

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    @micki48 steps 11/6: 8,900
    Just realized my fitbit is breaking down.. it doesn't register steps i take barefoot around my house :-( not sure how long it's been doing it..i was due for a new one
    Now to decide between the fitbit versa 2 and jumping in and getting the galaxy active 2 watch.. anyone have either?

    Are you sure it’s not a delay? Sometimes in bare feet around my house my Bluetooth is not connected, then as soon as it’s reconnected and refreshes, steps go up.
    Steph1498 wrote: »
    Steps 11/6: 9580

    Also could you help me with how to look at the results on the spreadsheet again? Thanks!

    If you go to November spreadsheet, click the Waistaways tab and scroll all the way to the bottom, you will see the steps.

    You can get to the spreadsheet on the main Fat2Fit page.
  • eyezbydiana
    eyezbydiana Posts: 90 Member
    Nope, I mean on my actual fitbit device it doesn't change as Im walking.. would there be a delay on the device u think?
  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    edited November 2019
    11/6/2019: 11040

    Accountability: Had 2 licorice sticks given to me by a friend. I thought I would be able to have just those and...being an adult, I would stop and be okay. But, it spiraled.
    2 hotcocoa packets, mixed with sugar and a tbsp of water make a yummy paste (hot cocoa is free here....that's an issue(my addiction to chocolate, lol).
    Then I just said F*#& -It and had 3 little debby nutty bars.
    Ended the evening with chicken and cauliflower. But, I didn't log everything in. I know I was over calories.... but I didn't Stuff my face. Its just little things like this will NOT improve my weight.

    For the sake of being accountable, I will go back and log it in today. This whole calorie logging thing used to be so much easier back a few years ago....or maybe the memory of it was easier.

    Workout for 11/7 - The Superman workout from Jim Stoppani. Chest/back/shoulders/Calves/Traps. WEights at the gym! and then 8 mins of Infrared sauna. My brain feels happy again. Now if I can only get the "fluffy" feeling to go away.

    Food for 11/6:

    It was enough calories to maintain weight ie. I am not eating too FEW calories to starve myself.
    I had protein over 70g that's good. (I probably should get 75-100g per day

  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Really stressed about this trip tomorrow. No airports where we're going so we fly to Seattle, rent a car and drive 3 hours. I have limited experience on US roads so, that's a thing.

    I will be skipping gym time. I won't know what I'm eating. I won't have any alone time. I'll be worried about my cat. I come back super late Monday and have to work Tuesday. My work is behind. My writing is behind.

    Anyways what I'm trying to say is everything sucks and that's why I've been quiet.
  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    @GidgitgoescrazyGidgitgoescra - oh no!!! Prayers for you girl!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    Nope, I mean on my actual fitbit device it doesn't change as Im walking.. would there be a delay on the device u think?

    @eyezbydiana I’ve seen that happen on mine. While watching it and walking around my house it doesn’t move, then it jumps ahead by 20 or 30 steps. Or maybe mine is going too. 😂
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrazy sending virtual hugs and hoping your husband is feeling better soon. Be sure to take care of yourself while taking care of him. 🤗

    @Shexio We all have slip ups (I ate four cookies I made yesterday. None today so far) Let it go and get right back on track. Drinking plenty of water should help the fluffiness subside. I drank mint tea the other night and that sure helped. I’ve also read warm or hot water helps with digestion.

    @terytha Virtual hugs to you too. What a stressful time. Set a timer every few hours to remind yourself to take a few deep breaths. I find this very helpful. Healthy eating is such a challenge when traveling. Do the best you can and move on. Drink water as you can. As an American, you’ll be fine on our roads. They are pretty well marked. Remember the blue signs are the interstate. (Main roads. Between states) The NE has all the potholes, so you should be fine out west. Good luck with everything check in when you can. We’re here to support you and listen to you vent. Take care. 🤗
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,383 Member
    CW 215.6
    This month has not been going well. Brought in the Halloween candy this past Monday and passed it on. Good thing as a few pieces each day. Someone brought in snacks and have been eating Costco choc chip cookies for the past week and chips, and started w/1 cookie and today had 4. Please send me boots to the bum! Must stop it!
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Really stressed about this trip tomorrow. No airports where we're going so we fly to Seattle, rent a car and drive 3 hours. I have limited experience on US roads so, that's a thing.

