Dedicated December



  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    l4a_p wrote: »
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    @l4a_p, @brouwer28, @YoureAWalnut, @weatherking2019, @Go_Deskercise, @jacau: you are doing great !! Keep it up, just 13 days to go and then we get a reset :smiley:

    And as of today, we get a minute daylight extra in the evening. Days are getting longer again, woohoo !

    @Antiopelle Not to rain on your parade, but aren't you a bit early with celebrating? Longest day is 21th so few more days till we get more light!

    I know, but I don't mind the dark mornings so much, it's the evenings that get to me. And those are getting longer as of now. :wink: See the positive where I can I guess :blush:

    The dark early evenings are killing me.... I've been working thru lunch on a million projects instead of walking, it's freakin dark when I get home. It's depressing!
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    33, 5' 4"

    SW: 138.4
    GW: 134.6

    Goal #1: Snack less at night
    Goal #2: Move more at work
    Goal #3: Eat more mindfully

    Dec 3: 138.4
    Dec 5: 137.4
    Dec 10: 137.4
    Dec 11: 138.4 - Apparently I'm going to yo yo again this month too LOL *facepalm*
    Dec 12: 137.4 - I swear my scale only knows two numbers LOL
    Dec 13: 137.0 - Finally it actually went down!
    Dec 15: 138.4
    Dec 16: 138.8 - Overindulgent weekend #noregerts ;)
    Dec 18: 137.6
    Dec 20: 137.6
  • lindsaywalker5015
    lindsaywalker5015 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm looking to stay active over the holidays and not let myself go!
    That means daily exercise and not coming back with weight gain. I'm currently 152. I aim to return home with 150. I'll check in regularly and follow your posts.
  • brouwer28
    brouwer28 Posts: 20 Member
    Height: 5'9"
    SW: 153
    Dec GW: 149
    GW: 140

    Dec 16 weigh in: 151.2
    Dec 22 weigh in: 149.6
    Dec 29 weigh in:
    Dec 31 weigh in:

    Running has kept me balanced and sane during this busy season and I plan to keep it up the rest of the month. I was a little surprised with my last weigh in, I thought for sure I'd gained with all the extra sweets I've been eating, due to holiday office treats. I'm hoping I can keep this losing streak going and accomplish my goal of 149 or lower by Dec. 31.
  • lindsaywalker5015
    lindsaywalker5015 Posts: 58 Member
    I made myself go for a run and talked my extended family into walking to a nearby sledding hill. Everyone loved it. Lots of trips up and down with sled. Held back on lunch and dinner. Feeling great. Tomorrow I'll talk then into a morning walk. There will be lots of temptations at brunch and dinner. I plan to drink lots of water and sit far from the food table to avoid mindless munching. I'll enjoy the treats, I do take. Good luck everyone with eating and exercise!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Crazy month as tends to happen! Travel, visits, trying to keep up with my own stuff, and I adopted a dog to boot! Whew!

    41, 5'7"
    GW: 128-132
    HW: 163
    CW: 142ish

    Dec 8: 143.0
    Dec 26: 141.8

    Went up a bit after my visit back home (my mom is one where food is how she expresses her love - so everything is about food - and I don't see her often enough to turn everything down) - but overall still maintaining. Thankfully holidays are wrapping up, doggie (Nymeria) is starting to settle in, routines will be back in force week after next....and I enjoyed my holidays. So that works!
  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    edited December 2019
    Mad props to everyone still weighing themselves during these trying times :#
  • snichol1183
    snichol1183 Posts: 4 Member
    53 yo 5ft 2"
    SW 127.5lbs
    GW 118 lbs
    So, ladies - I am in that lovely new world of menopause and need to drop back to around 118. I am a runner and had hip labrum surgery 2 years ago and gained weight - was at 140 lbs a year ago. I use the elliptical and do yoga - I run sometimes even though I suffer for it a bit after...but feeling stronger. I have been using my Apple Watch Share with friends and Fitness Pal to keep me going and reach my GW

    Goals for this month:

    #1 Applewatch= CLOSE MY RINGS daily
    #2 Prep my meals.
    #3 Log in Fitness Pal everyday! This is how I was able to drop the weight.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    SW 78
    Dec SW 71.6
    Goal: get back to maintenance between 69 and 70

    1. Keep on logging every day
    2. Keep up the push-up challenge (I finally started again, mostly thanks to the perseverance showed by @cayenne_007 !
    3. 10.000 steps a day + 2 long walks & 2 dives a week

    Ok, so I got a nasty weight number this morning - gained 2 kilos in one week. No suprise there as I've been mindlessly stuffing myself with everything in sight. I even went back to a very old habit to purposefully go to a bakery to get my "fix", aka danish pastries. I didn't have danish in some years, and now the two last weeks I had one every other day + a load of other sweets. I also had seconds, and I've noticed that I just loved feeling "full". Needless to say I haven't been doing well and I need to snap out of it.
    I find this the most difficult thing about maintaining. Losing weight is ok (no fun but doable), gaining is supereasy, but somehow maintaining is a balancing act that I don't master (yet?).
    This weekend, we'll go to London to do our Christmas shopping with some friends. I'll do my utmost best to eat mindfully, and I hope that the next checkin here will be better.

