Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I get it @quilteryoyo. I was "happy" organizing the house yesterday but still, when I laid down I was incredibly sad. I'm still rather sad today. These days I remind myself it is because Alex is close. I should cherish the times my heart cries for him. Hang in there. The neighborhood food sounds good, I am a bit jealous actually.

    I cooked a turkey yesterday. Usually dd and I butter it or shove bacon under the skin. I was too lazy yesterday to play turkey plastic surgery. When I pulled the foil off it took the skin. So I had to do a skin graft with bacon. I want to put lemon halves under the skin so it looks like breasts, but dh said that was childish. Everything "boob" was hilarious to Alex so I still find myself boobing everything. When he was little and go in a funky mood I could always find some boob way to get him out of it. He might have breastfed too long LOL!

    It's alright to cry, it's alright to be down.

    @shanaber Bear is chasing Bob around and then Bob bumps into him. Bear springs up and back, it's like a Bob vs Bear fencing match. Bear is not understanding why he can't get his bluff in on this thing.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @quilteryoyo - sorry you are down. I hope the 1 year old helped. I still am shocked about your dad. Maybe you are right about the article, but I think I feel too guilty when I don't exercise. That's what I need to work out I think.

    @swenson19d - Your house looks so nice. And love the cat on the shelf. Yes, it is alright to cry and to be down. I love the boobs to get Alex out of a funky mood. I hope you and DH can work out what is best for you and the girls. You are both working through grief, so it would be a lot to try to raise little ones. What would Alex think of you taking in the little girls? I picture him liking little kids and being funny playing with them. I guess just based upon what you've shared about him and his sense of humor.

    Forgot who else I was going to comment on! But Happy New year to all!
    Last run of the Holiday Streak today - almost 3 miles. I did some upper body lifting afterwards. I may cycle tomorrow on the bike in the gym and then complete rest day Sunday. Or maybe reverse that. Back home on Sunday night and then starting back on Peloton! I probably will take a week off of running.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited January 2021
    Yes @ddmom0811 Alex loved kids and was good with them. I put a picture on his headstone of he and Julia on it, a girl that fell in love with him on a mission trip to an orphanage in Honduras. Dh thinks Alex is behind it all.

    Alex & Julia and his BFF Taylor


    I ate too much today and am miserable.
    Dh made pinto beans with bacon, turkey kielbasa, and potatoes. He also made dark fudge. I'll have a headache from the chocolate and meat preservatives tomorrow. Sure were good though.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @swenson19d What is it about young men and boobs?! Ok, this is probably TMI, but my husband used to say that anything more than a mouthful is wasted. LOL

    My day did NOT turn out as planned originally, but it was okay. I did go down to mom's and we got our neighborhood lunch. They brought way too much food, so will have leftovers for a couple of days. It was all good - even the black eyed peas....well, not the potato salad. I really don't like anyone's potato salad but my own.
    Then, my niece texted and they were going to come up today too. So, we spent about 1.5 hours with my nephew's family at mom's and then we all went out to my brother's house and spent about 2.5 hours with my niece's family and my brother and SIL. So, it was a nice time to wallow in sorrow or do any soul searching for goals for next year. I may try to do that tomorrow, since now we don't have to go anywhere Sat and Sun (original plan was to see my niece tomorrow and my nephew on Sunday). I will try to post some pictures tomorrow. I don't feel like taking the time to do that now, because.....
    about an hour after I got home, just a few minutes ago, the lady from the Assisted Living facility called. I knew it couldn't be good. She informed me that my cousin, Gary, has tested positive for CoVID. He is having symptoms, vomiting and diarrhea. He also had signed the form that said that he wanted all possible measures taken to keep him alive - when he first went there. We talked about the fact that, with CoVID, I don't think intubation would be a good idea. I just had a conversation with him about changing that, and he agreed. I tried to tell him I wanted to get that done, just in case he had to go to the hospital, since I was having my surgery. He actually sounded good and said he was feeling better, so I hope that those are his only symptoms. He has really bad COPD, so if it goes to his lungs it won't be good. I want to ask the rhetorical question, "Can it get any worse?" but I'm afraid the universe will take that as a challenge. (So, in case you are listening/reading this universe, I am NOT asking that questiion.)
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo I hope your cousin pulls through. Dh can't tell what's asthma and what's covid. I don't think he sounds any worse than usual. COPD seems like it could be so much harder to deal with covid.

