Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Oh no @swenson19d - I had never heard of the smelling weird things as a sign. I hope your DH settles down and that DD is negative and can stay away.
    This year is all just too much! I’ll look for the show.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @Avidkeo Are you feeling better yet? Did you ever get tested for the virus or is it not ramped there?

    I feel better today other than the dodgy tummy. DD and DH are starting to feel poorly as of last night. No one has had a fever. So that business using it as a screening tool is ineffective. I read somewhere (may not be totally reliable), that only 55% of cases report a fever.

    Happy Goodbye-to-2020!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    @swenson19d Glad you are feeling better. So sorry that DD and DH aren't feeling well. I had a low grade fever for 1.5 days. Dad had a little bit of one for a day, I think. Mom didn't. So, yeah, testing for a fever is not a good way to keep CoVID out. However, it may keep other sicknesses out, so that's a good thing.

    My weight is so weird. The day I started having a fever (Dec 5) from CoVID, I weighed 136.4 pounds. It steadily went down due to the stress and not eating when we were in the hospital with dad until the day before dad passed (Dec15) when I was at 130.4 pounds. I was at 131 for the following 2 days and then started steadily going up. Since Dec 17th, I have gained 5.2 pounds (back to 136.2). It's crazy. I know some of that is from eating salty stuff and I guess some stress eating. I hope it calms down. While I'm not real worried about it, I don't want to keep gaining.

    When my husband passed away, I thought I would eat everything in the house, but found I couldn't eat anything. With dad, I feel like I can go the opposite directions and eat my feelings. I need to control that. It will help if I can just not buy the crappy food. But, when I take mom to town to do things, she wants to stop for fast food. Since she isn't eating much, anything she will eat is good. I know it will all sort itself out. I just thought it was interesting that I lost over 5 pounds in 10 days and have gained it back in 9 days. A graph of that must look a lot like a V.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo I think the shift in weight is to be expected with illness. I couldn't eat after losing Alex. If you gain a bit through this it will be fine. Your body will need it to recover from surgery, you'll probably not want to eat much days after. Enjoy feeding

    dh is sitting outside in the cold. He's on this quest to accept death. I mean, I get it, but drama queen. Then I feel a bit bad for dismissing his dramatic concerns after @quilteryoyo 's dad had similar concerns that proved true. But it's hard
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    @swenson19D - Oh no not you too! I hope you and dh don't have a terrible time with it and just the mild symptoms. Also hope your dd is negative but probably unlikely with her in the house with you two.
    2020 just needs to go away now!

    I did go to the store today to get a few things the grocery delivery didn't bring. It comes from the central warehouse not the actual store so it is always likely the store actually has the product which they did. The store wasn't too busy but some people were just congregating in the aisles. I was in and out like a crazy person, never spending much time in any one area or around anyone. Well until I had to get in line to check out. Th line went half way around the store, literally. Fortunately after I got in line they called for more cashiers and it moved quickly and I ended up at self check anyway, so much easier when you only have a couple of items.
    On the news tonight the Public Health officer for LA County (one county over from us) said, like @rheddmobile, that it is likely any person you encounter outside of your home will have covid. They are also extending the stay at home order but honestly it doesn't seem most people are following it based on all the cars/traffic.

    In sort of good news, my dd has an appointment for her vaccination! It isn't until the 30th but her medical system doesn't expect to get their allotment until the 27th.

    *** Just realized I typed this all in last night and never hit post. I am actually surprised to find it still here!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    @swenson19d I get that you want to dismiss your husband as just being dramatic. I had that hope for dad too - that he was just worried and hyperventilating, because that's what it felt like at the time. Hope is a good thing. AND, I do hope he is just being dramatic and has a mild case. Does he have any underlying issues? If you don't have one, get one of those finger oximeters. That will help you keep track of your oxygen levels. They can drop and you not even know it. That is the first indication that you need to at least call your doctor. Also, did they tell you to take Vitamin C, D3, and Zinc? Those seem to be the go to Musinex and cough syrup - the DM kind.

    @shanaber Glad you were able to get in and out of the store relatively quickly! It's crazy to have to assume everyone has it. I wish people around here would take it seriously, but, sadly, some still aren't. I just don't get it.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @shanaber - the stores are packed here! I haven’t had to go anywhere but was shocked when I ran by grocery today! Wow, that’s unreal that they said assume everyone has it.

    @swenson19d. Sorry you are going through this. And hope dh and dd are okay. My DH is. My Dh dramatic too with a cold. But strangely with his back pain he’s pretty good about it.

