Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Yay @ddmom0811 ! Nice to be done with the Invisalign.

    @quilteryoyo I hope the funeral went well. Peaceful and comforting as much as possible.

    I need to get back on a real diet
    ...and get away from all the high-fat horrible food. My comfy clothes are no longer comfy. I made hot sour soup with shrimp (Tom Kha Goong) today. I dropped one on the floor and Bear likes shrimp apparently. He had turkey and shrimp for his lunch snack then zonked out. So spoiled.

    I scheduled a test for tomorrow. I don't seem to have any symptoms. My stomach is still a little nauseous a bit here and there. But I suspect that could be entirely independent of covid with my IBS/menopause/lazy/poor food choices/or an intestinal bug.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    edited December 2020
    @quilteryoyo I hope it went as well as could have been expected and while you're mourning, you are at peace knowing that your dad is up in heaven, singing those gospel songs <3
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I braved the covid test.
    I woke not feeling so well and took allergy medicine and later gave in to cold med. I feel like I have a sinus cold or just seasonal allergies (not uncommon for me).

    I had a pt appointment today at 1 but since I was exposed, I figured no way I should go. Just as I was getting the covid test they phoned about my missed appointment. What? No. C'mon. What if I have it? Really? I didn't answer it since I was momentarily busy. Can't believe they think I should have come in.

    Of course I am feeling better with the back and don't wanna go. I'd like to get it before the end of the year so it costs $5, but i should least wait until I have covid results.

    Packaged and tea
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited December 2020
    Hey guys.

    Hugs to everyone. Been thinking of you all a lot.
    The illness really knocked me out. Was a cold, but a particularly nasty one.

    Is it just me but as you get older, illness knocks you out harder and harder. I used to recover in about 2 days but now it's 9ver a week before I get better.

    We had an early Christmas yesterday with hubby's family. It was great, though short cause I went after work. We are still doing Christmas on Christmas day as well, so food is lasting extra long.

    I've given up on tracking and scales. Like completely given up. I'll just start after Christmas. No point atm.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning all:

    @swenson19d I can't believe they think you should have come in. People have died from this silliness. Tell them that.

    @Avidkeo Totally agree about recovery. I feel that way from hard workouts. That is one of the main things I notice with my Peloton friends who are in their 30s and 40s....they recover so much faster! I need a few days. They need hours.

    Today I am going to try a workout....some floor stuff. Hope my back is ok. Nothing too crazy. I think it was just a strain and icing and NSAIDS are what I am doing.

    DD made a good dinner last night from our Green Chef service - very tasty!

    The scale is climbing....I need to scale back for a few days. Feel chunky!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    edited December 2020
    Looking back over some of the posts. I skimmed them early in the week, but didn't respond except with hugs and likes.

    @shanaber It does seem all so senseless and unnecessary. I am angry and it is going to take me a while to work through that. Thanks for sharing the article that @katharmonic shared. It is so accurate. As for the restaurants staying open, if people would be smart and not go inside, they wouldn't be open. I just don't get people. Are they sticking their heads in the sand about this whole thing? Do they still think it isn't as bad as they are saying? They wouldn't feel that way if they had to watch (or not be able to watch) a loved one die of it.

    @swenson19d Glad you feel you have the depression under control. I hope you can get those doctor's appointments rescheduled. It's important to take care of yourself. I'm glad you decided to get tested. Symptoms vary so much with CoVID, you just never know. I only had a slight fever for a day and a half and mom had a drippy nose for 3 days. Then, well, you know how it affected dad. It's crazy. I hope you don't have it. Stay safe.

    @rheddmobile I saw that statistic about TN. It's crazy. It makes me angry because I think a lot of this could have been avoided had everyone just wore masks and stayed home when they weren't feeling well, even if they "knew" it was just a cold and had tested negative. I don't want your cold either.

    @ddmom0811 Sorry to hear about the teachers who have fallen. I hope they are okay. I never thought about the decreased visibility with the masks. That's awful. Yeah for being done with the Invisalign. Your teeth look great!

    The funeral and visitation was helpful. Not a lot of people showed up, but that's okay. Dad would be the first person to not want anyone to be exposed because of him. Over 400 people viewed the funeral online. That says a lot about the person dad was.

