TEAM: Run Track Minds (April)



  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @MaelynMayhem~ You, my friend had another good day. Yes, that was quite a loss. Hope your Tuesday goes well. Peace be with you.
    @ajaia2001~ That’s awesome that you are doing classes. I walk or have MANY DVDs that I can choose from. But it’s spring, so it’s nice to be outside.
    @Fitgirllife72~ Are your exercises a class, youtube, or DVD? Inquiring minds, eh hemm, I mean Run Track Minds want to know. :)
    @Tomkinsone~ Sorry to hear your sick. When losing weight and exercising is going so well; it’s tough to swallow the “overall wellness pill.” But, taking care of you is important. If it lasts, maybe try some Yoga or something that isn’t as tough on cardio. !????
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over by 9
    Exercise: No
    Water: Not enough
    Day: Had a frustrating day, so went home and just laid on the couch wallowing for a couple hours til a late dinner, then back to bed.

    Mood carried over into today (Tuesday) and felt annoyed/frustrated/blah when weighing in even though it was a loss. I have periodic moments in this journey so far where I just feel blah about it. So far, hasn't resulted in falling off the wagon and I don't see that happening now. Just need to remember that every day doesn't need to be a super positive, gung ho day. Some days are just days.
  • Claresmith13
    Claresmith13 Posts: 8 Member
    Username: claresmith13
    April week 3.
    Weigh day Tuesday.
  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: YES
    Calories: UNDER
    Exercise: 55 mins - walking
    Goal/Day: Beautiful day today so went on a 55 minute walk.
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Daily Post 4/16 (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Limit: 1500/Actual 662
    Water 26 cups
    Exercise: Zombies, Run! (S-Express 38 minutes)
    Day. I started my day by walking in the park and praying the rosary at the same time. It helped. I didn’t push my Zombies, Run! walk due to fasting. I am done fasting until Good Friday. The day has been good.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Daily post Tuesday 4/16

    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Water: over
    Exercise: 21DF Upper Fix
  • twitch82
    twitch82 Posts: 119 Member
    Week 3 Tuesday
    PW: 160.8
    CW: 161.2
  • j0d13mcc
    j0d13mcc Posts: 56 Member
    Calories:800/1500- I want well yesterday so struggled to eat too much
    Exercise: 4000steps, drank 3L water
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    Week 3
    Pw 326.2
    Cw 322.8


    Finallyyyyy haha
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes, after an inner battle where I really REALLY didn't want to track the snacks I had when I came home, standing in the pantry, eating straight from the box, cause I was hungry, tired, and in a bad mood. Had a moment of "If I don't log this, no one will know" Then after a few hours, after I'd eaten dinner, and relaxed with a book, I went back to my food log and logged my dinner AND my snacks, cause if I don't log I am only hurting myself. NSV
    Calories: Over
    Exercise: None
    Water: Never enough these days
    Day: Having a frustrating start to the week for a number of reasons. So just trying to power through and focus on what I have control over, which is this weight loss journey!

    Goal: Continue logging and drinking more water, personal goal to buckle down and complete some of the work in my personal life that I've been putting off that I really dont feel like doing after regular work, but today is the day! It needs to get done.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday 4/16)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes; 12 under
    Exercise: no.

    Daily Goals: ACHIEVED! 3 personal points~ for mindset with morning affirmations and improve my night routine/habits to stop after dinner binges. COMPLETED
    Sleep-in, a nice day off.
    Enjoy time w/hubby.
    Grocery shop.
    Played on my computer.
    15 Day streak of no night binges. I really, really had to stay focused last night. I so badly wanted to eat. First attempt… I curled up on the couch next to hubby and just relaxed. Then as we got up to go to watch TV in bed, I checked a few things for calorie content. I didn’t have any carbs for dinner. Before I went to bed, I entered a couple of items to see if I’d be “okay.” And I was still under 12 calories. So I went ahead and ate. I was able to somehow keep my cool and not binge! Phew!! Still 100% on track.
  • Tomkinsone
    Tomkinsone Posts: 36 Member
    Daily Post: (April 16)

    Track: yes
    Calories: Yes; goal 1370, food 1114, , exercise 204, cal remain 460
    Exercise: yes
    Goals/Day: feeling much better. Was able to get to the gym to work out with the weights and do a little cardio. Was a beautiful day outside.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @jwall309~ Yep. Sometimes it’s just a day. Way to adjust the mind to have a better attitude. Do you try having a different or new flavor once in a while?

