Monthly Post August 2019

Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
Hi all!

Welcome to the new monthly thread for August!

Summer is really flying by quickly here in the Northern Hemisphere. Hope everybody is making the best of it. :)

What's going on in your neck of the woods?

Things are good here. I am still planning on starting Keto on Monday of next week. Trying to finish all of the "healthy" high carb food in the house, before we start. We = my boyfriend and I. I am grateful that we are in this together! Even though I am planning to "Keto" I will still be posting here with all of you...

Speak to you soon.


  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    Hey, all! Welcome to August! I think today might actually be a fast day! For the last two weeks, I keep setting out to do one, then something happens and it flies right out the window. Went to the chiropractor yesterday and talked to her. She has some ideas to help me lose some weight and balance some of my underlying health issues. I told her I will be in to see her in December when all this school craziness is over. Until then, I am going to try to fast and maintain until then.

    @meghan509 Good luck with trying keto. I gave it a shot but it didn't work for me, although I know a lot of people it does do good things for.

    Everyone else: Have a great end of the week! Happy fasting to anyone else that is on the fast train today!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Hi all!

    @KateNkognito glad you got to the chiropractor. They are great! Good for you. I worked at a Chiro office in high school / college and it was such a good experience. Dr. was super nice and I learned a lot. Even for an Administrative / Office position. Very good experience.

    Thanks. I am looking forward to Keto. I did Atkins way back in the day and did well on it. And this seems much healthier with Keto having you track carbs, fat, protein, and total calories. Atkins was more of a free for all. No calorie counting and only worrying about carbs in vegetables. Much different.

    Last night we went and cleaned out the fridge, freezer, and cabinets of all our "naughty" foods. Planning to bring stuff back to the stores that is unopened and new to get a credit. Brought a lot of bars, oatmeal, chocolates, and other naughty stuff in today to the office for them to go at. Amazing how many carbs and sugar we had in the house. Sigh...

    Planning to get to the beach over the weekend. Saturday has a chance of showers in the PM but Sunday should be beautiful. Hope all is sunny and well by you.

    Have a good day and chat soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    Happy Friday, y'all! It is cloudy and cool here and it is WONDERFUL!! I had a nice fast yesterday. I also got most of my house cleaned up. Today feels like a curl up with a good book day.

    @Meghan509 Sounds like you have a solid plan. I have been known to take stuff to the teachers' lounge. It is like a shark tank in there. All food products disappear by the end of the day. Have a nice weekend at the beach!

    @mamainthekitchen Where did you go? Do I need to send a search party?

    Have a great weekend!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member

    Just saw this as I was scrolling through the news.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Happy August everyone...hope you all are doing well. The monthly threads seem to be doing the trick. We're posting about 2 messages a day; the last 2 weekly threads we were doing about 1.4 a day.

    @Meghan509 Another "keto couple"...whoot whoot. Well my wife and I aren't official yet. Kids off to school within a few weeks, so we hope to join you two soon. My wife is a social bunny, always off somewhere doing something with someone, so she's been the hardest to lock down and I appear to be using this as an excuse <ponder>. Anyway, check out, cute couple that do a lot of recipes/comparisons on video.

    @KateNkognito We know, hopefully others will. The Wall Street Journal's a pretty respected publication.

    @bluefairy2018 Welcome! (Hopefully she'll see this in her alerts and click on it.)

    @mamainthekitchen she's out there...somewhere.

    Sort of a long "coming to terms" with "where am I at right now?" thought process've been warned.

    <more pondering>
    I was wondering the other day why I'm the only guy in this group (at least at the moment) and I came to the conclusion that it's because in our household rules/roles are somewhat non-traditional. I mostly work from home and control the daily menu when we cook. This means I can more easily go online and plan the meals. Also, this group gives me a reason to stay connected. Last year (August-ish) I was doing pretty good and was on day 998 (or so) of a MFP daily streak when I went to replace flooring in a rental we own and I was so tired after the first day that I forgot to login...streak 1k celebration. Yes I could have gone in and reset the days, but that felt like cheating, so I didn't. ...hmm...or maybe I was looking for a reason to give up. I'll have to work that one out later, but what it meant was that I only had the group left; I hold on to it as my last salvation so to speak...if I can stay connected here, there's still hope.