    My surgery is going to be on the 8th of January, if something else doesn't happen. It was going to be hard anyway. Now, it's just going to be harder.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Good to hear from you @quilteryoyo .

    I found a 2 part documentary last night "A Lion in the House" tracking 5-6 kids through cancer treatment at Cincinnati Children's hospital. Most of them didn't beat it. In the end, one oncology doc talks about loss (Huang), how it's never easy and it's not supposed to be easy and how each patient and family is like losing one of your own. I cried all through episode 2 of course. I have no words of wisdom, just saying, we are not alone in loss.

    My back hurts today
    I'll probably call for that MRI. I've had no fever, just sinus stuffiness, bit of a cough, scratchy throat and a headache. Early on diarrhea. But will wait until tomorrow, I should have the results then.

    Yesterday was Bear's Bday
    He's 2. I think he enjoyed all the extra attention, today he wanted a replay of it. He helped (by climbing the ladder) with me to change 2 of the 5 lights in the lawn light from all blue to 2 purple and 3 blue. The purple is a bit bright and I might see if I can find a dimmer bulb. Blue and purple are the colors of suicide awareness.

    My neighbors are moving out
    of course, they are "good" ones. The new owner seemed a bit cocky and was walking in my back yard, exploring. I get it. But there is a line of trees that clearly marks the property line. I told dh I don't like him and want barbed wire put up and a ball bitting dog since mine just sit on the porch and bark. He said no dog but considered the barbed wire. I should be nice, but I don't want him in my backyard or cutting my trees. The kids behind us occasionally overlap into my yard and that's fine as long as my dogs don't bite or chase them. Which they might since kids are fun and they smell like pot over there! LOL!

    shower. violin. study. Perhaps pick up and let bob clean up after dh who throws stuff in the floor and calls bob... that. is. not. how. this. works. buddy.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @quilteryoyo - glad the service was cathartic, oh wait, whatever you said it was... helpful. So weird the variation this virus has on people.

    @swenson19d - wow, walking in your backyard. Hopefully it was just a one-time exploration.

    The teacher that fell called today and she had to have her elbow totally reconstructed. She's going to be out a while. Poor thing.

    Weight is weird, but then so is my eating! I'm trying to ride Peloton as much as possible because I leave tomorrow after work and will be away from it until 1/4! May have drive over and ride once! LOL
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @ddmom0811 - your teeth look awesome! It is going to feel weird not to have them in all the time though! I have forgotten to put my retainers in a few times and woken up in the middle of the night thinking 'oh no! will they still fit?' 😁
    @bearly63 - I hope your back is feeling better and the floor workout didn't make it any worse!
    @Avidkeo - I definitely need more recovery time from workouts as I get older. I haven't been sick in a long while (and hope I don't!) but I imagine it will be harder to get over colds and such too.
    @quilteryoyo - I am glad the services went well and there were so many participating from online! You know your dad would be devastated if someone was exposed at his services.
    About your aneurysm surgery and not having dad there too. I like to think that he will still be there with you in spirit. Having lost both of my parents so young, they missed out on so many moments that it gives me a little comfort to think that they are still with me in some way.
    @swenson19d - Happy Birthday to Beary!! I love your bob stories! They make me laugh! Seriously you need to start journalling the Exploits of Bob and the cats!
    I hope you can get the MRI scheduled before the end of the year! Here pretty much any medical appointment seems to take months to get scheduled.
    Hopefully once your new neighbor gets moved in he will turn out to be a good one! If not get that barbed wire ready!
    I too can't believe the PT office thought you would be coming in! I hope the PT wasn't still working either!

    I am doing ok... frustrated with not really being able to run the way I want to be. Yesterday I did a Peloton walk/run, running all the run intervals but not really trying to push the pace. It felt fine but about 2 hours after I got home my hamstring was killing me. Clearly it was not happy even with the walk/run. Today I did a low impact aerobics class and then took Hobbes for a quick walk around the neighborhood. I will see how I feel tomorrow but will probably mostly walk the rest of the month. I don't want to have to see any doctors until things calm down here. I am also trying to eat more/better although again today I didn't really eat breakfast unless you consider a Starbucks coffee as breakfast. My weight is down about 3lbs but I am sure it is from not eating enough and it will likely come right back.
    What are you all planning to do/cook for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Any special traditions?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @ddmom0811 That's awful that the teacher was hurt so badly. Elbows are hard to recover from fully too. I fractured mine once and it took me 8 months of doing exercises everyday in order to be able to straighten it back out all the way. Can you somehow sneak Pellie into the car with you?

