What's on your mind today?

RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
This is where you can share what's on your mind. Recipes, ideas, workouts, anything that you think might be helpful to others.

Maybe, you've tried something that has worked for you in the past and would like to share it with the group. Maybe, you have a NSV (Non Scale Victory) that you would like to share with the group. Anything that you feel comfortable sharing or anything that you feel comfortable asking the group with help....this is the place to come.

The GOOD!! What NSV did you have this week!!
The BAD!! So what....you ate the whole thing!!
The UGLY!! That darn scale went through the window this week....it deserved it too!!

So, what's on your mind today??


  • hansep0012
    hansep0012 Posts: 385 Member
    Question for the team: Do you read Blogs on MFP? If yes, what catches you eye or interest?
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    Yes, weight loss success stories. Also, challenges someone might be going through on their journey. I like knowing I'm not alone in the things I face.
  • hansep0012
    hansep0012 Posts: 385 Member
    @BonnieHosk85 - thank you for sharing your thoughts. I, too enjoy the success story threads.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    There is a regular blogger called "the_movie_chair" (not sure of the hyphens) who is an amazing writer, and who has chronicled through an amazing transformation. Worth reading back issues for sure!
  • ShareASmile
    ShareASmile Posts: 195 Member
    @BMcC9 Congratulations on 31 years of marriage AND for making it a 'green day'! The game sounds fun - you'll have to share a picture of it some day!! Happy May 1!
  • DreamAchiever33
    DreamAchiever33 Posts: 100 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    There is a regular blogger called "the_movie_chair" (not sure of the hyphens) who is an amazing writer, and who has chronicled through an amazing transformation. Worth reading back issues for sure!

    I found this blog the other day and related to almost all of her early posts. Knowing you aren't alone is so much help in itself!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Huge thank you to @RangerRickL and whoever else is running this ( @BonnieHosk85 )? I mentioned that I’d done a version of this challenge years ago but I like your version even better. I stopped doing them because it was so depressing to fail. Having 3 days grace and encouraging people to continue posting regardless of how many days they didn’t meet their goals are brilliant modifications. Thank you for giving up your personal time to keep this going. And for the lovely positive spirit you encourage and demonstrate!
  • hansep0012
    hansep0012 Posts: 385 Member
    @BMcC9 Yes, I was particularly thinking of The_Movie_Chair blog when I posted the question because I find the honesty, humor and over-all positive theme a good read.
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited May 2019
    @goldthistime, I'm just an enthusiastic member. LOL! @hansep0012, I love her blog, too!
  • mshim7983
    mshim7983 Posts: 29 Member
    @hansep0012 I like recipes. Any kind of tasty treats. I feel like I've gotten into The Habit of abusing food. Then severely restricting myself. So to see different types of recipes that you can eat guilt free makes me feel happy.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    @hansep0012 I like recipes. Any kind of tasty treats. I feel like I've gotten into The Habit of abusing food. Then severely restricting myself. So to see different types of recipes that you can eat guilt free makes me feel happy.

    What kinds of flavours / textures do you savour? (Not your trigger foods, but a meal item you LIKE to sit down to)

    Any medical restrictions to respect? (Allergy, sodium, pre diabetic,cholesterol issues that kind of thing)

    I like pumpkin÷spice anything..... My SIL hates all things fishy. Give us some parameters and I am sure the recipes will arrive.
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Hi I am off wagon since my second baby. Really want to get off the weight n get healthy for my kids.

    Can i still join the challenge.
    I am in loggin in everyday.
    Trying to get my 2 miles of walk
  • hansep0012
    hansep0012 Posts: 385 Member
    @mwilson7983 and @BMcC9 - I like recipes, too! Any all are of interest to me, but particularly I like classic French cooking. Thankfully I have no medical restrictions. My current passion is to convert traditional recipes into a leaner version that is BETTER tasting than the original. I'm calling my lasagna recipe "perfecto"!
  • Ketch_22
    Ketch_22 Posts: 12,711 Member
    Hello all... I'm here for motivation. I love to hear what you all are doing. Personally, I'm new to mfp I approached it logically or mathematically. Not sure that is the way. I decided to look up what calories I need to eat to maintain the weight I desire then I eat that amount. I based it on rmr and bmr. It worked until now. So I guess I either have to eat less or exercise more. It blows my mind how much some people exercise and yet lose so little. So in real numbers it works like this... eat 1350 (I want to lose 1.5# wk) add 750 so I need to burn 2100 a day subtract my bmr of 1390 and what's left is my deficit. I joined 2 mos ago and it has worked exactly 1.5 per wk. Now I'm stalled. Any advice would be appreciated. I use a fitbit and I do actually burn 2100 a day and eat 1350.
  • Alexbuzzcut
    Alexbuzzcut Posts: 77 Member
    Today was difficult but I wisely chose to log all my non-specific activity as exercise. I’m in a fibro-flare which means loads of fatigue, etc. I’m learning to not do hard core exercise on days like this because I extend the flares length. However, it doesn’t mean I can’t still be an active person.
    What made it difficult though was taking a friend to her initial appointment to confirm whether she had cancer. It was tough and, exercise wise, the building was freaking huge, ergo loads of steps! Fortunately the pet scan cleared her. She doesn’t have cancer but will be monitored for a couple years. Yay!
    I’m also doing a Spring overhaul of “stuff in the house” if you get my meaning. I think sometimes that’s a harder workout then doing cardio or weights! 😳

    So glad for this challenge. It is already keeping me aware of staying active! 😊👍