Active in April



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Hey Scott! Nice to see ya. How are things going?

    Grats on the 9lbs Mihani. That is awesome.

    Austin, that was a great day! The apple w/ walnuts reminded me about the fruit salad we used to enjoy with walnuts on it. Strawberries, grapes, blueberries, & whatever else on hand + the walnuts. Yum! I usually watch videos for inspiration, but since I want to start walking more I could use some podcasts to pass the time. I just picked up some nice wireless earbuds for that purpose.

    I started recording my food and glucose levels 2 weeks ago today. I've lost about 14 lbs and my numbers are improving. Having that glucose monitor was really the trick to get me un-stuck. Like you Mihani, I'm finding it easier to follow this time.

    b - green shake w/ blueberries, soy milk, amla, flax seeds, spinach, 1/3 banana
    l - 3 packed cups mixed greens, asian sesame dressing, 2 falafel patties, 1 slice baked tofu, 1/2 apple w/ 1 tbsp nut butter
    d - tofu sandwich on sprouted whole grain, other half of apple w/ pnut butter
    s - falafel patty, slice of tofu

    Today will be much the same for breakfast & lunch. for dinner I'm thinking a broccoli stir fry. I'm going to do the Clean Food Dirty girl quick batch this week and see how that goes. I think it is going to fit better how I'm trying to eat right now.

  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Austin, nice to meet you, too. And Carla, things are going just fine. Aside from being on the saddest of SAD diets. I haven't been able to make anything stick, really. Not that I've tried real hard. :/
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,001 Member
    Trying to find balance in life.

    I have a Tri in 2 weeks and the exercise takes a bit of time and leaves me so tired. I feel I lost ground with food preparation and cooking...something had to give so back at Trader Joes buying pre made salads and easy stuff to prepare. Trying not to get sucked into the internet too much. That had to give. Still making cards and have my mah jongg group every 2 weeks. Plus daily walks with the terrors. It has been very terrifying lately. Last week I literally stepped over a coral snake and then saw another one scooting by the dogs. I am working with a bike trainer right now and she was leading a group at 9 pm in our park by my house and ran into a 5 ft raised it's head almost 2 feet off the ground at her but did not strike. I am not walking the smallest dogs who poke their heads into everything in the park until it is cold. The schnauzer, Miss Cleo is a much better walking companion anyways. She set a fast pace.

    I had an "Ocular Migraine" last week. Never had one before, but thats what they are calling it. Going to have an MRI of brain this month. Sigh. Might be related to the dizziness I had earlier this month.

    Austin - I love pod casts, esp. when I am walking.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,001 Member
    Carla - how is the glucose testing going?

    Brooks has training for 10 days - leaves tonight - I am going cold turkey ....hahaha...vegan turkey off of wine, real chocolate and bread...I can do anything for 10 days. In October he might be going to Syria/Turkey for 6 months....I am going to try to train for a 1/2 Iroman during his deployment! I am going to pick the place (something like Florida or Aruba where it is flat) and tell him he should plan on a 1/2 Iroman and then do it with him as a surprise!!!!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,583 Member
    Hi there,

    @Bisky - Congratulations on the upcoming Tri! That sounds so impressive!

    I too like podcasts when walking. I am trying to get in an outdoor walk every day, so I am exploring podcasts to feed my brain while I walk. The vegan/nutrition podcasts I have been checking out are:
    - Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger (favorite)
    - Food Matters
    - Nutrition Rounds
    - Plant-Based News Podcast
    - Speaking of Science
    - Doctor's Farmacy with Dr. Mark Hyman
    - No Meat Athlete Radio

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Hi Donna, glad to see you. Sorry to hear about your headache. Hope they can figure out what's up and you are feeling better. Eeeeek on the snakes! I don't think I would cope well with snakes slithering about on the walking paths. What a great goal to sign up for an Ironman with Brooks!

    Woohoo, Carla! Great job. Sounds like you are really doing well. Is your glucose level responding? I had to look up Geotta, had never heard of it but apparently Cincinnati. is famous for it. Go figure.

    Austin, have any recommendations of specific podcasts you've enjoyed? Your meals always sound so good.

    I had a bit of a headache today from the wine last night, even though I didn't drink much. I apparently have very little tolerance for alcohol these days, which is fine actually because it doesn't help me reach my health and weight goals. I went into the office for a few hours, went to the grocery, then home to a nap. I need to head back to the office in the morning and get through more work.

    B - oats with berries, chia seeds, turmeric and black pepper, almond milk
    L - big ol' salad, Ezekiel English muffin with natural PB
    D - cabbage and kale casserole, cantaloupe

    Got my new copy of ETL. I figured my old one would turn up as soon as I got the new one, but still haven't come across it. I am going to start on Super Immunity tonight.

