Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,021 Member
    I'm glad your port surgery is healing well @shanaber and that you will finally be able to take a shower, today, I hope. I've never had to take chemo, thankfully, but have heard you will probably be okay for a couple of days, have a horrible day, and then more good days. I'm not saying this to be a downer, but so you will be prepared and know it is normal. Maybe ask when you go in and see what they say is normal. I don't know if all chemo is the same, but have heard a lot of people like to take ginger cookies to snack on or ginger ale to drink. It seems to set well on the stomach. Do you know how many treatments you are going to have? I hope not many, they do the job, and you are back to walking and running soon! Prayers.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo - we had a phone call from one of the chemo nurses who went over everything with us. The drugs effect everyone differently and can even cause side affects while you are having the infusion. She said typical is for it to hit in the next 24-48 hours and then get progressively better. I have sessions every 2 weeks for 6 months assuming I can tolerate it for that long. They also do blood work every 2 weeks and CT scans regularly. The cancer center provides snacks and drinks like ginger ale. I did buy some old fashioned ginger snaps like I had as a kid. I like them anyway and have already been snacking on them 😊
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,021 Member
    I'm glad you got that feedback @shanaber . I hope you tolerate it well and it kills those nasty cells. Thanks for keeping us/me updated.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,021 Member
    I hope things went as well as possible yesterday @shanaber !
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo! It went pretty well without a lot of side affects. I was pretty stressed out before we even left the house as evidenced by my very high BP and a bit of maybe a panic attack in the waiting room. They didn't get me in until a bit after 10 (my appointment was at 9) and the chemo infusion didn't even start for an another hour+. It was a long day! I left the center a bit after 4pm. The only side affect so far has been a general feeling of jitteriness(?). It really feels strange allmost like my heart is racing but it isn't, but my hands are shaky. So weird!
    I hope you and all of your family are safe from all the storms!!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,021 Member
    @shanaber That sounds like how I feel when I use my albuterol nebulizer. Jittery. I'm glad that you got along okay. It is reasonable that you were nervous and a bit panicked. I think everyone would be. I hope you get along well the rest of the week. We are safe from the storms. Lots of water, but no damage to anything.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    This thread has gone silent!
    @CMorning99 - you out there and still doing ok? I think you must be retired now. Did you decide on doing some contracting or just relaxing for a bit? How are you doing now with exercise and food?
    @swenson19d - How are the pups and kitties all doing? How are you doing with all the pain? I hope better! What are your next steps for school? Has it started already?

    I miss hearing from you both!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,021 Member
    I miss them too @shanaber . I hope they are doing well. I am so glad that you are posting and doing so well. It makes me very happy.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    edited September 2023
    Good morning everyone!

    I told myself I NEEDED to see what everyone was up to!

    @Shanaber Thank you for all the updates - chemo is such the pits and so ick. How are you doing now?

    All is well here. Yes I am officially retired now - not on paid vacation. I have been adjusting, I think. August flew by! I really thought that it would drag as I really had nothing planned but holy heck...a blink and it was gone! DH had to take 2 weeks of vacation in August as well because he was over his allowed time (he had been saving it up for the trial which still has not happened) so it was great, we just hung out and enjoyed spending time with each other. I started off my paid vacation with a schedule and cracked the whip...but alas it only lasted 10 days before I was so dang tired.

    Property: Oh the drama. So my neighbor told me about Senate Bill 9 that was signed in Jan that was a state law to try and increase available housing in the State. It pretty much voided all the county's red tape INCLUDING the developmental credit I paid $25K for. My project manager (who seriously needs a mega bonus) reached out to the county and asked what was up...the county played dumb but acknowledged I did qualify for the permit. So we started all the permits again and I had to sign an affidavit that I was "developing" the property for residential use only (no short term rentals). Under the new law my neighbor who had previously not been able to divide b/c he is .01 acres short of 10, would be able to divide. Fast forward 30 days the County "announced" they had redrawn some maps (IDK what ones) and they didn't know if I qualified. Long story short, somehow I allegedly still qualify and my neighbor does not. Sounds like the County tried to do some quick damage control once they realized the cat was out of the bag. Seriously? This should be a straight forward admin process..but somehow I feel it is personal. So hopefully I get the credit money back AND allegedly the State capped the permit fees at $3K - so I should hopefully get about $10K back on fees I have already paid. We still don't have the grading report back, I think that some of the requirements were removed with SB9 so I "think" that is what we are waiting on. I did get the easement legal paperwork done though. Project manager is hoping we will be done before the end of the year.