    <yet more pondering>
    Since everyone's been home from Italy (last summer), we've been eating out more and a lot of our past favorites (bad choices) have made their way into the shopping cart. This has made it exceedingly hard to stay on track...chaos. When I was alone and fasting I was keeping limited food in the house, so it was much easier. Also, w/keto, pretty much the same thing...I only had certain food items in the house. Combining the 2 (January to July 2018) really supercharged things and I lost roughly 20% of my body weight along with alleviating numerous symptoms of type 2 diabetes. I've since gained the majority of that back and well...<side rant> the yo-yo/seesaw affect that people spout at me sort of gets me pissed; logically, if you go from healthy eating to non-healthy eating, things will go sideways. This is not a pattern (though it may appear to be so.) You either have changed your way of eating/life or you haven't. You can't look at a way of eating and say "it failed" or that the person (me) is doomed because they are stuck in this endless loop. If that is truly the case, then why do we even try? using that logic we will all end up where we started anyway. Stress, challenges, i.e. everyday life, can make things worse if you let them and not rejecting the thoughts of those who say "see, I told you so" will only lead you down a path to self-loathing. Trust me, I know. That's the loop...that's the pattern; the one where you seemingly feel great about yourself and then you don't...letting things lead you into self-destructive behavior (this type of behavior comes in many forms.) I'm going to stop here (lol)...I was about to start going off on the way others sometimes relieve their stress through the belittling of already troubled souls...basically emotional vampirism. Empathy people!'s a thing.

    OK, so what I meant to say was that this group provides me with a place where I feel safe enough to say all of "that".

    ...the conclusion: keep trying or start dying.

    Thank you fellow rock!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    “Waving hi” :p:*;):D

    Short vacay on Vancouver island people!!! Had a fantastic time!! Tropical breeze flowing in these parts!

    I’ll type more tomorrow....

    In the meantime, Rus... I LOVE your last line.....“keep trying, or start dying”. And if I could like all the “feelings” buttons I would!! :*

    Good night & happy August!

  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    @orlcam Rus, I agree with you completely. ALL of my weight gain and loss (and gain and loss...) has been circumstantial. Kids, job, school... life. It is frustrating that society sees excess weight as a failure. Someone is too lazy to exercise and eat right. For me it is the exact opposite of that. I am too busy. When your choice is to stop by a fast food joint or spend 45 minutes in the kitchen on your feet and you are exhausted, what are you going to do. Then the guilt comes and you grab the convenient comfort food because you don't have time to really deal with it properly. I guess what I am saying is that I am glad you have this board to help you out. I am glad I have it, too. I don't think I would make it without y'all.

    @mamainthekitchen Glad you had a lovely time!

    I would say that I am off to do something productive, but the reality is that I am going to be lazy today in preparation for the chaos of the next two weeks. Have a great weekend, all!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Hi all!

    Whoops, I didn't check in over the weekend and I see I missed stuff! Sorry guys! Where does the time go!? LOL

    First about me. Today is day 1 of keto! WOO HOO! Hopped on the scale for the first time in a while sigh... Anyway, today is the first day of a new journey and I am excited. So is my guy! Yep, doing this together.
    Doing some Intermittent Fasting today and will see how it goes down the road. So, no food for me until lunch time. Coffee with half and half and no sugar. As of this morning I can confirm that all of the old high carb/ sugary foods we had (except for one lowly box of pasta) have been removed from our residence. :)

    Jeez, been trying to type this post but keep getting interrupted!

    @orlcam great post! And I can't tell you how much I can relate. You have no idea... I got in to it a little in last months thread, towards the end of the month around the time I committed to Keto. Yep circumstantial for sure here too. When my hip and back pain started late last fall is when I started to lose my way with my WOE.

    Yes, let's be Keto Couples together (of course when you and your wife are back on track). In the mean time I sent a friend request, so we can keep each other accountable in the future. Feel free to take a look at my diary and make any recommendations. For heath reasons (cancer survivor here) I am planning to stick with poultry, fish and vegetables as my protein where ever possible, so no plans for big plates of bacon / pork / red meat for me.
    I did Atkins a LONG time ago so I have some low carb experience but still a bit of a learning curve for me. Have to shake the old mind set of fat being naughty again. :)

    @mamainthekitchen hope you had a great trip to Vancouver! That is on my list of places to see some day. :) Nice tropical weather is happening here but not for long as fall is just 'round the corner sigh... Pretty soon we'll be wearing sweaters and watching football.

