

  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Friday weigh-in 156.4
    Thanks TOM 😖
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Steps for 2/22
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Steps this Week

    Tuesday - 4011
    Wednesday - 3314
    Thursday - 4335
    Friday - 2523

    My mom has been in town this past week and she doesn't get around very well. I'm back at it today! Tracking too. My weight has been edging down so finger crossed come Monday morning.

    Fingers crossed for you too!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Friday check in:

    Calories - under
    Water - equal parts water, coffee, again
    Exercise - 10k steps via walking
    Goal for weekend: behave!!

    I love your goal for the weekend! I need that goal too!

    @Jactop I have got to remember to buy some zucchini. I forgot how good that is raw.

    Friday check in....

    The good....I’m checking in. Water intake was stellar and I tracked every last morsel.
    The bad...didn’t get as much activity as I would have liked but 12,896 isn’t that bad.
    The ugly...My calorie intake was way high.

    Goals for tomorrow. Exercise, water, track and check in. Or as @broncobuddee put it, behave. Lol

    Your steps are amazing!
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,822 Member
    Friday-check in:
    Calories - under
    Water - lots
    Exercise - aquasize 120 min
    Goal for Saturday -low carb and exercise

    steps- 7194
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 293 Member
    Username: davors19
    Weigh in Week: 3
    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 271
    Current Weight: 271
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Saturday Check in
    Calories: Wayyyy over!!
    Water: over
    Exercise: 60 minutes cardio program on the treadmill

    I went to a baby shower for a friend's son who turned one. This mama knows how to throw a party!! We had chili with all the fixins, Outbacks Blooming Onions, big soft pretzels and like 6 types of pies. Ohhhh and M & M's. I did try my best to not go overboard by any means but still, my calories are up for the day. The whole party was themeed after the show The Office. This girl actually had table displays of staplers in jello and real beets. Hilarious!! :D:D Will do better tomorrow. :)

    (please let me know if I am missing a day)
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    Saturday Check in
    Calories: Wayyyy over!!
    Water: over
    Exercise: 60 minutes cardio program on the treadmill

    I went to a baby shower for a friend's son who turned one. This mama knows how to throw a party!! We had chili with all the fixins, Outbacks Blooming Onions, big soft pretzels and like 6 types of pies. Ohhhh and M & M's. I did try my best to not go overboard by any means but still, my calories are up for the day. The whole party was themeed after the show The Office. This girl actually had table displays of staplers in jello and real beets. Hilarious!! :D:D Will do better tomorrow. :)

    (please let me know if I am missing a day)

    All set with steps. Thanks for the updates!
  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    Saturday Check In
    Tracked: No
    Calories: Over - eating for comfort, new plan
    Water: Under - new plan
    Exercise: over 10k steps from some power cleans and power ice shoveling, will post later

    New plan/New week- I've been comfort eating due to life stuff, so hanging some carrots for myself which include a new blouse from Ann Taylor and a new office lamp from Good Will or resale shop and possibly a bubble bath with a small glass of my favorite red wine. Going to try out to see if some different comforts work!! Hope the rest of you have a good week.

  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    Friday steps = 16,513
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    edited February 2019
    Saturday Check in
    Calories: Wayyyy over!!
    Water: over
    Exercise: 60 minutes cardio program on the treadmill

    I went to a baby shower for a friend's son who turned one. This mama knows how to throw a party!! We had chili with all the fixins, Outbacks Blooming Onions, big soft pretzels and like 6 types of pies. Ohhhh and M & M's. I did try my best to not go overboard by any means but still, my calories are up for the day. The whole party was themeed after the show The Office. This girl actually had table displays of staplers in jello and real beets. Hilarious!! :D:D Will do better tomorrow. :)

    Sounds awesome to me! I hope you enjoyed every minute and every morsel! What fun.

    Tomorrow is a new day.
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    Saturday check in...

    Mostly ugly today but I’m checking in....
    Calories were way over
    Water way under
    Exercise non existent
    So...a typical weekend for me.
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Saturday Check In:

    Calories: probably over but it was still a really balanced day which I am okay with
    Water: not enough
    Exercise: 30 minute treadmill workout first thing in the morning. Felt good but now my knee and plantar fasciitis hurts

    Goal for tomorrow:

    1. Log everything
    2. Drink at least 80oz of water
    3. Take a chunk of time for me and plan my week out. Really hoping for a loss in week 4 and overall for the month
  • Jaybo37
    Jaybo37 Posts: 103 Member
    Username: Jaybo37
    Weigh in Week: 4
    Weigh in Day: Sunday
    Previous Weight: 161
    Current Weight: 160.2
  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    Saturday Steps- 14,172
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    edited February 2019
    Saturday check in
    steps for 2/23

    Calories: good but too many carbs.

    Exercise: 50 min on the treadmill trying to catch up with Jill

    Tomorrow's plan:
    Eat low carb and stay away from the dairy. I had french onion soup last night which I thought would be a better choice than pizza and wings, very salty and too much cheese so I feel like a puff ball this morning
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    @broncobuddee - Sorry to be late posting yesterday's steps. I was out and about all day yesterday. Here's yesterday, and (checks the spreadsheet) here's the day that got missed. SO sorry!
    Steps for Monday 02/18 - 6,211
    Steps for 02/23 - 16,611 (a good day for me!)

    @DaveJ_43 - Hurray! Things don't always move at the speed we want but that's the right direction!

    @19shmoo69 - You don't want coffee? Yikes. This is worrying.

    @sunshineplace -- Hurray for tracking and moving! Sounds like you are in action!

    @bethanie0825 - Hurray to being in motion! And good luck with the weigh-in. I weigh in on Mondays, too, and am hoping to have an extra good day today to help.
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