  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    bisky wrote: »
    I had an "Ocular Migraine" last week. Never had one before, but thats what they are calling it. Going to have an MRI of brain this month. Sigh. Might be related to the dizziness I had earlier this month.

    A quick Google indicates that an Ocular Migraine is usually in just one eye... It's something different from the usual weirdo / acid vision (aura ) that often accompanies migraines?

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Donna, your energy and activities are so impressive! You are rocking "Active in April" for sure! Sorry to hear about the migraine. I get migraines too, and often it is just above one eye. I hope it was just a one-off for you! We have a lot of Garter snakes on our property. Totally harmless, but they still give me the heebie jeebies big time! I would be hiding inside if I lived in Texas!!!

    Mihani, you are a step ahead of idea what a Geotta is! ...but I'll let you know how it tastes! I have purchased a few of Dr F's books multiple times. I've loaned out and given away copies and I lose track of what I still have and what I need to replace. I'm going to re-read The End of Diabetes. I have the immunity one too for after that.

    Thanks for the podcast recommendations Austin. Yesterday I watched some youtube vids on tiny houses while I walked on the treadmill but I could use the health inspiration plus it is nice to not have to look at the screen.

    Yesterday went as planned for breakfast and lunch but I ended up making the OSG African Peanut Stew for dinner. I forgot how much I like it.

    the plan for today:
    breakfast - usual shake/smoothie
    lunch - African Peanut stew, salad, apple slices w/ cinnamon
    dinner - more stew, salad, falafel patty, mixed berries
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    edited April 2019
    Sorry to have been MIA...Need to catch up! Right now at work.

    Today at work

    GF raw Oatmeal with cinnamon, raisins and homemade almond milk

    Chopped salad with dressing from THE WHOLE FOODS PLANT BASED COOKING SHOW

    Potato and Engine 2 plant burger

    Apple and PB

    HOME after work

    Leafy greens with chopped veggies and dressing


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    I think our posts overlapped, Austin. Thanks for the recommendations. I am familiar with Dr. Greger and the No Meat Athlete but not the others so I'll check them out.

    That's one of the few soups from OSG that I haven't tried, Carla. Will have to make a note to try it soon. While I like all of her recipes, she has some sort of gift with soups. Always so flavorful.

    Hi Magic, sounds like a good day.

    I was at the office and brought home more work to do, but wanted to stop and visit a friend on the way home so I got out of there. I need to start laundry and eat some dinner, then I will work the rest of the evening, and try to get in some sort of workout too. Maybe just some yoga before bed.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi -

    Carla - come cook for me! African peanut stew? Everyones meals sounds great.

    Sloth - it was only in my left eye, more common with women much younger than I am. No pain. I was very worried about it being macular degeneration because my mother went blind at the age I am now. Plus my father had a heart attack at my age. Sigh...I swear ETL is helping me be active.

    Walked 3 miles with Miss Cleo wonder dog this morning. Had a plastic water bottle for her and my most favorite water bottle for me (Yeti with travel stickers) was really hot towards the end and I was pushing her to drink water plus carried her across hot pavement... home and my water bottle is bummed. Had to meet a person this afternoon and after she left went back to the park and walked 2 more miles in the heat looking for water bottle (My favorite water bottle)...did not find it (or snakes)...get back home, I had left it in the bathroom. I think tomorrow is going to be a recovery day. Lots of fluids this evening.

    This is one of the coral snakes from last week.

    Waiting for Game of Thrones to come on.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Monday Monday

    Off to work...

    Packing gf oatmeal, with added cinnamon and raisins...homemade almond milk

    Engine 2 burger baked potato

    Fresh pineapple

    Dinner Waldorf salad from WFPB COOKING SHOW

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,583 Member
    @bisky - Wow! The coral snake is gorgeous. I know one wants not to get too close, but I'd love to see one this close sometime.
    Hurray for finding your water bottle, even if looking sent you out on a bonus walk! I hope Miss Cleo recovered nicely!
    I hope Game of Thrones was fun!

    @magic71755 - Nice to see you! Your menu looks great. (One question, though... HAGDE? Is that a Game of Thrones thing?)

    @Carla_wfpb - African Peanut Soup looks delicious! I have added it to my list of recipes to try!

    I have a super busy week this week. It's my last week to teach a class, and I am taking my son to a big academic contest on Friday afternoon. We will be there until 9 or so Saturday night, so I'll be prepping and packing 4 meals for that trip.

    Today's cooking plans: Baked Penne Florentine (turns into son's lunches for the week), Mexican Pickled Carrots, Baked Kale & Cabbage Casserole (from Dr F's ETL Quick & Easy Cookbook).