    @shanaber I agree. I know dad will be with me in spirit and, hopefully, watching over the entire thing and making sure it goes well. I know this sounds really selfish, but it is going to make getting back and forth to follow up appointments more difficult, as he was the one planning to do that. Also, the plan was for him to bring mom up during the day after I get home. Mom doesn't drive. One of the neighbor's said she could drive her back and forth, but her mom may have open heart surgery too. Logistics are going to be so much harder now. And I know that dad was, in a way, looking forward to being able to help me since he felt I had done so much for him when he was sick and in the hospital over the years.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @shanaber So sorry your hamstring is still giving you issues!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Christmas plans
    We begin the tradition of cooking a Christmas duck at Alex's request when he was 9-10. DH bought a duck for this year, it is still in the deep freezer. I don't plan on doing anything this year. Alex is gone and I just don't feel well physically right now.

    Everything has gone to smelling horrible
    I went outside yesterday to feed the outside cat and the smell made me gag. It was indescribable. hot ketchup, burning metal, burning trash, burning body. Neither dd nor dh could smell anything outside. I hope things don't smell like this forever. Last night I went outside to find bear and the noise/energy was insane. It was surreal. As if I had been standing amidst an ancient battle. I think it was just the wind, perhaps a storm to the north, but defiantly unreal. Perhaps this bug has invaded my brain.
    Dh was fussy about me being anywhere near him, so I slept on the couch. Then he has the nerve to wake me at 6 because he wants to report (for work) if he is living with someone with a fever. Go away jerk. I do not live with Mr Considerate.
    Couch isn't good for my back and I phoned for the MRI and had to leave a message. Perhaps Christmas holiday has a skeleton crew on or my timing was just bad.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @swenson19d Did you get your CoVID results back yet? I hope that is not what you have, since it can affect your sense of smell. Be patient with yourself and your DH. Hope you feel better soon!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo! I probably just need to quit trying to run on it. It is sore again this morning so it will be just a walk today...

    On the transportation logistics issues: it is not selfish to be thinking about how your dad planned to help you and it is definitely something that is stressful because you haven't had to deal with it before and did not expect to now. I don't know if they have it where you are but our city provides free transport to and from medical appointments for those who are unable to drive themselves. Might be worth looking into the resources either from the city or even from the hospital or through your insurance.
    Would your mom be able to just come stay with you for a while after you get home from the surgery?
    The other thing that could be done is like what I would call a 'friend tree' where no one is expected to help every time but friends take different days to help out with whatever it is you need. I know you are always doing for others and I am sure there are many there who would love the chance to help you for once!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited December 2020
    @swenson19d Did you get your CoVID results back yet? I hope that is not what you have, since it can affect your sense of smell. Be patient with yourself and your DH. Hope you feel better soon!

    No results yet. The usual return time is 2-4 days but can take up to 14 days. I told Dh everything still stinks and he said "good you haven't lost your sense of smell." I asked, then it does stink? "no, but you can still smell". ugh, not really buddy. He argues. I live with Mr combative. Now he says I don't have it. Sure that I do. Today smells like burnt chocolate and chlorine cookies. I found a nasal wash and hope that'll help with the congestion and perhaps keep the invaders off of my olfactory nerve.

