December 9 Sign In



  • lalabank
    lalabank Posts: 1,009 Member
    3 x’s yes. Hour long strength class and good on calories. Everything logged.
    It’s weird how I’m starting to forget exactly how it all started 2.5 years ago. The general idea is that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was newly married facing what should be the happiest time of my life but I was miserable with myself. The perspective of two years of health and losing about 100lbs, I can’t believe the difference. Lol most couples talk about getting married and letting themselves go- my husband and I did the exact opposite because we want to be together for a long time!
  • ConfidentRaven
    ConfidentRaven Posts: 1,428 Member
    Exercise: Yes

    Calories: Yes

    Tracked: Yes
  • sunflower2o
    sunflower2o Posts: 42 Member

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • cjane917
    cjane917 Posts: 688 Member
    Didn't have time to add my comment on how I started so adding that now. I've enjoyed reading everyone's stories! Very motivating and inspiring!
    For me I was always on the slim side until around age 27. Then my eating habits and slowing metabolism caught up to me and I gained about 35 pounds, keeping that on for maybe two years. I knew it wasn't great, but it took seeing a photo of myself to realize how different that extra 35 made me look. I was also noticing some small health changes, like tight hips, feeling more sluggish, and more pressure on my joints and feet. I lost about 10 lb and then found MFP. Since then I've lost 25 more lb over a few years. I'm now lower than I was when I was 27 and am focused on the last few pounds and body recomposition as I work out more. I like the UAC because it's helping me get some of these long-term habits ingrained so I'll be ready for maintenance when that comes. I feel great and am so thankful for all the support on MFP!
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    3x yes

    7 yes
    2 no

    1. May 22 yes 9 no/31
    2. June 22 yes 8 no/30
    3. July 23 yes 8 no/31
    4. August 22 yes 9 no/31
    5. September 21 yes 9 no/30
    6. October 18 yes 13 no/31
    7. Nov 23 yes 7 no/30