    @KateNkognito enjoy your break while you can! I know things get a little nutty when school gets back in full swing. Hope everything goes well!

    Okay guys let me hit Post Reply before I get side tracked again. :smiley: Have a great day and see you soon!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Good morning all!

    I had a great day 1 on Keto. My current plan is the following: 86g protein / 22g carbs / 96g fat / 1300 calories per day. I came in slightly over my calories but the rest was pretty dead on. We deduct fiber grams from carb grams and use that number as our total carbs for the day.

    Planning to eat similar from what I ate yesterday. Had some coffee with half and half and no sugar for breakfast. Lunch will be lettuce, sliced tomatoes, sliced fresh mozzarella, half and avocado and some dressing. Side of salmon salad with mayo. Dinner TBD depending on how much left. Lots of water too.

    The nice thing about eating higher fat (all pretty much good fats, as you can see from my menu) is you pretty much aren't hungry. I likey. :smiley:

    See you all soon.

    Have a great day!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    Hey all! Started yesterday as a fast day, but it changed to just a moderate day. It happens. Today is a normal day, but I have a bunch of stuff to do. Tomorrow is another inservice. I am going to give fasting a shot, but it might not work. Friday should be a really easy day to fast. I have to be in boring meetings during lunchtime, so if I skip breakfast, I should be good.

    @Meghan509 Glad you are having good lick with keto. The one good thing I took away from it was that fat makes me feel fuller. It is worth the calories to be satisfied for a good long while.

    Off to do the things. Have a great day!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Oh sorry guys, I’ve just been away from communication time!!! Spent the night contemplating life with a bottle of red wine with the hubs on our sundeck at night!! Woohoo!! I likey! I’ve read posts , just no time to reply! Meg... good job, I really liked no feeling hungry too and sugar cravings disappear which are my nemesis !! Kate, I may fast on Friday too cause I’m heading for another lunch tomorrow!!! Omg it’s my 5th one in 5 weeks!!

    K gotta get some beauty sleep!!
    Have a great day y’all ;)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Hi all!

    Survived day two of Keto! LOL Yep, still really enjoying the fact that I am not hungry and feel more full with what I eat. Been doing Intermittent Fasting and aside from AM coffee with Half and Half and no sugar - no food until 12:30pm or so. I would probably go later than that but I try and be a little social with coworkers who want to have lunch together. :)

    We made our own chicken in the slow cooker, for chicken salad. It looks awesome! We tossed in two pounds of chicken breasts, 1 cup of low sodium chicken broth, onion powder, garlic powder and a little salt and pepper. Cook it on low for four hours and then take two forks to shred. For six servings it comes in at 150 calories a serving .5g carbs, 4g fat, 29.8g protein. Good for making chicken salad with or you can toss it over lettuce and other salad ingredients. Yummy!! Nice thing as well is there are no crappy chemicals, loads of salt, or preservatives that are typically found in a lot of canned chicken or the ready made in a bag from Perdue, etc.. Enjoy!

    @KateNkognito and @mamainthekitchen Hope your planned fasts go well. In the mean time, enjoy! Summer is flying by *sniffle*. Supposed to be nice this weekend on both Saturday and Sunday so you know where we will be! The beach! Have to enjoy it while we can as fall is just 'round the corner. Almost time for sweaters and (sugar free) pumpkin lattes. LOL

    Chat with you guys soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    Today is flying by! The inservice today was not as soul-sucking as the one on Monday was. :) I am almost ready for back to school. Just a few more things to do.

    @mamainthekitchen That sounds like a WONDERFUL way to spend the evening!

    @Meghan509 Glad it is working well for you! That chicken sounds really good. I do something similar, but I add my taco blend to it. If you are looking for a quick alternative, Simple Truth Organics has really good frozen, grilled chicken strips (sold at Kroger/Dillons). I use them all the time, heated up in a pan with a little butter. :)

    Speaking of chicken, I should probably go feed the horde of teenage boys in my house before they start gnawing on the furniture. Have a great rest of the week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Good morning all!

    Thanks @KateNkognito we used the chicken for chicken salad and even though I am not a huge chicken salad fan I really liked it a lot!!
    Thanks for the idea of the grilled chicken strips. I will keep an eye out up here in the Northeast for them. :)

    The week has been going really well. Still feeling less hungry and satisfied with what I am eating. Today we are having salmon salad with lunch and salmon burgers for dinner. Can you tell I like seafood!? :#

    Going to a physical therapy appt. tonight after work. Ouch my back.

