August Goals - Daily Check In



  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member

    OK, I am in denial. WHAT??
    But I am so sore from the 10K Run yesterday, I probably have massive water weight.
    Did stretch a lot before and after. But I was so busy, didn't get a chance to rest. Had my dinner at a friends house for her daughters birthday. (LOTS of cheese!!!) So I'm not gonna stress about it and focus on starting fresh this week.

    WTG on the 10k!!!! That's an impressive accomplishment!

    Thank you @cayenne_007 ! It was a FUN run with my son! Wasn't as hard as the last one I did.
  • amn0619
    amn0619 Posts: 211 Member
    Goal #1: movement every day
    Goal #2: track food intake every day up until vacation
    Goal #3: try to live in moderation during vacation - not restrict but not let myself get out of control

    1/8 - 141.1. Did a 45 min RPM class and a 25 min walk with my dog this morning before work. Have tracked everything I've eaten so far today. Very stressful work day here, trying to keep snacking at a minimum to stay at my calorie goal.

    2/8 - 141.8. UGH. I had a late dinner with a friend, she made a meal from Blue Apron and it was delicious but higher in calories and sodium than I usually eat. I'm really hoping the uptick is due to the late time I ate and sodium and that it drops off soon. Today is my rest day from the gym but my goal is to take a long walk, and track all my food again.

    3/8 - 141.1. Yesterday went well. Plan for today is to not go crazy since it’s a weekend. Will take a long walk with the dog, go to the gym, try to get some chores done at home, and enjoy a date night with my husband tonight and try to moderate my food intake at dinner.

    4/8 - 141.3. I’m happy it’s not more and that I didn’t go too crazy at dinner (although we had Mexican so I had too many chips and everything was full of sodium). But I’m tired of seeing this number and I’m ready to get to the 130’s and stay there. Goals today: track all food and stay at calorie goal, long walk with dog, take a combat class at gym, enjoy time at the pool with my family.

    5/8 - 141.1. Can I break this trend tomorrow? Let's hope. Got lots of movement in yesterday, hour walk, 1hr 10 min workout, and cleaned my house so I ended with over 19k steps. Ate too much at dinner though. Probably could get away with less movement so maybe I won't eat as much...

    6/8 - 141.1. I'm mentally stuck. Did a cycle class yesterday, and over an hour walk with the dog. But I ate too much again. Leftover pizza for lunch, too many calories.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    SW: 109.4
    BF: 21.6%
    GW by end of August: 107
    GW final: 105
    GBF final: 20%

    Goal #1: OTF 3x week
    Goal #2: Lower body fat to 20%
    Goal #3: Reduce/eliminate alcohol consumption for month of August (me too!!!)

    8/1 109.4/21.6%
    8/2 110 / 21.4%
    8/5 111 didn't even check the BF
    8/6 110 / 21.6%

    OK, so I was losing more fat faster when I was on Keto. After going back on Low Carb, I think it slowed down and I been feeling a bit more bloated. Not sure why- perhaps carb adjusting? Anyway, I am going back the way I ate and recomp my macros to 70% Fat, 20% Protein and 10% Carb. Let's see if this kicks me back in gear!
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    SW: 145.8
    August GW: 140
    GW: 133

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 39
    Band: 34
    Waist: 29
    Hips 38.5

    Beach vacation from the 7th-12th - won't weigh in or check in much during that time, but I do plan to be very active with exercise and keep food within reason.

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 7 real push ups
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4:(I had to add 1 more). Stay consistent on Push Up Challenge group. First Day will be August 5th.

    8/1 - 145.8 - rode my colt before work. Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch. Stayed under cal allowance & NO alcohol (or chips & salsa)
    8/2 - 146.4 - Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch - NO alcohol - staring down a 6.5 hour drive so the reality is that I'll likely go over a bit on calories. Next 2 days I'll be on my feet working. Everyone have a fabulous wknd & I'll be back on Monday!
    8/3-4 - DNW - Spent the wknd on my feet helping at a barrel race. So sore by Sunday finish and drove 6.5 hours home. Ate more junk/concession food than I should've, events are tough. Exhausted on the drive home - weakened and had big fat Whataburger bacon cheeseburger with onion rings - it was ridiculously good. On the upside - other than a breakfast burrito - that's about all I had. No alcohol Sat - 1 White Claw on Sunday.
    8/5 - 149.2 - Ouch! I think the junk food, lack of water over the wknd hit me pretty hard. Trying to hit it pretty hard this morning - drug my butt out of bed early and rode my colt. Yoga Burn Week 4 & 5 at lunch - Week 1, Day 1 Push Up challenge. Did really well on food - helped that I wasn't hungry - finished at 630 cals.
    8/6 - 147 - Whew!! Had a FABULOUS ride on my good horse that's been on vacation to kick off the morning.
  • tvm1970
    tvm1970 Posts: 163 Member
    SW: 50.9kg/112lb
    August GW: 49kg/108lb
    Ultimate GW: 47kg/103lb