    I think practically all boys/men love boobs. Dh is still terrible and I can't change in front of him or he gets giddy. It is not flattering or funny guys.

    I hope the universe is busy elsewhere this year. Dh showed me something about Trump being in communication with aliens, so perhaps the universe will be invited to that party.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey all. Hugs @quilteryoyo about your cousin. And @swenson19 always all the hugs. Remember you are allowed to feel what you feel.

    I went for a long run today, 9.5k! Woo hoo. Was tempted to stretch it out to 10k, but my goal this year is stick to the plan. So I stuck to the plan.

    It was WET! Very very wet. It was wonderful! Not cold. Just fantastic. I did have to take a couple of small walk breaks on a couple of hills, so I've lost a lot of hill endurance. But it's getting better.

    The scales were also nice, and I had a woosh over night. So lost 1kg, or 2lb, this week. Woo hoo. Managed to stick to goal, or at least in deficit yesterday despite wanting to have a binge. I managed to pull back from the desire. And I feel much better for it.

    Bought a hiking backpack today. I'm hoping to get out with the girls more this summer and getting them out on the local trails. We have so many good ones!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    My second covid test was positive, guess I'll order the electrical stuff. I was going to run to lowes and get it, but guess not. DD said she has had a headache for 4 days. She was going to go get a test today and I requested tacos if she got out. She couldn't get a test today but went to get me tacos. Silly kid.

    @Avidkeo Congrats on the scale movement! wow! I need to get serious but I have tacos coming.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @swenson19d Are you required to get a negative test before going out? I didn't have to and it is my understanding that you can test positive for weeks, but you aren't contagious if you aren't showing any symptoms.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Happy New Years all!
    Sorry about your cousin @quilteryoyo I hope he recovers properly. Prayers for him!

    @swenson19d I think laying low and ordering stuff online is smart. I like the room layout. Sometimes change is a good thing.

    @avidkeo that hike looked awesome. And congrats on the run and the weight. Keep it going - great way to kick of a better year to come!

    @shanaber I feel your pain. I am sorry your hamstring hurts and they can't seem to solve it. Same with my hip. Very gimpy today. I am so over going to the doctor and nothing changing. That is my focus for the first month of the year. Let's solve this....its not rocket science!

    @ddmom0811 congrats on the run....sounds lovely. I am getting back into a routine on monday as well....5 days of strength, 2 days of yoga and 3 rides/2 runs walks for cardio. I will put together a calendar and see how Jan goes. I am also doing dry Jan starting tomorrow (son is still in town and we are still celebrating) and need to learn about macros and get back to tracking.

    Other goals (not resolutions) to work on:

    -meditating 10 min a day
    -reading 15 min a day
    -learning something new (brain book I am reading says this is huge part of brain health and aging) - Book: Live Wired.
    -finding a creative outlet (maybe a blog that is just for me) and photography

    Do you all have any "goals" this year to shoot for?
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @swenson19d Are you required to get a negative test before going out? I didn't have to and it is my understanding that you can test positive for weeks, but you aren't contagious if you aren't showing any symptoms.

    I thought I needed a negative test to get back out. I was told to restest in 10 days. The PT I got it from was asymptomatic, so I am assuming I am still contagious. This virus seems awfully contagious.

    The CDC says
    As of July 20, 2020. A test-based strategy is no longer recommended to determine when to discontinue home isolation, except in certain circumstances.

    So I think that means I can go by the 10-day rule. But that makes me a bit nervous. I have it, so I could spread it, right? I emailed the school to see what they want. I'd like to run to lowes and get those electrical supplies. But it can wait. I'm not climbing into the attic and I gave DH instructions how it is to be done. I just need him to feel better.

