August Goals - Daily Check In



  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    SW: 109.4
    BF: 21.6%
    GW by end of August: 107
    GW final: 105
    GBF final: 20%

    Goal #1: OTF 3x week
    Goal #2: Lower body fat to 20%
    Goal #3: Reduce/eliminate alcohol consumption for month of August (me too!!!)

    8/1 109.4/21.6%
    8/2 110 / 21.4%
    8/5 111 didn't even check the BF
    8/6 110 / 21.6%
    8/7 107.8 / 20.6%
    8/8 107.8 / 20.6% maintaining!!!

    Still a bit sore from the Tue OTF. But I have another class tonight. I'll try to walk during lunch to loosen up. 😁
    My keto P-stick shows I am not in ketosis today. Maybe the ice cream last night threw me off!
    I need to watch what I eat over the weekend!! It's my daughters 11th B-day.🍰
  • amn0619
    amn0619 Posts: 211 Member
    Goal #1: movement every day
    Goal #2: track food intake every day up until vacation
    Goal #3: try to live in moderation during vacation - not restrict but not let myself get out of control

    1/8 - 141.1. Did a 45 min RPM class and a 25 min walk with my dog this morning before work. Have tracked everything I've eaten so far today. Very stressful work day here, trying to keep snacking at a minimum to stay at my calorie goal.

    2/8 - 141.8. UGH. I had a late dinner with a friend, she made a meal from Blue Apron and it was delicious but higher in calories and sodium than I usually eat. I'm really hoping the uptick is due to the late time I ate and sodium and that it drops off soon. Today is my rest day from the gym but my goal is to take a long walk, and track all my food again.

    3/8 - 141.1. Yesterday went well. Plan for today is to not go crazy since it’s a weekend. Will take a long walk with the dog, go to the gym, try to get some chores done at home, and enjoy a date night with my husband tonight and try to moderate my food intake at dinner.

    4/8 - 141.3. I’m happy it’s not more and that I didn’t go too crazy at dinner (although we had Mexican so I had too many chips and everything was full of sodium). But I’m tired of seeing this number and I’m ready to get to the 130’s and stay there. Goals today: track all food and stay at calorie goal, long walk with dog, take a combat class at gym, enjoy time at the pool with my family.

    5/8 - 141.1. Can I break this trend tomorrow? Let's hope. Got lots of movement in yesterday, hour walk, 1hr 10 min workout, and cleaned my house so I ended with over 19k steps. Ate too much at dinner though. Probably could get away with less movement so maybe I won't eat as much...

    6/8 - 141.1. I'm mentally stuck. Did a cycle class yesterday, and over an hour walk with the dog. But I ate too much again. Leftover pizza for lunch, too many calories.

    7/8 - IDK where my post went? Must not have hit post, I've done that before on the app. Oops. I don't remember my exact weight but it was up anyway, I know.

    8/8 - 142.0. I honestly didn't want to come out and post that. I'm going in the wrong direction. Had a really rough day yesterday, very stressed at work and so I binged. I waffle back and forth as to if tracking is helping me or hurting me mentally. I feel like all I do is think about food, how much I've had, how it will affect my weight, etc. I don't know what to do to stop thinking about it all the time, maybe I need a break from MFP and tracking? I really don't know.
  • booksnbrains
    booksnbrains Posts: 119 Member
    8/7 - Did upper and lower body strength training today, but took a break from core due to lower back pain. Didn’t run, but still exceeded my steps goal.

    8/8 - PMS is the literal worst. I have kept my IF timing, calories, and macronutrient ratios in check all week and I have gained nearly three pounds back. I’m trying to stay on track, but the motivation is difficult to find! Maybe I won’t weigh in for a few days.
  • ohortert14
    ohortert14 Posts: 42 Member
    End of August GW:140
    Real GW:135ish (I would like to stay between 140 and 135)

    Goal #1:at the end of August my work is doing a body composition test and I would like to get the points for being in the healthy range of body fat.

    Goal #2: less “cheat meals” on the weekends, I really struggle there.

    Goal #3: just really try to eliminate that extra unhealthy snack just because I’m bored. Biggest weakness!!