    Retirement: Still trying my hand a reselling. Although if I had to be honest with myself, I am putting a lot more effort into it, but probably not enough. Sales are steady which means they are growing b/c there are been a lot of glitches in the platforms and so many others took big cuts in profits. I am waiting on the VA determination for my benefits - they have 30-60 days after separation (1 Sep) to do it. A lot of my friends got theirs within a week or two but I also filed at the end of my window and the VA sent me 300 miles round trip for an 8 min pulmonary function test a week before my separation date so I am not expecting my rating as fast.

    Black cat is doing well. We have been able to push his chemo out to every 5 weeks and he is doing well. His weight seems to have leveled off and he has officially gained back about 1lb. He has developed a bit of a cough but the vet ran every test under the sun and pretty much came up with he is a 16 y/o cat with cancer...he is not gonna be a kitten all the time. Well damn. The neighborhood cat the previous owners used to feed (He belonged to an old man who died awhile back and so allegedly the "neighborhood" adopted him...I don't know how long ago though) has been coming to our door meowing like he is hungry. I wonder if the other old man who was feeding him is not for some reason? I "think" someone takes/took care of him b/c a couple months ago I noticed it looked like his back legs had been shaved for treatment of a skin issue. DH and I tried to resist and send him home but he persisted and the previous owners had left a big jar of cat food for him so we put it out and was very hungry. DH and I are still grieving grey cat and the thought of another cat is not appealing, not to mention he is very much an outdoor cat and a bit skittish.

    My weight has leveled off and I have not gained anything for 2 months - right at 185lbs so that is officially a 30lb gain in the last 3 years. I start to track but lose it by mid day - such a hassle...and when did MFP make barcode scanning a paid feature? WTF! When I first started my paid vacay I walked every morning for 30 min everyday. I need to start doing that but for some reason I am! Not sleepy, if I lay down I don't sleep. IDK what is going on with me, I have never felt so "weak" and "tired". I have always prided myself in my mental fortitude and willpower and it seems gone. I actually had an anxiety attack in the middle of the night the other day - it was about PD (Psycho doc neighbor). It seems my carefully crafted mental compartments are cracking. I guess I took more damaged that I admit to myself in my career and combat deployments and obviously my mom. I was watching some YouTube video and it was talking about how people (specifically military) learn to disassociate or dehumanize events...well I seem to have excelled at that. I think back at how I handled my mom's death and it was eerily too calm and sterile...I had disassociated. And perhaps this is all coming back to bite me as in a book called "the body keeps score"...I don't want to handle it, I don't want to admit it...I just want to feel like I used to.

    Well that was a bit of a downer LOL. But in all honestly I have so much to be grateful for and while the future is fuzzy - everything is going well and will go well! Well time to get my shipping done...yeah $$$$!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,021 Member

    Thanks for checking in @CMorning99 ! I don't think I knew that Grey cat passed away. I'm sorry to hear that. Glad that black cat is stable. Feeding the stray cat will "make" it yours. They know where they can get food. But it is so hard not to when you know they are hungry, I get it. Sounds like the house stuff is going some better. I hope you at least get started on the build soon. I would be upset if I were your neighbor that didn't qualify by only .01 acre. Can you give him that much somehow? You always think that you'll be bored when you retire, but somehow the time gets used up and you wonder where it went. It's so weird. I hope they get your VA benefits figured out soon. Can you get paid for mileage, since they sent you so far away for the pulmonary test? I know I have probably mentioned this before, but journaling may help you sort out some of your feelings about everything. Major changes in life circumstances (i.e. retirement, moving, building a house) are stressful and can make you tired. All of that uses up so much of your body's energy without you realizing it. Take care of yourself. I hope things go well with the reselling and the house. Keep us informed, please.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning and Happy Monday!

    @quilteryoyo Grey cat passed away Memorial Day weekend...we just couldn't control the symptoms any longer of his heart failure.

    Well, life has been a roller coaster for sure!

    Overall things are going very well. We are happy, healthy and have all we need and/or want.

    We started feeding the "neighborhood cat" who had been living around here for I guess a couple years. Unfortunately shortly after our neighbor who also helped feed her found her deceased...seems a dog got her. I felt so guilty because DH and I were coming around to the idea of "catnabbing" her.

    We also got word that the trial date was vacated with no new date due to the defense finding some issue with "discovery" that evidently they "missed" in the last 6 months the trial had been scheduled. I learned that this a common tactic of these types of attorneys, ones that represent guilty people and specialize in getting them a reduced sentence. He is delaying in order to weaken the prosecutions witnesses and evidence through time...he is also a piece of work, he can really talk you into circles and confuse you...he tried that on the medical examiner and she shut him down LOL. But my 75 year old neighbor? He is going to be easy pickings. Thankfully there is a lot of physical evidence so maybe it won't be an issue...and with all the nitpicking...LS can't say he wasn't given fair or good representation. Next "meeting" is end of Oct.

