

  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello everyone! It is very chilly here today, we luckily did not get a lot of snow, it was mixed with rain, so mostly slush. A lot of other areas got hit hard, but thankfully we didn't! My son had a 2 hour delayed opening for school, I guess to make sure the streets were clear for the buses.

    I did ok yesterday, I did not workout, but I did get in 13,513 steps. My food was not as good as I would have liked, but it was not too terrible. So far so good today. I packed my breakfast & lunch. I am going to go to the gym after work. This week is not going to be good for workouts. We are taking my friend out for her birthday tomorrow & Thursday is our work Christmas party. I will try to do good the other days. I have also been off with IF, but I think I will restart tonight.

    @Cafelelia I felt like you last year regarding Christmas, I had to force myself to get into the spirit. I'm glad my tree helped. They say listening to Christmas music helps to put you in a good mood. I have a Christmas song playlist on my phone from all different artists & groups. It does help, makes me happy! Great Wellness Tips!

    @sleepymom5 thanks! My sons are so excited for Christmas, they couldn't wait to decorate. It is fun with the puppy, he is too cute! I bought him a little Christmas hat, I am going to try to get a picture of him in front of the tree, wearing the hat. It is not going to be easy, lol, he never sits still. Let's try to end the year on a good note! We can do it!

    Have a wonderful day! I will try to check-in later! :smiley:
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @hope002 great skiing pics!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,447 Member
    I just hopped on here quick because I really wanted a snack. I am not hungry, I just have an urge to eat. I have some peppermint tea and decided to get on here and check in with you all. I was very hungry again at lunch time. I have been eating 3/4 of my turkey wrap, 1/2 baked lays and was starting to do 1/2 of my yogurt but then remembered, the reason I was doing that was because I was trying to figure out where my plus two was. I ate my entire lunch today and was satisfied after. Now I am not hungry but like I said, I just have an urge to eat. I am feeling a bit better taking the time to read and respond to everyone. I can definitely wait until dinner time to eat.
    Oh well...back to work...I will check in later.

    @Navydaddjtc Sounds awesome! I can't wait to check it out :) Thanks for always giving this team your all, especially with all that you have going on.
    @Cafelelia I bet you are right about decorating with the not being home on Christmas this year. Maybe you can decorate but not as much as usual? It is really nice that your are going to your FIL as he can't really travel. Parkensons is tough. Lol! You are right about Corrinne, there would be cussing and journaling! I love your wellness tips too-so easy you would think but I think we all need to remind ourselves of these.
    @phoebe112476 You seem to have a handle on the weight fluctuations. I am sure between traveling and being out of your usual routine this is just a little blip on your radar.
    @kirsten11872 Wow! That is a lot of steps without a workout! Great job! This week is starting the holiday parties for you. Just make a plan and be sure to get in your workouts the other days. You got this! I can't wait to see the pic with the puppy! We have to take a ton of pictures of Daisy before we get a good one.
    @nstephenson01 Glad to see you here! Hope all is well.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Busy 2 days! I successfully completed my first day of cleanse. After work went to buy groceries for Molly and juices, fruit and veg for me. Came home and did my first day of rowing. Agghhhh...Molly set it on the easiest setting and I did a very loooonnnng 5 minutes of rowing. I have never rowed before. Oh boy! that is part of my new winter routine twice a week. I am looking forward to seeing the progress. then did my yoga, took a bath, washed my hair, played puzzle and read my book. It's amazing how much you can get done when you are not focused on food. Today has been very busy as well. I just finished running 20 minutes with an added 10 minute w/u c/d. December has already started out as a great month. I am doing well on my 2nd day of cleanse. I am drinking pomegranate juice, Acai berry, and carrot juice along with lots of distilled water and detox tea. Doing well. After work Molly and I are going canary shopping. Were planning to surprise my mom with a little birdie for Christmas. She wanted one when she first moved here 2 years ago.
    some exciting news...my sister in law joined weight watchers and just hit her 50 pound goal today! So excited that we get to do maintenance together.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 I absolutely LOVE your hair and your picture. It brought tears to my eyes. I just love weddings and you looked so beautiful Pam. I know what you mean about pictures. Sometimes I think yeah nice...but most of the time...oh geez! Oh yeah and great pic of you in the yoga pose! It made me laugh. haha
    @Cafelelia You have been doing so much with your family and being a very active captain of this team. Sometimes the holidays are like that when we just can't get our heart into it. Sounds like your doing well though with shopping etc. It's nice to have options. Maybe you focus on just the bare minimum of decorations or none at all. Some years are just like that and there is nothing wrong with that. Or you could hire one of those fancy decorators that will come in and winterize your home with the wave of a wand. lol.
    @kirsten11872 wow your tree is so tall. Beautiful!
    @phoebe112476 yoga and wine? ohhhh how intriguing...if they threw in pizza I would definitely sign up!
    @gingerpwr I am so glad the chiro was helpful! I am a big believer. I am doing the December Joy yoga with Adriene. I always feel so much better when I stick with my yoga practice. But if I miss one day it seems so easy to miss 2.
    @tryingagain5 I loved your Monday motivation. I ready it several times.
    @jedaschultz I agree with you 100% about having a plan and working it!
    @Twyla77 I am not sure what happened to me but one day I just decided I didn't want to know how much sleep I had nor my steps. I stopped wearing my fitbit about a month ago. so much freedom with out it. I tried it again about a week ago but decided "naahhhh". I may do it again someday but I too needed a break.
    @hope002 I always enjoy your winter photos. And those before and after are crazy. It is amazing how much 8 ponds makes a difference. Thanks for sharing.

