TEAM: Run Track Minds (April)



  • germaine_yee
    germaine_yee Posts: 299 Member
    Username: germaine_yee
    Week: Friday April Week 1
    PW = 120.81 lb
    CW= 120.81 lb

    Thank you. =)
  • Coffeeonice
    Coffeeonice Posts: 303 Member
    Username: Pratainua
    Week: April Week 1
    Weigh in Day: Friday
    PW =205.2

    Delighted with that result!

  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @JamieD328 ~ Yeah!! Way to.move. Whooot Whooot!!
    @dillyg08 ~ Wow! What a loss! Whooot Whooot
    @germaine_yee ~ staying same, better than a gain.
    Whooot Whooot
    @pratainua ~ yes! A loss!!
    Whooot Whooot

    Good morning everyone!
    Up early as dog has to go to vet.
    Whooot Whooot

    And it's Friday

    Have a great day and make good choices, talk yourself into choosing YOU!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    The weekend topic of discussion- Rewards & NSV:
    How do you stay focused after a month or two?
    Do you reward yourself or treat yourself when you reach a goal or accomplishment?
    What are those treats or rewards?
    What Non Scale Victories (NSV) have you seen?
    What NSV goals have you set-up for yourself?


  • tlgale
    tlgale Posts: 894 Member
    User Name: tlgale
    Weigh in week: 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 247.4
    Todays Weight: 248.9

    It's been a horrible week of little sleep, no exercise, little water and way too much junk food.
    On the plus side, my son's fever is gone and he was able to sleep in until 5am this morning 🙂
  • tlgale
    tlgale Posts: 894 Member
    tlgale wrote: »
    Happy Wednesday all!! How is everyone's week going so far? It's been a rough one for me. My son's sick with the flu and we are getting even less sleep than normal, so we're both grumpy and whiny! My eating is horrible when I'm tired too, it's like I'm constantly eating to stay awake :neutral: Really hoping this is a short flu!
    . I’m sorry to hear your son is sick with the flu. That is no fun!! I hope he is feeling better soon. I love Wednesdays. My kids get out of school an hour early so I get to spend more time with them. The weather is beautiful here today. Warm, sunny and 78. I live in Arizona.

    @Fitgirllife72 Thank you!
    Wow, I wish I was there! I live in Newfoundland, Canada and we still have minus temperatures most days 😢
  • j0d13mcc
    j0d13mcc Posts: 56 Member
    johicks wrote: »
    @j0d13mcc - so happy that you were able to find a way to exercise, yet allow your body to heal, too. Preservance!!

    @Slideshow Tam - You got this. No dwelling on the past, Focus and make the good choices. We’re here to help.

    @Tomkinsone - 1044 calories, gym, and 56oz… holy moly! Great day!

    @MaelynMayhem - You’re doing great.

    @johicks I love how you find the time to give us all a little response!! You’re a treasure! Thank youuuuuu :-)
  • j0d13mcc
    j0d13mcc Posts: 56 Member
    johicks wrote: »
    Daily Post (Thursday 4/04)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes (under 173)
    Exercise: Yes 35 mins
    10m Glider & stretching
    15m walk

    Daily Goals: ACHIEVED! 5 personal points~ for mindset with morning affirmations and improve my night routine/habits to stop after dinner binges.
    Planned, pre-logged, and plated dinner, except meat. Asked hubby to grill. Yeah!! I didn't eat my lunch- I forgot! So are snack a little early and filled up with green tea.
    Tonight seems a little easier. I am having positive self-talk to keep binging at bay. Gum on my nightstand is helping. And warm water, too. I'm in three other groups that challenge me in the areas to keep me motivated!! So far not overwhelmed or feel over committed. I have to be careful to not try to respond to everyone in all the groups. This is the ONE I'm going to call home.
    Now the KITCHEN IS CLOSED. Teeth brushed. And in bed. Thursday shows are on...not basketball!! Slumber well my friends.

    I for one am very grateful to have you call this one home, you’ve been a huge support when I struggled this week! Thank you!
  • LiIyGrace
    LiIyGrace Posts: 46 Member
    Friday April 5
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: No
    Goals or Day: This team is so positive! I appreciate the comments and support. My other half and I have a day outside planned for tomorrow! Lots of walking around the community festival. I'm very excited and hope not to overdo it at the food trucks!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @tgale - Glad he slept til 5am. Hopefully this next week will be better and you’re able to put some “tricks” in your bag to help with water and good foods when tired. >>hugs<<

    @j0d13mcc- Awe thanks. It helps me stay focused. My biggest challenge is making sure I am NOT here 24/7, because I could be. LOL But when I need a mood lifter, it helps me to be here. HOME. Glad I could help in some way. You inspire me by NOT giving in. Love your attitude towards exercise. >>hugs<<

    @LilyGrace - How exciting to have hubby time and walking at a community festival. Pack your own water and one healthy snack to keep your hunger and cravings at bay. Then wait until the end of your day to choose the very most desired food truck to you. Maybe that will help!? Let us know your approach and how you did. Let us learn from you. You can do it!!

