point where I was losing weight again, but each effort was a failure, until january 2017 when I tried once again, and this time, for no reason I can tell, it stuck.

    However, I seem to repeating history because whatever it is that clicks on, clicks back off, and I can't figure out what the difference is that makes that attempt succeed for a while when all the others fail, and when I'm doing the exact same thing each time!

    Anyway, I do appreciate your prayers - I need all the help I can get! I'm not quitting, but its just so frustrating to not be able to get back to where I was before, and especially terrifying that I'm going to see that scale tip back over 300 lbs again, when I need to get it below 200! I still refuse to have bariatric surgery - I've watched my sister in law, brother, and cousin deal with theirs and yeah, the weight loss is amazing, but I'm not willing to do that to myself or deal with the things they dealt with to achieve that weight. I don't want to do things to my body that can't be undone.
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    @bmeadows380 I think we are twins separated somehow... I could almost write every word of your last posts. I don’t even want to say anything because I have become so cynical and angry that I fear it would not come out right no matter how hard I tried. I hope you can find something to help break the current cycle. I sincerely understand the misery.

    Hugs 🤗
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @runamarti ah, girl, cynicism seems to be my mindset most days lol I try to tell myself I'm being a realist, but too often, I do slide over that edge into pure cynicism.

    But you know, cynicism does have its place - especially today when all these scams are going on all the time. When you are cynical, you are less likely to get caught up in one, right? I try to tell myself that anyway lol

    Hugs back to you! Having others who are sympathetic does go a hugely long way in making me feel better, anyway. Less isolated and helps in pushing back that nagging voice in my head once in a while!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @mellykay88 congratulations! Wonderful NSVs and weight loss this year!
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    @Mellykay88 : Good to hear from you! Those are some impressive NSV’s!!
  • sra455
    sra455 Posts: 57 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~332 lbs (2/28/2018)
    My goal: 145 ultimately (probably after some skin surgery possibly depending on how it looks)
    Current Weight: 298.6
    Total loss: -33.4 lbs

    What's Working: Once I get started I am really very committed to my logging and my calorie limit.

    What Needs Work: When I get off my schedule or out of a comfort zone where I am in control of meals, I have struggled to count and control calories. Specifically this has been over the summer when i wasn't in college classes and didn't have a schedule for my meals. And then also over holidays (or whenever I go home really). That's why i haven't lost as much as I could have despite it being almost a year since I committed to this. Thankfully I haven't regained too much and for the most part have maintained my losses within a 5 lb bounce. But I really want to get back to going down to reach my goals.
  • MamaMaryPants
    MamaMaryPants Posts: 36 Member
    @bmeadows380 Are you getting enough water? I know we all know the tricks but I know I feel so much more full if I get in my full 64oz minimum a day. I also usually have a soup for one of my meals, and while it doesn't keep me full it does fill me up, and soups are sooooo low in calories (generally) same as a serving of cheese a lot of times for a whole can of Progresso.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @MamaMaryPants Yup, I definitely get enough water in a day. I usually easily breeze by the 100 oz mark by the end of the day, especially in winter.

    And in winter, I eat a lot of soups, too! Progresso makes these light soups that I take to work with me - usually between 80 and 120 calories per serving! And Bear Creek dried soups are really good, too. I weighed a whole bag and then took out enough for 1 or 2 servings, then put the rest in a zip lock bag for next time, since a bag makes 8 servings. That's the bad thing about being single - figuring out how to adapt recipes to a one or two person serving to keep from having a ton of left overs!
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    @bmeadows380 What’s the sodium percentage in those soups. My body bloats forever with higher levels of sodium. Been noticing that. I ate only from home for a week... and dropped almost 10 pounds. But I get lonely... there’s a place I go to where I get a tons of free meals because of their loyalty plan... before I get to my table, they have my special order in the oven... lots of the staff come by my table to ask about the latest book I am reading... it feels “homey” so I go... I have no relationships with friends and family... so I get desperate sometimes... 😥 Kind of pathetic, but it is what it is. I love soups, but the sodium level I usually see on the labels in so high!
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    I was struggling to get enough calories in with the way I am now eating, but I decided I needed to figure something out because I was averaging between 700-800/day and not seeing any movement on the scale. Because my diet is fruits, veggies, lean proteins and whole grains only, it can be trying to get lots of calories (a girl can only eat so many veggies!). I decided to up my lean protein amount from 3 ounces to 5 in any given meal and that has helped me get over 1000 calories/day. I weighed in on Friday and saw no movement, implemented that change and weighed in again on Monday (because I was feeling good) and was 2 pounds down. So I think it’s true: you must get enough calories in to get downward movement on the scale!
  • MamaMaryPants
    MamaMaryPants Posts: 36 Member
    RunaMarti wrote: »
    @bmeadows380 What’s the sodium percentage in those soups. My body bloats forever with higher levels of sodium. Been noticing that. I ate only from home for a week... and dropped almost 10 pounds. But I get lonely... there’s a place I go to where I get a tons of free meals because of their loyalty plan... before I get to my table, they have my special order in the oven... lots of the staff come by my table to ask about the latest book I am reading... it feels “homey” so I go... I have no relationships with friends and family... so I get desperate sometimes... 😥 Kind of pathetic, but it is what it is. I love soups, but the sodium level I usually see on the labels in so high!

