


  • Hey! Joined for the first time. I'm terrible at logging any food after lunch. I hope this will help inspire me to keep on track
    You'll now have a reason! This is your challenge ;) Give it your best!
  • Kwinnero wrote: »
    Hi I'm Krystal. Ive lost 40 lbs over the past 2.5 - 3 years and at 173lbs and 5'4" I still have some work to do. My preferred method of weight loss has been the ketogenic diet(after much research and trial and error) My latest deep dive into this lifestyle has been by far the most successful since my brother and sister in law decided to join in with me and also since I've finally given in to food logging. So this challenge seemed like a good next step for me. Reporting here daily with the added physical activity is just what I needed to fuel up the ol' engine and double up on some accountability.

    I overheard on the news yesterday, I think ABC Evening News, anyways, they said, what one thing has proven to bring the most success to losing weight according to their report....guess what...…..LOGGING three meals a day it said!! ;) Whoot whoot for us!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    I have been trying to find this in chart form for some time now ... "cause I can never remember the specifics.

    Please look it over, and as we move into a new month we should each determine what progress we have made so far - how far we each still have to go .... and whether our MFP profile expectations are still appropriately set to our new, current reality.

  • lalabank
    lalabank Posts: 1,009 Member
    @Kwinnero We have very similar stats (I’m 5’3, 173 and I’ve lost a total of 70lbs -the last 40 with MFP) I track like it’s my J-O-B! Oh and I’ve been Keto since August with my husband, being part of a team makes it so much easier. So clearly we are twinsies!

    Hi Everyone!
    Being part of THIS team has been great. March will be my third UAC month. One time in the winner’s circle and one just a winner.
    So far my most valuable lesson has been February NOT making the circle. Accepting my pass days and moving on was a really big deal.
  • tensquaredlives
    tensquaredlives Posts: 47 Member
    I am ready to start March with a renewed mindset and focus. First item on my list is to have accountability so I am joining you for this challenge. Thanks!