    We are going to MILs. On the way with take away Chinese. We will mask and they eat in kitchen we eat in dining room. They are safe since they don’t go out. We are safe ... but I guess you never know. But we will stay apart.

    What a Christmas. Weight the same. Too high but it’s okay for the rest of this year.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    @ddmom0811 Have fun at the MIL's. Take out Chinese sounds really good.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @shanaber wow, can't believe so many are out at the stores. Dh said walmart was crazy busy yesterday, but folks here are daft. I don't watch news or anything, but it makes sense to treat each encounter as if someone (or yourself) has COVID. I am still in disbelief how I got it from the PT. Perhaps the equipment or the hole you put your face in laying face-down wasn't clean. I know they have them wear the same mask all week, which seems like trouble. Glad your DD is getting the vaccine soon. DH had his last Friday, I am surprised he was offered it so quickly. Guess the Indian tribes have some connections. I saw a FB rant about politicians having access before frontline healthcare worker, seems a bit backward. But least if the vaccine goes sideways- it was tested on the politicians first, eh?

    DH has calmed a bit.
    He's resting and complains of feeling poorly. @quilteryoyo DH bought a pulse oximeter last night (drive-thru CVS and warned them he had COVID). He has asthma and decreased lung capacity, I think 80-85%. He's worried. I get that. No one suggested anything to me as far as supplements or OtC meds. I'll have a multi now and then and OJ. The past 36 hours for me have been good. DH's thought the forehead scanner was wrong and checked it against an oral thermometer, 97 vs 99 so it is possible I had a fever and never knew.

    @ddmom0811 Enjoy your holiday visit and the Chinese food! Sounds like you all are being safe.

    DD tested Negative
    ...and quickly retrieved her packed bag and headed to Dallas to stay with her cousin. I am not entirely convinced that she IS negative but understand she'll likely get it if she stays. They wanted her to stay at home for 7 days before leaving, but she didn't think that was wise and understands that she still might have it. I am sure her cousin understands the risks and I can't blame her for leaving out.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited December 2020
    @swenson19 nooo I just caught up and saw your test results! I'm so so sorry.

    Biggest hugs to you and your husband (as annoying as he is :p)

    I'm finally better. I did get tested. Negative. But wasn't expecting a positive as we do not have covid in NZ. Basically everyone who comes into the coun8has to stay at a managed isolation facility for 2 weeks (hotel). They get tested a couple of times. The only cases we are getting are those people. We are so incredibly lucky it is not in the community at all.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Merry Christmas all. Its 5pm Christmas day here. Works been crazy and I've been very busy. Miss you guys.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    @swenson19d I'm glad you got an oximeter. It's just nice to know what your levels are. I kept checking mine and they never went down. I hope you and your DH have a mild case and start feeling better quickly and hope that DD doesn't have it. Unfortunately, the tests aren't all that accurate, especially the rapid one. But, you guys had the other one, didn't you? So, it's possible that she is negative now. She still needs to be careful and isolate as much as possible at her cousins for a few days, just to make sure.

    @Avidkeo I was wondering how NZ was fairing. I'm glad it isn't in the community and you are feeling better.

    We have snow over a layer of ice this morning, so I won't be going to my niece's for Christmas. Just can't chance the drive. It's beautiful and I love a White Christmas, but this was the wrong year to have to stay home. I am going to wrap up and walk to mom's a little bit later and probably take Tippy for a walk in the neighbor's field. She loves playing in snow, even in 20°F temperatures.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @quilteryoyo. Don’t blame you for not driving in the ice. At least you can walk to your moms. I hope she is doing okay. It’s got to be so hard.

    @swenson19d. Hugs to you. Thinking of you and Christmas with Alex not with you.

    We had a nice socially distanced meal. We were far apart and it worked out to eat in separate rooms and just yell to each other. Didn’t stay long.

    I rode a bike in the gym this morning at the condo. Played a Peloton ride - Beatles! It was fun. Bike not that great but it was fine. Then a one mile run on TM.
    DD sent us a box of Thai cooking things. Like pad Thai liquid, etc. so I can make some fun meals.

    Hope everyone has /had a nice day!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo I am the only one that had the regular test. DD and DH had the rapid. DD is back, so... I don't know if she just got homesick or covid sick.

    @Avidkeo NZ is a lovely place, perhaps I should just move that way. I am glad it is under control there.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo thinking of you and your mum today. I am glad you didn't drive, ice sounds awful.

    @ddmom0811 good on you for the ride. I love the beatles. Lived in Liverpool for a couple of years - DHs family are from there. It was great!