    We are supposed to hear this week on the approval of the property split! And hopefully we can collect our money back! It is not a moment too late ... our landlord says the owners want to move back into the house and keeps hinting that they would be happy to release us from the lease early. She even said they were thinking of moving into the "ADU" on the side of the house.. DH and I looked and it is a 2 car detached garage we aren't allowed to use, so not sure they know what their plans are. According the the landlord and former owner, this house is their dream house...IDK...I wouldn't want to live here forever LOL. We are pretty sure that the house next to us is involved in the cartel and ICE came and did a raid a couple weeks back and took a bunch of folks away. Then there are the crazy drivers racing on the streets and the evening fireworks every night...also not to mention when they launch from south base, this house SHAKES....It can't be good for it. It is an older home, but Vandenberg is now launching almost weekly vs every other month.

    Started walking last week, just 3x a week. It is a lot more manageable than every day like when I first started. No weight loss but holding steady. I always had to work so hard to loose and maintain weight, perhaps it was not my "meant to be weight?"...IDK, but I don't like the weight I am carrying...but evidently not enough to do something serious about it LOL

    My business is going well! A lot hinges on what the VA is going to give me on if it will be enough but my sales are climbing as I get more consistent...although sometimes I am pretty sure I work more now that I did with the military LOL.

    I hope everyone has a great week and looking forward to fall! Thinking of ya'll.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    Hello All!
    Sorry I have been so absent lately. I have been pretty tired and have not been feeling very chatty.
    I was so happy to see your posts @CMorning99 this most recent one looks like you are settling into retirement well. I did find it surprising when I first retired how busy we were and it made me wonder how I was able to work and get everything done.
    Reading about all the postponements in the trial just makes me just sad, especially for you dealing with it for so long. It is no wonder that the criminal cases seem to go on and on and on without closure for years. Is LS in jail I hope and not out on bond living and enjoying himself?
    Are you looking for a new place or just going to stay put until the landlord starts pushing you to move out? Very happy your reselling is taking off!
    Hope you hear on the property split and get the money back! it must be exciting to finally see things moving forward even slowly!

    I am doing ok. Chemo is taking its toll as we get further in but I did expect it to be just that way. Actually I expected worse. I have had a couple of bad side affects during the infusion where my body experiences a fight or flight reaction. I get cold sweats where I hot and cold at the same time, my HR races, my skin flushes, my stomach hurts and I shake all over - kind of like a panic attack I would imagine. I totally panicked my nurses yesterday and it took them a bit to get me the atropine that fixes it. They paused the infusion and gave me the med and within minutes I was getting back to normal. I felt like a bus had hit me though for the rest of the day. All in all though other than being tired I haven't felt too bad and I still have most of my hair too although it is getting pretty thin.
    The one piece of bad news though is from the PETScan - There was a positive area at the top of the surgical area (near my breast bone). My oncologist thinks it may be a metastasized lymph node and could also explain why my tumor markers remain so high (under 50 is normal and mine are over 100x that). I have a biopsy scheduled on Thursday that will hopefully give some answers. He also ordered a specialized blood test that looks for 55 different genetic cancer markers. It will be at least a week until we get those results back and then the oncologist will determine how we move forward.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,021 Member
    @CMorning99 Sounds like things are going okay, except for the trial. I don't know that I could handle all of that nonsense. Walking 3 days a week is great! I hope you are able to keep that up. And, I know I work harder now that I am retired than I did when I was in the AF. You just seem to find things that have to be done and occupy all of you time - or more than the time you have. I hope the house building gets started soon and your current living arrangements work out - or you find something better.

    @shanaber I'm glad that chemo is going better than you expected. Those "panic attacks" sound awful though. Also sorry to hear about the not so good PET scan results. I hope the biopsy went well and that you get some good news from it. Hugs and prayers.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning!

    @shanaber Boo on the PET scan - I am so glad they caught it though and can address it ASAP.

    Not much going on I reckon'.

    Things are moving with the property split - yesterday we got conditional approval for the SB-9 permit. Thank god for my project manager who is catching some of their BS. The county has straight up said this is the first one and they are "learning" right along with us. Yeah well folks, your "learning" costs me money. I am now waiting on the official list of "to do's" for final approval. I know we have to submit a final map and the driveway upgrade is still on the table. And don't get me started on the survey company - they are terrible. I am not sure where the house is, I think we are waiting on the final soils signature once they review the engineering for the foundation. I would never tell anyone to build their "dream" house LOL.