    Goal #1: Lights out and electronics off by 10pm on work nights
    Goal #2: Weekly meal planning and prep Saturdays
    Goal #3: Run x 4 Strength train x 5 per week

    1/8 - 50.9kg/112lb
    2/8 - 50.8kg/112lb I saw my physio today and she vetoed running and gym for another week (I’ve hurt my lower back) 😕 So for the next week my goal #3 is Run/Walk x 4 and Steady stationary cycle 1hr x 5 🙃
    3/8 - 50.8kg/112lbs An hour on the bike, ate within calories but over on carbs 😣
    4/8 - 50.6kg/111.5lbs An hour on the bike but over on calories and carbs 😕
    5/8 - 50.5kg/111.5lbs An hour on the bike, a 40min run/walk within calories and macros
    6/8 - 50.3kg/111lb A 90min walk with a friend, over on calories but within macros
  • ohortert14
    ohortert14 Posts: 42 Member
    End of August GW:140
    Real GW:135ish (I would like to stay between 140 and 135)

    Goal #1:at the end of August my work is doing a body composition test and I would like to get the points for being in the healthy range of body fat.

    Goal #2: less “cheat meals” on the weekends, I really struggle there.

    Goal #3: just really try to eliminate that extra unhealthy snack just because I’m bored. Biggest weakness!!

    1/8 -149.2, let’s do this!
    2/8 - 147.4. Did another Insanity workout this morning, feeling super sore after this one tho.
    3/8 - 147.4 again, not complaining. Going to take a rest day my body is definitely in need. Going to a ballgame tonight so I’ll be eating unhealthy but you still gotta live life.
    5/8 - 149.6, went up slightly. I didn’t completely overdo it this weekend but I skipped two workouts so that didn’t help but back it again this morning.
    6/8 - 148.8, was able to go down in weight. Trying really hard this week to eat clean and drink plenty of water.
  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    SW: 168lbs
    GW: 160lbs

    Goal #1: exercise in some shape or form twice a week.
    Goal #2: stay under my calorie goals 6 days a week. (My birthday doesn't count right?lol)
    Goal #3: get some proper sleep.

    1/8 -Today went well calories are under, just back from spin class, gonna have dinner and a nice bubbly bath.
    2/8- Under my calories today, legs are sore from spin yesterday. didn't sleep very well but thats nothing new.
    3/8-today is cheat day and to top it off I'm not feeling very well. I only went 136 calories over so not the best cheat day ever lol. I def haven't moved enough or drank enough water. infant I spent several hours lying in my bed feeling sorry for myself. but I bought some new gym clothes online so still winning lol
    4/8 stayed under my calories and went for a very slow paced walk with my kids (kids walk sooooo slowly)
    5/8 got up and did 7am spin! I'm killing the whole exercise twice a week thing so far lol. didn't sleep well still! under my calories for the day :)
    6/8 actually slept for a good solid 6 hours last night, did body pump this evening for the first time in over a year and it was so hard, my legs are dead so def taking a break tomorrow. Under my calories for the day aswell :)
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    l4a_p wrote: »
    I like these threads a lot, however I think checking in every day is a bit overkill. Check in weekly for sure, and then maybe extra times when it was a really good or bad day is more interesting?

    SW: 66,6 kg (146,83lbs)
    GW: 65,x kg (for this month, I'll be happy to break my current plateau and see that 65 pop up).

    I'm adding in measuring as well because the scale hasn't really moved in 2-3 weeks (just the same couple 100 grams up and down) but I did notice change when measuring.