    Horrible thing is that I want to go to Ross and see if they have a bar stool/chair that I can try for violin. But I won't get out. It's bad enough sharing my germs with DD who smokes and has high BP. I worry about giving it to her. Never forgive myself if it takes her. Bear is lovey and I keep snuggling him, he's a virus vector now. I told her though. Guess I'll amazon shop. I already ordered honey from a texas apiary and told cvs to send my scripts- total win! why not an amazon bar chair today.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @shanaber Just walking for now is probably a good idea. I live in a very rural area, so there really isn't a lot of transportation options. I have lots of people who have offered to help anyway they can. I know transportation is going to be one of those things. I just hate that it wasn't as planned and I HAVE to have other people do it. It's just going to add a little bit of stress to coordinate all of those things that I wasn't planning to have to do. Mom situation is complicated because their farmhouse is heated mostly by wood stove heat. If it's really cold, she will need to be home at least part of the day and night to make sure that the water pipes don't freeze. Then, there's the cats. She could have someone else feed them, but Socks is afraid of people and runs away instead of eating. She wanted to bring him up here, since my dog will be at my sitters, but he is an indoor/outdoor cat and if he gets out up here, he might get lost and not make it back home. AND, Tippy hates cats, so not sure how she would react coming home to cat smell. We'll figure it out. It's just not as easy as it would have been.

    @swenson19d I hope your results come back quickly so that you know for sure. And, I hope, if you have it, that the weird smells is your only symptom. Hopefully DD and DH won't get it.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    @swenson19d Did you get your CoVID results back yet? I hope that is not what you have, since it can affect your sense of smell. Be patient with yourself and your DH. Hope you feel better soon!

    No results yet. The usual return time is 2-4 days but can take up to 14 days. I told Dh everything still stinks and he said "good you haven't lost your sense of smell." I asked, then it does stink? "no, but you can still smell". ugh, not really buddy. He argues. I live with Mr combative. Now he says I don't have it. Sure that I do. Today smells like burnt chocolate and chlorine cookies. I found a nasal wash and hope that'll help with the congestion and perhaps keep the invaders off of my olfactory nerve.

    Horrible thing is that I want to go to Ross and see if they have a bar stool/chair that I can try for violin. But I won't get out. It's bad enough sharing my germs with DD who smokes and has high BP. I worry about giving it to her. Never forgive myself if it takes her. Bear is lovey and I keep snuggling him, he's a virus vector now. I told her though. Guess I'll amazon shop. I already ordered honey from a texas apiary and told cvs to send my scripts- total win! why not an amazon bar chair today.

    Yeah the false smell of something burnt and/or stinky is a Covid thing. During the early stages of the cells going out some people get their wires crossed, basically. I read a whole article about this on a medical journal the other day. What they are thinking now is that the olfactory cells themselves don’t have ACE receptors but the membrane they pass through does. The membrane gets inflamed and squashes the cells. In some people they send out false signals, in others they just temporarily stop working, in some people they get temporarily destroyed and have to regrow, in some they don’t seem to regrow.

    Good for not risking other people, I hope you feel better soon and your family stays well!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited December 2020
    I have covid.
    Dh couldn't stand not knowing and phoned the testing hotline and my results were JUST posted. He's being a big baby about it all. I suppose he'll make me go sleep in the shed with the outside cat now. Which would be fine, she is the sweetest.

    @rheddmobile Thanks for the info. I had heard it could permanently destroy those cells, I hope not.

    OMG. Dh is off to go get his test and decided that there is not enough food in the house to last us until walmart pick up is back open. Which there absolutely is. He is going to Walmart. So much for me being responsible and stopping the spread. Guess he can get me a sleeping bag so I can move in with Noodles.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I spent most of the day on and off with violin. I am making myself site read and erased all my cheat notes, I seem to do better with ABCC#DEFF# labels than remembering where the dots relate to string and finger position. I think it's been productive. I found a finger pattern by key that I have never seen before. duh... That might help.

    DH has the rona too. DD will go get tested tomorrow and I hope she is negative, but she has GI upset, the same way mine started. DH is unbearable. Shame I am positive. DD and I could have gone to a hotel and missed the episodic rantings of the miserable ol' codger. DD said she has boys to kiss and didn't want to have it. LOL!

    Doc refilled my antidepressant! yay! I took a dose today. Can't wait to be normally abnormal, er abnormally normal?

    Netflix time. I found a silly show called Man Down with Greg Davies. It's too funny. One episode he joins a running club and the guru Dom has the biggest pow bootie! it's just hilarious.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    Oh no! I'm so sorry you tested positive @swenson19d ! I was afraid that would be the case from your symptoms. I hope you have a mild case and the rest of the household doesn't get it. DH should NOT have gone to Walmart. Oh well, you did your part by staying away from people.