Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber yes a tangerine satisfies the challenge! I haven’t had halo in some time now. I’d gone back to real ice cream, b&J. Excuse was bone healing.

    My weight is still hanging in there, no additional gain. I asked doc if I could go for a walk and got a funny look. Walking sucks, not sure why I wouldn’t ask about it. So today I have a goal to go walk with one crutch and see if it won’t aid my mental health as well as strengthen the leg. He did suggest a cane since I’d look more sporty... hmmm dang I don’t have any cool walking sticks. An academy just opened up here, perhaps I could take that suggestion seriously. It might make rehab walking more enjoyable since I’m skerd of stationary biking with this labrum being so loud. I wonder, just how much worse could i make it? Probably not much really, just put up with some pain right?

    Today’s food challenge;

    Something green
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @Elise4270 - if you can find them you should try some Yasso bars. I love them as does my DH surprisingly. They have great flavors, made with Greek yogurt so you get a bit more protein than ice cream and come in at 100 calories per bar.
    How did the short walk go with your trekking poles?

    I did better today than yesterday but got home later from agility so really just snacked through lunch. A protein bar helped. Grilled chicken, leftover risotto and steamed broccoli for dinner.
  • simcon1
    simcon1 Posts: 209 Member
    I have apples most days, and breakfast every day—and had a Caesar salad for dinner, so got the green in! Here’s my challenge for tomorrow: 7 different colors of foods...
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited May 2019
    I had apples in my breakfast oatmeal today!

    And also had green salad with dinner.

    Apart from that my eating today was pretty crap, we went to a Memorial Day concert and had a picnic of Gus’s famous fried chicken with Mac and cheese, and coleslaw. Took a long walk after we got back and earned enough calories to call it even. And we enjoyed the heck out of the concert! It was Dennis DeYoung playing the music of Styx with the backing of the local symphony orchestra. When I was just a wee thing, Styx was the first band I ever saw in concert! Also: fireworks! I think my husband and I were two of the youngest people there, but I was singing my head off and having a great time. Dennis is 72 years old! And he is starting to look it. But the voice is still young! Sounds like the same guy I heard back in ‘82.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2019
    @rheddmobile love Styx and Dennis DeYoung! Come sail away, come sail away come sail away with meeeee!!!!! I had a few of their LP's I'm my teen years, absolutely fell in love with his/Styx music. Aww I'm so envious!

    @simcon1 7 colors? Hmm this is going to take some thought, but I love the challenge!

    @shanaber we have Yasso bars, I've had them I think. I'll look at them again. If they come in a box of 6, there's no guarantee I'll stop at 100 calories. If dh gerade (not a word autocorrect), gets Snickers ice cream bars, knowing that they give me a migraine, I still eat all of them.

    The walk yesterday.
    It was so hard. I felt like I struggled a lot. I woke in the night with pain and at that moment regretted the walk. This morning it's not so bad. Least it'll prompt me to embrace swimming, I think. Or get on the bike trainer. Or do some water walking, doc suggested water running or the alterG, that I can't find around here.

    Is coffee one or two colors with almond silk?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    3 Yellow- corn tortillas ✔️
    4 red- salsa
    5 uhhh.... There's green stuff in the salsa?
    6 purple- v8 energy drink
    7 orange - cheese

    Haha! Not extraordinarily healthy colors.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Seven? Are we counting white, black, and brown as colors, or do we need to eat indigo food?

    Okay, here are my color thoughts. I almost always have breakfast which is steel cut oats with sweet toppings and a side of cottage cheese with savory garnish. So I am planning to incorporate some of these things:

    R - I have raspberries, and also some red tomatoes. Also radishes. Currently out of strawberries.
    O - I have oranges, and also some orange fancy tomatoes, and carrots. Also I think there may be leftover sweet potato fries.
    Y - the only yellow thing I have in the house is some fancy cherry tomatoes, also possibly an underripe avocado.
    G - salsa verde, lettuce, pickles, mukimame, Granny Smith apples, avocado, turnip greens
    B - the only true blue I can think of is, if you boil red cabbage it turns blue. And I have some red cabbage, so just to be cutesy I am gonna cut a little and steam it and use it as a bed for the slaw. We’ll see if I can get it to look blue.
    I - blueberries are indigo, aren’t they?
    V - red cabbage (which is really purple), and that fancy purple lettuce they mix in with the box salad

    I avoid most white foods except for cauliflower because they tend to be starchy carbs which I don’t need, and I don’t have any cauliflower. Does the inside of a radish count as white? Oh - I have cream cheese! Brown is easy, got a ton of cinnamon flavored steel cut oats, plus lady peas which I am planning to have with lunch, and Dave’s seed bread. Also chocolate. Japanese cuisine considers roasted sesame seeds as black, but I don’t think I have any. I do have blackberries, and black cherries in a frozen smoothie mix.

    If I were planning a grocery trip, I would add one of those bags of snacking peppers and get yellow, orange, red, and green in one go!

    I’ll see what I end up with after breakfast. (Yes, I am eating breakfast at 3 pm - currently working long distance with people in Geneva.)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Ok I was inspired to do better.

    So I had a blueberry, avocado, beet, banana smoothie.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Ok I was inspired to do better.

    So I had a blueberry, avocado, beet, banana smoothie.