    Some are higher but they have ones that are more <3 healthy with lower sodium.
    I am lucky that that isn't an issue for me as my go to dinner is sodium is forever double RDA....eeep
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    RunaMarti wrote: »
    @bmeadows380 What’s the sodium percentage in those soups. My body bloats forever with higher levels of sodium. Been noticing that. I ate only from home for a week... and dropped almost 10 pounds. But I get lonely... there’s a place I go to where I get a tons of free meals because of their loyalty plan... before I get to my table, they have my special order in the oven... lots of the staff come by my table to ask about the latest book I am reading... it feels “homey” so I go... I have no relationships with friends and family... so I get desperate sometimes... 😥 Kind of pathetic, but it is what it is. I love soups, but the sodium level I usually see on the labels in so high!


    As @MamaMaryPants said, some are better than others. I went to Progresso's website and did a quick review, and most of them are running between the mid 400's to the mid 600's per serving on sodium, which makes an entire can (2 servings per can) in the ballpark of the 900's to the 1300's total sodium. A few are little higher.

    So yeah, better than a regular can of cambel's, which usually run 900 for 1 serving or over 1800 for a can, but still not as good as you can get homemade soup down to. But for convenience food, the calories and sodium of the progresso's are better than others I've tried!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 260 lbs
    Current Weight: 289.2 lbs 1/23/19
    Loss this week: 0.7 lbs
    Total loss: -85.9 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : truthfully, this is a statistically meaningless loss, so I've just been maintaining the last 2 weeks. But the diet in that period hasn't been all that great, so maintenance is better than gaining. This weekend was bad. I was doing fairly well last week, but the weekend came and I seemed to lose control. At least all the cookies in the freezer are now gone, as are the remaining peanuts in the pantry, the rest of the dried fruit from Christmas, and the chocolate bar. I've just have such a struggle this last week with the drive to eat, even when I know my stomach isn't hungry and its just in my head! And i can't stop at a single serving, and its the healthy stuff that I'm overeating (leaving out the chocolate chip cookies I binged on this weekend). Doesn't matter if its a carb like fruits or a protein snack like turkey or something sweet like cookies or not sweet like croutons; I have this drive to keep coming back well beyond a single serving, and I can't figure out how to turn it off!

    The last 2 days didn't help as I was out of town for work, traveling 7 hours one way each day. I don't keep snack food like chips or anything like that in the car with me, but its just the eating out and the urge to buy something at the places I stop for bathroom breaks that kills me.

    why can't they create a virtually zero calorie snack that actually fills you up? *sigh*
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 260 lbs
    Current Weight: 291.1 lbs 2/6/19
    Total loss: -83.9 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : *sigh* and the downward slide continues.....a gain of 2 pounds in 2 weeks, but I'm not surprised by this - I actually expected worse. Last week, I was out of town for work, which included a lot of sitting while traveling and at meetings, and eating out for all three meals. And while I tried to behave, its more of trying to contain the damage with little chance of actually remaining within limits. Then last weekend was my sister's birthday, and she wanted lasagna. My mom makes wonderful lasagna, but its EXTREMELY calorie dense as she piles on the meat and cheese, so this weekend was a blowout completely :(

    On a positive note, I've managed to stop my daily stop at Arby's for a turkey slide with no cheese that I had been finding myself doing a lot of, and I've been much more successful in making myself stick to unsweet tea instead of half cut like I had slipped back into doing. That turkey slider was only 160 calories, but I need to make myself hold those calories for something better for me.

    I haven't completely given up, but I'm still greatly discouraged and disheartened. The drive to snack is horrible, and my ability to remain to a single portion is pretty non-existent. I can't have any kind of snack food or even something that can be used as a snack food, because I can't get myself to stay to a single portion. I don't care if its dried fruit, canned fruit, croutons, chocolate chips, rice cakes, lunch meat - I can be very creative when my mind has that desire to eat! And it's in my mind, I know it is. I'm also fighting a mental battle with myself when it comes to eating period - I eat a serving, and even when I'm full, I have a compelling drive to continue eating, even though I know I'm not really hungry.

    I hope to talk to my doctor about this when I see her in 3 weeks. She has me on Welbutrin that is supposed to actually decrease appetite, but it's not working at all - for appetite or depression either one. I had agreed to try it when I was discussing with her the possibility of trying out contrave. I'll have to see if she has any ideas on curbing that mental drive because I don't have much willpower to defend against it, and its undercutting all my efforts and just feeding into my depression. Guilt is consuming me from many fronts, but especially because I'm regaining and even though one part of my mind is screaming at me to get it under control, I can't figure out how to actually do that. I'm apparently very weak-willed, which is no excuse, I know.

    Meanwhile, I'm gearing up to try yet another idea next week to see if I can get myself back under control. I know the Daniel Fast, which is set up for 3 weeks without meat, caffeine, processed foods, animal products, or dairy, is really supposed to be a religious method of drawing closer to God, and while I certainly need that as well, I'm hoping that perhaps it can help me primarily with the diet. since its' only 3 weeks, I think I'll have an easier time keeping to it. We'll see, anyway!