
How do you respond to people who constantly put you down when you are trying to better yourself. I have several family members and friends who discourage me on a daily basis. I hear " it'll never work", "you'll just gain it all back in a month", "stop being stupid and just eat whatever you want".

And sometimes I'm actually embarrassed when I eat in front of other people because they make comments and I when I tell them I'm trying to eat better they proceed to make fun of me. They say things like "keto diet is just a fad" "keto people just eat bacon all day and think they will lose weight". It pisses me off because I dont eat bacon all day and if I eat a piece of bread here and there I dont need them telling me I've already failed and should just give up.

Sorry for the long rant, but this is the stuff I hear all the time and it does get to me. Do any of you have people in your lives like this?

I can handle eating differently than my husband and kids because they support me and if they make fun it's all just light-hearted. But some people are just flat out mean and it DOES get me down. It's not easy when you're an emotional eater like me too. I'm sad, I know. Can anyone relate?


  • scody311
    scody311 Posts: 12 Member
    This thing aint a fad anymore... It's widely accepted. Just know what's right for you and stay strong.
  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    Ignore the noise and keep going. You are doing great and those that do not understand are bound to make ignorant comments to drag you down in a desperate attempt to align you with their point of view. I simply tell them: I respect your opinion but the method you describe has resulted in me not being where I need to be up to this point in my life and as such I have selected another path. I am doing this for me, not you and I hope you can respect that.

    I guarantee you that in 6 months when you have improved your health they will be asking how you did it.
  • gimmekimchee_x
    gimmekimchee_x Posts: 24 Member
    scody311 wrote: »
    This thing aint a fad anymore... It's widely accepted. Just know what's right for you and stay strong.

    Easier said then done. Some people actually laugh in my face when I tell them about keto and that's just if they aren't rolling their eyes.
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    I agree with the advice not to talk about it. Just do it and soon the naysayers will be jealous of your success!
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Yeah I agree with not talking about it. When they ask why you are eating what you are just tell them it's what you're body or you or whatever is craving at the time. Surely they won't try to tell YOU what YOUR body wants?
  • KetoZandra
    KetoZandra Posts: 132 Member
    There is a saying I've heard. "You can't win an argument with a stupid person." I understand why you are mad, they are being bullies. Define your personal boundaries and if they bring it up, silence is power. Or loose it and tell them to go to H..., that might be what they need to back off.
  • gimmekimchee_x
    gimmekimchee_x Posts: 24 Member
    bametels wrote: »
    I agree with the advice not to talk about it. Just do it and soon the naysayers will be jealous of your success!

    So it's not like I'm going around with a sign that says " I'M ON KETO LETS TALK ABOUT IT" lol

    The negativity comes from people looking at my plate and a lot of it is people being offended when I wont eat their food.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    unfortunately, i don't have anybody that cares enough to say anything (for better or worse). my wife knows and doesn't care as long as i don't try to feed our kids the same; my co-workers know i am doing keto and figure whatever works, is great. all of us, small team of 7, need to lose weight and manage various health things that keto would help.
  • gimmekimchee_x
    gimmekimchee_x Posts: 24 Member
    KetoZandra wrote: »
    There is a saying I've heard. "You can't win an argument with a stupid person." I understand why you are mad, they are being bullies. Define your personal boundaries and if they bring it up, silence is power. Or loose it and tell them to go to H..., that might be what they need to back off.

    LOL I usually end up getting mad and telling them to mind their own business but it still happens.

    I will try to just not say anything, even when they ask I'll just shrug or something lol. Wish my family was more supportive. 😔
  • maddog1769
    maddog1769 Posts: 34 Member
    Be Keto and Be Proud.... If different is wrong i don't want to be right.... Let them Laugh and let them suffer..... Stay on YOUR path and nothing less.
  • ironmaidenchick
    ironmaidenchick Posts: 213 Member
    I get a bit of grief at work about it, usually if we are having a work shout and it is something I can't eat like pizza. They say dumb things like she can't eat it she doesn't eat sugar or shes on a stupid diet blah blah blah. They know nothing at all about keto and I have given up explaining things. I simply don't care what other people think. So just don't react as that is what they want. Do this for you and nobody else, you will be the winner in the end :smiley:
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,369 Member
    Haters gonna hate, not much you can do about that. I know for me at work, I have turned down treats and crap so much that most of the time people don't even ask me any more if I want some, so there is some hope that you will wear them down and they will move on to the next thing they feel the need to butt into.
  • cgcrutch
    cgcrutch Posts: 223 Member
    I would do the same thing to them, pick on them for their bad eating habits, all sugar and processed grain, middle isle foods, preservatives. And all the health risks that come from those. Luckily most of my family and friends are not bullies, but my older sister was. She's not so much now, but I've learned that reflecting their behavior back to them shows them how irritating it is >:)
  • gimmekimchee_x
    gimmekimchee_x Posts: 24 Member
    cgcrutch wrote: »
    I would do the same thing to them, pick on them for their bad eating habits, all sugar and processed grain, middle isle foods, preservatives. And all the health risks that come from those. Luckily most of my family and friends are not bullies, but my older sister was. She's not so much now, but I've learned that reflecting their behavior back to them shows them how irritating it is >:)

    Hahahaha I love this approach
  • gimmekimchee_x
    gimmekimchee_x Posts: 24 Member
    The best response I have found is "I'm sorry you feel that way."

    You don't have to educate anyone, particularly if they aren't going to listen anyway. You don't owe anyone any explanation. You are the only person who gets to decide what you do with your body because you are the only person who lives in it. That is 100% all you. No one else gets a vote.

    Yesss! Good advice, thank you!