    Well, my mindfulness went out the window the minute I stepped on the train to London. 2,5 days of full English breakfast, churros, gluhwein and all kinds of street foods. Luckily, we walked more than 30.000 steps. That why I think my weight is also water weight from my sore muscles !

    1. I kept on logging
    2. Couldn't do pushups as I also had to move 1 ton of wood for our burning stove. My arms were really sore!
    3. 87.100 steps and 1 dive

    Current weight: 71.8 - back to veggies and fruits this week !

    Almost at the end of the year, and it seems as my energy levels are blinking in red. The weather isn't helping as last week we had some storms going on, keeping us indoors. Next week, I'll have three days off and that will be very much needed. As for now, I'm not giving up but the only reason is that hubbie is doing great and I don't want to sabotage him. I'm having a big Christmas lunch this week for work (the kind of lunch where you can't eat dinner anymore) and a dinner party on Friday. So, I'll just be happy to stay at this weight for the rest of the year, and then start again with fresh energy in January !

    1. I kept on logging (and in 2020 that won't be a goal anymore, as it really comes naturally to me now)
    2. I'll start the pushups in 2020 :wink:
    3. Only one long walk - 58.000 steps and no dives as the weather didn't permit

    Current weight: 71.1

    I know now why I was feeling so low on energy: I got a serious cold that turned nasty and I had to go to the doctors’ office this Monday where I got antibiotics prescribed as I was wheezing. I’ve spent the past week in bed going to the couch and back to bed 🤧
    As of today I’m feeling better as the fever has finally subsided. It’s a shame my appetite wasn’t affected 🥴
    I’ve decided to put my MFP cal goal back to loosing instead of maintaining. And on a good note: I will start 2020 6 kilo’s lighter than I was in January 2019!

    Current weight: 71.6
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    December is almost over! Great work to everyone! May 2020 bring your goals into focus!
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    Crazy month as tends to happen! Travel, visits, trying to keep up with my own stuff, and I adopted a dog to boot! Whew!

    41, 5'7"
    GW: 128-132
    HW: 163
    CW: 142ish

    Dec 8: 143.0
    Dec 26: 141.8

    Went up a bit after my visit back home (my mom is one where food is how she expresses her love - so everything is about food - and I don't see her often enough to turn everything down) - but overall still maintaining. Thankfully holidays are wrapping up, doggie (Nymeria) is starting to settle in, routines will be back in force week after next....and I enjoyed my holidays. So that works!

    AWE!!! Congrats on the new addition! We need pics!!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Weighed the 1st time in a few weeks this morning - back to work and ready to settle back into a routine! Gained 3 lbs over the holidays, which I'm really kinda 'ok' with - it's been insanely hectic and we had company for a month straight. So.... for Christmas - I got a Fiance!!!!! I'm so freakin excited, working on designing a ring this week. I love sparkly things, but I also need functional & really sturdy. Gives me triple motivation - we're thinking a very small wedding (only immediate family) in mid-March. I want to be under 140 by then.

    Woooohoooooo !! Congrats @cayenne_007 !!! I'm so happy for you, what a great way to end the year :smiley:
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    Hi all!
    I’ll be taking the redeye tonight back home.
    Will weigh in (scary?!)when I get home but I fully enjoyed the trip and proud of going to gym and OTF, hiking in the mountains.
    I feel ready for the new year!! 4wlkhinyvk2w.png
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Still in the 142s, so holding steady. Will be back to the "routine" next week.

    The new doggie - Nymeria

    What a cutie !!
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    Congratulations @cayenne_007 !! Excited for you!

    Good luck with the new addition @HoneyBadger155 !
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    Height: 5’4”
    Goal: 120

    Dec 01: 127.0
    Dec 06: 125.6
    Dec 13: 125.6
    Dec 20: 126.0

    I have been consistent with the gym and made gains in my strength training. But I’m sure I went up a pound or two this last week with alcohol, sweets and restaurants. So I’ve decided I’m going to call December a bulk cycle 😁. I’m feeling ready for January!