    1/8 -149.2, let’s do this!
    2/8 - 147.4. Did another Insanity workout this morning, feeling super sore after this one tho.
    3/8 - 147.4 again, not complaining. Going to take a rest day my body is definitely in need. Going to a ballgame tonight so I’ll be eating unhealthy but you still gotta live life.
    5/8 - 149.6, went up slightly. I didn’t completely overdo it this weekend but I skipped two workouts so that didn’t help but back it again this morning.
    6/8 - 148.8, was able to go down in weight. Trying really hard this week to eat clean and drink plenty of water.
    7/8 - 146.6, I have been doing well with eating clean this week! Yesterday I actually eat way less carbs then usual and more protein which is something I’m trying to get too. Did I total body weight training session this morning 💪.
    8/8 - 145.5, overdid on my workout yesterday. I’m extremely sore today. So did some Pilates this morning and that felt good.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member

    8/8 - PMS is the literal worst. I have kept my IF timing, calories, and macronutrient ratios in check all week and I have gained nearly three pounds back. I’m trying to stay on track, but the motivation is difficult to find! Maybe I won’t weigh in for a few days.
    Same here, three weeks of eating and exercising as planned and still gaining. But I met a friend today and she noticed. So there is hope.
    Keep up the good work, we’ll get there!
  • amn0619
    amn0619 Posts: 211 Member
    Goal #1: movement every day
    Goal #2: track food intake every day up until vacation
    Goal #3: try to live in moderation during vacation - not restrict but not let myself get out of control

    1/8 - 141.1. Did a 45 min RPM class and a 25 min walk with my dog this morning before work. Have tracked everything I've eaten so far today. Very stressful work day here, trying to keep snacking at a minimum to stay at my calorie goal.

    2/8 - 141.8. UGH. I had a late dinner with a friend, she made a meal from Blue Apron and it was delicious but higher in calories and sodium than I usually eat. I'm really hoping the uptick is due to the late time I ate and sodium and that it drops off soon. Today is my rest day from the gym but my goal is to take a long walk, and track all my food again.

    3/8 - 141.1. Yesterday went well. Plan for today is to not go crazy since it’s a weekend. Will take a long walk with the dog, go to the gym, try to get some chores done at home, and enjoy a date night with my husband tonight and try to moderate my food intake at dinner.

    4/8 - 141.3. I’m happy it’s not more and that I didn’t go too crazy at dinner (although we had Mexican so I had too many chips and everything was full of sodium). But I’m tired of seeing this number and I’m ready to get to the 130’s and stay there. Goals today: track all food and stay at calorie goal, long walk with dog, take a combat class at gym, enjoy time at the pool with my family.

    5/8 - 141.1. Can I break this trend tomorrow? Let's hope. Got lots of movement in yesterday, hour walk, 1hr 10 min workout, and cleaned my house so I ended with over 19k steps. Ate too much at dinner though. Probably could get away with less movement so maybe I won't eat as much...

    6/8 - 141.1. I'm mentally stuck. Did a cycle class yesterday, and over an hour walk with the dog. But I ate too much again. Leftover pizza for lunch, too many calories.

    7/8 - IDK where my post went? Must not have hit post, I've done that before on the app. Oops. I don't remember my exact weight but it was up anyway, I know.

    8/8 - 142.0. I honestly didn't want to come out and post that. I'm going in the wrong direction. Had a really rough day yesterday, very stressed at work and so I binged. I waffle back and forth as to if tracking is helping me or hurting me mentally. I feel like all I do is think about food, how much I've had, how it will affect my weight, etc. I don't know what to do to stop thinking about it all the time, maybe I need a break from MFP and tracking? I really don't know.

    9/8 - 141.5. No binge yesterday so calling that a win.
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    l4a_p wrote: »
    I like these threads a lot, however I think checking in every day is a bit overkill. Check in weekly for sure, and then maybe extra times when it was a really good or bad day is more interesting?

    SW: 66,6 kg (146,83lbs)
    GW: 65,x kg (for this month, I'll be happy to break my current plateau and see that 65 pop up).

    I'm adding in measuring as well because the scale hasn't really moved in 2-3 weeks (just the same couple 100 grams up and down) but I did notice change when measuring.


    Chest: Don't want to depress myself so refusing to track this :pensive:
    Band: 82cm (32,28in)
    Waist: 75cm (29,53in) - good progress, came from 80
    Belly: 91cm (35,83in)
    Hip: 99cm (38,98in) - hard to judge because I'm also trying to grow the glutes...
    Thigh: 56cm (22,05in) - specifically happy with these, was 58 last month and 60 the month before

    Goal #1: Shave of some centimeters of the measurements
    Goal #2: Work up to regular pushups (instead of on the knee, pathetic I know)
    Goal #3: Do my fav core routine in 1 go. I can do it pretty well because my core is well trained but there is usual these tiny extra few pauses I take.

