WAIST AWAYS - March 2019

Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

This chat room provides a place for the CHALLENGERS to meet and chat about the challenge, discuss any issues, post comments, share ideas, etc...

We are beginning the March Challenge - We have six (6) teams returning this month!!

Our group and team leaders for the March Challenge are as follows:

Our Moderators;
Steve - @steplaj (Group Owner, Moderator)
Greg - @Navydaddjtc (Moderator)
Maricela - @mari_moulin (Moderator)
Becky - @Beka3695 (Moderator)

Our Team Captains
Team Workout Warriors - @Navydaddjtc , @MelissaFeagins and @steplaj
Team Mission Slimpossibles - @broncobuddee and @Kres567
Team Weight No More - @sleepymom5 and @cyndiesstuff
Team WaistAways - @BMcC9 and @jugar
Team Trimstones - @mulecanter and @jessicakrall8
Team Shrinking Assets - @Boehle and @Beka3695

Our Motivators
Team Workout Warriors - @navydaddjtc
Team Mission Slimpossibles - @tess5036 and @Kres567
Team WaistAways - OPEN
Team Weight No More - @ihp2015 and @Mrsbell8well
Team Trimstones - @angmarie28
Team Shrinking Assets - @KelGen02

Captain’s responsibilities include:
* Entering weights for your team into the spreadsheet.
* Be active in team discussions, encouraging and supporting the challengers as they post.
* Encourage challengers to participate in challenges and in group discussions.
* Post daily / weekly challenges and topics to promote team involvement and help keep the team engaged.
* Participate in team discussions encouraging team participation.
* Help remind challengers when they are due to post (and especially when overdue to post) weights.
* Encourage participation in the moderators challenge and in the weekly team challenges.
* Remind your challengers to enter their weights on time by tagging them or messaging them when they are pending.
* Answering any questions that may come up about challenges, weigh-ins, the spreadsheets etc.

Motivator’s Responsibilities include:
* Be active in team discussions, encouraging and supporting the challengers as they post.
* Encourage challengers to participate in challenges and in group discussions.
* Participate in team discussions encouraging team participation.
* Help remind challengers when they are due to post (and especially when overdue to post) weights.
* Encourage participation in the moderators challenge and in the weekly team challenges.
* Coordinate with your awesome team captains to see if they can use any assistance or if they have any specific tasks they feel you can assist with.

- - WEEKLY GROUP CHALLENGE (Challenges hosted by teams for the entire group)
- - MODERATOR'S CHALLENGE (Challenges hosted by the moderators of the group)
- - INDIVIDUAL CHALLENGES (Challenges within teams themselves)

This Month’s Weekly Team Challenges provided by: (Team captains, please be ready with each weeks challenge...)
Week 1 – Team TBA
Week 2 - Team TBA
Week 3 - Team TBA
Week 4 - Team TBA

(Note:The team order for challenges follows the team order in the group standing sheet on the spreadsheets)

We have 4 total possible challenges and NONE are mandatory. Our challengers can do none or all it's up to them. So we have...

The F2F Weekly TEAM Challenge - posted each week on Sunday in the announcements by the team who is assigned that particular week (see above for your week). This is for the F2F Group as a whole.

F2F Moderators Challenge/Topic of the week - This challenge is provided each week in the announcements area. One of the moderators will either provide a challenge that will involve anything fitness, health, and nutrition.

Individual Team challenges - these are challenge done within your own team. You can chose daily, weekly, or monthly challenges (weekly seems to work best). You can make this whatever you wish as long as it's health and fitness related.

Step Challenge - This is being discontinued for the month of March.

Note: If for some reason your team is unable to provide the weekly challenge please let me know ahead of time so another team can take your place or so I can provide the challenge.

Good Luck Teams: Please let us know if there is anything wrong or if you notice something that needs to be fixed or modified. Everything seems ready to go for MARCH. Registrations are almost done and we have quite a few new challengers. Make sure you are going into your new team threads to welcome anyone who has started posting. Let’s make our newbies feel welcome and show them some F2F love!!



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    Co-Cap and conversation starter BMcC9 here.

