Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Turned out DD came home
    ... because her cousin puked and it smelt so bad she couldn't stand being there. Lord, what are those girls up to? She left to her other cousins in town. Least she is close.

    @Avidkeo hmm, I hope the police intervene in any plots to get even with the crossbow event!

    I am glad @quilteryoyo the day was bearable. Those photos are amazing!

    We didn't do anything of course. DH made some plantains with cinnamon and sugar, they should have been cut thinner but were eat-able. I put a brisket in the IP. Rather tough and I probably should have cooked it longer. I also baked some cabbage with salt, pepper, olive oil then decided to throw bacon on it. It was fine. I can't smell anything, and can only "taste" fat, salt and sweet. It might have all been rubbish.

    @bearly63 I hope 2021 is boring. I don't have any junk. Wonder if I can make cupcakes from scratch or something. Oh wait, there is pie but the thought is eh kinda gross. LOL!

    @rheddmobile Somedays you just gotta eat all the bacon! You had me at raspberries, almonds and chocolate though!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @quilteryoyo. Amazing pictures! Like calendar-worthy pictures! Puzzling sounds fun!

    @bearly63 - rest is good! I need to do so. I only have a week left of the holiday run streak and I’m not doing many miles compared to last years. Yes I look forward to getting back to normal eating next year. We are at condo for a week and I’m going to just see how I feel but not overdo it too much.

    We had a nice day. Saw the grandkids and that was fun. Two year old was in awe of everything about the day. Her favorite toy seemed to be the Dyson vacuum i got her. At least while we were there anyway.

    NZ is impressive in how they handled Covid. Us, not so much. Agree Elise we should move there. It looks beautiful!

    Hang in there everyone!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Look at this fat cat. I was in denial that he's gotten fat, no doubt when I took his photo!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    Look at this fat cat. I was in denial that he's gotten fat, no doubt when I took his photo!

    swenson19d wrote: »
    Look at this fat cat. I was in denial that he's gotten fat, no doubt when I took his photo!

    He looks so happy though!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Merry Christmas Friends!

    @swenson19d - I hope dh is just being whiny because he doesn't feel great and that he isn't getting super sick from it! Are all men that way when they get sick I know mine is too!
    I hope dd is ok and doesn't get sick!
    Oh Beary you do look fat!

    @Avidkeo - Wow shot with a crossbow! Ouch! We also used to hunt with a crossbow when I was a kid. My brother shot at something and hit a tree. That was when I realized how powerful it was. The arrow went through the tree trunk and got stuck. We could not get it out. My dad was so upset that he wasted the arrow and essentially lost it.
    I hope you don't have to be on call for New Year's Eve too. I would think that would be super crazy as well.

    @quilteryoyo - those pictures are really amazing! So beautiful! I am glad you had a nice day with your mom. I love puzzles but we never seem to do them anymore, we used to all the time.

    @rheddmobile - mmm bacon!

    We had a pretty good, quiet day. I made cinnamon rolls this morning. They turned out so-so. I am not much of a fan but did eat one without icing. Dh though loved them and wanted to eat two (!) and they were not small, they just didn't rise much. I went for a nice long walk with Hobbes but it was so hot. Then when we made a ham for dinner with scallop potatoes and the warm apple compote and asparagus. I also made biscuits that also didn't rise so more like hockey pucks (sensing a theme here with my baking...). My goal now is to practice making biscuits until I can make at least decent ones. I really love a good biscuit and these were terrible. The pecan pie on the other hand turned out great. Got to talk to dd a couple of times and we chatted while she opened her presents. I actually surprised her with a few things and she surprisingly loved the clothes I got her. Score one for mom!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    edited December 2020
    @shanaber Sounds like a great, relaxing day. I've made those hockey pucks before. It's been a while since I've tried to make biscuits. I used to all the time. I'm really not much of a bread eater though.

    @swenson19d Beary does look a little plump, but a happy plump.

    Well, my weight was up another 1.5 pounds this morning. I knew it would be because I had hotdogs last night for dinner. I wasn't even hungry, but that is what I wanted, so I ate them. I really need to get back into eating healthier food.