    Goodluck everyone! Work hard & feel good!

    1 August: Bad day kcal wise, but fun day otherwise! :) Went to dinner and a club which lead to a 3000kcal day (mainly because of all the alcohol)
    2 August: Super hungover but at least under my kcal goal (but over carbs)
    3 August: Good gym workouts and reasonable good eating
    4 August: Scandalous day... again nearing 3000kcal and just ate everything that was offered to me (crackers & cheese, way too much wine, ribs,...)
    5 August: Partly to compensate and partly because I feel like it, I've started a 36h fast. 16h in now and getting a bit hungry but know that it will pass.
    6 August: The fast went really great, had little to no problems whatsoever. Yoghurt the next day tasted awesome tho!
    7 August: 65.5kg - 144,4lbs // Had a very good day yesterday, under my calories and also way under carbs! (Which I find more important but more difficult to achieve). Yesterday evening I *really* wanted some cookies, but was at kcal budget for the day. Took them out of the cupboard, stood smelling them, but after a minute I put them back... Insane willpower moment but very happy I did. Might finally be breaking my plateau!

    9 August: 66.8kg - 147,27 // Usually I would be in an all-out panic seeing this, but I ate a lot of carbs yesterday evening (potatoes, very unusual for me) and I'm pretty sure this is all water weight because of the glycogen stores. Had 2 days below maintenance so no way this is actual weight :).

  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    SW: 168lbs
    GW: 160lbs

    Goal #1: exercise in some shape or form twice a week.
    Goal #2: stay under my calorie goals 6 days a week. (My birthday doesn't count right?lol)
    Goal #3: get some proper sleep.

    1/8 -Today went well calories are under, just back from spin class, gonna have dinner and a nice bubbly bath.
    2/8- Under my calories today, legs are sore from spin yesterday. didn't sleep very well but thats nothing new.
    3/8-today is cheat day and to top it off I'm not feeling very well. I only went 136 calories over so not the best cheat day ever lol. I def haven't moved enough or drank enough water. infant I spent several hours lying in my bed feeling sorry for myself. but I bought some new gym clothes online so still winning lol
    4/8 stayed under my calories and went for a very slow paced walk with my kids (kids walk sooooo slowly)
    5/8 got up and did 7am spin! I'm killing the whole exercise twice a week thing so far lol. didn't sleep well still! under my calories for the day :)
    6/8 actually slept for a good solid 6 hours last night, did body pump this evening for the first time in over a year and it was so hard, my legs are dead so def taking a break tomorrow. Under my calories for the day aswell :)...
    7/8 under my calories by a lot wasn't feeling well. Suffering from Dom so no gym. worked out 3 times this week :)
    8/8- over my calories by a few hundred but it balanced out with yesterday. still no gym as sore.
    9/8 Hi folks just caught up on the last few days. still no gym my pain is slowly easing off tho and under my calories for the day
  • ohortert14
    ohortert14 Posts: 42 Member
    End of August GW:140
    Real GW:135ish (I would like to stay between 140 and 135)

    Goal #1:at the end of August my work is doing a body composition test and I would like to get the points for being in the healthy range of body fat.

    Goal #2: less “cheat meals” on the weekends, I really struggle there.

    Goal #3: just really try to eliminate that extra unhealthy snack just because I’m bored. Biggest weakness!!

    1/8 -149.2, let’s do this!
    2/8 - 147.4. Did another Insanity workout this morning, feeling super sore after this one tho.
    3/8 - 147.4 again, not complaining. Going to take a rest day my body is definitely in need. Going to a ballgame tonight so I’ll be eating unhealthy but you still gotta live life.
    5/8 - 149.6, went up slightly. I didn’t completely overdo it this weekend but I skipped two workouts so that didn’t help but back it again this morning.
    6/8 - 148.8, was able to go down in weight. Trying really hard this week to eat clean and drink plenty of water.
    7/8 - 146.6, I have been doing well with eating clean this week! Yesterday I actually eat way less carbs then usual and more protein which is something I’m trying to get too. Did I total body weight training session this morning 💪.
    8/8 - 145.5, overdid on my workout yesterday. I’m extremely sore today. So did some Pilates this morning and that felt good.
    9/8 - 145.4, completely killed my back this week just did too much 😕. Couldn’t work out today. This weekend is full of going out to eat, I’m going to enjoy myself, hopefully my weight doesn’t go up too much.
  • tvm1970
    tvm1970 Posts: 163 Member
    SW: 50.9kg/112lb
    August GW: 49kg/108lb
    Ultimate GW: 47kg/103lb

