WEIGHT NO MORE January 2020 Chat



  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    PW: 198
    CW: 198

    Sorry, I missed yesterday. I'm vacation and internet is a struggle here.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    I have a Fitbit. You can friend request me. My email is tdlj@hotmail.com. I love doing challenges. I also posted in the thread
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    ljdanny wrote: »
    I have a Fitbit. You can friend request me. My email is tdlj@hotmail.com. I love doing challenges. I also posted in the thread

    I sent a friend request.

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    daily check in Sunday 5 January
    food on target
    water not too good
    exercsie none

    I don't feel like I have been eating that well the past two days but I am not really logginng. I was surprised to find this am that my weight is the same so I am happy. I need to get back into the routine of logging. It just helps me stay in check. I was up too late, then slept too late and now I am rushing here. I have a doctor's appointment at 3 so I have to get showered and go. I don't like not exercising but I want to wait and see what the doctor says. Hopefully being on this medicine I can go back to my normal routine. Have a wonderful day everyone. I will check back in later.

    @brown6267 It is easy to miss things on this thread. Never feel bad about asking! We will keep you posted about the step challenge.
    @DanielleInProgresss Awesome goals! We will let you know about the weigh in day. I am sure it won't be a problem.
    @tryingagain5 I always was thinking how nice it would be if we could have some kind of clothes exchange. Everyone is going into smaller sizes that may fit someone else. Too bad we all live so far. I am glad you got some so you don't need to shop as you get smaller. Mrs Bell always did really good at the thrift stores. I am going to do that, I think another 5 pounds or so I am going to need to go down a size.
    @phoebe112476 I just love how you break everything down with your reflections and goals. I don't know why I have such a hard time doing that. I am going to sit down with a pad and read your post again and try to get a handle on mine Lol! I just avoid because I guess I don't know where to start. You really have been so inspiring to me and I love that you share so much with us. I have learned so much from you. I do like your idea with the weekly post, we want you to use whatever works for you. I am so happy you have stayed with us, you have been through and done so much in this past year or so and have remained focused throughout. xoxo
    @twyla77 No worries about posting in Decembers thread, I just didn't want anyone to miss your introduction! I am glad that you liked my suggestion. After years of being hard on myself, I have noticed that just making little changes really do make a difference and are more sustainable. :)
    @JillyBT Awesome Sunday!! You are starting 2020 off great!
    @Freeglerock Something struck me that you said in your intro about how much you had to lose. I was a little more than you when I started and my goal is a little less than you (I figured I would see when I got closer if I was changing that goal) It is a lot to lose and it is daunting when you look at it. I make smaller goals. Now I want to get to 191 when I am "no longer obese" I will make another one after that. I also don't know if I had mentioned before the PNP podcasts. I really think you would benefit from them. She does curse a lot so not sure if you would like that. She teaches how making small steps that you will actually do actually add up. You should start her podcasts from the beginning. She does try to get you to join her "tribe" but there are so many podcasts and free stuff you really don't need to. I really think the little steps approach would work for all of your goals. I am losing slowly but I am losing. I usually go all in and get sick of it and gain so I find this to really work for me. I am with you with the getting up early too. I need to also. I know my day would go so much better if I did. I am in a bad loop since the holidays, I sleep in too late, go to bed too late then sleep in....I got to break it. Tonight I am going to bed at a normal hour! There I said it!
    @pacsnc6 I love reading these introductions each month even though I know you. I never realized you had been in Alabama. I guess it was pretty hot there. I think you do well with exercise. You are very consistent. I don't think we all need to be athletes. I think if we keep ourselves moving and make a point to get consistent exercise in that is good.
    @Cafelelia Oh no! I hope he doesn't have the flu. This seems like the worst time of year for sickness. I hope he is feeling better soon.
    @amsandos You crack me up! I hope you can cancel if you are feeling sick. Sounds like you need your rest. Hope you feel better soon. I also think it is great that you are staying on track with your food and water while you aren't feeling well.
    @1theresamcvean Another good day! You are doing so well! It is nice of your daughter to see your Mom when you can't make it there. Sounds like you raised a wonderful woman. :)
    Good luck at your doctor's appointments!
    @jedaschultz I think we just got through the most difficult time of the year. Sounds like you are already back on track so no worries! Keep it going! You really have been doing fantastic the past few months (or more!) I love your 2020 goals! This is going to be your year!
    @dillyg08 That's ok! Enjoy your vacation!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    @sleepymom5 yes it was hot in Louisiana but I loved it there. I am always cold so the heat was nice. And believe it or not I still wore a heavy knit sweater year round so I would stay warm.
    I am missing water aerobics the last two weeks as the pool was closed - I guess the city doesn't need the income as much as an independent gym would. I was hoping to go back today but found out it was still closed!
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    Weekly Weigh in...

    User ID: JillyBT
    Week Number: 1
    Previous weight: 161
    Current weight: 162

    Body fat went slightly down and muscle mass went slightly up. So I'll take that as a win
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    Logged my food 2 days in a row. I couldn't get to the gym tonight for my new exercise class because I had a teacher workshop so I worked out at home before I had to go over for the quick class. While I was there someone offered me a piece of dove chocolate and I almost said no but then I decided I can't deprive myself completely because I will binge later but anyway inside the wrapper were the words Do me. I thought it was very fitting to go along with my new me for 2020.
  • txmama63
    txmama63 Posts: 7,839 Member
    @Mrsbell8well Both look so delicious
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    Happy News!

