TEAM: Run Track Minds (April)



  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: YES
    Calories: EVEN
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @Tomkinsone ~ Did you dance around while dusting & vacuuming? Lol. Enjoy grandson!! Thanks for encouragingly words.

    @ajaia2001 ~ Kick some BOOTy! Good for you for making the choice to do it, versus what you "felt" like doing. I've been told that's the difference between motivation and determination.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Tuesday 4/2

    Track: yes
    Calories: Yes under
    Exercise: yes upper fix
    Tomorrow is day 10/21 on 21 Day Fix. Almost halfway done with this round.
  • twitch82
    twitch82 Posts: 119 Member
    Username: twitch82
    Week: April week 1
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    PW: 161.6
    CW: 161.2
  • ChattyCrafty
    ChattyCrafty Posts: 16 Member
    Daily: Monday 4/01/2019 (forgot to post this yesterday)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over my goal
    Exercise: Yes, I went to three aqua classes since it was a holiday. Got over 16000 steps.
    Goals or Day: After 7 months on the Optifast program, I am still not consistent with daily tracking. My goal is to focus on capturing my food, water, and exercise this month.
    Tip: I use elastic hair ponies to track my water. I wrap the hair ponies on the bottom of my water bottle in the morning and move one up each time I complete a bottle. It has really helped with monitoring my water but I still don’t drink enough.
  • ChattyCrafty
    ChattyCrafty Posts: 16 Member
    Daily: Tuesday 4/02/2019
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over my goal
    Exercise: No. Sore from yesterday’s workout. Did a few yoga stretches.
    Goals or Day: Continued tracking. It is amazing how quickly the calories add up. I lost 25 pounds in 2018 between August and November. I am realizing that even though my habits have improved, the calories add up quickly which explains why I have not lost any weight since November.

    Thank you to everyone who is organizing and participating in this challenge. I can already tell that it is a supportive group with lots of sharing and encouragement. I think the daily postings will help, even though I find tracking very difficult.
  • tlgale
    tlgale Posts: 894 Member
    Happy Wednesday all!! How is everyone's week going so far? It's been a rough one for me. My son's sick with the flu and we are getting even less sleep than normal, so we're both grumpy and whiny! My eating is horrible when I'm tired too, it's like I'm constantly eating to stay awake :neutral: Really hoping this is a short flu!
  • LiIyGrace
    LiIyGrace Posts: 46 Member
    Daily: Wednesday April 3
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: No
    Goals or Day: Scale hasn't moved in 4 days. It gets a little frustrating when that happens, but I know it'll change soon. Feels good to have lost the weight I have so far.
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post Tuesday

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over, fell for the old trap of grabbing a pre-made to go salad that had way more calories than I anticipated.
    Exercise: No
    Goals: Scale has really been moving down this week, which I'm going to use as motivation to make smart choices in San Francisco this weekend. Instead of eating all the things, I will do my best to just eat some of the things. A little pre vacation test tonight as BF and I are going to see the Japanese Cherry Blossoms blooming and then out to dinner and he wants Shake Shack :| I'm going to make a plan of attack for Shake Shack this afternoon so I can minimize negative impacts. Wish me luck!
  • Toyota100
    Toyota100 Posts: 182 Member
    Tuesday 4/02/2019

    Track: Yes, Everything

    Calories: Yes, I even got a JR Frosty and it was great! For dinner I had 1 Chicken Gordita.
    I was able to add some of my pleasures, but in moderation. I was full throughout the day too. I didn't feel food deprived and depressed. I stuck within my calories too!!!!

    Exercise: Yes, got on the treadmill for 30 minutes before work. I didn't reach my 10K Fitbit goal, but that's ok!!!!

    Goals or Day: Mood was pretty good. Didn't feel down today. No mindless eating. This was my 3rd day tracking. My goal is 7 days, so I'm half way there!!!
  • Toyota100
    Toyota100 Posts: 182 Member
    Wow! Never heard of Shake Shake. It must not be in my area. I'm definitely going to Google the closest one though to go in the future!!!! @jwall309
  • Toyota100
    Toyota100 Posts: 182 Member
    I found one in Oak brook, IL. Gosh I get my bras from the Oak Brook mall. Yes, I'm going. Not right now, but it's on my buck list. I'm not telling my husband, he will be ready to go this weekend.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    tlgale wrote: »
    Happy Wednesday all!! How is everyone's week going so far? It's been a rough one for me. My son's sick with the flu and we are getting even less sleep than normal, so we're both grumpy and whiny! My eating is horrible when I'm tired too, it's like I'm constantly eating to stay awake :neutral: Really hoping this is a short flu!
    . I’m sorry to hear your son is sick with the flu. That is no fun!! I hope he is feeling better soon. I love Wednesdays. My kids get out of school an hour early so I get to spend more time with them. The weather is beautiful here today. Warm, sunny and 78. I live in Arizona.