    Goal #1: Lights out and electronics off by 10pm on work nights
    Goal #2: Weekly meal planning and prep Saturdays
    Goal #3: Run x 4 Strength train x 5 per week

    1/8 - 50.9kg/112lb
    2/8 - 50.8kg/112lb I saw my physio today and she vetoed running and gym for another week (I’ve hurt my lower back) 😕 So for the next week my goal #3 is Run/Walk x 4 and Steady stationary cycle 1hr x 5 🙃
    3/8 - 50.8kg/112lbs An hour on the bike, ate within calories but over on carbs 😣
    4/8 - 50.6kg/111.5lbs An hour on the bike but over on calories and carbs 😕
    5/8 - 50.5kg/111.5lbs An hour on the bike, a 40min run/walk within calories and macros
    6/8 - 50.3kg/111lb A 90min walk with a friend, over on calories but within macros
    7/8 - 50.3kg/111lb An hour on the bike and a killer leg session,within calories and macros
    8/8 - 50.1kg/110.5lb Rest day, within calories but over on fat (damn you PB) 🙄
    9/8 - 50.0kg/110lbs 90min walk, over in calories and over on fat 😬
    10/8 50.3kg/111lbs 60min walk, hard HIIT session, over on calories and over on fat 😳*20hr fast started
  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    SW: 168lbs
    GW: 160lbs
    W 10/8: 166lbs

    Goal #1: exercise in some shape or form twice a week.
    Goal #2: stay under my calorie goals 6 days a week. (My birthday doesn't count right?lol)
    Goal #3: get some proper sleep.

    1/8 -Today went well calories are under, just back from spin class, gonna have dinner and a nice bubbly bath.
    2/8- Under my calories today, legs are sore from spin yesterday. didn't sleep very well but thats nothing new.
    3/8-today is cheat day and to top it off I'm not feeling very well. I only went 136 calories over so not the best cheat day ever lol. I def haven't moved enough or drank enough water. infant I spent several hours lying in my bed feeling sorry for myself. but I bought some new gym clothes online so still winning lol
    4/8 stayed under my calories and went for a very slow paced walk with my kids (kids walk sooooo slowly)
    5/8 got up and did 7am spin! I'm killing the whole exercise twice a week thing so far lol. didn't sleep well still! under my calories for the day :)
    6/8 actually slept for a good solid 6 hours last night, did body pump this evening for the first time in over a year and it was so hard, my legs are dead so def taking a break tomorrow. Under my calories for the day aswell :)...
    7/8 under my calories by a lot wasn't feeling well. Suffering from Dom so no gym. worked out 3 times this week :)
    8/8- over my calories by a few hundred but it balanced out with yesterday. still no gym as sore.
    9/8 Hi folks just caught up on the last few days. still no gym my pain is slowly easing off tho and under my calories for the day
    10/8 under my calories for the day. weighed myself I'm 166lbs! 2lb down 1/4 of the way to my mostly target :)
  • amn0619
    amn0619 Posts: 211 Member
    Goal #1: movement every day
    Goal #2: track food intake every day up until vacation
    Goal #3: try to live in moderation during vacation - not restrict but not let myself get out of control

    1/8 - 141.1. Did a 45 min RPM class and a 25 min walk with my dog this morning before work. Have tracked everything I've eaten so far today. Very stressful work day here, trying to keep snacking at a minimum to stay at my calorie goal.

    2/8 - 141.8. UGH. I had a late dinner with a friend, she made a meal from Blue Apron and it was delicious but higher in calories and sodium than I usually eat. I'm really hoping the uptick is due to the late time I ate and sodium and that it drops off soon. Today is my rest day from the gym but my goal is to take a long walk, and track all my food again.

    3/8 - 141.1. Yesterday went well. Plan for today is to not go crazy since it’s a weekend. Will take a long walk with the dog, go to the gym, try to get some chores done at home, and enjoy a date night with my husband tonight and try to moderate my food intake at dinner.

