Monthly Post December 2019

Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
Good morning all!

December is here! Are we ready!? :o

Not too much happening here. Quiet Sunday before a little lousy weather. Planning to eat clean and drink a lot of water today.

See you all soon!


  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Happy December! :D

    Wow Meghan you did awesome... no pumpkin pie or stuffing! Good job... and congrats for picking a guy with a great mom!! She’s sounds lovely to accommodate you WOE.

    I normally hate crowds & shopping too late but we have a brand new outlet mall about 8 min drive away... on old unused farm land if you can believe it, so it’s difficult to get to they’re actually bussing people in! Stupid, but great for us.. if you go right at dinner or first thing there’s no body there! I’ve got some presents already so I’m proud!

    I love Christmas too Orlcam... not really religious... or rather, I believe you can speak to a tree instead of a priest. It’s all the twinkling lights and the music and decorations that I love!!! Yes, cannot believe it’s upon us already!!

    Have a good day! I’ll check back later... I’ve had salads lately so not sure about tonight’s dinner yet!!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    So I was WAY up this week for weigh in. Not gonna sweat it. I *did* make a point to take my vitamins and log everything today. And I will get back to fasting this week. Going to the store and then we will put up the tree and decorate. Have a great week, month, and end of the year! Happy fasting and feasting!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Ahhh I ate all day long! Non stop nibbling! 2 hours of gardening was the only time I wasnt nibbling!!

    Tomorrow is a brand new day!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Hello everybody!

    Back to work today after a nice week off and BOOM everything at once! *screams* The nice thing is it is almost lunchtime and the morning flew by!

    Snow happening here today. Hoping to get out before rush hour and avoid the "drama" and traffic.

    Not too much else going on. Keto WOE is going well. We started on August 5, so that means almost five months?! How is that possible. Jeez that flew. Weight loss has been a little slow for us (down around 30 lbs each) but all in all cannot complain one bit. For me, size 12's and 10's are fitting which is very cool. Not planning on buying any new clothes for a while. :)

    Hope you guys are well and getting back on track from your nibbling and holiday fun. LOL

    See you soon.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Morning y’all.... couldn’t sleep so I’m an early bird today!

    Meghan you are down 30lbs since aug5?? Holy!!! I’m up 5 since my bday in October!!! ** deep sigh*** well I do know it’s my fault I’m just not sticking to any sort of rhythm. In a slump I guess. This shall pass...

    Kate hope you’re doing well!

    Orlcam, thought of you ... we saw the news there was a mass shooting.... let there be peace !!!

    I walked a couple of laps in my mall yesterday in the wrong shoes... at least I walked besides with the dog!

    Have a good day, Tuesday already!!!

  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning all!

    That is early, @mamainthekitchen LOL Yes, down 30 lbs, crazy right?!

    Things are good here. Rolling along. Looking forward to some Costco baby back ribs for dinner tonight! Anybody try those? We buy the refrigerated ones that you reheat at home. We skip the BBQ sauce. So yummy and tender that they fall off the bone!

    Sunday night we had some left over turkey for dinner. It got a tiny bit dry when reheating in the microwave but it wasn't bad. Yummy breast meat is my favorite! We still have a fair amount left for another meal. Anyone else enjoying left overs?

    Our office is doing a holiday gift donation for disadvantage kids at a nearby shelter we help out. Looking for a nice pair of headphones and something sports related. Thinking a soccer ball would be good! A few months back we did a clean up of the property outside, threw away some garbage, weeds, and leaves. Nice to give back. <3

    Hope you have a lovely Tuesday! Chat soon.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Hi all.

    Hope your day is going well!

    Things are busy but good here. :)

    See you soon.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Hello everyone...

    Meghan, hmmm ribs. Our Rouse's does $9.99 rotisserie racks of ribs on Fridays...they'll do them without sauce too if you ask. Just got through the last of the leftovers yesterday. My wife is on a low-iodine diet at the moment...4 more days. She froze all of the things she couldn't eat on Thanksgiving and is planning her own feast this weekend. That's great that y'all do that for the kids...hope you caught the Amazon deals; lots of the stuff you just mentioned was on sale. Also, 30 lbs in 4 months on your frame...that's huge! I'm guessing you lost about 20% of your body weight.

    Thanks mamma...yep, great week for Louisiana football teams, not so much for our image. There is usually violence during festivals/Mardi Gras down here unfortunately.

    Hey Kate, my wife has been doing well because of the low-iodine thing...anything where you need to stop and think about what your eating helps. I think once she gets off of it this weekend we'll "thoughtfully" enjoy the season and get back to business (keto) the 1st week of 2020.