    Chest: Don't want to depress myself so refusing to track this :pensive:
    Band: 82cm (32,28in)
    Waist: 75cm (29,53in) - good progress, came from 80
    Belly: 91cm (35,83in)
    Hip: 99cm (38,98in) - hard to judge because I'm also trying to grow the glutes...
    Thigh: 56cm (22,05in) - specifically happy with these, was 58 last month and 60 the month before

    Goal #1: Shave of some centimeters of the measurements
    Goal #2: Work up to regular pushups (instead of on the knee, pathetic I know)
    Goal #3: Do my fav core routine in 1 go. I can do it pretty well because my core is well trained but there is usual these tiny extra few pauses I take.

    Goodluck everyone! Work hard & feel good!

    1 August: Bad day kcal wise, but fun day otherwise! :) Went to dinner and a club which lead to a 3000kcal day (mainly because of all the alcohol)
    2 August: Super hungover but at least under my kcal goal (but over carbs)
    3 August: Good gym workouts and reasonable good eating
    4 August: Scandalous day... again nearing 3000kcal and just ate everything that was offered to me (crackers & cheese, way too much wine, ribs,...)
    5 August: Partly to compensate and partly because I feel like it, I've started a 36h fast. 16h in now and getting a bit hungry but know that it will pass.

    6 August: The fast went really great, had little to no problems whatsoever. Yoghurt the next day tasted awesome tho!
    7 August: 65.5kg - 144,4lbs // Had a very good day yesterday, under my calories and also way under carbs! (Which I find more important but more difficult to achieve). Yesterday evening I *really* wanted some cookies, but was at kcal budget for the day. Took them out of the cupboard, stood smelling them, but after a minute I put them back... Insane willpower moment but very happy I did. Might finally be breaking my plateau!

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member

    Yesterday evening I *really* wanted some cookies, but was at kcal budget for the day. Took them out of the cupboard, stood smelling them, but after a minute I put them back... Insane willpower moment but very happy I did.

    Insane willpower indeed ! Respect !
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    Good job resisting!!! Willpower it is👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    SW: 109.4
    BF: 21.6%
    GW by end of August: 107
    GW final: 105
    GBF final: 20%

    Goal #1: OTF 3x week
    Goal #2: Lower body fat to 20%
    Goal #3: Reduce/eliminate alcohol consumption for month of August (me too!!!)

    8/1 109.4/21.6%
    8/2 110 / 21.4%
    8/5 111 didn't even check the BF
    8/6 110 / 21.6%
    8/7 107.8 / 20.6%

    YES! I’m down!!! Ketosis baby!! Just like that!ych1gowylevb.png
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 507 Member
    edited August 2019

    Goal #1: Pass my Body Flow instructor test- thus practice everyday- very nervous about this!
    Goal #2: Track and record my food intake, focusing on calories and protein.
    Goal #3: Prepare and plan better meals for me and my family.

    1/8 -1/7 Visiting parents, definitely not a vacation
    7/8 - 123.6- shocked I did not gain weight while away...nice to get home to normalcy.
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  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @l4a_p It was you! Good job resisting your cookie craving!!! ;)
  • ohortert14
    ohortert14 Posts: 42 Member
    End of August GW:140
    Real GW:135ish (I would like to stay between 140 and 135)

    Goal #1:at the end of August my work is doing a body composition test and I would like to get the points for being in the healthy range of body fat.

    Goal #2: less “cheat meals” on the weekends, I really struggle there.

    Goal #3: just really try to eliminate that extra unhealthy snack just because I’m bored. Biggest weakness!!

    1/8 -149.2, let’s do this!
    2/8 - 147.4. Did another Insanity workout this morning, feeling super sore after this one tho.
    3/8 - 147.4 again, not complaining. Going to take a rest day my body is definitely in need. Going to a ballgame tonight so I’ll be eating unhealthy but you still gotta live life.
    5/8 - 149.6, went up slightly. I didn’t completely overdo it this weekend but I skipped two workouts so that didn’t help but back it again this morning.
    6/8 - 148.8, was able to go down in weight. Trying really hard this week to eat clean and drink plenty of water.
    7/8 - 146.6, I have been doing well with eating clean this week! Yesterday I actually eat way less carbs then usual and more protein which is something I’m trying to get too. Did I total body weight training session this morning 💪.
  • booksnbrains
    booksnbrains Posts: 119 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »

    Yesterday evening I *really* wanted some cookies, but was at kcal budget for the day. Took them out of the cupboard, stood smelling them, but after a minute I put them back... Insane willpower moment but very happy I did.