    4/8 - 141.3. I’m happy it’s not more and that I didn’t go too crazy at dinner (although we had Mexican so I had too many chips and everything was full of sodium). But I’m tired of seeing this number and I’m ready to get to the 130’s and stay there. Goals today: track all food and stay at calorie goal, long walk with dog, take a combat class at gym, enjoy time at the pool with my family.

    5/8 - 141.1. Can I break this trend tomorrow? Let's hope. Got lots of movement in yesterday, hour walk, 1hr 10 min workout, and cleaned my house so I ended with over 19k steps. Ate too much at dinner though. Probably could get away with less movement so maybe I won't eat as much...

    6/8 - 141.1. I'm mentally stuck. Did a cycle class yesterday, and over an hour walk with the dog. But I ate too much again. Leftover pizza for lunch, too many calories.

    7/8 - IDK where my post went? Must not have hit post, I've done that before on the app. Oops. I don't remember my exact weight but it was up anyway, I know.

    8/8 - 142.0. I honestly didn't want to come out and post that. I'm going in the wrong direction. Had a really rough day yesterday, very stressed at work and so I binged. I waffle back and forth as to if tracking is helping me or hurting me mentally. I feel like all I do is think about food, how much I've had, how it will affect my weight, etc. I don't know what to do to stop thinking about it all the time, maybe I need a break from MFP and tracking? I really don't know.

    9/8 - 141.5. No binge yesterday so calling that a win

    10/8 - 141.5 again. But I’ve had a day of heavier eating and I ate soft cheeses which do not agree with me (lactose intolerant and certain soft cheeses bother me way more than other things). I know better than that but I ate a caprese salad and now I’m very bloated and have stomach pains. Scale won’t be my friend in the morning.
  • tvm1970
    tvm1970 Posts: 163 Member
    SW: 50.9kg/112lb
    August GW: 49kg/108lb
    Ultimate GW: 47kg/103lb

    Goal #1: Lights out and electronics off by 10pm on work nights
    Goal #2: Weekly meal planning and prep Saturdays
    Goal #3: Run x 4 Strength train x 5 per week

    1/8 - 50.9kg/112lb
    2/8 - 50.8kg/112lb I saw my physio today and she vetoed running and gym for another week (I’ve hurt my lower back) 😕 So for the next week my goal #3 is Run/Walk x 4 and Steady stationary cycle 1hr x 5 🙃
    3/8 - 50.8kg/112lbs An hour on the bike, ate within calories but over on carbs 😣
    4/8 - 50.6kg/111.5lbs An hour on the bike but over on calories and carbs 😕
    5/8 - 50.5kg/111.5lbs An hour on the bike, a 40min run/walk within calories and macros
    6/8 - 50.3kg/111lb A 90min walk with a friend, over on calories but within macros
    7/8 - 50.3kg/111lb An hour on the bike and a killer leg session,within calories and macros
    8/8 - 50.1kg/110.5lb Rest day, within calories but over on fat (damn you PB) 🙄
    9/8 - 50.0kg/110lbs 90min walk, over in calories and over on fat 😬
    10/8 50.3kg/111lbs 60min walk, hard HIIT session, over on calories and over on fat 😳*20hr fast started
    11/8 49.9kg/110lbs 90min bike, within calories within macros and meal prep done. I’ve been given another low exercise week by my physiotherapist so trying to balance that with my food intake is a fine balancing act
  • amn0619
    amn0619 Posts: 211 Member
    Goal #1: movement every day
    Goal #2: track food intake every day up until vacation
    Goal #3: try to live in moderation during vacation - not restrict but not let myself get out of control

    1/8 - 141.1. Did a 45 min RPM class and a 25 min walk with my dog this morning before work. Have tracked everything I've eaten so far today. Very stressful work day here, trying to keep snacking at a minimum to stay at my calorie goal.

    2/8 - 141.8. UGH. I had a late dinner with a friend, she made a meal from Blue Apron and it was delicious but higher in calories and sodium than I usually eat. I'm really hoping the uptick is due to the late time I ate and sodium and that it drops off soon. Today is my rest day from the gym but my goal is to take a long walk, and track all my food again.

    3/8 - 141.1. Yesterday went well. Plan for today is to not go crazy since it’s a weekend. Will take a long walk with the dog, go to the gym, try to get some chores done at home, and enjoy a date night with my husband tonight and try to moderate my food intake at dinner.