    @swenson19 you would be very welcome here! I always want my mum when I'm sick, even at 38. DD is probably both sick.

    Thinking of you all.

    I had a rough night last night. Am on call and had only 4 hours sleep last night - thank goodness for the nap yesterday afternoon. I'll have a nap again later, will probably go out for a run soon. Supposed to do 8k today. From what I hear tonight will be worse - everyone playing with their Christmas presents. Though we had a crossbow bolt through a leg last night, that was fun!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    Thanks ladies. Mom and I are doing okay. We had our moments today, but that is to be expected. Fortunately, I guess, we didn't really have any big traditions that we kept up after my brother and I grew up, so that helps some. I did walk down to mom's about 12:30. We ate a sandwich together and then worked on a jigsaw puzzle she's doing. When I was younger, that was our Christmas thing. Then, we only did one or two a year - in the cold months. They have had one up year round for several years now. Dad would always help put the last one's in and do a little of the rest. He had arthritis really bad, so had a hard time picking up the pieces. Mom would put big sections together and then dad would find where they went and connect them all. He liked doing that and finding that ONE piece to fill in a hole.

    @swenson19d Thinking of you today too. I know it has to be hard for Alex to be absent. DD probably was both homesick and just not feeling well. Again, I hope you all feel better soon.

    @ddmom0811 I saw where you had rode the bike and I was thinking that you had left Pellie at home. I'm glad you can still use the app, even if the bike isn't the same. I love the Beatles too.

    @Avidkeo Sorry you had a rough night. A crossbow through the leg huh? I hope you don't get too many call outs tonight from people being careless.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Thinking of everyone missing loved ones this year... @swenson19d @quilteryoyo especially.

    @quilteryoyo Glad you had a peaceful day (comparatively). My mom and I fought like crazy while my dad was ill - once she threw a roll of medical tape at my husband’s head and he swore he would never speak to her again! But weirdly after he passed we were so polite and courteous to each other for about six months. I guess I could measure when we started to be okay again by us fighting like normal!

    We drove over to my mom’s and gave her a pre-made breakfast in a fancy stay-hot lunchbox thingy. Swapped presents, said a kind word and left. She said it was “a strange Christmas.” Yup! But we are very grateful right now for every little bit. I ate all the bacon. Seriously, I made my husband cook more and now there is no bacon in our house. Also: raspberries, chocolate shavings, slivered almonds.

    @Avidkeo Uh, yikes! I used to crossbow hunt, how do you even manage that? My boyfriend at the time had a pistol crossbow and even that would be hard to aim at your own leg! Or did the shooter hit someone else?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    edited December 2020
    @rheddmobile Funny that you knew you were back to normal when you started fighting again. Glad it seems you are getting along okay now - at least tolerating each other and being civil. I agree, it's a strange Christmas.

    I didn't have my pictures on my computer earlier. Here are a few from my walk this morning with Tippy....and later today too. Surprisingly, it didn't feel exceptionally cold since the high was 23°F today.
    My favorite picture of the day. This pond is right over the hill from my house.

    Tippy loves running and playing in the snow. The black blur running up the hill is her.

    The sun shining on this tree was beautiful. The picture doesn't do it justice.

    Another of the pond.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all of you!

    @swenson19d Sorry to hear about you and the fam. hopefully it just runs its course and is not bad. Its such an odd virus the way it affects everyone differently.

    @quilteryoyo My husband and daughter have gotten into puzzles during Covid. I got them one for Christmas and so did my we will be puzzling here for a while. It's a peaceful pastime. Glad that you are coping today. It's going to take time.

    @ddmom0811 I saw that beatles ride. I am purposely taking yesterday and today off completely as my back and hip need to rest. Tomorrow I will get back into it. I feel like a slug eating all the christmas junk and not moving!

    @shanaber I went to the store early on Wednesday and beat the crowds - they got worse and Husband said yesterday totally packed. Just plain stupid that they are not keeping the stores less full. Glad your daughter is getting the shot.

    @Avidkeo Yikes....cross bow accidents! Hope you get some rest!

    @rheddmobile agree it is a strange Christmas. My immediate family is together as we always have been but can't see anyone else, go to church....just weird.

    We are just chilling here and eating all the junk. Can't wait to restart 2021 with a dry spell, food tracking, regular weight lifting, etc. Back to basics.....

    Merry Christmas to all of you....🎄🎁❤💚
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @rheddmobile well the story never really came out about what happened. The pt wasn't really talking. He claimed that it was a self inflicted accident, but also made comments about going after the person who did it.

    It was not self inflicted, not the angle it went in.