WEIGHT NO MORE January 2020 Chat



  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi I'm Linda, 50 and live in Michigan. I don't have kids but have 3 grown nephews who are married.

    This will be my fourth month on this team. Thank you to all who have encouraged me! It has been helpful.

    I have two great nieces, one who is almost 1 year old and one who is almost 8 weeks old.

    I have had a weight issue most of my life and have lost and gained many pounds over the years. I have lost about 46 pounds since January of 2018 and probably have around 50 or so more to lose. I work with a trainer at my gym three times a week, he works me really hard, which is what I want. I'm much stronger now than when I started. He has given me workouts to do on my own when I'm not working with him. I usually give myself one rest day per week and weekends usually do some low intensity exercise at home.

    I have support and accountability from my trainer and other people in my life but can always use more.

    My goals for January are basically continuing from October.
    Get in fruits and veggies and water. Would like to do the following everyday but know that's not realistic so I'm going for 4 days per week.
    Fruit goal: 4
    Veggie goals: 4
    Water: 64 oz
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    TEAM % Mission Slimpossibles 0.10%
    INDIVIDUAL % @nbbaby 2.89%
    TEAM LBS LOST Mission Slimpossibles 3.3
    INDIVIDUAL LBS LOST @nbbaby 6.5

    As a group we GAINED 1.1 pounds...

    1st Weight No More 0.67%
    2nd Mission Slimpossibles 0.22%
    *gaining teams are not being recognized

    1st Weight No More 21.9
    2nd Mission Slimpossibles 7.4
    *gaining teams are not being recognized

    1st @Freeglerock 2.39%
    2nd @twyla77 2.35%
    3rd @raleighgirl09 2.23%

    1st @freeglerock 4.9
    2nd @timibotkin 4.8
    3rd @Smart_Beautiful_and_Strong 4.4


  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    TEAM % Mission Slimpossibles 0.10%
    INDIVIDUAL % @nbbaby 2.89%
    TEAM LBS LOST Mission Slimpossibles 3.3
    INDIVIDUAL LBS LOST @nbbaby 6.5


    1st Weight No More 0.97%
    2nd Mission Slimpossibles 0.77%
    *gaining teams are not being recognized

    1st Weight No More 30.8
    2nd Mission Slimpossibles 25.6
    *gaining teams are not being recognized

    1st @amytriesww 7.61%
    2nd @luciicul 7.23%
    3rd @kayla7303 6.44%

    1st @amytriesww 15.7
    2nd @kayla7303 13.4
    3rd @Luciicul 11.4


  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Check in for Saturday 1/4
    Food-not logged and over
    Water-not enough
    Bad day. I had great plans but I had this funny feeling in my ears that I noticed at the shore too. I took my blood pressure and it was very high (151/100 was the highest). I ended up, sitting around taking my blood pressure all day. It was up most of the day but did drift down. Today it is already up so I am getting a shower and going to urgent care. I plan to see my doctor on Monday but I just want to make sure it is ok to wait. I never had high blood pressure, even with gaining so much weight with pregnancies. The past two years occasionally it would be up at doctor's appointments. Mostly normal but occasionally it would be high. We have been watching it. I never had symptoms before so that is what has me concerned. I have never been on medication before but I would rather be on meds then have a stroke so I guess it is time. My family has a history of high blood pressure. My brother has been on medication since he was 18 for it. Oh well, I am heading up to shower and head over. I will let you know what happens. I probably won't exercise today unless they say it is ok. I am going to get my water in and eat healthy. I was having a pity party for myself yesterday and ate 1/2 a tuna hoagie for dinner and doritos. Good thing-I did stop at half and just had a small pack of doritos but eating hoagies and doritos wont help me reach my goals.

    I just refreshed the page and saw the posts above! I don't have time for a proper congratulations but we did awesome! Congrats to everyone!!

    @twyla77 I loved your introduction! I am not sure if everyone will see it on the December thread so would you mind copying and pasting it to the January thread. In fact, do that with both of your posts. We are so lucky to have you as part of our team. No worries about the gain. We just got through the most difficult time of the year to me. It is also your TOM so it may not be as bad as you think. Enjoy your new fitbit! They are getting nicer and nicer! I know you said sometimes your steps stress you out. Why don't you have two goals? One for when you are off from work, and one when you work. Maybe just see where your steps fall on a typical day of work and set your goal to be a little more than that. Nothing stressful or crazy. Just aim a bit higher than you are doing now. Once you are comfortable with that, aim a bit higher. If you typically get 2500 steps at work, 10K is a big goal and would have you scrambling at the end of the day to get 7,500 steps in. Just a thought.
    @lennoncpa We are so happy to have you here! You are such a supportive member of our team! With all the workouts and dancing you do, it is hard to believe you had your hips replaced!
    @Mrsbell8well Are you sure you didn't have the flu too? I am glad you are starting to feel better. I hope Skylynn feels better soon too. Dinner tonight sounds wonderful! Your family and coworkers are lucky to have such a great chef/baker around!
    @amsandos We are so happy you are back! I was excited about all the different nationalities in this group too! I have missed your little British sayings that I always love! You are certainly an athlete my friend! Lol! Look at all the training you do! AND look at what events you have planned for 2020! AnnMarie...you are an athlete my friend. Good idea holding off with the training today and listening to your body. I know over here there is so much going around.Hopefully with some rest and taking care of yourself you will be feeling better in no time!
    @amytriesww Nice loss! I am glad you being smart about your activity. This way when the doctor says you can do more, you will be ready. Isn't it funny to think that you miss running the stairs? I get tired reading how many you do Lol! You will be back there before you know it! I am glad everything is going so well during your recovery.
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    @sleepymom5 sometimes being nervous about your blood pressure actually raises it. I know it’s difficult to relax when you are worried. Sending positive relaxing thoughts your way
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    Congratulations team!! We had a great month of December and a great week 5!!