    4/8 - 141.3. I’m happy it’s not more and that I didn’t go too crazy at dinner (although we had Mexican so I had too many chips and everything was full of sodium). But I’m tired of seeing this number and I’m ready to get to the 130’s and stay there. Goals today: track all food and stay at calorie goal, long walk with dog, take a combat class at gym, enjoy time at the pool with my family.

    5/8 - 141.1. Can I break this trend tomorrow? Let's hope. Got lots of movement in yesterday, hour walk, 1hr 10 min workout, and cleaned my house so I ended with over 19k steps. Ate too much at dinner though. Probably could get away with less movement so maybe I won't eat as much...

    6/8 - 141.1. I'm mentally stuck. Did a cycle class yesterday, and over an hour walk with the dog. But I ate too much again. Leftover pizza for lunch, too many calories.

    7/8 - IDK where my post went? Must not have hit post, I've done that before on the app. Oops. I don't remember my exact weight but it was up anyway, I know.

    8/8 - 142.0. I honestly didn't want to come out and post that. I'm going in the wrong direction. Had a really rough day yesterday, very stressed at work and so I binged. I waffle back and forth as to if tracking is helping me or hurting me mentally. I feel like all I do is think about food, how much I've had, how it will affect my weight, etc. I don't know what to do to stop thinking about it all the time, maybe I need a break from MFP and tracking? I really don't know.

    9/8 - 141.5. No binge yesterday so calling that a win

    10/8 - 141.5 again. But I’ve had a day of heavier eating and I ate soft cheeses which do not agree with me (lactose intolerant and certain soft cheeses bother me way more than other things). I know better than that but I ate a caprese salad and now I’m very bloated and have stomach pains. Scale won’t be my friend in the morning.

    11/8 - 141.3. Shocked it’s not higher I still feel bloated from the cheese issue. Was very active most of yesterday and have been so far today too. Went out for breakfast with my family but chose wisely and didn’t overdo it.
  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    SW: 168lbs
    GW: 160lbs
    W 10/8: 166lbs

    Goal #1: exercise in some shape or form twice a week.
    Goal #2: stay under my calorie goals 6 days a week. (My birthday doesn't count right?lol)
    Goal #3: get some proper sleep.

    1/8 -Today went well calories are under, just back from spin class, gonna have dinner and a nice bubbly bath.
    2/8- Under my calories today, legs are sore from spin yesterday. didn't sleep very well but thats nothing new.
    3/8-today is cheat day and to top it off I'm not feeling very well. I only went 136 calories over so not the best cheat day ever lol. I def haven't moved enough or drank enough water. infant I spent several hours lying in my bed feeling sorry for myself. but I bought some new gym clothes online so still winning lol
    4/8 stayed under my calories and went for a very slow paced walk with my kids (kids walk sooooo slowly)
    5/8 got up and did 7am spin! I'm killing the whole exercise twice a week thing so far lol. didn't sleep well still! under my calories for the day :)
    6/8 actually slept for a good solid 6 hours last night, did body pump this evening for the first time in over a year and it was so hard, my legs are dead so def taking a break tomorrow. Under my calories for the day aswell :)...
    7/8 under my calories by a lot wasn't feeling well. Suffering from Dom so no gym. worked out 3 times this week :)
    8/8- over my calories by a few hundred but it balanced out with yesterday. still no gym as sore.
    9/8 Hi folks just caught up on the last few days. still no gym my pain is slowly easing off tho and under my calories for the day
    10/8 under my calories for the day. weighed myself I'm 166lbs! 2lb down 1/4 of the way to my mostly target :)
    11/8 today was a great example of life getting in the way. Was going to go for a walk but it was raining. my oven broken while making dinner so we had pizza for dinner. I'm only 103 calories over and I'm prob not even over as I just eat the topping for most of my pizza. I will still be in a deficit today just not as big of one as I would have liked.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    I'm already on a daily thread under Challenges. So, I'll check in here weekly.

    SW: 74.6 kg
    GW: 72 kg

    Goal #1: Bike to work 2 times a week - a total of 66 km a day with an electric bike
    Goal #2: Stay around my goal calories, regardless of extra exercise
    Goal #3: Prep for homework days

    Week 1: got all three goals, but I gained some weight back, thus still 74.6 this morning

    Ok, so I met all three goals last week, and I've added the 100 push-up challenge. This morning I was at 75.9 !
    I know I shouldn't focus on the number on the scale, but it is starting to get a bit discouraging. I just had a weekend with a family bbq, where my daily total was around 2.000 kcal, and yesterday I was around 1.800 kcal dealing with leftovers, but that should be no reason to have gained more than a full kilo when all the other days I had a big deficit.
    My body isn't reacting as it should (and I know it well by know) and that is frustrating.

