


  • dr_russky
    dr_russky Posts: 33 Member
    temazur wrote: »
    Mine still hasn't synced. Anyone else unsynced still?

    I still have two days of steps that haven't synced. I agree with multiple posters above that mfp should notify us via email with status updates and an ETA on a fix.
  • rupinjm
    rupinjm Posts: 1 Member
    My fitbit isn't syncing either. Hopefully this is repaired soon
  • helenchadwick01
    helenchadwick01 Posts: 4 Member
    Mines all up and running again, I turned Bluetooth off and on and they appeared, a coincidence perhaps, but at least it’s working!
  • helenchadwick01
    helenchadwick01 Posts: 4 Member
    Mines gone again, back to no steps, but do have calorie adjustment
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Thought it was fixed, but once again not communicating either food to Fitbit, or steps back to MFP.
  • kbrantley0835
    kbrantley0835 Posts: 3 Member
    Mine is syncing 24 hours at a time. I just got yesterdays synced but nothing for today's entries.
  • AKTipsyCat
    AKTipsyCat Posts: 240 Member
    I finally got the last two days to sync but not today. I think it's on a huge lag for some reason. wondering if it's an issue with the cloud services I heard has caused other sites to go down
  • AKTipsyCat
    AKTipsyCat Posts: 240 Member
    also... they updated it this morning but it still basically says the same thing.
  • tplace1976
    tplace1976 Posts: 1 Member
    Just started to see my food from MFP start to show up in Fitbit. But no steps or exercise showing up in MFP from Fitbit. Seems a slow drip of resolution rolling out.
  • dcpassmore
    dcpassmore Posts: 21 Member
    No sync here
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    Mine started working last night and seems to be synching this morning. Fingers crossed it's all resolved soon.
  • Taurussvt
    Taurussvt Posts: 1 Member
    Mine started working again late last night, stopped working this morning, started working again a little before noon, and stopped working again now.
  • Sephaar
    Sephaar Posts: 4 Member
    Honestly just glad I'm not the only one. I was getting concerned something was wrong on my end and I wasn't able to troubleshoot it :( Thank you for the links above with the explanation - hopefully this issue will be resolved soon because this is totally throwing off my stats groove ;):D
  • ginique
    ginique Posts: 49 Member
    MFP, how about at LEAST updating us in this post/discussion?! Like once a week I see a post (somewhere) from you guys saying do NOT try and do the revoke, disconnect & reconnect trick to try and get sync working because it bogs down the system even more. Well, people do that because they are left in the dark. COMMUNICATE PLEASE. This has been going on a long time

    Exactly! I noticed they added that whole bolded "do not try to disconnect and reconnect" part to their update, but they only added that AFTER this issue had already been going on for DAYS with no word from them on what was happening. Now they're bogged down with sync requests and are citing that as the reason why it's taking so long to repair. Because it's the users' fault, you see. :|

    If this isn't sorted out by Monday, I'm off to another app.
  • CDarbon
    CDarbon Posts: 5 Member
    I'm frustrated enough by the lack of ability to sync to ensure I don't under eat or overeat, whilst trying to loose a couple of stone. Just how difficult must this be for anyone on medical based low carb diets for diabetes and other conditions who rely on the app to monitor their total food intake. Five days with no hint of a resolution just isn't funny any more.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    For those saying you have no idea how much to eat with the extra activity you do.

    Look at device or Fitbit app.
    Look at figure for total calories burned today. Near dinner time best.

    Subtract 250, 500, 750, or 1000 depending on your deficit.

    Eat that much looking at MFP goal.

    Update near bedtime for final snack.