Progress Report



  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    @bmeadows380 Hi!! 👋

    Your kitty and mouse story made me giggle... I would give your kitty a huge hug for sure!!

    I know you mentioned Wellbutrin, but I would take a look at all and any meds you take for anything. I have a horrid history of taking many different cocktails of medications and between antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, SSRIs, NSRIs, and now a PSRI... not to mention muscle relaxers, pain medications, birth control, etc... I had a harder and harder time not only losing weight and keeping it off, but the rate at which I would gain was mind blowing... I look at every single side effect now before I agree to take a new medication and I only start one new medication at a time so that I know exactly which one is the culprit for any new side effect. Plus, age changes a lot of how the body handles food. I’ve got a lot against me between the mental health, chronic pain, and age...

    A good book that I have on my list to read is Moody *kitten*... it talks about how much this trend to medicate all our problems away has led to other problems and a loss of emotions and experiences that are actually healthy.

    I gave up on even trying to watch my weight for about 4 years and no matter how much I ate, I never went back up above 345 or 350 lbs. my all time highest weight was 359 or something. I look at that as a gift that my body capped itself out at about 345 lbs. because when I started to seriously track last year... the only thing I did for months... no changes, just tracking... I was consuming 3000 - 6000 extra calories a day for several days a week - 5 or 6 days per week on average. When I started implementing changes in September, I began to lose weight. Lose, gain, plateau... not a steady linear loss at all, but now I am at about 320. Was only supposed to lose 0.5 lb per week, but am averaging about twice that.

    I don’t have any advice... I still binge 5 - 10 days each month, but I drink more water and less caffeine and sugary drinks... and I move more.

    Just don’t give up... you’ve made so much progress so fast. Your body could just need a break to readjust and will give up the pounds a bit later.

    In the meantime... here’s a buddy of mine who lives outside a nonprofit I go to: we just call her little girl 😸

  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    edited February 2019
    I have been away at my parent’s the last couple weeks while they were out of town. I was nervous about sticking to the diet I have faithfully been following since January 1st but I stayed the course and didn’t cheat once. Not even when my sister invited me over for pizza and a movie. I watched the movie with them, but packed a healthy dinner of lentil pasta for myself that I chomped away on while they indulged in delicious smelling pizza 🍕 🍕. I got home today and stepped on the scale and am down 10 pounds from my last weigh in which was 2 weeks ago. I am really excited to be seeing a brand new set of numbers!

    I did however manage to fall in my parents garage, smash my hip off their BMW and bang my head off the garage floor right before my 3 hour drive back home, and my left foot got seriously hurt during it, so I am hoping my injury doesn’t slow me down too much, especially not that I am seeing real progress!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @CheezWhiz88 Owe! That sounds awful! I hope you get to feeling better soon!

    @RunaMarti I really, really appreciate your perspective - reminds me that I'm not by myself in this boat! (and the kitty got big hugs and treats for at least corning the mouse lol)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited February 2019
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 260 lbs
    Current Weight: 285.9 lbs 2/14/19
    Loss this Week: -5.2 lbs
    Total loss: -89.1 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work: Can you believe I actually have something positive to report? I couldn't believe the change from last week to this week, and stepped on that scale a second time just to make sure!

    I decided last week to try the Daniel Fast for 3 weeks to see if that could get me going. I ended up modifying it, however, since I wasn't doing it for religious reasons. The original fast has no meat, no animal products like eggs, no dairy, no added sweeteners(including honey, maple syrup, agave, splenda, etc), no caffeine - you're supposed to drink pretty much just water. So the fast diet is pretty much beans, vegetables, some whole grains like steel cut oats, and fruit only.

    I added back in meat after the first day, however, because I cringed at the extremely low protein and extremely high carbs and sugar (due to the fruit). And giving up all that at once felt a little excessive, so I compromised with myself and made it a little easier by just dropping leavened breads, added sweeteners, dairy, and heavily processed foods.

    I've done pretty good at sticking to it this week, having started on Monday. I haven't been out to eat at all-including no stops at Arbys for turkey sliders, and I've snacked on fruit or the unleavened flat breads I made for myself. I couldn't get dried fruit because when you read the label, most have added sugar, but I could snack on dates and dried figs, and I picked up frozen fruit in addition to fresh. so except for some honey on the first day because of my sore throat, and one cookie on Tuesday because my mom brought a plate of them over for valentines (the rest went into the freezer), I've been sticking to it actually pretty well. My sister gave me a chocolate bar for Valentines, but I promptly put it into the freezer without touching any of it.