    Ow well ... I'll stop the rant and just get on with it I guess.
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    l4a_p wrote: »
    I like these threads a lot, however I think checking in every day is a bit overkill. Check in weekly for sure, and then maybe extra times when it was a really good or bad day is more interesting?

    SW: 66,6 kg (146,83lbs)
    GW: 65,x kg (for this month, I'll be happy to break my current plateau and see that 65 pop up).

    I'm adding in measuring as well because the scale hasn't really moved in 2-3 weeks (just the same couple 100 grams up and down) but I did notice change when measuring.


    Chest: Don't want to depress myself so refusing to track this :pensive:
    Band: 82cm (32,28in)
    Waist: 75cm (29,53in) - good progress, came from 80
    Belly: 91cm (35,83in)
    Hip: 99cm (38,98in) - hard to judge because I'm also trying to grow the glutes...
    Thigh: 56cm (22,05in) - specifically happy with these, was 58 last month and 60 the month before

    Goal #1: Shave of some centimeters of the measurements
    Goal #2: Work up to regular pushups (instead of on the knee, pathetic I know)
    Goal #3: Do my fav core routine in 1 go. I can do it pretty well because my core is well trained but there is usual these tiny extra few pauses I take.

    Goodluck everyone! Work hard & feel good!

    1 August: Bad day kcal wise, but fun day otherwise! :) Went to dinner and a club which lead to a 3000kcal day (mainly because of all the alcohol)
    2 August: Super hungover but at least under my kcal goal (but over carbs)
    3 August: Good gym workouts and reasonable good eating
    4 August: Scandalous day... again nearing 3000kcal and just ate everything that was offered to me (crackers & cheese, way too much wine, ribs,...)
    5 August: Partly to compensate and partly because I feel like it, I've started a 36h fast. 16h in now and getting a bit hungry but know that it will pass.
    6 August: The fast went really great, had little to no problems whatsoever. Yoghurt the next day tasted awesome tho!
    7 August: 65.5kg - 144,4lbs // Had a very good day yesterday, under my calories and also way under carbs! (Which I find more important but more difficult to achieve). Yesterday evening I *really* wanted some cookies, but was at kcal budget for the day. Took them out of the cupboard, stood smelling them, but after a minute I put them back... Insane willpower moment but very happy I did. Might finally be breaking my plateau!

    12 August: 67.1kg - 147,93lbs

    Waw. I really screwed up guys. To gain 1.5kg in a week time.. that's almost impressive. Not surprised though, I really let it slide this weekend. In 3 days time I ate the kcal equivalent surplus of an extra day. Lots of wine every day, had a dinner party on Saturday, ate the leftovers from the dinnerparty on Sunday, even had freaking Ben&Jerry's,... And this week is not looking any better so thinking of extending my regular 16:8 rhythm into 20:4 for today and tomorrow + Wednesday is going to be another 36h fast. And then back on track! (I hope). It's insane how quickly and gladly the body adds weight again, and a bit depressive; can't ever stop being vigilant and strict apparently. =(
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    Had too much going on this weekend. :#

    Thu: OTF and what was going to be a quiet eve turned to neighbors coming over and making food and entertaining (drinking) till 11! I never get a break...
    Fri: After work had to go out(more eating out and drinks) with my BF clients and stayed out late.
    Sat: My daughter's Bday party. Stayed outside ALL day. 2pm-11pm (kids party 2-6, our time 6-11! snacking and drinking!)
    Sun: OTF and brunch with friends. Then back to school shopping with kids.

    So I never got to weigh in... I shall tonight and report back tomorrow- Hoping no big surprises
  • amn0619
    amn0619 Posts: 211 Member
    Goal #1: movement every day
    Goal #2: track food intake every day up until vacation
    Goal #3: try to live in moderation during vacation - not restrict but not let myself get out of control

    1/8 - 141.1. Did a 45 min RPM class and a 25 min walk with my dog this morning before work. Have tracked everything I've eaten so far today. Very stressful work day here, trying to keep snacking at a minimum to stay at my calorie goal.