    March 1 --- the season WILL turn (if only astronomically speaking on March 21 LOL) What's your month-long interim goal? How have been your (mostly Non-Scale) Victories in February? I wouldn't mind hearing scale victory shout-outs tooo - but think OTHER success markers as well.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    Our theme of the day is "Foodie Friday" - anything even vaguely food related - recipes, shout-out requests for "what can I DO with this ingredient??" - want suggestions on how to handle / make a substitution for some "hard to handle for YOU" food? Did you DISCOVER a substitution for you?

    As always, ALSO respond and quote / reply to what others posted.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    How do you measure your food for Food Diary logging purposes? Do you use a digital scale? (are you planning to get one? i HIGHLY recommend them)
  • treebek
    treebek Posts: 261 Member
    Hey there, can I change my weigh in day to Saturday for March?

    Also, my starting weight for March is 199.
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    Foodie Friday.

    To my delight, I am finding that it if it is close to “real food“, then I can handle it. I just have to log it. For example, yesterday I had for small oatmeal coconut cookies. And it did not ruin my day.

    It’s really just the pure junk that I cannot handle. But then again I don’t know too many people who can.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    treebek wrote: »
    Hey there, can I change my weigh in day to Saturday for March?

    Also, my starting weight for March is 199.

    For the purposes of the challenge, your starting weight will be your Feb Week 4 weight .... and yes I can change you weigh in day to Saturday. You can give me tomorrow's weight as your "Feb week4 weight" for the record, but your March Week 1 weigh-in will technically be Saturday March 9
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    This is the plate of scones I mentioned in the Feb "Threat Thursday" post .... only one left now .... or was before I left for work, and I'm expecting it too will have "evaporated" by the time I get home .... Darn things are soooo molecularly unstable .... :D>:)


  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    How do you measure your food for Food Diary logging purposes? Do you use a digital scale? (are you planning to get one? i HIGHLY recommend them)

    The reason I HIGHLY recommend a digital food scale is because the "~ volume" vs "X grams" per serving info on a nutrition label don't necessarily totally jive. The weight is more accurate.

    For months, I HONESTLY thought I was correctly logging popping-corn kernels via a 1/2 cup measuring cup before they went into the air-popper .... got me a digital scale .... 1/2 cup was practically DOUBLE the "50 gram" 1-serving size.

    They are available from amazon and in most general stores that have a kitchen-ware section. I choose "grams" as my unit of measure because I am in Canada, but most scales can cycle between choices of "grams" or "ounces". Pick the unit of measure that suits the nutrition info on the packaging where you live/shop.

    Some can even do "fluid ounces / water" vs "fluid ounces / milk". And being able to "zero the scale" is a wonderful feature!

    What do YOU use for determining your portion-sizes? A food scale? measuring cups and spoons? eye-balling? How's it working for you?
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    edited March 2019

    I always like the start of a new month. It is a fresh slate, making it a great time to review what has been going on and to set a new goal for the next 30 days (I love 30-day goals ... long enough to accomplish something and short enough to that I have average a shot at keeping with them.)

    As you look at the fitness aspect of your lifestyle change,
    What have you been doing?

    What has been working?

    What needs to be tweaked?

    What will you set as your goal for March?
    (It need not be something big ... just something that causes you to stretch a little bit and something that you can see yourself sticking with)

    Share with the group and report back once a week to let us know how you are doing.

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    How do you measure your food for Food Diary logging purposes? Do you use a digital scale? (are you planning to get one? i HIGHLY recommend them)

    During my active weight loss phase, I weighed (digital scale) or measured meats and fruits and anything that tends to be higher in calories. For veggies that at are low in calories (asparagus, cauliflower,etc) I tended more towards eyeballing quantity. When eyeballing, I tend to be very conservative. Also, I tend to stay a couple of hundred under calorie allotment + exercise calories (for which I also use the most conservative estimate) in order to accommodate any estimating errors
    So far this has worked very well for me

    I have not quite settled in to how I will approach this in maintenance, but probably won't change much
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Just posting to move topic up ... it was "hiding" below the bottom of my screen.
  • Astrue
    Astrue Posts: 510 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »

    I always like the start of a new month. It is a fresh slate, making it a great time to review what has been going on and to set a new goal for the next 30 days (I love 30-day goals ... long enough to accomplish something and short enough to that I have average a shot at keeping with them.)