    Okay MFP friends… Time is up. Gotta prep/pack my meals and plate my dinner. Remember… Just for today! Just for an hour! Just for ten minutes. Say… “I can do it!” Stay focused and be engaged in your choices. It’s Friday!!
  • ChattyCrafty
    ChattyCrafty Posts: 16 Member
    DAILY: Thursday 4/04/2019
    TRACK: Yes
    CALORIES: under
    EXERCISE: Yes. Helped at a charity event and got my steps in.
    GOALS/DAY: Revelation: at 60 years I was more energetic than a group of college kids working at the charity event. I could not have made this statement 1 year ago. It is such a blessing to be looking back on my successes rather than only forward at my goals!!!! I am disappointed that I only lost 25 pounds in 7.5 months, but there are days I am so grateful for the progress. Did not do well on hydration.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Thursday 4/4 check in

    Track: yes
    Calories: yes under
    Exercise: Yes 21 DF Flat Abs Fix
    Goal for today; Finish the details for my daughter’s birthday tomorrow!
  • Tomkinsone
    Tomkinsone Posts: 36 Member
    Daily Post: (April 5)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes; goal 1370, food 1104, exercise 96, remaining 362
    Exercise: yes, ab workout
    Goals or Day: woke up to a painful wrist. Not sure what I did to it, as day went on it eased up. Focused on my water intake and hit 64 oz today. Came home and did an ab workout, had dinner, did dishes and settled into bed. Tomorrow morning I will meet with my trainer. Hoping she will give me a good workout. 💪🏻
  • lovethyneighbor
    lovethyneighbor Posts: 298 Member
    User Name: lovethyneighbor
    Weigh in week: 4/5/19 wk1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 209.2 ?
    Todays Weight: 206.4
    I weighed between March weigh in and today so I just put the worse one as previous weight. Might as well own it. 😩
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Daily Post: 4/5 (Friday)

    Calories: Yes, Goal:1500/Actual 806
    Exercise:Yes, Zombies, Run! (Hounds of Love), Walked to and from Transitions, no further exercise tonight,
    Goals: got some issues regarding my meds resolved, rather mitigated. Looking forward towards tomorrow with less on my plate to do
  • j0d13mcc
    j0d13mcc Posts: 56 Member
    Daily 5/4

    Track- yes
    Calories- yes- under
    Exercise- yoga, 3km jogging and 10,000 steps
    Goal- mindfulness and breathing. I’m starting to get on top of my daily exercise which was causing me some frustration this week. I’ve suddenly turned a corner. I’m feeling a lot better and more positive! Organising my sons 18th birthday party next week so its going to be a busy one. I’m also “going for” a big promotion at work which if successful will see me get a new Director role... very exciting but relies on me being on top of my A game . So here goes guys- preparation starts here! Have a great weekend!
  • Allyanne1
    Allyanne1 Posts: 229 Member
    Weigh in Week: April week 1
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous week’s weight: 156
    Todays weight: 157

    I am so sorry, I totally forgot to post on Wednesday...not sure if this can still be counted and if not I will make sure I submit on time next week. I am slip sliding back in to old eating sorry team.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    My wi-fi was screwy on phone last night and didn't want to get frustrated.... so I just went to bed instead.

    Daily Post (Friday 4/05)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes __ mins
    13m lower body toning (no weights) & stretching
    20m walk

    Daily Goals: ACHIEVED! 5 personal points~ for mindset with morning affirmations and improve my night routine/habits to stop after dinner binges.

    Planned, pre-logged, and plated big salad for dinner and counted out my sweet potato fries to cook when got home. Started day with up early, as the dog had to go to for annual physical, etc. Nothing stressful for me anyway. He’s an old guy - about 12 or 13 we think. He was a rescue dog from a home, not a shelter. Hubby surprised me and took him. Hubby ate before I got home. Glad I had my dinner ready. I was tired and might have just grabbed whatever!! I made sure that I ate all my calories during the day so that I wouldn't be tempted tonight. And it worked, as I almost grabbed and thought… "oh it will be a cheat night." But then thought… "NO, I want that shirt I wore today to be baggy in the fall!" So I was able to talk myself out of it!!
  • ala155
    ala155 Posts: 53 Member
    Username: ala155
    Weigh in week: week 1
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Pw: 138.2
    Cw: 136.6
  • j0d13mcc
    j0d13mcc Posts: 56 Member
    Daily 6/4

    Track- yes
    Calories- yes 1500 so 50 under
    Exercise- walked 3.30km today. drank plenty of water. Yoga
    Staying motivated, enjoying some new recipes and enjoying seeing the benefits on the scales!
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