    See y'all soon.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member

    I’m making chicken soup over here... I guess I can officially call it bone broth! I bought one of those rotisserie chickens, made sandwiches and meals for the son then plopped the rest of it in my crock pot .... for 30 hours!! The bones were disintegrating, which was awesome for my dog! Now I’ve skimmed the fat, and making a delicious soup adding chopped black kale, half tin of beans and other low carb veg!! Plus a sorrano chili too! That’s my meal for the day! I’m also thinking of doing keto January! I did keto last feb and just for a few weeks lost about 8 lbs. in total I’d like to lose a full 12! Mind set mind set mind set!! Also starting back with my fasting... yesterday I waited until dinner to eat, felt good. Today I may have a protein shake about 1:30 since I’m hungry now.. we’ll see.

    Hope all is well with everyone lurking!!

    Stay safe Orlcam!
    Meghan your company sounds awesome!
    I’m envying kate with your tree up already... my goal this year is to not put it up until I have all my shopping done....and this is working!! I’ve got lots so far! Just stuck on the parents... what do you people get your parents? We try to go light, but they give so much to the kids!! Ahh always on the short end of the stick!

    Hump day already!!!! Omg
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    It all sounds tasty @mamainthekitchen ! This will be interesting to we'll all do with the keto and fasting.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Hi guys!

    Happy Thursday! Week is rolling right along, which I like!
    Yes, Amazon for the win! For the 12 year old boy I found a nice pair of headphones and an indoor outdoor basket ball. Should be arriving today. A lot of people at the office are really in to it this year and some people took more than one tag off the tree. Means shopping for more than one kid which is cool. Feels nice to give back.

    I really don't have to shop much for my family. We don't do many gifts. I buy for my almost six year old nephew. I buy for my Mom and Step Dad stuff for the house. They are feeling the pinch financially and don't go to Costco, so we pick up a bunch of stuff in bulk to help them out. Paper towels, toilet paper, frozen burgers, veggies, etc. etc.

    @orlcam wow that is great deal for your Friday ribs! We would be allll over that deal. Our Costco deal is not as low, but still good. The BBQ sauce comes in two containers on the side. We just toss 'em. LOL
    The other thing we like is the rotisserie chickens from our grocery store. We buy one often on Friday nights after we do our grocery shopping. Cut it up and go to town for dinner. Comes in at $5 or $6 and it is a store brand organic chicken. :)
    Thanks for your kind words! Yes, 30 lbs has helped me get back to where I was a year ago, before the wheels fell off the wagon and the wagon went down a ditch. :o
    Last Christmas I would have weighed around five or ten pounds more than I am now. But my clothes fit much better. I think it is the Keto Fat Burning that is helping me out. Seems I have lost a lot of inches. Need to try on my bathing suit and my summer clothes that were too tight last year to get a full look at the situation. So for the family in Florida who sees me once a year, I'll look a little smaller this year. ;)

    @mamainthekitchen I need to make bone broth / chicken broth from a rotisserie chicken! Sounds so yummy. My BF's Mom did that with the Thanksgiving turkey bones. Boiled the heck out of 'em and threw in some veggies and quinoa and said it came out lovely!
    Come on over and board the Keto Train with us! We'd love to have you! :smiley:

    @KateNkognito hope all is well!

    Alright, guess I better go back to being productive. LOL To the Fasters have a great day! You got this! Weigh in day tomorrow for me! See you soon.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning all!

    I weighed in this morning and I am the same as last week. S'ok, I will take it! Between Thanksgiving, drinking a little more alcohol than usual, and a lot of cheese - staying the same is not that bad of thing. LOL

    Hope all are well. Any fun plans for the weekend? Nothing exciting going on here. Next week and the week after I have a luncheon for work. Planning to stick to my Keto WOE and having a glass of wine, otherwise hopefully the scale doesn't dislike me. :O

    Speak to you all soon.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Ahh the trappings of the holiday season...would we have it any other way? Every ounce of temperance you can muster now will save you on the back end :| says the man who currently exhibits no such virtue ;)

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    *thump thump thump* That was me, falling of the wagon and getting run over by it. Oh, look! Cake and hibachi grill today! At this point in the year, I am just going to try not to gain. Well, not gain too much.

    It sounds like you all are having a happy holiday season. All this talk of ribs! Yum! I hope everyone has had a great week! It was SUPER long for me. Kids!

    I am working on my last assignment... still. It is due the 12th, so I will definitely be done by then. The graduation celebration for my program is on the 15th. I am excited to be done, but it doesn't feel real yet.

    Have a great weekend! You all are fabulous!
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    lol...sounds like a plan @KateNkognito Enjoy the winter break.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning all!

    Happy Monday! Ugh. LOL

    Weekend flew by! Had a mostly relaxing one. Aside from shopping on Saturday and Sunday, jeez all the sales!!