    I also dropped all caffeinated drinks - so no black tea, no coffee, no diet Dr. Pepper - and have been drinking hibiscus and chamomile teas instead - both are herbal teas and have no caffeine (sorry, I just can't do plain water often). But I've been drinking them plain with no sweetener added.

    And I've been watching that scale drop all week! I know its because of the tighter regulation - I know before I was giving in too often and letting things slip in: half cut teas, a small cookie here, etc. I was apparently letting more in than I realized, so this little regimented period is good for me. What I find really nice is that so far, I'm not having that insane drive to eat that I've been fighting against for the last several months and which kept sabotaging me. After the 3 weeks is up, I may introduce one item back at a time and see what the affect is. I'm suspecting that the mental drive is coming from the added sweeteners, though, including the splenda. Though the caffeine may also be playing a part in that. We'll see!

    I realize a lot of that 5 lbs is water weight, especially as TOM is here this week, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that at least part of it was actual weight. We'll see next week; I'm being cautiously optimistic - if I can keep this eating style up, lets see if I have another loss next week. I'll believe its a trend when I can keep it going 3 weeks in a row!
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    Great job, @bmeadows380 !! I find if I log everything that I put into my body, I am much better about not snacking here and there. Because I’m always shocked by how many times I’ll indulge here or there, and unfortunately “here are there” adds up real fast and can lead to extreme stalls in weight loss!

    Great job on switching up the drinks too! I quit diet soda 2 years ago (and I LOVED diet soda! More than the average person! I would go through a 12 pack a day, had a Diet Coke Christmas ornament, a friend threw me a diet soda party in college when I turned 19 because I drank it so much...I can’t overemphasize how big a part of my life diet soda was). Needless to say, quitting was a HUGE thing for me. And I miss it sometimes, but I strictly have drank water since and I think it has to be so much better for my body.

    My foot is fine. Not sure what I did but I couldn’t walk for 2 days and then on the third day; I woke up and it was perfectly fine. No pain, nothing. I didn’t even miss a beat with my treadmill schedule because the 2 days I was out of commission were the 2 days I take off each week. I guess my body knew Monday morning meant hitting the treadmill and healed itself!

    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • Ayehmwhy
    Ayehmwhy Posts: 75 Member
    I just need to vent one thing: Losing weight in winter is so FREAKING hard!!! Somehow I’ve managed to lose some and not gain. Down to 234.5 which is about a 10 lb loss from November.
    Since I started at around 370 lbs, It’s hard to accept that how fast the weight flew off at first is just not the way it’s gonna be the entire time! :/ It’s not a race, but I really can’t wait to hit 200.
    On the bright side- I haven’t been this weight since I was in high school! Does anyone else ever get this anxious fear that the scale is lying to you about how much weight you’ve lost ? It’s so silly but I feel it a lot.
    Anyways..felt good to vent a little.
    hope everyone is stayin healthy and warm. :)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @Ayehmwhy The fact that weight loss slows down is VERY frustrating! Even worse when you know you need to cut more calories, but your body is screaming it wants food......Which ties in with your fears, if you are like me, anyway - I still see myself as that big person I was when I was 100 lbs heavier, and apparently, so does my body, because the mental battle with what is enough is insanely difficult for me. My brain wants to eat well beyond what my body actually needs.

    This weekend was a good example: I went over calorie limits both Saturday and Sunday. I'm finding that I can't keep dried fruit in my house, because I will over eat every single time. I thought I'd keep some dates, which I find are great sweeteners for oatmeal, but I'm finding I can't keep the whole ones in the house, because I'll find myself eating 4 or 5 servings of an evening. It's like this compulsion every time I go into the kitchen, I find myself in the pantry grabbing 3 or 4 of the things! So lesson learned. No more dates.

    I was out with my mother and we had lunch at a local restaurant. I ate a Greek grilled chicken salad. I then allowed myself to make a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. The results? the next morning I was up 3 lbs. I know I didn't over eat that much in one night, so its water weight. But very frustrating!