  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm sure the extra time off I had is probably making it harder for me to get back into night shift mode. I hope your knee starts to cooperate and you can start doing more again. Hopefully the new technique the PT is doing will make a difference. Loved the pics you posted if the wedding. Beautiful family! Great tip for today. A lot of times I've fallen into that trap of "I messed up, I might as well just not keep going for today." I need to remember to pick myself up and get going again now, not later.

    Thanks, It's hard but I do try and make better decisions. I saved those motivation quotes on my phone and look at them all the time to help me remember.
    It's ok if you're not in the mood to decorate, you've been so busy with your boys and their activities. Maybe enlist their help with decorating.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I loved those quotes too, I look at them daily as a reminder.
    Love your Tuesday tip, especially the part about keeping the commitment to yourself. We can get support and encouragement from others but ultimately no one can do the work for us.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Tuesday 12/3 check in
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 20 minutes speed intervals

    I was having a hard time at the gym today. Not sure why the workout felt so hard today. Maybe my body is just extra tired today. I have some time before work tonight so I think I'm going to take a nap before I go in.
  • amytriesww
    amytriesww Posts: 91 Member
    @kirsten11872 Your tree is beautiful!! Brought mine down from the attic, but haven't got it up yet! I'm so late this year!

    @hope002 you look amazing! It's a wonder the difference those 8 lbs made! I'm glad you're enjoying IF! I've mentioned before, I find it interesting, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for it yet. By the time I'm done with my morning workout, I'm so hungry it feels like my stomach is eating itself! lol I don't know if I could wait!

    @sleepymom5 You looked absolutely beautiful!! Don't doubt yourself- that dress was amazing on you! Your family is beautiful!

    @cafelelia I'm right there with you! I haven't decorated yet either and part of me is wondering if I should even bother. My December is looking so busy and I'll be out of town for 2 of the weekends. It almost seems pointless! Also, my daughter is 11 and she hasn't mentioned anything about Santa this year. I don't know if she still believes and it makes me sad that we're at this point already! Here's hoping we both can manage to get in the spirit!

    @twyla77 I completely understand about the fitbit. I do love mine, but I've had times where it just became too much. I would feel like I had to do as much as the previous day or get the same amount of steps or more. And honestly, that's just not healthy. I say if you're doing fine without it and you're feeling less burdened, it's a good move to sit it down for a while (or forever! lol).
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Tip Tuesday
    Fitness tip: do something you love to do as your workout, then it will not feel like a chore.
    Nutrition tip: Enjoy what you eat. Get in as many fruits, veggies and healthy foods as possible while also enjoying some treats so you don't feel like you're depriving yourself. I've always had trouble getting in fruits and veggies but when I get them in, I find I feel better and am able to eat a lot of food.
  • amytriesww
    amytriesww Posts: 91 Member
    @Mrsbell8well I love your tip and what you said about commitment. That is exactly what it is- a commitment. I started my journey in June. On June 4th, I had a slip up and I remember thinking to myself, "No! This is not going to be like every other time." I literally made a commitment to myself that day to do this for me and my health- and I haven't had a slip up since then. I indulge on occasion, of course, but I'm done living that lifestyle that was leading me to an early grave.

    I'm so glad to be in the group learning from people like you who have walked this path!
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    edited December 2019

    @Happily_Chaotic , @DanielleInProgresss AND @Freeglerock
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Hello @sleepymom5 I have a replacement for my oatmeal- I’m doing chobani low sugar yogurt with sliced banana. I go through these food stages - so this must be my yogurt and banana stage! It’s very satisfying and doesn’t seem to make me hungry like the oatmeal did. Go figure!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @amytriesww wow congratulations on your accomplishments and staying the course. I appreciate your kind words.
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