    I was a little bit shocked and scared last night when I looked at the future weather forecast and 8 January was on there. My surgery can't be so close that we already can predict the weather, can it? There's so much I want to get done regarding dad's death and getting stuff for mom before then. Don't know if I will get it all done or not. And then, their beloved cat disappeared on the 23rd, coming back on Christmas Eve with an injury. She told me he was limping, so I thought it was minor. I saw him yesterday and his leg is really swollen and he doesn't want to put any weight on it. Since the roads are still slick, even though I hate to, we'll probably wait until Monday to take him to the vet. I'm afraid it is broken. Bless his heart, he had a hard time jumping into his favorite chair to snooze yesterday.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo DD's cat went out last night and has yet to be seen. He's old and underweight. We walked the woods and Dh walked the road. I feel bad if he never appears. He's not my favorite and I make idol threats about doing him in, but just spent 80$ on food to put some weight on him, which Beary has been eating as you all can see. I text DD and told her. Anyway, I hope your mom's cat is fine til Monday, dern things giving us grief. Perhaps our dum-dum will be back bouncing in, having no idea he was even missing.

    I swore I lost weight being sick since I having no appetite. But I am up. Dh is trying a delivery order of fast food.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo I hope kitty is OK. Poor guy!
    @shanaber nope not working new years whew. My friend is coming for a visit and I can't wait! Good luck with the biscuits! I believe they are like scones? Kneed kneed kneed!

    Last night of call last night. Called at 1am, was in till 430. So sleepy. So DH will take the kids out this avo so I can have another nap.

    I decided to pay for a year of MFP premium. I think I regret it already but will see. Started again yesterday. I managed to maintain my weight again this year, basically finishing the year within 1lb of last year! Haha. My first goal is a 7 day streak. Looking back I did so well Jan - April last year, and basically put it all back on. So I've set my goal for my actual goal.
    I'm aiming to lose 17kg in 2021 (37lb) so get into the middle of a healthy range.

    For January I am not going to buy my lunch. Instead I'm going to save what I would have spent. So when I want to buy lunch, I'll transfer the funds. I imagine I'll save over $100 by the end of the month!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo biggest hugs. Grief is so hard. And sorry about the rail! Why does it all seem to come at once!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I agree yesterday was NOT your day. Omg dealing with broken micro and clothes rack is bad enough. But your dad ... it’s just so unbelievable. And where he got it.

    My MIL and her BF need to go to doctor to get checked for their refills of various meds but she was able to call and beg for another couple months until they can get vaccine. I had told them the doctor’s offices are safe. But now I’m glad they don’t have to go. There was a sign up online in our county for vaccine for those over 65 and it filled up In 13 hours, and I couldn’t get them in.

    Weight is steady but still at the highest allowable number. Had an awesome five mile run to a Peloton Beatles run yesterday. Very fun. Holiday streak ends on the first the streak has been good for me, mentally.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @ddmom0811 I figured the doctor's office's would be safe too. Who knew? I'm glad your MIL and BF were able to get refills without having to go in.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo I hear you. It seems it's been one thing after another and unrelenting. Try to look at things a bit quirky, perhaps the broken bracket is your dad telling you to "hang in there", item by item you'll get back to functional. I still think everything is a message from Alex.

    I want to get out and go walk, which is ambitious. I'll try to walk the 0.1 mile to the gate and back for a massive 0.2 mi walk. Or maybe I'll walk the woods for Goober.

    @shanaber no shenanigans yet this week. He ate an acorn this morning and made lots of racket, Beary is following it around, I think he misses his play buddy. I feel so bad for dd, losing her brother and her childhood pet in the same year. Anyway, Bob is still a wonderful housemate. I cleaned and replaced the consumables the other day. Not hard at all. He's amazing with the pet fur.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @swenson19d If it is a message from my dad, I wish he would have found a less labor intensive way to do it. LOL

    I didn't walk much today either. Finally was able to drive my car out of the driveway - still a large spot that is icy, but I can navigate that. I just wasn't home much today, so no walk. Hope you managed to get in some and was relatively pain free.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo Glad you got out today, er yesterday... Now when you think of getting your hanging clothes, each one will be like a hug from your dad? I hope.

    I woke in a mood. I seriously think I am autistic. I started watching a show that features the main character as an autistic individual. I swear these shows are just permission for me to be me. I cleaned the kitchen yesterday (removing covid germs) and now the trash was full and stuff on the counter, I went on about the mess (it is in my way and I can't focus on how to get my tea with this mess), and DH is attacked. I told him ADD is butt hole jerk disorder (different words). I'm not mad, its just a mess. who likes mess? I am tired and seem to have zero filter this morning. Perhaps a nap. I need to do violin too.