    Insane willpower indeed ! Respect ! [/quote]

    Great job!! I have chocolate lip gloss that I use when I'm having chocolate cravings. The smell of it is frequently enough for me :)
  • booksnbrains
    booksnbrains Posts: 119 Member

    SW: 157 lbs
    GW: 152 lbs

    Goal #1: Stick with my new strength training plan (3x a week for abs, arms, legs for a total of 9 strength training sessions a week).
    Goal #2: Run 3x a week.
    Goal #3: Stick to my 18/6 intermittent fasting

    1/8 - Started new strength training plans (core and lower body), 3+ mile run (2nd one this week) and kept my IF timing and macro ratios in line!
    2/8 - Did upper body strength training but work got in the way of other exercise.
    3/8 - Did lower body and core strength training, plus a 5 mile hike with the family. Tried having keto crackers and cheese dip for dinner, but gained weight the next day. It might be inflammation from all of the exercise, though.
    4/8 - Long run Sunday! And, I need to do Arms strength training to finish out 3x a week.
    5/8 - Totally exhausted recovery day, but I did some strength training so that I could stay on track for Goal #1.

    6/8 - I ran 3+ miles and did some strength training. I also managed to keep my keto and IF goals despite juggling 3 family dentist appointments!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @l4a_p It was you! Good job resisting your cookie craving!!! ;)

    Something went wrong with the quote, it’s not me who deserves the praise 😉

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,993 Member
    Keeping up with my workouts (and then some) and feeling pretty good. The routine is getting more - well - routine, even woke up this morning a little before my alarm! Today was actually a higher weigh-in from the past few days, but yesterday went over my calories a bit (including a couple drinks at a work event).

    41, 5'7"
    GW: 128-132
    HW: 163
    CW: 151
    Goal #1 - Steady loss, averaging a min of 1/2 lb/week
    Goal #2 - Daily workout routine min 5x/week (race weekend allows a 1 day exception)
    Goal #3 - Track my food min 3/days/week.

    7/31/19: 151.0
    8/7/19: 150.4
  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    SW: 168lbs
    GW: 160lbs

    Goal #1: exercise in some shape or form twice a week.
    Goal #2: stay under my calorie goals 6 days a week. (My birthday doesn't count right?lol)
    Goal #3: get some proper sleep.

    1/8 -Today went well calories are under, just back from spin class, gonna have dinner and a nice bubbly bath.
    2/8- Under my calories today, legs are sore from spin yesterday. didn't sleep very well but thats nothing new.
    3/8-today is cheat day and to top it off I'm not feeling very well. I only went 136 calories over so not the best cheat day ever lol. I def haven't moved enough or drank enough water. infant I spent several hours lying in my bed feeling sorry for myself. but I bought some new gym clothes online so still winning lol
    4/8 stayed under my calories and went for a very slow paced walk with my kids (kids walk sooooo slowly)
    5/8 got up and did 7am spin! I'm killing the whole exercise twice a week thing so far lol. didn't sleep well still! under my calories for the day :)
    6/8 actually slept for a good solid 6 hours last night, did body pump this evening for the first time in over a year and it was so hard, my legs are dead so def taking a break tomorrow. Under my calories for the day aswell :)
    7&8/8 forgot to post yesterday!was under my calories for the day by an unhealthy amount but I wasn't feeling well so I might allow myself more calories today if I want them. I'm pretty sure I have doms. I was in so much pain yesterday and it's even worse today. I can't lift my arm higher than my face and my thighs feel locked up and in agony. So I won't be going to my planned spin class today. I might try go for a walk with the kids instead but I think the gym stairs would do me in never mind actual spin lol.
  • rosebalana
    rosebalana Posts: 4 Member
    SW: 146
    GW: 138

    Goal #1: Exercise daily - 30-45 mins cardio (bike, run/walk (5K) or swim, zumba) + 15 mins core exercise - crunches, push-ups
    Goal #2: Eat low carbs - no rice, pasta and white bread
    Goal #3: Drink 2-3 liters of lemon water (no soda or juice)

    1/8 -146
    8/8 - 144
    15/8 -
    22/8 -
    29/8 -