    I am still adjusting to retirement. I am at war with myself. Sometimes I just want the easy way out and go get a job with DH. Nothing is going wrong with reselling and I am growing and doing actually really well - but IDK...I feel like I am wasting my time? Talent? Who bloody head is a hot mess.

    I haven't walked this week yet, I have been tired...the bone deep tiredness. I guess it wasn't work causing it, something else is going on. I suspect it is a myriad of things. No word from the VA yet on my claim. I am giving myself till then to figure out what a I am going to do.

    Black cat is doing ok. He is slowing down and he only has 1 front leg and 17 years of use has caused significant arthritis. We give him monthly arthritis shots and daily pain meds but I think it is bothering him. His appetite is meh too even with the stim-pak. He is also howling in the box. He doesn't have crystals so it must be his IBS. Vet says he is as healthy as expected so we will just keep going.

    Well, it is about time to take my sales to the post office and get started on the next batch. Oh and study for my drivers test - evidently I have to take the written test to get a Cali drivers license...then I will be an official Cali resident and have to start paying state tax..grump.

    Have a great week!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,021 Member
    @CMorning99 Sounds like things are going well. I think I would give up on California if I had to go through all of that to build a house. I think all we had to worry about was a septic tank permit. The rest was quick and easy. Deciding what to do after retirement is hard. The good thing is that you can try different things and don't HAVE to have the money, so you can move on to something else if it isn't for you. You'll figure it out. Just don't rush yourself. You have a lot of other things to worry about right now.... like all of the house stuff.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @CMorning99 - do you have to take the driving test too? My DH found a bunch of practice tests on YouTube that he practiced with whenever he was just sitting around, I even got involved discussing/answering some of the questions that we thought were really odd. When he took the written test he had no issue.
    I wouldn't rule out the stress factor making you so tried. I think it takes a while for the work stress to let go and retiring and figuring all that out is stressful in and of itself. It takes time to adjust to the changes. Also it is hard when you have identified yourself as XYZ for forever and now you don't know where you fit. Doing resale was always something you did on the side and no it doesn't seem as important as a 'real' job...Like @quilteryoyo said, take your time and get adjusted to everything new and all the things going on for the property and house. You can always get a job later if you get bored and want something else to do.

    I am doing pretty well all things considered. I am so thankful to have a week in between chemo appointments that feel almost normal. I do get a bit anxious now in the days before chemo. I guess that is normal but I am not used to it. Mostly it is impacting my sleep. I typically get a solid 8 hours sleep and I am waking up now around 3 or 4am and can't get back to a sound sleep. I toss and turn and eventually get up around 7. It gets worse the closer the chemo date gets. This week will be my 5th session. After my 6th we are going to take a couple days and drive up the coast to Pismo Beach. It is apparently a very dog friendly town and all the rooms at the hotel are dog friendly. We will have a balcony facing the ocean and I plan on taking some beach walks and just sitting on the balcony watching the ocean. Also the Monarch butterfly grove will be open! I am hoping the monarchs will be migrating by the time we are there. I guess the prime time to see them is later in November.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,021 Member
    I think you are amazing with how you are handling everything @shanaber . Have you talked to your doctor about the sleep? They may be able to give you something to help. That trip up the coast sounds amazing.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning!

    @shanaber I glad you are moving through chemo somewhat smoothly and getting some breaks to live life. Pismo! That is my hometown! Actually it is Arroyo Grande...but close :smile: I think it is supposed to cool down next week...this week we are allegedly going back up to the 90s for a few days.

    @shanaber @quilteryoyo. Thank you for all the kind words. It is times like this when I miss my Mom so much...she always knew what to say :). I knew this could be hard but I got the wrong the stuff that is hard. I thought I would miss being in uniform and going to work...but no, the hard part is the future...not the past.

    So what has been going on. Not much last week really. I did pass my DL written test, I hadn't been that nervous in a long time LOL. We had a really low key weekend - it was supposed to rain (they lied) so we decided to hunker down for the weekend. We hunkered so hard we actually got bored LOL.

    This week is starting off kinda hard - frustrating is probably the better word and it is straining my levels of stress. Not even things that should be stressful...just I am sick of it. I really believe in positive thinking but damn it is hard. But is days/weeks like this when I am glad I work for myself - I don't think I could concentrate at a job.