    Yesterday was great ETL day, and I was happy when I weighed in this morning as I was down.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    edited April 2019


    I don’t even know what Game of Thrones is I’ve heard of it but I’ve never watched it so there you go!

    Btw Someone asked me if my schedule changed each week and it does not...I work Friday Saturday Sunday Monday (40 hours) and then I have Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Off... you guys have a great day ...I’m excited about my food today

    My kitchen is now completely WFPB

    Last week the trash man came and took away the last of non compliant Parm reggiano cheese which I hadn’t had for a long time and about I don’t know almost a full bag of Costco’s individual wrapped wild caught salmon which I hadn’t eaten for awhile

    I thought about giving it to someone but you know what, you have to explain yourself and then there’s that whole conversation and then you’re defending yourself and I didn’t want to go down that road so I just tossed

    Also cooking sos free

    I just feel peaceful about the whole experience that’s all I can say and It just started out for health reasons but now additionally definitely ethical reasons for the animals and for the planet

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    have a great day everyone
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Austin that cabbage and kale casserole is a favorite of mine. I do add some extra garlic and a good amount of black pepper to the sauce to liven it up. This last time I made it I used purple cabbage and it was quite pretty that way.

    Magic, yay for clearing out the non-ETL foods!

    I was afraid maybe the snake took off with your water bottle, Donna! Glad it was found.

    Carla, any new artworks or weaving on the horizon?

    Another super busy day at work and I actually just wrapped up with the files I brought home to work on. This is really getting old. I overdid the starches a bit today by having a couple brown rice cakes at work and a sprouted grain muffin with my salad tonight. Not sure why I was so hungry today, but I have been eating so light lately that I'm not worried about one day of a little higher starches. Lunch was leftover cabbage and kale casserole and a clementine, and I had some cantaloupe after my salad at dinner. Looking forward to the summer fruits and veggies.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,583 Member
    Hey @Mihani - thanks for telling me how you make the cabbage and kale casserole! Extra garlic and pepper sound like excellent ideas! And I'll try purple cabbage next time. :smile:

    Does anyone here ever ferment anything? I have a batch of this kraut, but where I went light on the salt. I am about to try making a no-salt sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is shockingly easy, and I figure it's uncooked cruciferous veggies. I kept the salt low on this batch and am going to go no-salt on the next and see if I can get it to do its thing without any.

    Today was a good ETL day (except maybe for that bit of sauerkraut):
    B - green smoothie (spinach, blueberries, cold brew coffee, flax seeds)
    L - mustard greens & black beans with nooch and no-salt seasoning, refrigerator pickled onions, raw red onion, some apple slices
    S - apple slices and walnut bits
    D - steamed mushrooms with parsley and spices, small bowl of homemade low-salt sauerkraut, big salad (massaged kale, romaine, tomato, pickled onions, red bell pepper, minced raw broccoli, parsley), dressing (raw turmeric, cashew milk, spices, tomatillo), blueberries and apple with cinnamon for dessert
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,807 Member
    edited April 2019
    Morning glad to have this group...eating this way is tough on your own. Not too tough that I wish to abandon it...just no in real life friends or family that eat like this.

    Yesterday, after work, I stopped at Costco and got the romaine, blueberries, cuties, corn on the millet and brown rice ramen...AND an instant pot. I really like putting everything in there, closing it up and voila, dinner is done. And making fresh beans seems so easy in there.

    I ended up using my veggie soup that I made last weekend and adding the ramen to it. Then lots of blueberries to share with Lulu. And then I ate cashews...not a huge amount, but enough that it is slowing down my weight loss.

    Austin YOUR weight loss is amazing. Such a great story there. And so close to your goal. I am still 15 pounds from my ...I had a high of 240...but that was years ago. I have been chasing this elusive butterfly for years.

    I know what I have to do the month of May to get me going in the right direction. I just get to the end of the night, I use food for comfort. This is a mind game that I must correct if I wish to get to goal.

    Today, lots of salad...also, I do love my Joe's Mean Green...need to get that made today.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Back later to post what really ended up being my menu.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Great ETL day Austin. I think it was about two years ago first time I tried mustard greens and at first I thought it was too peppery, but now I love it.

    Congrats on the new IP, Magic! I imagine it would be hard to find others in real life who follow ETL. I've never met anyone who does myself. Of course, I don't get out much. :p

    Still staying the ETL course despite lots of stress and being really tired a lot. I have work to do again tonight... we just suddenly exploded with more work and we were busy before.

    S - a brown rice cake
    L - big ol' salad with balsamic and nooch, a clementine
    D - veggies, greens and pintos in sprouted grain tortilla with salsa, mixed berries with chia seeds