Debating trying my ground beef diet again



  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Wow, GaleH. I hope your wife is feeling stronger soon and that she knits up well!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Thanks @canadjineh. We can tell she is feeling stronger and joking more. This week is to be her first visit back to the surgeon plus she has two PT days. She is the type to push for 20 hours day after day so the down time may be helpful for her plus for me to realize the need to help her more around the place now that I can do more.

    While the daughter was in this weekend she retrained me on the cat, dog and horse needs. In the process of buying and installing a 6' 10'x10' covered dog kennel yesterday and going getting the trailer and returning it I ate 1.5 pounds of fresh ground beef by the way during 3 McD stops.

    The story behind having 8 puppies with 6 left (now 50 pounds each) is we live in a dog drop zone it seems and the mom dropped 8 female pups 5 months ago in thanks for feeding her all winter. :) My wife and daughter has done such a good job of training them I want to keep them all and we make keep three. One we were planning to let go yesterday when I got back from taking the truck home was at my car door with an empty water bottle that had fallen out earlier during the day that I did not pick up in the rush. When I took it she let go and I dropped it in the trash can. Animals doing things like that ( It is hard for me to bend over and do) boggles my mind without training. We also picked up 10 more 16' cattle panels and 15 T posts while we were at TSC with the trailer.

    The reason I did .5 pounds of fresh beef 3x yesterday was I was running hard all day and have been trying to get my protein up being a 68 year old male to help reduce premature death from all causes.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 3,513 Member
    GaleHawkins, glad the wife is coming along. So great you get to return the loving care she had given to you before.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    @GaleHawkins You are an inspiration! I hope you wife recovers well and you both live long and prosper. :smiley:
  • desertmyst
    desertmyst Posts: 5 Member
    sorry but bumping this up as I'd like to read FIT_Goat's blog.... this sounds interesting and something my BF might want to join me in. :)
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