    As you look at the fitness aspect of your lifestyle change,
    What have you been doing?

    What has been working?

    What needs to be tweaked?

    What will you set as your goal for March?
    (It need not be something big ... just something that causes you to stretch a little bit and something that you can see yourself sticking with)

    Share with the group and report back once a week to let us know how you are doing.

    I have been training in jiu-jitsu, weight lifting and yoga. All these things together have been working, but I've let my yoga practice slip. My goal for March is to go to my yoga studio for practice at least twice a week. So I'll check in each weight in day with that.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    My NSV for the month of February was losing 13 1/4 inches from all over. What has worked is that I have increased my exercise this month. It’s getting close to a habit. My goal for March is to do Pilates a couple of times a week in addition to my other exercise. I have an online subscription that I haven’t been using. Need to keep up the water, steps, and keep trying new recipes/foods.

    My weigh in is tomorrow, so I’ll post then. But I would like to change my weigh in day to Friday.
  • Astrue
    Astrue Posts: 510 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    My NSV for the month of February was losing 13 1/4 inches from all over. What has worked is that I have increased my exercise this month. It’s getting close to a habit. My goal for March is to do Pilates a couple of times a week in addition to my other exercise. I have an online subscription that I haven’t been using. Need to keep up the water, steps, and keep trying new recipes/foods.

    My weigh in is tomorrow, so I’ll post then. But I would like to change my weigh in day to Friday.

    13 1/4 inches?! That's in incredible accomplishment, congratulations!!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member

    As you look at the fitness aspect of your lifestyle change,
    What have you been doing?

    As I have mentioned previously, increased fitness was a major goal of mine from the beginning. I have gradually added new activities along the way. Currently I ride my horse 5-6 days a week, weight train 3 days a week, row 3 days a week, pool exercise 3 days a eeek, and planks and stretching daily at home.

    What has been working? I like the balance of what I am doing

    What needs to be tweaked? I would like to increase focus on flexibility

    What will you set as your goal for March?
    (It need not be something big ... just something that causes you to stretch a little bit and something that you can see yourself sticking with)

    this month, I am going to explore pilates and yoga and make a decision at the end of the month if I want to pursue one of them

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    Greetings team March!
    Things are going well out here in frigid Alberta - I joined my daughter for morning PT today before she went to work and held my own well! Her army job requires daily exercise (all jobs could learn from that!) but twice a week it's individual and they can do what they want. So we worked out together and it was a blast. After days of travel and then cleaning her new place it felt wonderful.

    My fitness goals for the month: I just completed an 8 week program of strength and core work and I feel good about that. My core is super strong and tight! This month I'd like to build more strength in arms and legs and up the intensity a bit. I find the more explosive or high intensity harder but I still think it is good to do some and not just avoid those in favour of endurance and functional work. I'm going to do the more intense work a couple of times a week and see how that goes this month.

    Enjoy the beginning of March!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Team Weight No More's 7 Days of Positive Self Talk

    Self Improvement Activity
    Control Your Thinking

    Have you ever noticed that your mind has a mind of its own? You and I were created this way on purpose. Our minds take the path of least resistance. So if we have thought it before, it will be the go to thought in the future. The way we change this automatic thinking is to first be very mindful of our thoughts as they are happening. Once we start doing this, we will notice how many negative thoughts we get daily. Write them down to help really become aware of how you are talking to yourself and
    then write a replacement in the form of a positive thought. Next, as you observe your negative self talk happening inside your head, replace it with the positive statement. It takes some time to unlearn those old bad habits but it is so worth the work. It will be some of the most rewarding work you have ever done.

    Now go to your team thread and let them know your positive self talk. The more you say it the more you will believe

  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    edited March 2019
    @AmyRobF AND @martinesther88

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited March 2019
    Starting weight 206.9
    Weigh in day: Friday

    Are we not doing the Step Challenge this month? Or are we just doing it as our group? I’d like to continue. It’s motivating me to move.
This discussion has been closed.