    Sunday, we had a church soup dinner, with lots of dessert. I avoided the corn bread, but I did eat chicken and dumplings, and way too much dessert. The result? up another 2 lbs this morning. Again, water weight. So I'll be spending the next 4 days trying to drop this water weight by making myself go back to what I was doing last week. My take away lesson from this? 1) stay away from restaurant food period; apparently it results to bad water weight gain for me. 2) no more dried fruit in the pantry. I don't have the self control to limit myself to a single serving 3) cut the dairy back out. Since I had been making unleavened bread with whole wheat, I don't think it was the bread that was the problem, but this weekend was the first I had allowed myself any dairy in the form of cheese. I'll test this again next weekend if I can stay out of restaurants. Get the water weight back off, stay out of the restaurants, keep to my calorie limit, and then allow myself a little dairy and see if I get water weight gain again. If so, then I know something I need to keep out of my diet....
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited February 2019
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 260 lbs
    Current Weight: 284.1 lbs 2/21/19
    Loss this Week: -1.8 lbs
    Total loss: -90.9 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work: I can't believe it - a loss 2 weeks in a row! And I suspect (dare I actually hope?) that this 2 lb loss is a genuine weight loss, as apposed to mostly water last week? I am finding that cutting out the added sweeteners and dairy is definitely helping. I may try adding back in some actual levened bread (I did last night a little tiny bit when I made a little bit of cornbread to go with my soup - and that was southern style cornbread with no sugar, so it was bread and not corn cake lol :)) - but stick to homemade breads that I can make with my whole grain wheat and no sugar.

    But despite the binge last Sunday which added water weight on, I actually managed to drop the water weight and some true weight as well. I hopeful this method of eating is actually working for me (at least, right now, until my brain figures out a loop hole.... lol sorry I'm a eeyore type :) )

    This coming week is going to be difficult, however, so I may gain back some water weight and stall a little on weigh day next week. I'm going to be out of town 4 nights out of 5, which means eating out. Last weekend, I packed on water weight, but I don't know if that was because of the restaurant salad I ate last Saturday, or the addition of a little dairy Saturday and Sunday. I guess I'll have to wait until the week after next, when I can get my weight to settle back down, to do a little experimenting with the dairy.

    Anyway, wish me luck for next week! (well, and this weekend too as I'm out of town this weekend as well)
  • MamaMaryPants
    MamaMaryPants Posts: 36 Member
    Good luck and safe travels @bmeadows380 !
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 260 lbs
    Current Weight: 291.2 lbs 2/21/19
    Loss this Week: +7.1 lbs
    Total loss: -83.8 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work:
    *sigh* I knew this week had been bad, and that despite staying away from all the sweets and caffiene, even thought I avoided the pasta dinners, I still over ate, despite focusing mostly on salads. I was dispatching as part of my storm duty, and when that happens, I'm 10 - 14 hours sitting in front of a computer, and the company caters all 3 meals, which are rich and carb and calorie dense. I asked for a veggie tray to be brought in, but it didn't happen. I had dried fruit at my desk, but I'm going to have to stop buying the dried stuff because its calorie dense and I obviously can't limit myself to one serving.

    So here's proof that even if you stick to the healthy stuff, you can still gain weight on mostly salad and veggies *double sigh*

    I realize a chunk of that is water weight, but still, here I am AGAIN, two steps forward, sliding 7 steps back.....*sigh*

    I saw my doctor on Monday, and she had noted the weight gain (~20lbs last year *triple sigh and cringe) and also noted the depression caused by my job situation. I told her that I did not experience any of the supposed appetite loss that was supposed to come with taking Welbutrin (the reason why its used as a diet drug of sorts and is part of Contrave) nor did it help my mood any, so she suggesting doubling it, since I was at the lowest dose. I started that today, so HOPEFULLY it will help because I'm at my wits end and ready to pull my hair out on this and why I can't get it back under control! I'm really at the point of tears now.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 260 lbs
    Current Weight: 286.9 lbs 3/08/19
    Loss this Week: -4.3 lbs
    Total loss: -88.1 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : well, that's at least going in the right direction after last week's indulgences and this weeks as well. I was at 284 lbs 2 weeks ago, but I still have some water weight on (I can feel it in my legs) and Tom should be starting in about 24 hours or so, which might be another lb of water, so all in all, I may have had a true gain of 1 lb in the last 2 weeks, which I wont' take as being bad considering what all I was eating, and quite easily taken care of.

    My stress levels have greatly reduced this week when I came into the office on Monday and found they had decided to split my work group as we were a large group, and I am under a new/old supervisor - so one of the great stressers that was making my work life miserable is no longer my boss, and the new one (who was the guy who hired me in 2 years ago), is much more laid back. So here's hoping and praying that things turn around for the good at work!