    As far as gifts, got my nephew all done and wrapped! Got BF's nieces and nephew all done and wrapped! Next up are the Christmas cards. Have them ready to go. All we need to do is sign and drop in the mail!

    Unfortunately no tree for us since a) small condo, b) traveling during the holiday. A tree would just sit and be thirsty without anyone around. We do have a nice candle we have been lighting that smells like a Christmas Tree! So pretty.

    Keto WOE is going well. Planning to try on my bathing suit and my summer stuff this week to see how everything fits. Not anticipating any issues there, which is nice. Fingers crossed.

    Our office holiday luncheon is coming up this Wednesday. Planning to stick to Keto friendly foods and have one cocktail or glass of wine. I put an order in for filet mignon, which I thought would be a nice treat. Also don't foresee an issue there with flour or breading. Other options were a chicken and a fish. Wish me luck!

    See you all soon. Have a great day!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning all!

    Hope Monday was good for everybody. Rainy but low key here. Stuck to my Keto WOE and drank a lot of water.

    Similar plans for today. Rain coming this afternoon and then tomorrow a little snow. One to three inches. Bah! Hoping it is uneventful since we have our company holiday luncheon tomorrow. :0

    Yesterday a HUGE delivery of bakery style cookies came in from a vendor. They were placed in our kitchen / break room on the table. Can say I didn't have one single cookie, nor did I feel the urge. Honestly they didn't have a strong smell, that would have definitely made it harder. But, they looked nice. They were sitting right next to me while I was eating lunch yesterday. A couple people asked if I was having any and I said no... o:) There are still some left today but I am still not going to have any!

    Hope everybody is well. Only 20 days left of 2019. Any big plans in 2020? Aside from wanting to lose weight and finally hit my goal, I am trying to be more positive and spread positive vibes and kindness where possible. Life is too short for negativity. <3

    See you all soon!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi all! Busy weekend included ceasing my parents entire house!! Washed walls, cupboards, appliances... all the hard stuff, they’ve arrived back in the wee hours this morning so they came back to a cleaned house and I baked some mincemeat tarts and put them in a Christmas tin! I’ll talk to them later today but they had a fantastic time!!

    Orlcam thanks for the perfect Christmas banner! I likey!!!

    I’m seeing a glow to the east of me Meghan... must be from your halo!! Haha good for you!! Do you find more protein in your diet curbs those cravings and temptations?? Ordering meat for your luncheon is a smart move!! Thumbs up on that!
    I caved on my rule and put my tree up before all gifts have been bought... I’ve got most of them!! I’m way ahead of the game this year, so I’m doing pretty well. I love all the decorations!!!

    I’m sipping on some hot water with fresh ginger slices, hoping it will spur me into a fast day today. I didn’t eat until dinner yesterday.. too busy cleaning!! I weighed myself last week and I’m still hovering 159ish, but I’m feeling a bit more motivated lately, we’ll see.

    One last assignment Kate!!! Holy cow... good luck!! You’re in the home stretch now!!!!

    Have a good day people!!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    Ok, I *know* I posted yesterday, but it didn't take! Grr!
    @Meghan509 I am super impressed with your will power!
    @mamainthekitchen Woo hoo for almost done shopping and putting up the decor AND cleaning your parents' house! Would you be willing to do mine? I will pay the plane fare!
    @orlcam I love the new banner!
    My funny for the day: A student spent an hour growling at me (literally) while I made them work out ALL the problems on the math test. Then they hopped up at the end, smiled at me and thanked me profusely for helping them. LOL
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning all!

    Rocking my red sweater and black skirt and tights for our holiday luncheon today! Walked outside to around an inch of snow on the car. Bah. It was flurrying on the way in to work but now it looks clear. Rest of the day will be cool but no snow. Thank God. Would be a bummer to have a snow day the day of our lunch!

    Love the new banner @orlcam! Hope all is good down in your neck of the woods. :)

    @mamainthekitchen thank you! Still rolling along minus cookies! LOL BF and I have discussed a non Keto "Cheat Meal" maybe after the first of the year. We have stuck to it, aside from a few more carbs or alcohol in a day. I find Keto one of the easiest to stick to. I guess since my cravings are all turned off it makes it easier. My goal is to be at 160 for my birthday in early May. That's about 22 lbs less than what I am now, so I have time and buffer. Obviously less would be preferred! ;)

    @KateNkognito Thank you! Good for you for keeping those students in check!
    I look back at my experience in school and how grateful I am for the teachers who took a little extra time with me. I was one of those kids who got distracted easily and lacked motivation often. If I had to go back and do it all again it sure would be different!

    Off to grab a tea and get some work done. Chat soon!