    I am not sure that Beka posted the right names under the overall month winners and will ask her. Congratulations to @amytriesww as it looks like you came in first for the month with over 15 lbs lost & over 7% of your body weight! Way to go!!
    Big congratulations also to @freeglerock, @jedaschultz, @tryingagain5, and @twyla77!!

    We are all winners for taking this journey together!!
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    Saturday check-in
    Food: On plan and logged
    Exercise: 30-minute dog walk and I'm counting 90 minutes cooking because it was intense meal prep, soup making, etc.
    Water: 80 oz

    Yes, I managed to fit in the Mexican marzipan treat and it was lovely. The cauliflower rice with cilantro and lime was really good too, so not much of a sacrifice. All in all, it was well worth it.

    As you all have words for the year, mine will be BALANCE and LISTEN. See what I've done there? I'm turning this Meniere's diagnosis into a positive. :smile:

    Wow! Congratulations @amytriesww @Freeglerock @jedaschultz @twyla77 @timibotkin @tryingagain5 and the whole Weight No More team on all the wins! Did I ever get on the right team.

    @sleepymom5 I'm sorry to hear that we have vertigo in common and at the same time, you're the only one I know who knows what I mean. It is different combined with the hearing loss in Meniere's but I'm reassured just knowing. On the other hand, I'm worried about you today and hope you find out what's going on with your blood pressure. Hugs.

    @twyla77 Hello fellow Canadian! I have a Fitbit Versa and love it. I don't have the new version you do, so if I trade up at any point this year, I'll check in with you to see how you like it.

    I'm so excited reading everyone's intros and would send a note to each one of you but my daughter is about to arrive so I must dash off.

    A special request for you all. I'm creating a chart with usernames and first names. I've got some of you down, but please share your names if you're comfortable with that.

    Have a beautiful Sunday!

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Saturday check in

    Food - logged & over
    Exercise - 40 minute walk
    Water - 1.8l

    I was at the hockey arena most of the day today as both boys were playing. So am posting a bit late today. Yesterday was a good day. Bailey’s on the rocks is my holiday drink and I had my last of it last night, until next Christmas! This caused me to go over a bit in calories, but that’s ok. I have to get my week’s meal prep done now, so this is a short post. Thanks everyone for posting your introductions! What an amazing team we have!!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Check in for: Saturday
    Food: ate as planned
    Water: great!
    Exercise: 2 mile Leslie Sansone walking video; 7,826 steps

    Crazy weather yesterday with 25mph winds and snow so stayed inside mostly but did a walking video for exercise & steps. I have been creating a 24 hour plan each morning a’la Corinne Crabtree/PnP and its really helping me to stay on track. Sort of like a navigation tool for the day. Plus I’m a list maker so it brings me a certain amount of satisfaction LOL

    January goals
    Weight: Lose 2 pounds. I’m not overly optimistic about losing weight in the dead of winter but I have the two previous Januarys so no reason why I can’t this month. Keeping my expectations low nevertheless
    Water: 8 glasses/day
    Food: Become more creative in the kitchen to reduce waste. I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes but lack creativity when it comes to using up what’s on hand. Also continue crowding in whole foods & reducing processed foods; less emphasis on counting calories and more emphasis on nutrition
    Self-development: Create my 24 hour plan each morning encompassing all aspects of my day; read more; establish a consistent sleep routine
    Exercise: At least 30 minutes 6 days/week

    Today is a barn project work day with my husband which always makes it a challenge to stay on track but I have my plan for the day 🤞 Hope everyone is having a good weekend
  • txmama63
    txmama63 Posts: 7,839 Member
    Sunday Weigh In
    Week 1
    PW: 143.0
    CW: 143.0
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 583 Member
    User ID: CassieGetsFit2013
    Week Number: Week 1
    Previous weight: 210.6
    Current weight: 212.6

    Well, I did better the last few days, but the beginning of the week, I know I had some tougher days, so just gotta do better this week!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi everyone! We have one more new members to our January team! Please welcome @33sandy1223!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    I did not edit the entire template for Week 5 and Grand Finale. Please see the OVERALL WINNERS below:

    WEEK 5
    TEAM % Weight No More 0.67%
    INDIVIDUAL % @Freeglerock 2.39%
    TEAM LBS LOST Weight No More 21.9
    INDIVIDUAL LBS LOST @Freeglerock 4.9

    TEAM % Weight No More 0.94%
    INDIVIDUAL % @amytriesww 7.61%
    TEAM LBS LOST Weight No More 30.8
    INDIVIDUAL LBS LOST @amytriesww 15.7
This discussion has been closed.