    2/8 - 141.8. UGH. I had a late dinner with a friend, she made a meal from Blue Apron and it was delicious but higher in calories and sodium than I usually eat. I'm really hoping the uptick is due to the late time I ate and sodium and that it drops off soon. Today is my rest day from the gym but my goal is to take a long walk, and track all my food again.

    3/8 - 141.1. Yesterday went well. Plan for today is to not go crazy since it’s a weekend. Will take a long walk with the dog, go to the gym, try to get some chores done at home, and enjoy a date night with my husband tonight and try to moderate my food intake at dinner.

    4/8 - 141.3. I’m happy it’s not more and that I didn’t go too crazy at dinner (although we had Mexican so I had too many chips and everything was full of sodium). But I’m tired of seeing this number and I’m ready to get to the 130’s and stay there. Goals today: track all food and stay at calorie goal, long walk with dog, take a combat class at gym, enjoy time at the pool with my family.

    5/8 - 141.1. Can I break this trend tomorrow? Let's hope. Got lots of movement in yesterday, hour walk, 1hr 10 min workout, and cleaned my house so I ended with over 19k steps. Ate too much at dinner though. Probably could get away with less movement so maybe I won't eat as much...

    6/8 - 141.1. I'm mentally stuck. Did a cycle class yesterday, and over an hour walk with the dog. But I ate too much again. Leftover pizza for lunch, too many calories.

    7/8 - IDK where my post went? Must not have hit post, I've done that before on the app. Oops. I don't remember my exact weight but it was up anyway, I know.

    8/8 - 142.0. I honestly didn't want to come out and post that. I'm going in the wrong direction. Had a really rough day yesterday, very stressed at work and so I binged. I waffle back and forth as to if tracking is helping me or hurting me mentally. I feel like all I do is think about food, how much I've had, how it will affect my weight, etc. I don't know what to do to stop thinking about it all the time, maybe I need a break from MFP and tracking? I really don't know.

    9/8 - 141.5. No binge yesterday so calling that a win

    10/8 - 141.5 again. But I’ve had a day of heavier eating and I ate soft cheeses which do not agree with me (lactose intolerant and certain soft cheeses bother me way more than other things). I know better than that but I ate a caprese salad and now I’m very bloated and have stomach pains. Scale won’t be my friend in the morning.

    11/8 - 141.3. Shocked it’s not higher I still feel bloated from the cheese issue. Was very active most of yesterday and have been so far today too. Went out for breakfast with my family but chose wisely and didn’t overdo it.

    12/8 - 142.0. I don’t get it. Was well in a deficit yesterday. Very active all weekend. Sigh. Will try again today.
  • ohortert14
    ohortert14 Posts: 42 Member
    End of August GW:140
    Real GW:135ish (I would like to stay between 140 and 135)

    Goal #1:at the end of August my work is doing a body composition test and I would like to get the points for being in the healthy range of body fat.

    Goal #2: less “cheat meals” on the weekends, I really struggle there.

    Goal #3: just really try to eliminate that extra unhealthy snack just because I’m bored. Biggest weakness!!

    1/8 -149.2, let’s do this!
    2/8 - 147.4. Did another Insanity workout this morning, feeling super sore after this one tho.
    3/8 - 147.4 again, not complaining. Going to take a rest day my body is definitely in need. Going to a ballgame tonight so I’ll be eating unhealthy but you still gotta live life.
    5/8 - 149.6, went up slightly. I didn’t completely overdo it this weekend but I skipped two workouts so that didn’t help but back it again this morning.
    6/8 - 148.8, was able to go down in weight. Trying really hard this week to eat clean and drink plenty of water.
    7/8 - 146.6, I have been doing well with eating clean this week! Yesterday I actually eat way less carbs then usual and more protein which is something I’m trying to get too. Did I total body weight training session this morning 💪.
    8/8 - 145.5, overdid on my workout yesterday. I’m extremely sore today. So did some Pilates this morning and that felt good.
    9/8 - 145.4, completely killed my back this week just did too much 😕. Couldn’t work out today. This weekend is full of going out to eat, I’m going to enjoy myself, hopefully my weight doesn’t go up too much.
    12/8 - 149.8, I feel so defeated 😕 had a crazy busy weekend and didn’t workout once and ate horribly and as a result I went way back up. I knew I’d be up a little bit but I wasn’t expecting that!! I need to figure out how to be more disciplined on the weekends try and get a plan together. All that hard work for the week gone. Such a bad feeling.