    Speak to you all soon. Have a great day!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    It is an extremely rainy day here in the middle US. The temperature has dropped 20 degrees (F) since yesterday. It is WONDERFUL! I feel the urge to turn the lights on, clean my house, then curl up and read a book.
    I have been doing pretty well this week. I have started taking my vitamins again and I can't believe how much better I feel! I don't really notice the decline as I start to forget to take them, but I really feel the boost when I remember again. :)
    Must go get moving. Have a lovely day, all!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Good morning!

    Hopped on the scale this AM and was rewarded with a six pound loss. :smiley: Very happy about that! Sure, I know some of that was water weight, but nonetheless had a great first week on Keto.

    Today we are being taken out to lunch at a nearby restaurant. Planning for a lobster cobb salad. :) Tonight for dinner, we are planning on making a cauliflower mac and cheese recipe with some Trader Joe's Langostino Tails tossed in for protein.

    Not much else happening around here. The rain and storms have left here and we are having some wonderful weather. It's off to the beach for us with Keto friendly lunch and snacks in our cooler. :)

    Have a great one and see you soon!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi all!! I’ve had a good sleep in today! I’ve been up early & busy all week and didn’t sleep well the other night, then out for bbq yesterday (brought a naughty dessert).,. So it was nice to sleep in today! Out here on the west coast it is cooler too! A little relief for the dog & our lawn!!!

    Great job Meghan!! 6 lbs! That’s so encouraging!! That’s enough to really feel it!!!! I love all the foods on keto, your lobster salad sounds yum! I like your variety with the chicken & salmon..... You are sounding very happy with your results!!:)

    Sounds like you’re doing well kate! I hear ya on the relief from the heat! Enjoy your last time of summer holidays your kids must be getting back to school soon!

    Well I’ve had several lunches out recently and two bbq evenings... luckily I had a pretty decent fastday during the week. Overall I’ve been pretty good about my choices but I have totally stopped logging my foods! What a lovely break!! I’m pretty good at guessing and I use my kitchen scale still, im just not logging into mfp. I will start that again soon though! I’m hovering around the 159lb mark... so I know if I went back to eating keto fully I’d lose more, but I’m liking the idea of incorporating keto menus into a basic Mediterranean/western way of eating and leave the losing of weight up to the fasting I do. It’s those 2 days that do all the work! Well also walking, which I’ve been lax about all week (do to my social calendar!) but if I walk a good solid hour on the street, each and every day..(plus dog walk)..... that’ll do it!! Sounds easy and doable, but some weeks ughhh!! So hard!

    Off to pick blackberries!! They grow wild here and it is time to pick a few pails worth.... lovely having them in the freezer in the winter!

    Happy Saturday!!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    @mamainthekitchen Sounds like you had a busy week! I hope you are able to get back to walking this week. You seem to be happy when you take both walks every day.

    I have come to a turning point. I am not able to stay where I am health and weight wise. I was hoping my body would hold out until I got done with school, but that isn't going to happen. I am out of breath, I don't feel good, I am tired, and my joints are starting to feel the extra weight. I HAVE to lose some weight. So, fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, no excuses. Keep up my vitamins and talk to my chiropractor about anything else I can take to help. The new school year will boost my step count to over 10,000, plus I am going to start some low impact exercises and some yoga. Like Rus said, keep trying or start dying.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Had a accidental nap before dinner & now awake!!! :o You got this kate!! I’ll do Monday & Thursday with you. I like your ideas of yoga and low impact exercises, anything is better than nothing! Yes I am happiest with my two walks... I need to do it and not complain about not doing it!!

    Ughh... time to shut the eyes!!! I’ve been reading the success forums...
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    Well, I weighed this morning and I am pretty much the same as last week. At least it wasn't a gain. Did I tell y'all that they served pizza for lunch at my meeting on Friday? My favorite food group. So much for the fast! But it was GOOD! Today is too hot to eat much, so I am doing ok. Tomorrow I will be too busy to eat, so perfect for a fast day. School starts on Wednesday. I am excited to see all the kids again. I got a compliment from the principal on Friday about greeting all the students in the building. I am in charge of getting 400+ students in off the buses every morning. I have my outfit for the first day of school all picked out! LOL I hope you all have a great day! Happy fasting to those of you that will be joining me tomorrow!