    Some of you are aware that we had some big changes in the Fat2Fit leadership last month. I am thrilled to announce that we now have have two new Moderators:
    Your very own Co-Captain @Cafelelia (Lisa)
    @TeresaW1020 (Teresa - co-captain of Team Mission Slimpossible

    Beka and I have been having a great time working closely with quite a few of the Captains through this transition, and it was not easy to pick only two people as new moderators. The New Year has brought us really large teams, but the energy is fabulous. Let's keep it all going - and a big thanks to Lisa and Teresa!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Monday 1/6 check in
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute session with my trainer

    After the gym I went to my chiropractor appointment. They did an adjustment and we went over the xrays comparing the two sets. He said my body really responded well to the adjustments. The adjustments didn't completely correct everything but changed a lot. He wants to do a maintenance plan now so he wants me to come back in 3 weeks for another one and then we'll go from there.

    After that I went to a Make and Take Workshop that the local hospital is doing. The dietitian who runs the Wednesday walking group is leading the workshop. It's 4 weeks long but you can pick and choose which weeks you want to do since they're all stand alone workshops. I decided to go to all 4 of them. Tonight was overnight oats. We made 4 different kinds so I now have something ready to go after I get out of work. The other weeks are: mason jar salads, energy bites and a prepping s crockpot chicken dish. It all sounds so good.

    Now, off to work, although I would rather be off to bed.😴
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Doctor appointment went well. She is not totally convinced that I need to be on medication. I am on a very low dose so she wants me to continue for the next two weeks. She wants me to take the pill in the morning and then take my BP once in the afternoon. She said she wants to be sure I really need to be on the medicine before she puts me on it for good. I will see her again in 2 weeks. She thinks it could be up due to being on cold medicine and having more salt than usual. When I was at the shore I think I had french onion soup with every meal. I hope that is why it is high but I am not getting my hopes up. I have been in a bad sleeping routine lately so I am heading up to bed soon. Hope everyone has a good night! :)

    Congratulations to @Cafelelia for being a new moderator! You will be an awesome addition to the moderators we have!
    @pacsnc6 I hope the pool opens up soon. I know how much you enjoy your water aerobics. I would have thought it would be opened by now since the holidays are over.
    @JillyBT Nice job! Always good to have muscle replace fat! How do you know the fat vs muscle? Do you have a special scale?
    @ljdanny sounds like a successful two days. I am glad you fit in some exercise between work and your workshop. How funny that the wrapper said that! See you put the new me out into the universe ;)
    @Mrsbell8well I am so glad you sent a pic of what the slice looked like too! The cake and dinner looks delicious! Why is the kitchen closed? Taking a break or getting something fixed?
    @tryingagain5 I am glad that you are seeing some improvement with the chiropractor. Hopefully being on a maintenance schedule things won't get as bad as they were. I like those workshops you are attending. I would be interested in all the topics you are going to. Let us know how you like those overnight oats tomorrow!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member

    Sunday Weigh Ins still due
    Monday's Weigh Ins
    Tuesday's Weigh In
    Wednesday's Weigh Ins
    Thursday's Weigh Ins
  • KatAdele
    KatAdele Posts: 290 Member
    Monday check in:
    Exercise - 30 minute sprints on treadmill
    Food - logged, need to work on incorporating more veggies but did well on protein.
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    Daily log in Monday 1/6
    Food: tracked and under only bc of exercise
    Water: 60 oz
    Exercise: HIIT at the gym

    @sleepymom5 my gym has an “in body scale”. It prints out my weight, muscle mass percentage, fat percentage. Not sure how accurate it is.
  • DanielleInProgresss
    So, I messed my back up pretty bad at some point recently...and it's been getting progressively worse. I'm going to the chiropractor on Friday. But, until I feel better my workouts are going to be pretty light. I managed 30 minutes on the treadmill at 6% incline last night and will probably continue this through the week. Wish me luck
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Monday check in
    Food - logged & about 100 over
    Water - 1.8 l
    Exercise - 8 k steps & had to cancel trainer due to sick child :(

    I was happy to be back in our routine yesterday, although the 6 am wake ups take some getting used to. Son #1 is still sick, it seems to be a flu but a very mild version. He had the flu shot, so I think that is what is happening. I was at the hockey arena again last night, so my eating was later than I would like for IF. Oh and our coffee maker broke this morning! Not a good time of year to be without coffee! We have a few great coffee spots just up the street, but I don’t usually don’t feel like running out in the cold at 6 am!

    @amsandos - So sorry that you are sick, but look at your dedication still going to a trainer (and breathing germs on him/her)!

    @1theresamcvean - I hope that your medical appointments went ok. You have such a supportive daughter and that is really sweet of her to visit her grandmother daily. I have not seen those new subway cars and will have to check them out!

    @jedaschultz - That gain is not bad, considering the holidays and glad that you are back on track! Great monthly goals!

    @dillyg08 - Thanks for the weigh in during your vacation! Where are you? Wherever it is, hope that you are having fun!

    @sleepymom5 - Glad that you got that news from the doctor. My mother went through something similar a few years ago, and it turned out she did not need to be on the BP meds full time. She just needed to reduce her salt. Fingers crossed it is the same for you!

    @pacsnc6 - Hope that the pool opens soon for you!

    @JillyBT - More muscle is definitely a win!

    @ljdanny - love the message in that chocolate wrapper!

    @mrsbell8well - Yum!!!

    @tryingagain5 - Glad that you back is doing better! That Make and Take workshop sounds so good!

    @KatAdele - Great day!

    @DanielleInProgresss - I really hope that your back feels better soon. Take it easy!

    @Phoebe112476 - Fantastic loss! Are you at goal?

  • 33sandy1223
    33sandy1223 Posts: 55 Member
    hello. I noticed im not on the spreadsheet yet. Because i just joined on the 5th i guess i have to wait till next week??

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @33sandy1223 - You should have been added. We will make sure that happens today. Your weigh in day is Sunday and your starting weight was 200 lbs. Do you have an updated weight, or will you update us this coming Sunday?
This discussion has been closed.