    I started my garden plants indoors last Saturday, and already have a bunch of little tiny plants coming up, which is exciting for me as I've never started my garden plants indoors before. But it makes me want to get out and play in my garden, which is not possible yet because of the 3" and counting of snow on it right now! Grrrr. When spring gets here, my activity levels will increase dramatically as there's lots of yard work that needs done, which should also help me out a lot.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 260 lbs
    Current Weight: 290.4 lbs 3/22/19
    Loss this Week: +5 lbs
    Total loss: -84.6 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    *sigh* Why is it when I get active, my weight always goes up? Monday and Tuesday especially this week, I worked out in my yard, moving 17 lb patio tiles, putting up a clothes line, pounding fertilizer stakes into the ground for my fruit trees. Maybe its because whenever I get active, I get ravenous and it makes it even harder to control what I'm eating. Though I know most of this gain is water weight because I've been eating out way, way too much this week, mostly because I wanted to work outside and was working late at work, so I'd grab something to eat quick on the way home to not waste daylight or wait until 9 pm to get dinner in. So between out to eating too much and upped exercise and not being able to stay out of snacking, I'm up in water weight and probably true weight gain, too. :(

    *double sigh* and after a month of experimenting with a different eating style, though that fell apart miserably this week, I am still exactly where I was when I started it, so nothing worked the entire time. I seriously don't know what to do. I cannot figure out what has changed or why I can't get that switch to come back on!

    And some birthday present from my body, too...... lol

    I'm looking at my budget right now. If I can swing the $45 a month fee and the $25-$50 per hour session charge with a trainer, I'm considering trying a gym. I've tried this before and it didn't work, but maybe something will be different this time. The problem is fitting it in time-wise and the fact that I'm going to be fighting a war with myself and my intense dislike of regulated exercise. I'm not a morning person and I'm already setting my alarm for 5:30 as it is to get into work, so doing it before work is out. I get off usually around 4 pm. It takes 45 minutes to get home most evenings because of traffic. Throw in another 45 minutes to an hour for dinner and cleanup, and now we're looking at 6 pm before I can get anything done. If I throw another hour in for a trip to the gym after work, it leaves me precious little time to do things around the house I need to do, not to mention spending another hour forcing myself to do something I hate after spending 9 hours at a job I dislike. And that leaves me precious little time as well to be able to relax and doing something I do enjoy, which in turn I know is bad for mental health, but I'm at wits end trying to figure out how to win this war with myself and my body over my weight!

    What I'm looking at is seeing if I can get a free-weights program started up and see if that suits me better than aerobic style exercise or the weight machines, which is why I need to pay for a trainer for a while, anyway, to show me how to do it right without hurting myself. Otherwise, I don't know what to do. I do have an appointment with a new endocrinologist in April who is also a dietician, so we'll see what she has to say. Maybe she can come up with something, or at least be more receptive to ideas than my old endo. I had to have my PCP order the bloodwork to check my T4 and T3 levels back in the fall because my old endo insisted that the TSH was the gold standard. Low and behold, when the results came back, my T3 was too low. So she just upped my synthroid, stating that upping the synthroid and lowering the TSH a bit would bring the T3 levels up. Guess what? It didn't work, and I finally got her to agree to give me the generic T3 medication. Hopefully, the new endo won't be quite that old school!
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    Hey all😁 Betty here making my first ever progress report.

    My Starting-Over Weight: 499lbs on Mar 14, 2019
    My Final Weight Goal: 150lbs
    The Milestone I'm most looking forward to reaching: 250lbs (where I left off in 2015 on my wonderful weight loss journey before my AFIB and heart meds side effects kicked in and derailed me)
    My Current Weight: 444.6lbs
    My Loss this Week: 11lbs
    My Total loss: 54lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work:
    Right now, I'm honestly not working at this loss. Don't get me wrong, I try to stay on top of my macros by making mostly good choices. But I truly believe at this time that the weight I'm losing is merely part of the 250lbs I gained from the RAPID WEIGHT GAIN side-effect of my many different heart medications over a 4 year span. While im ecstatic to see that scale going down, I know I'm still healing from pacemaker surgery and not exercising or changing my normal eating habits. This is a win, but not from my greatest efforts. Bear with me though. My time will come soon when I'll be treadmilling, ellipticalling, and recumbent biking in my home gym once again. WOOHOO!!

  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    @BettJo64 You are awesome keep going , and it will workout . once you get all your meds and body healed you be so much better . Whoo Hoo !!!
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    @BettJo64 : Any changes we can make to improve our health is a step in the right direction! Can’t wait to hear about your successes in your gym soon enough!
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    Thank you @tammyfranks2 and @CheezWhiz88 for your encouraging words😁 I managed to walk down my long driveway and back yesterday...which is something I haven't been able to do in quite a while. Pretty proud of that, and it motivates me to try more.
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    @BettJo64 : Awesome! I think non scale victories are such a great rush! Imagine what you will be able to do tomorrow!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 291.7 lbs 5/2/19
    Loss this Week: -1.7 lbs
    Total loss: -83.3 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work:
    I admit I skipped last week's update because my weight was up, but I was also dealing with water retention, so I knew the scale reading wasn't accurate and didn't see the point in recording it. So here I go again, sliding down a little, then up a little, down a little, then up a little. I seem to be balancing around that 291 lb mark, and its extremely frustrating!