    Something simple, like adding curry or cumin or another spice or herb, can help brighten your day. Other ideas are aromatherapy. No need to be all oils and scents. It could be a scented/flavored lip gloss, hand lotion, or lighting a candle. Be sure to use all your senses so that it’s not just our tongue we’re catering too. This also helps distract the mind.

    @Claresmith13~ A maintain is “weigh” better than a gain!! And you’re still at a loss for the month, so keep doing it! You got this!

    @ajaia2001~ Aaaahhhh! It’s great to get outdoors for a walk, right!? What did your eyes take in and enjoy on your walk? I love hearing the birds.

    @MaelynMayhem~ Good for you for recognizing to not overdo it with exercise during a fast. We don’t want you to collapse. Peace be with you. You are doing so great! Appreciate you posting daily.

    @Fitgirllife72~ Another great day in the books! You’re doing great!

    @twitch82~ Stay positive and keep working your program. Look at the whole picture, for the month of April you haven’t gained. Do what you can to counteract week 2 and bring a loss for week 3. <<hugs>> We’re here to help however we can.

    @J0d13mcc~ Wow! Only 800 calories if I’m reading that right. Keep up the good fight.
  • veggieonly
    veggieonly Posts: 15 Member
    Username: veggieonly
    Week 3
    PW 179
    CW 175.2

    I wasn’t able to weigh in on Monday, which is my weigh in day. Hope this counts...I’m also happy for my progress after my trips recently.
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    @johicks I have much more variety in flavor in my food these days in comparison to previous times losing weight, all thanks to my BF! He is Indian, his parents grew up in India, and he grew up eating traditional Indian food, so thanks to him our food is usually heavily spiced with different flavors. I ,on the other hand, grew up with a single working mom (for whom I am eternally grateful) but didn't prioritize cooking, so this is a whole new world for me of spices!

    But you are right, I need to find ways to pull me out of a funk that aren't food! I lit a new candle last night, transitioning into spring, fresh scents, and the weather here is steadily getting nicer and warmer, so I think that will also help. Maybe I'll suggest a walk with the BF tonight to try to pull my head out of the fog.
  • JamieD328
    JamieD328 Posts: 976 Member
    Username: JamieD328
    Tuesday weigh in
    April-Week 3
    PW: 166.2
    CW: 167.2
  • Tomkinsone
    Tomkinsone Posts: 36 Member
    Looks like my next three weekends are going to be very busy. My boyfriend’s sister is coming into town this weekend and will be staying with us for part of their week long vacation. It shall be fun, and I’m going to try my best not to ruin all of my hard work. The weekend of the 26th I have a function to attend. And the weekend after, May 2-5 I am driving down to Florida to see my parents. I will do my best to get my weigh ins done on the next two sundays, not sure about May 5th, the challenge will be over by then and it will be a 13 hour drive home that day. 🤞🤞
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Wednesday 4/17 check in

    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Water: over
    Exercise: 21DF Barre Legs
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Daily Post 4/17 (Wednesday)

    Track: yes
    Calories: Limit: 1500/Actual 1322
    Water: 26 cups
    Exercise: Zombies, Run! (Bandits - 39 minutes, walked additional minutes to hit an hour)
    Day: I went and say my dietitian today. I was weighed of course, and it was determined I lost 24 pounds in the last month. She was concerned that I might be losing nutrients and lean muscle mass. After we discussed it we agreed that I would add a second snack to my meal plan to raise my calories to maybe slow it down a bit. I added 30 g of walnuts to my daily diet as snacks. I go to a food pantry on Friday so my snack options might change. I confirmed today because I haven't run through all the missions again since downloading again Zombies, Run! the funny radio DJ's that come on after the missions are not coming on. Soooooo, I'm going to go back through them. I did get a Walmart gift card today that should be enough for one pair of shorts before tax; so, next month when I get paid I am going to go and get a couple of new pairs that fit. Almost all my current clothes are falling off of me.
  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)

    Track: YES
    Calories: UNDER
    Exercise: 1 hour at bootcamp class
    Goal/Day: Today was a good day.
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