    Yearly goals. I need to stop eating so much. I need to find a way to be more mobile, maybe exercise. I'd really like to become proficient with the violin and learn the cello.
    I saw an ad for travel ICU RN's at $130/hr + $500 for lodging. I could get that pool I want and a fence and shop all day long on Amazon buying stuff for everyone in the world. LOL. Maybe open that running park in Hawaii where everyone can come vaca and train.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo I think you are on to something. I think I can get out safely. Thanks!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @swenson19d Curious as to who told you to retest after 10 days. The TN Department of Health told me that after 10 days, if I had no symptoms (other than a cough or not tasting and smelling) I was free from quarantine. I don't even have to get another test before my surgery.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @bearly63 I was thinking about my goals this morning. To be honest, it is hard to look too far ahead right now, not knowing how the surgery will go and what the recovery is going to look like. I spent a lot more time reflecting on my life to this point than looking to the future. But, I did come up with the following:

    1 - Get rid of the aneurysm
    2 - Follow doctor's orders to recuperate
    3 - Start running and playing tennis again, as permitted
    4 - Nurture relationships with friends and family

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @bearly63 I was thinking about my goals this morning. To be honest, it is hard to look too far ahead right now, not knowing how the surgery will go and what the recovery is going to look like. I spent a lot more time reflecting on my life to this point than looking to the future. But, I did come up with the following:

    1 - Get rid of the aneurysm
    2 - Follow doctor's orders to recuperate
    3 - Start running and playing tennis again, as permitted
    4 - Nurture relationships with friends and family

    Admirable goals
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Rest day today. Went for a stroll around the local museum with the kids. I got groceries on an empty stomach and over indulged a bit. Also having takeaways for dinner, so am avoiding food till then. I am determined to make more than 7 days. I'm on track atm. And should be fine. But I gotta stop the sabotage.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @swenson19d Curious as to who told you to retest after 10 days. The TN Department of Health told me that after 10 days, if I had no symptoms (other than a cough or not tasting and smelling) I was free from quarantine. I don't even have to get another test before my surgery.

    Advice was from the contact tracer within the Chickasaw Nation. They are their own Nation (Tribal). Oklahoma is Indian Territory and Dh is a tribal member and employee. ( I think I explained that right). Also with my being placed within the Nation for my nursing clinicals, I thought "I will have to adhere to their protocol anyway". Dh has to be retested the 4th. I am going to wait for guidance from the university.

    Dh just mentioned that fostering those particular girls would lead to a constant connection to that family. The woman he dated (the grandmother) is absolutely unstable and it would likely lead to regret. *whew* I hope he is serious about backing off of this. Now, I have an extra room. Whatever shall I do with it? I told DH I could have an office there, or he can move back there and we can soundproof it so no one hears his sessions.

    @Avidkeo New year new goals. Don't you love the feeling of a fresh start? My hoodies don't fit, they are too tight at the bottom and I put on a long-sleeved shirt yesterday and it no longer fit. It'll go to the donate bag in my trunk for drop off ASAP. Then I ate more fudge. I think it is time to get serious, buy a salad or make a soup, invest in my health.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @swenson19d Curious as to who told you to retest after 10 days. The TN Department of Health told me that after 10 days, if I had no symptoms (other than a cough or not tasting and smelling) I was free from quarantine. I don't even have to get another test before my surgery.

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but the TN department of health’s recommendations are based on politics and expedience rather than on science or preventing the spread of the virus. They don’t want too many people quarantining because it was having an impact on their work force. It doesn’t make it safe.

    In Memphis we had to give up trash pickup for a while because too many garbagemen were quarantined, so they said they only needed to quarantine half as long... nothing changed with the science, they just wanted the trash to get picked up. There’s a reason TN is worst in the world.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hugs guys. I keep thinking it would have definitely been easier if everything had just shut like NZ did, then we would have been past or. But that would have required a) world leaders to put aside egos and listen to the science and b) lives put ahead of profit. Though ironically if they did a, then profit wouldn't have been as affected. I feel the constant uncertainty and changes etc must be exhausting. I wish there would be an actual change come out of this, sadly I'm a cynic and I don't think there will be. The rich will just get richer, and leave everyone else behind.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Oi that went political, sorry!

    Well end of the day, I managed to keep to a deficit. Having cravings, and just realised period is due in a few days. Ah huh! Annoying.

    So that's 8 days now! And I just refused chocolate!