  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    LiIyGrace wrote: »
    Daily: Wednesday April 3
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: No
    Goals or Day: Scale hasn't moved in 4 days. It gets a little frustrating when that happens, but I know it'll change soon. Feels good to have lost the weight I have so far.
    I hate when the scale won’t budge for several days. I have about 4 days where it won’t budge during my period and about 7 days where it won’t budge (or slightly goes up) around the time I am ovulating. Even though it eventually moves I know it is so annoying!!!!
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Toyota100 wrote: »
    Wow! Never heard of Shake Shake. It must not be in my area. I'm definitely going to Google the closest one though to go in the future!!!! @jwall309

    So I have never heard of Shake Shack either and so I looked it up with your link and sure enough there is one near me also. Let us know how it is and I may take a short drive soon 😀

  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    jwall309 wrote: »
    Daily Post Tuesday

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over, fell for the old trap of grabbing a pre-made to go salad that had way more calories than I anticipated.
    Exercise: No
    Goals: Scale has really been moving down this week, which I'm going to use as motivation to make smart choices in San Francisco this weekend. Instead of eating all the things, I will do my best to just eat some of the things. A little pre vacation test tonight as BF and I are going to see the Japanese Cherry Blossoms blooming and then out to dinner and he wants Shake Shack :| I'm going to make a plan of attack for Shake Shack this afternoon so I can minimize negative impacts. Wish me luck!
    I love the San Francisco area. I lived up in that area for about 10 years and am going for a short trip up there the first weekend of May. Sounds like you have a fun weekend coming up!!

  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    @Toyota100 and @Fitgirllife72 Shake Shack is delicious and there are several in the D.C. area, where I live. I highly recommend the cheese fries if you go! Everything there is good honestly, but its definitely a treat meal, or a meal where you really have to budget the calories for it carefully! It is still worth it though!

    @Fitgirllife72 oh thats awesome! My BF went to UC Berkeley so he's excited to visit with some college friends. I have never been to California or the West Coast so I am very excited!
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Daily Post 4/03/19 (Wednesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Goal: 1500/Actual: 1179
    Exercise: Week 1, Day 2 of Zombies, Run! couch to 5K training, going to walk back and forth in apartment during commercials.

    @johicks - I don't walk in place. I walk from my window to my front door and back; it's not a long walk (about 24 steps round trip), but it helps. I might try the laundry thing. It'd be from my basket to the dresser, but I can put it on the table in the living room instead. I'm on the fourth floor and the the laundry room for the tenants is on the first.
  • Tomkinsone
    Tomkinsone Posts: 36 Member
    Daily Post: (April 3)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes; goal 1370, food 1049, exercise 91, remaining 412
    Exercise: yes, ab workout
    Goals or Day: today was a good day taking care of my grandson. He wears me out. That should be a full day of exercise, all the lifting and carrying. Lol I missed lunch time due to feeding my GS then it was almost time for my mid afternoon snack. Had a quick protein shake and then had my dinner, so my calorie count was way low. Otherwise my spirits are good and I feel good.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday 4/03)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes (under 101)
    Exercise: Yes 75 mins
    10m upper body
    5m floor stretches
    20m walk
    10m ab-doer
    30m dancing/walking in place while doing housework & preparing meals

    Daily Goals: ACHIEVED! 5 personal points~ for mindset with morning affirmations and improve my night routine/habits to stop after dinner binges.
    Planned, logged, and packed dinner to take to mom’s: chicken soup from freezer and salad. After I did her ab-doer, we sat and ate dinner mindfully at the table. Then laughed and laughed about nothing. I planned my day well enough to have air-popped popcorn while watching Survivor. Now the KITCHEN IS CLOSED. Teeth brushed. And in bed. No reading, just off to bed, lights out. Slumber well my friends. I will catch up.tomorrow.
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