    I will be skipping gym time. I won't know what I'm eating. I won't have any alone time. I'll be worried about my cat. I come back super late Monday and have to work Tuesday. My work is behind. My writing is behind.

    Anyways what I'm trying to say is everything sucks and that's why I've been quiet.

    Breathe, @Terytha you're going to be ok. Tell us about your writing. What type of writing do you do?
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrazy I pray your husband gets better soon.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Really stressed about this trip tomorrow. No airports where we're going so we fly to Seattle, rent a car and drive 3 hours. I have limited experience on US roads so, that's a thing.

    I will be skipping gym time. I won't know what I'm eating. I won't have any alone time. I'll be worried about my cat. I come back super late Monday and have to work Tuesday. My work is behind. My writing is behind.

    Anyways what I'm trying to say is everything sucks and that's why I've been quiet.

    Breathe, @Terytha you're going to be ok. Tell us about your writing. What type of writing do you do?

    Yeah, breathing. My boss let me go home early because I was anxiety spiraling at my desk. :/

    I'm doing National Novel Writing Month. 50,000 words in 30 days. I've been doing it every year since 2006. This year's terrible novel is a paranormal romance thriller sort of thing. It's awful. Completely unreadable. I love it.
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Terytha wrote: »
    Really stressed about this trip tomorrow. No airports where we're going so we fly to Seattle, rent a car and drive 3 hours. I have limited experience on US roads so, that's a thing.

    I will be skipping gym time. I won't know what I'm eating. I won't have any alone time. I'll be worried about my cat. I come back super late Monday and have to work Tuesday. My work is behind. My writing is behind.

    Anyways what I'm trying to say is everything sucks and that's why I've been quiet.

    Breathe, @Terytha you're going to be ok. Tell us about your writing. What type of writing do you do?

    Yeah, breathing. My boss let me go home early because I was anxiety spiraling at my desk. :/

    I'm doing National Novel Writing Month. 50,000 words in 30 days. I've been doing it every year since 2006. This year's terrible novel is a paranormal romance thriller sort of thing. It's awful. Completely unreadable. I love it.

    Omg I'm an author too! I'd love to get in on that if I can! Is there a website? Well duh I could just Google it!

    Will you publish your work when you're done, @Terytha ?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,190 Member
    WOW! I spend a day in the big bad city and things go WILD over here. There is every kind of thing, and it goes without saying that we are in this together and I hope we can help each other out.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy - I hope your husband gets his meds straight and is home again. I know it can be hard when we want to make things right more naturally, but a lot of us are alive because of antibiotics, blood pressure meds, clot busters, insulin, etc. Take many deep breaths along with @Terytha ! And hospitals often have a layout where long pacing round and round the floor or up a few flights of stairs and back down again give you a great break from the tension and anxiety of waiting.

    @cory17 - consider the many boots hitting your posterior! As with others' candy meltdowns over the days following halloween, just throw them out and move on! We all have days of indulgence from time to time, and you only did a small amount of damage. Tomorrow will be a well-controlled, logged, and calm day, right? Report back!

    @Steph1498 - did you find your way to the spreadsheets OK? Good job on steps :smiley:

    @Connie7355 - hope your knee is feeling better! Be sure to take the rest prescribed - hopefully that will do the trick and you'll be back on your usual form soon.

    @Shexio = You are my fellow low-weight member, and yes, it is hard to eat the small number of calories we need and not too many more. The best things in your totals there? Your fibre and protein numbers. Especially fibre. Get the fat and carbs down, and you'll feel a lot better. But you already know that. Breaking a few days' craziness is not easy, but you have taken the amazing step of logging absolutely everything. You'll hate doing that after a bit - and the balance will improve. Courage!

    @Terytha you are wonderful. And we all wish we could read your terrible wonderful novel. And @evangsimmons170 too - we'd love to read your writing! But don't forget that a death in the family and all the travel, family gathering, and tensions that go with it happen. Driving in Washington state is not much different than driving in BC. Maybe bigger roads than near Edmonton, but I'm sure you'll be fine. As @micki48 says, it is a LOT better than driving the NE corridor! We're all breathing with you.