    Bear is lovey. I need more caffeine. Still no missing cat. DD did come home when I told her he was missing and is hiding in her room. The fat cat (Chyckn/Bean. I 've been calling her Bunny today because her chunky cat cheeks make her look like the Cadbury bunny), she loves her so much, perhaps DD will allow her to take the place of Goober. Dh and I walked looking for him yesterday again.

    I'm a bit jerky
    I hadn't resumed the antidepressant other than the one dose. Honestly being sick I hadn't thought about it, which means I may be ready to be off it. Neuro the 7th. I am on the fence about scheduling the MRI, maybe I can do it the same day. DH's insurance is dumb, mine lapsed and they can't seem to understand they are now responsible.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Thinking of you today @quilteryoyo. I like the way @swenson19 put it, lots of hugs from your dad.

    2 days of eating well, and my weight went up this morning bahaha. Typical fluctuations. I have my meals all planned again. It really is the easiest way for me to stick to plan.

    I'm working ED this morning, so up at 530 for a stationary bike ride and weights. First time doing weights in a couple of weeks. I'm going to be sore tomorrow lol. We are so so short staffed today. Unsure how it's going to work...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    Thanks ladies.

    @swenson19d Sorry Goober didn't come back. If I remember correctly, you said he was old. He probably went off and went to sleep for the last time. For some reason, they seem to want to be alone when they go. Sorry you had a moody day. It's understandable.

    @Avidkeo Doesn't that make you irritated - eat well and gain? It always does me, even if I know it is normal fluctuations. Good for you for getting up early to get your exercise in.

    We did take mom's cat to the vet today. Turns out he got in a cat fight. Why? He's neutered, so no raging hormones. Anyway, they shaved that part of his leg. I saw 3 puncture wounds that are still oozing a bit. They said he had a big abscess. Now he has to get 2 doses of antibiotics for 14 days - guess who is going to help her do that every morning and evening until I can't? We did schedule his follow up for the 7th, so I can take him. He was more loving than normal after we brought him home. I guess he knew we helped him.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    Oh, I got another notice from the IRS today that I didn't pay my 2019 taxes. Don't know if you recall I got one in August and found out that because I still have my husband's name, and mine, on the checks, but not our SSS#s, that the check I had sent in May was just sitting, waiting to be associated with an account and processed. That was supposed to have been taken care of. They did say that it can take 120 days. It's been 137 days since I talked to them. I'm sure they just automatically sent it, but will have to call to make sure. So, another item to add to the to do list. :disappointed:

    I did get a couple of things done on my list, or at least started today. Got some things from the funeral home, talked to a lawyer about the probate process (of course doing that is adding items to my list too), and took her hearing aids to be sent off and hopefully fixed by next week. Also moved one of her phones to a different phone jack (it's a long story but not as easy as that sounds like it should be) so I can call about getting her TTY phone set up, which I hope we can do before the 8th too. But, I misplaced the phone number, so will have to get that tomorrow before I can call them to schedule. I feel like I did 3 things and added 4 to the list.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo Ya Goob might have. IDK, he bounded outside like he needed to go and is usually back in 10 minutes. Oh well. He was a bad cat and would pee on stuff, so I am enjoying being able to put stuff here and there and leave the closet door open and DH's office open. I am glad your mom's cat is better. Goob was neutered and he'd still fight too, so many vet visits with those abscessed bites.

    Dh has this "daughter" that's not a daughter, but he's tried to help her get her life on track. She is on drugs, abusive and abused, and has lost her kids to the system. They phoned wanting to know if we'd take them. I said NO WAY. But I feel a bit convicted over it. DH is a grumpy pain and I do not wanna play snot nose round-up with kids 24-7 and deal with Mr grump. I did my time and messed them all up just fine.. ugh. I don't know what'll become of it. They are 2 and 6 both girls. Anyway, think good thoughts for these girls.

    I've ordered 3-4 things from amazon today. Dh said I can quit buying stuff. I may have a problem. But since Goob is lost, I bought collars for the remaining cats and USB/HDMI adapter so I can watch my 80$ violin DVDs that arrived from the UK today, they won't play on my laptop. So I am hoping the HDMI will work since it seems my USB is too slow. Or I can use DH's, but I wanna use my stuff. I also ordered 2 new hepa air filter towers as the one we have is gross and 10 years old. It's growing black hair and I can't get in to clean that part. yuck.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    Thoughts for those two girls. It's so sad all the way around.