    The next month isn't going to get any better as I'm going to be spending at least the next 2 weeks, maybe 3, working out of town, then I have vacation the 3rd weekend in May. The only saving grace I may find is that at least the work will mean being outside and doing a lot of standing and some walking, so my activity will be up and will hopefully help a little with the out-to-eating I'm going to be doing.

    Another thing that I find so frustrating is that my activity levels have been up for the last 2 weeks due to trying to get my yard in shape and my garden boxes ready and helping a friend of mine move. The moving bit was 2 days of carrying boxes and furniture down 2 flights of stairs (then climbing those 2 flights of stairs for another load), packing them, then unloading them in the new apartment (thankfully only down 3 steps). Getting my garden boxes ready meant shoveling the top 6 inches off the boxes (due to the sheer number of sunflowers coming up thanks to messy birds - I knew I should have put tarps down back in the fall!), then manhandling 12 cubic feet of dirt in a tarp to mix it all up, then shoveling or dumping that dirt into the boxes and beds - and I did this twice this week! Not to mention the bags of regular soil and mulch I've carted around....

    So I've been doing a ton of carrying, hauling, shoveling, racking, and even hand-tilling in the last few days - but all that activity actually becomes an INCREASE on the scale! Part has to be due to the fact that I find myself even hungrier when being active and I end up eating back those exercise calories though I try to short-change the activity levels reported because I know the exercise calories in MFP are notoriously off. I know another part is also due to increased water retention. And with all the activity going on, my sleep hours and quality have gone to crap. I've noticed that after nights where I have gotten less than 4 hours of sleep, my weight will be up the next morning.

    Unfortunately, I've got a lot to do, I'm single so I have no one to share these chores with, and I have limited hours to do it in thanks to my job. And because I'm working from getting home around 5:30 pm to dark (9 pm) outside, that also usually ends up turning into a quick run through Arby's for dinner because I know I'm going to be so late getting done outside.

    *sigh* I know I've got some really bad dietary habits that I need to break, but as usual, I know in theory what I need to do, but have no idea how to enforce the practice. I really am my own worst enemy!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 295.7 lbs 5/31/19
    Loss this Week: +5.6 lbs
    Total loss: -79.3 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work: *sigh* and the back tracking continues. I knew May would be hard, what with the out of town work, a sudden out of town funeral, and vacation last week. My activity was up, yes, but so was my hunger. My mood this month has been deplorable, too, but I'm not sure what I can do about any of it, other than keep blinding fumbling forward and trying to stop the damage.

    I finally found an activity I enjoy; however, unfortunately with my schedule, its not something I can do on a regular weekly basis. I was camping last weekend in a state forest and did a ton a hiking. almost 9 miles that weekend, which for me who is normally sedentary is a lot of distance, though I realize most real hikers would do that in a single day without breaking a sweat.....Anyway, since I was in WV, that hiking was up and down hills, so lots of exercise (and bug bites......) However, I might be able to get a real hike in once in a while, but its not something I can get in 3 or 4 times a week, not with my work schedule and trying to get things done after work at home. The trails are in parks over an hour from home or more, so while there are a lot of trails in WV, its not something that I can practically do on a regular basis. That and it worries my dad to death when I go hiking by myself - he barely stopped himself from telling me not to go, even though I was marking the trail I was taking, leaving behind a 2 way radio, and making sure I had a first aid kit and supplies with me. I know he's worried about me hiking alone, but there isn't anyone to go with me - Dad is now physically handicapped and cannot possibly go, mom's not interested, and my sister is too out of shape, and neither of them are interested. I don't have other friends, and I'm not a dog person, so its me, myself, and I. I mean, that's the story of my life anyway, so hiking alone isn't any different than anything else I do, but I understand his fears as there are a lot of crazies out there.

    but anyway, I really did enjoy the hiking, though I could have done without the bug bites *crooked grin* and that's even with using insect repellent!
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    I know any gain sucks, and I totallly get your frustration - but there is one positive I can see. You have never just totally given up. I find for myself, when I STOP beating myself up and just accept the "I'll think about this later", meaning in a few weeks or months or whatever not tomorrow, is when I really get in trouble.

    Hiking is an amazing activity. I miss being fit enough to do it, and I've always wanted to go to WV. I know hiking alone isn't optimal, but I would hate for you to give up something you love for that reason. Let's face it, there are crazies everywhere so why let that stop you?