    I did well in Montreal even though I ate out 3 meals there in restaurant heaven. I also walked a LOT and racked up not only way more steps than usual, it was in the falling snow, and running late, to a place way farther than I thought it was. I arrived for my lunch late, in a sweat, and hungry. Luckily it was a build it yourself salad place :sunglasses: :

    Tomorrow is our BIG weigh-in day. HEADS UP for:
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Terytha wrote: »
    Really stressed about this trip tomorrow. No airports where we're going so we fly to Seattle, rent a car and drive 3 hours. I have limited experience on US roads so, that's a thing.

    I will be skipping gym time. I won't know what I'm eating. I won't have any alone time. I'll be worried about my cat. I come back super late Monday and have to work Tuesday. My work is behind. My writing is behind.

    Anyways what I'm trying to say is everything sucks and that's why I've been quiet.

    Breathe, @Terytha you're going to be ok. Tell us about your writing. What type of writing do you do?

    Yeah, breathing. My boss let me go home early because I was anxiety spiraling at my desk. :/

    I'm doing National Novel Writing Month. 50,000 words in 30 days. I've been doing it every year since 2006. This year's terrible novel is a paranormal romance thriller sort of thing. It's awful. Completely unreadable. I love it.

    Omg I'm an author too! I'd love to get in on that if I can! Is there a website? Well duh I could just Google it!

    Will you publish your work when you're done, @Terytha ?

    There is! NaNoWriMo.org. It's free to join and there's a lot of resources and a community and stuff for when you would rather procrastinate than write. :)

    I've never tried to publish anything. I just do this because I love stories. I feel pretty good about this one so maybe? But a novel written in a month needs a LOT of polishing. I'll probably need to rewrite most of it. It really is awful. XD

    Assuming I even hit my goal. But I've done 10,000 word Saturday catch ups before.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    @jugar Its really just the miles per hour thing. It looks like highway speeds are a lot faster. I'm sure it'll be OK once I'm there, I'm just bad at waiting for things I'm scared of. I'm a take action kinda girl. Patience is not my virtue.

    I'm not sure I want anyone to read this thing I'm writing. I've never tried to write romance before. It's sort of embarrassing!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    Met with a trainer today. She wrote up an upper body and lower body program for me to start with. I also used a machine at my pharmacy that tells you fat vs lean body mass. I plan on checking it again at the end of the month. It’s free. Not sure how accurate it is, but interesting.

    I came back home, made dinner for every one and ate one cookie, which I planned for, logged and was under my calories.
  • eyezbydiana
    eyezbydiana Posts: 90 Member
    Steps for 11/7: 12,260
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @micki48 Thanks for helping with the spreadsheet! Honestly, I had never looked at it before. I signed in using my desktop instead of using my phone and the site is easier to read. Especially the community blog! I checked on the spreadsheet layout and my steps. I got a new phone last week and my watch (that previously caught all my steps) wasn't paired correctly. Could you update the spreadsheet for me for the last week with these steps?
    11/3: 10,685
    11/4: 13,113
    11/5: 14,338
    11/6: 10,486
    11/7: 11,852

    Lastly, its awesome to see the people in our "Waistaways" spreadsheet it helped to reaffirm that we all are in this together and there are so many other people that want to improve their fitness too. I am feeling connected and committed!

    @jugar Here's my Friday weigh in
    CW: 167.8
    PW: 169.8
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Well Husband is fine and back to work, apparently all the tests came back just fine.. I noticed on the one med the dr told him to stop taking that there is an FDA warning that stopping this medication suddenly can cause angina and other side effects... and that you need to reduce the medication to stop... So WHY would his dr tell him he can stop taking it and not have him lower doses 1st ??? stuff like that irritates me to no end... Anyway, he got home yesterday before I got off work, so all is back to normal... Well except for the fact that I am working on a friday, that's weird, but my new normal for the next 4 months... Today was my weigh in... drum roll please....

    PW 183.4
    CW 182.4

    1lb.... I am super happy with that, between the weekend away, the stomach virus, the hubby in the hospital, and not smoking through any of it... I am taking that 1lb and holding it up like the greatest achievement ever!

    Have a great friday !

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