    And 6 pieces of Dave's bread with butter, sugar and cinnamon.... Thanks PMS.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    7 Colors... hmmm
    W - Greek Yogurt, Ricotta cheese
    B - Granola, Flat-out Wrap
    R - Fresh strawberries
    G - Spinach, avocado, pickles
    Y - Peppercinis (homemade so also red and green) and banana
    O - tangerine, carrots, pumpkin bread

    I can only come up with 6... but I ate pretty healthy today at the agility trial. Took my yogurt, berries and granola with me to have there for breakfast and finished the small bit of leftover pumpkin bread in the car on the way with my coffee. Got home early enough to have lunch at home and fixed leftover pasta for dinner.
  • simcon1
    simcon1 Posts: 209 Member
    Hmm.. I wonder if I did my own challenge effectively! I ate

    Brown: coffee, waffles
    Green: Brussels sprouts & asparagus (my two least favorite vegetables!)
    White: halibut, milk
    Orange: Peach
    Red: roasted red peppers
    Yellow: butter

    Darn, I think that’s all I can come up with! I’ve been eating blueberries for days, but didn’t eat them today!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    If we’re counting white and brown, I have eight:

    Brown oatmeal, white cottage cheese, green jalapeño salsa, red raspberries, yellow mini tomatoes, orange carrots, purple cabbage cole slaw, blue blueberries.

    Memorial Day weekend eating continues, had grilled hotdogs today. But mine was a diabetic friendlier chili dog, with two dogs on one whole grain bun plus meaty chili. Still loads of fat and very little protein. So dinner was tuna salad and yogurt with blueberries.

    @Elise4270 what happens to the color when you mix avocados and beets?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,067 Member
    @Elise4270 I had a green cupcake yesterday. Does that count? ;)
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,067 Member
    Got home from the second trip in less than a week last night. Lots of driving, but it was really nice to see my niece's in-laws and get to help celebrate the impending birth of her first baby - a little girl they are naming Mya Faith. I have a birthday party this afternoon - for my neighbor's one year old little boy. Shouldn't be too bad as far as food goes since they are vegan.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2019
    If we’re counting white and brown, I have eight:

    Brown oatmeal, white cottage cheese, green jalapeño salsa, red raspberries, yellow mini tomatoes, orange carrots, purple cabbage cole slaw, blue blueberries.

    Memorial Day weekend eating continues, had grilled hotdogs today. But mine was a diabetic friendlier chili dog, with two dogs on one whole grain bun plus meaty chili. Still loads of fat and very little protein. So dinner was tuna salad and yogurt with blueberries.

    @Elise4270 what happens to the color when you mix avocados and beets?

    It was all still purple/blue when blended. There is not much avocado, it's pre-mixed. Just put it in the blender.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Yesterday ended horribly. DD made brownies. Today dh And I went out for lunch at a Mexican restaurant. I had a salad, but it probably had 1000 calories.

    Normally I'd go walk, bike, or run some of this off. But, that's not much of an option. I could. I'd be miserable. I could swim but I'm feeling a little to girly to go swim and too fat to even fit in a suit. DH is going to see his grandma today. I'm really tempted to go to the park and walk even with crutches.

    I was in a terrible mood today and yesterday. Like, unleash the beast moody. The priest today walked communion to me so I wouldn't have to get up. It's pretty amazing how one small gesture can lift ones spirits.

    Wish the Y had an alterG. Maybe I'll take an antidepressant or some Tylenol and start the medrol pack and get out. How much worse can I make the labrum?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Food challenge ideas?

    Today’s Food.
    Did okay today until dd and I fetched some last minute school supplies at the dollar store. I just had to look at the ice cream. So I had 3 ice cream bars. One snickers and 2 Twix. The snickers is far better. Don’t bother with buying the Twix one.

    I have so many frozen bags of veggies, i think i need to throw together a veggie curry or something, maybe stir fry with the ground turkey. I have the butternut squash cut like noodles, so I won’t even have to do rice.

    I’m out of apples. So I need a grocery list/menu. What healthy yummy stuff are you eating? I need a copy cat meal.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Ummmm - we have been using the IP and making chicken and pork chops and things... Last night I made teriyaki chicken and brown rice with fresh veggies that I cooked slightly in the microwave then aded to the rice. A few days before I made the pork chops with a bacon apple glaze. Tonight DH smoked ribs and we had with beans and salad.

    I also made a dessert (don't usually but we had company) - I am on a mailing list for 365 days of IP recipes and this 'bar' recipe came with one of those. They call them Fudgy Wudgies and they are pretty delicious especially with vanilla ice cream... basically it is oatmeal cookie (but better) underneath and on top with a thick layer of chocolate in between. I used the 60% cacao chips instead of semi-sweet and it was so good. Now to not eat much of the leftovers... I did send a lot home with family but it made a 9x13 pan full.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    A good night’s sleep has put me back at my goal weight (had gained due to too much sodium). Homemade roast marinated chicken plus black eyed peas and greens today.

    Seven color challenge breakfast! Not shown: eggs on toast and bacon. I like eating a huge breakfast, it helps keep my blood glucose level and my cravings down. With three strips of bacon, two eggs on Dave’s bread with green and red salsa, this cacao powder / vanilla extract yogurt with fresh berries and side salad clocks in at about 600 calories. And makes me very very happy all day long.


    @Elise4270 I think it’s remarkable you walked half a mile the other day, it may not seem like it from your end, but from my perspective you’ve come a long way in a short time! Hang in there.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,067 Member
    @rheddmobile That is an amazing looking breakfast. Very colorful. I love breakfast too, but not sure my stomach would be happy with a salad early in the morning. But, then again, I've never tried it.