    I finally got my first retirement pay stub and noticed they were taking out $200 a month for life insurance annuity. Now this program is 1000% a scam and I am pretty sure it is run by a big insurance company with big congressional lobbyists. 1) They send you so much material before you retire on how screwed your family is if you die and how cheap the plans are (we are talking like 50 page documents). 2) If you ignore it you are automatically signed up 3) If you don't want it, you have to go talk to a rep to explain why you don't want it and then sign a stack of paperwork with witnesses and notary (you and your spouse) 4) The decline forms are treated as legal documents and heavily scrutinized for errors - any errors deem the form invalid and you are signed up without your consent 5) If you are signed up the only way to stop it is to submit a case with the Board of Military Corrections (DC level) and request a review on any errors 5) If that fails you are required to pay 25 months worth of premiums before you are allowed to submit the forms again to decline coverage...again must be witnessed and notarized and signed by all affected.

    So on my form I formatted a date incorrectly and it was deemed invalid. FML. I am going to go talk to the Rep who is supposed to help you do it correctly and I will probably have to submit to the BMC for review...either way, I won't get the money back.

    I got notified of another VA appt in 2 weeks. So much for the "filing early" program where everything is supposed to be done before you retire. But I guess after a month of ghosting me, they must have looked at my records...maybe they will actually pay my travel mileage.

    So today I am wrapping up Sep sales - we will see if there are any returns. But in 1 month, I doubled my earnings so that is great! I mean, I couldn't live off it it but it is extra pay the life insurance premiums (sarcastic laughing). I don't know if I can put any more time towards reselling - I am busy all day so it will be interesting to see if I stay at this level.

    I went for my morning walk and it was nice. I can't say I feel any better or worse for it but it was nice. I need to log my calories in MFP, it seems that is the only thing that is going to help me at this point.

    Black cat is doing well..he decided he liked a specific flavor of kidney diet..of course it was the one that costs $76 for a case of 24 but...he is worth it.

    I hope every one is having a great week and having nice weather and getting excited for everything pumpkin spice and everything nice :)

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,021 Member
    @CMorning99 I'm glad I didn't have to go through all of that with the insurance when I retired. That is crazy, and, like you said, sounds like a total scam. That's just not right. Congrats on passing your drivers test. Those things are stressful. I'm glad your reselling is going well. Sounds like that may just continue to be a side kick for extra money and not your primary form of future income. Retirement is almost like being a senior in HS or College again - deciding on what you want to do with your future. The best part, though, as I said before, is that you have your retirement income already, so it's not like you don't have any income while you are deciding and, you can change your mind a lot easier. Great job on the walk. I need to start logging better too, but it's so hard when I am not cooking an have to guess at the serving size and calories. Hope you have a great week.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @CMorning99 - I always hated the Life insurance annuity ‘options’ when selecting coverage at work each year. They always worded it in such a way to be confusing as to what you were or weren’t signing up for. Such a scam! I hope you can get it straightened out without too much aggravation!
    It is great that your reselling is going so well! I am sure it will pick up as we get closer to the holidays too!

    We are hot again now too - was in the high 90’s yesterday and may hit 100 today 🥵 Of course we have a family lunch to go to where we planned to sit outside. I am just hoping there will be plenty of shade or the restaurant isn’t too busy so we can sit inside if necessary. The only saving grace is that the humidity is really low. Interestingly we are supposed to be having the Santa Ana wind too but haven’t seen it yet.

    I also hate logging when you can’t find the nutrition info from a restaurant or when it is food cooked by someone else. With our kitchen out still we have been eating out a lot, still trying to be healthy but when I have no idea I just don’t log it. I am not too concerned about losing weight (need to at least maintain or even gain a little) but I like to know I am eating enough and getting plenty of protein.

    After the last couple of issues with my treatments the doctor changed the amount and timing of one of the meds that help with the side affects and wow it was so much better. At the time it was better, now ‘panic attack’ symptoms and this week has been pretty darn good. I just find things tire me out pretty quickly. Yesterday I had an appointment to take my MacBook in for repairs. It is 5 years old and the battery won’t stay charged. Considered getting a new one but mine has been so reliable and the new ones are SO expensive it just made more sense to spend the $249 to get the battery replaced. She also said they may end up replacing the full top including the keyboard and touch pad. The Apple Store was packed and so loud even while the mall wasn’t too busy. It surprised us that it would be so busy on a midday Thursday. By the time we left I was done with nothing left in the tank. I’m also to the point of wearing a hat or scarf most of the time when we go out now. I still have lots of hair but it is so thin and looks goofy besides worrying about getting my head sunburned. I have never liked wearing a hat other than when running so I am trying to get used to it now.