Weight Loss Victories



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    jjlewey wrote: »
    I had a small victory today. My wife wanted to go out to eat. She wanted Texas Roadhouse so we got there and I forgot to ask for table. As we were getting led to a booth I almost asked for a table instead but I thought maybe I will fit now. To my amazement I did! Not much room between belly and table, but space non the less. My wife even commented about it. The little things in life :)


    If you are anything like me the next time you go you will try to assess how much more space is between you and the table.

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    njenn86 wrote: »
    Current NSV is a huge leap in my physical fitness from earlier this year. On Sunday I hiked around the mountains for 2 hours, then drove into the city and walked around the zoo for another 3.5ish hours straight. I was exhausted by the end of the day, but I kept pace with my much fitter friend and didn't need to stop for breaks. That's a massive improvement for me :)

    That is excellent!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    amkita wrote: »
    I hit 20 lbs lost this morning! that's about 20% of my goal. feeling pretty good! and that's 20 less lbs I have to carry around town on my bike. 😃

    I also bought two 5 lb weights yesterday so I can do arm exercises (cans of beans weren't cutting it anymore!). as I carried them out to the car I thought, "wait, I used to be carrying 4 of these around with me? jeez."

    Good going. And having less weight to move around makes a big difference even though it is harder to notice when it happens incrementally. I have a fluid retention issue and not that long ago I ballooned up 20 pounds in 4 days. My backyard is sloped and carrying that extra 20 up the hill was hard. It felt like 50. I was so miserable and it was only about 2-2.5 months since I had weighed that much. I was really thankful when it subsided.
  • amkita
    amkita Posts: 183 Member
    @NovusDies whoa! yeah, that would definitely be a noticeable shift. I'm glad it reversed.

  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    edited August 2019
    amkita wrote: »
    ...as I carried them out to the car I thought, "wait, I used to be carrying 4 of these around with me? jeez."

    Isn't that a weird thought? I've lost a bit more now than my six-year-old daughter weighs. I can't imagine carrying her around all the time, but that's pretty much what I was doing at my heaviest.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    merph518 wrote: »
    amkita wrote: »
    ...as I carried them out to the car I thought, "wait, I used to be carrying 4 of these around with me? jeez."

    Isn't that a weird thought? I've lost a bit more now than my six-year-old daughter weighs. I can't imagine carrying her around all the time, but that's pretty much what I was doing at my heaviest.

    Yep. I see random men and I think that guy probably looks about 200 it was like I used to have him inside me. Then I wonder if I should find a better way to phrase that...
  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member

    Yes, better work on that phrasing.
  • amkita
    amkita Posts: 183 Member
    @NovusDies, phrasing.

    @merph518 definitely a weird thought! sorta nice though. I think people who have never been overweight/obese may not understand what carrying all that extra weight around feels like and how much it impacts everything you do. I'm looking forward to carrying less baggage around.

  • real_change
    real_change Posts: 53 Member
    I think @NovusDies makes me laugh at least once a day. I wish we had a lol choice like FB does. I greatly appreciate the positivity of this group. I'm struggling with that right now. I'm 5 weeks into an 8 week (or longer) surgery recovery and keep being surprised by how slowly I'm healing. I reverted to old patterns last night and ate my feelings with ice cream. However, two things are different this time. One, I logged everything (and realized I actually only ate about 200 calories over a maintenance day), and two, shut down the negative self talk. It's just one day, move on. I have a weight loss workbook I take notes in and wrote down something @NovusDies has said quite a bit. I don't have to lose weight every day. I just have to lose weight on most days. Yay for supportive communities!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I think @NovusDies makes me laugh at least once a day. I wish we had a lol choice like FB does. I greatly appreciate the positivity of this group. I'm struggling with that right now. I'm 5 weeks into an 8 week (or longer) surgery recovery and keep being surprised by how slowly I'm healing. I reverted to old patterns last night and ate my feelings with ice cream. However, two things are different this time. One, I logged everything (and realized I actually only ate about 200 calories over a maintenance day), and two, shut down the negative self talk. It's just one day, move on. I have a weight loss workbook I take notes in and wrote down something @NovusDies has said quite a bit. I don't have to lose weight every day. I just have to lose weight on most days. Yay for supportive communities!

    I am just trying to fit the stereotype that fat people are supposed to be jolly.

    Keep in mind that a lot of what I say are things that I learned from others. I am a fairly decent repository. I may have said that too soon after the men inside me thing...

    Sounds like you are doing fine with the right mindset. Hopefully your body will cooperate and get this recovery moving along faster for you.

    Knowing that you intend to log something really helps keep the lid on things growing out of control, at least for me. You did a great job keeping that contained to your maintenance calories and you have every reason to post that in a weight loss victory thread. Bravo! I know you went over 200 but, to me, that keeps you in the victory lane. 200 is not a problem in a day it is a problem if you were over that much for weeks and months. Besides we have to eat to live so being afraid of calories is counterproductive.

    Today is a 'new day' which is incidentally what my user name actually means. Don't tell anyone though because if someone thinks the 'dies' in it is murdery somehow I won't mind. :wink:
  • amkita
    amkita Posts: 183 Member
    @real_change it's hard not to be hard on yourself during surgery recovery. last year I had my thyroid removed, which was my first (and hopefully only?) surgery. I kept thinking I should be feeling better by 4, 5, 6 weeks, but it didn't work out that way and I got pretty down on myself. it's important to remind yourself that you will feel better, and try to ease up on yourself.

    heck, I wasn't even trying to lose weight at the time! my goal was two consecutive days without a nap. hang in there! 😃

    p.s. @NovusDies I won't tell
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I advise people to take pictures but I am kind of horrible at keeping up with it myself. I took my -212 pictures today. I do not find my appearance (fully clothed) to be "shocking" anymore. I can't do them in any state of undress because the loose skin is quite unpleasant. My last set was -134 so I have really done a terrible job at doing it.
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I keep forgetting to do progress pics too, I might try to do some tomorrow.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    jim_pipkin wrote: »
    Started Nov 4 last year with 175 pounds to lose. NSV for me lately was my annual physical yesterday. Down 115 pounds from a year ago. Cholesterol, blood sugar, ALL levels in the "normal" range. Workouts are no longer a "chore", I am starting to look forward to them, so there's that as well. Doc was very encouraged, told me lots of his obese patients say they are going to do this, few get as far as I have. We've set a follow-up for six months out.

    You have done a great job and deserve to be reaping the health rewards and additional freedom of movement that goes alone with it. My doctor's comments to be were similar and it was one of the motivations for starting this group.