WEIGHT NO MORE January 2020 Chat



  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited January 2020
    Week 1
    PW - 150.0
    CW - 150.1
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Thursday check in

    Food - logged & over by 130
    Water - 1l
    Exercise - Rest day & 4523 steps

    My husband is away for a few days so I have a lot of hockey games to cover this weekend. Thank to everyone for your thoughts on my injury. .PT is a combination of stretches, exercises, acupuncture, sports massage, as well as exercises that I do at home with a physio app. My condition has improved tremendously, and I can now walk, drive and move without pain. I have been working out with a trainer since October and that strengthening has helped even more. I was close to being cleared to run in December after a gait analysis, but I needed to keep strengthening my leg. Since then I feel great but at least once a week, I have what I call some “twingy” pain in my ankle, and right lower hip. I am scheduled to see my PT next week for another gait analysis, and depending upon that outcome, I may go back to my doctor. I have been told that surgery is not an option for this type of injury, but I may need to see what else can be done. That’s the ongoing injury saga! My focus is to not let this stop me from achieving any of the goals that I set for myself in 2020.

    @tryingagain5 - I love hearing about your volunteer work! Sorry that you missed the gym but you can get right back to it. I have never done night shift, although I have worked some pretty long days/weeks/months in my career, including all nighters. Sleep is so important and you have to prioritize that. With the OT requests, maybe make a deal with yourself that you will only do a certain number in a week or month. That way, you are prepared to say no sometimes.

    @lennoncpa - That’s really a maintain this week (like me). Impressive step count!

    @pacsnc6 - Fantastic loss! Let’s see that puzzle!

    @GingerPwr - Nice loss this week!

    @rosieposiesrl - I love your 2020 word! I am 5’3” as well! Fantastic loss this week, congratulations!

    @Phoebe112476 - You are doing so great already this month! I love your story about not eating the chocolate bar. Thinking thinner? Similar to your story, I don’t eat stuff just because it is there. I think that is the biggest change for me. I take the time to notice if I really am hungry and whether I am enjoying the food that I have. Another change is clothes. I had to buy some transitional clothing this December as it was not helping my body image to walk around in clothing, particularly jeans, that were too big and ill fitting. Having stuff that fits makes such a difference in my thinking. And yes, I donated the old stuff as I am making this change for good.

    @Zumba_Luvah - Your doggies are adorable! Enjoy your down time this weekend!

    @ljdanny - That carbon monoxide detector incident was scary, and glad it was just a replacement needed. Fantastic loss this week!

    @hope002 - You are doing great and I see still keeping up the IF! What is your usual IF routine these days?

    @Mrsbell8well - Thanks for the yummy oatmeal recipe! I like your new profile photo!

    @brown6267 - You have been doing great with your step count!

    @jmilner89 - Fantastic loss!

    @kirsten11872 - You are doing great! I love how you have set up so many challenges and supports! Such a great way to stay motivated!

    @sleepymom5 - Sounds like you had a great birthday and it was so great that William surprised you! Instant pots & air fryers are great! Have fun with the new toy!

    @nstephenson01 - Sorry that you had that gain, but it was not much. You can blame the barn building!
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    thursday check in

    food on target
    water not sure
    exericise 36 min run ( brisk walk according to my app! rude!)

    I don't know where today has gone. I need to find a time so that I can get into a routine of posting. Going for a pub meal later with friends. Have checked in the menu and have a couple of options.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Friday weigh in
    week 1
    pw: 195
    cw: 197
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Ugh! Not the best weigh in but I am hoping most of it is from last night. We ended up going to the bar. I did ok eating but I am sure with the alcohol and sodium my weight is up. I guess I will see how it balances out in the next two days. William leaves in a few hours and then we are going to my niece's basket ball game so I am will have to catch up later.
  • carolynsivik
    carolynsivik Posts: 186 Member
    Friday weigh-in
    PW 144
    CW 141.5
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @phoebe112476 Hmmm I like your post. How am I thinking thinner? I often think about the difference of dieting vs maintaining. The hope is that we NOT diet but that we make lifestyle changes that transition us smoothly through life even after we hit the goal. It was a very different energy dieting than it is now. But I have to say I have made many lifestyle "thinner thinking" changes. Going vegan and caffeine free were huge changes for me. Falling in love with exercise especially daily yoga was also a game changer. They are a natural part of my life. It is foreign to think about wearing the same size from here on out. All my clothes fit. I don't plan to go up or down in size. Imagine that concept! The other night Molly and I were on our own for dinner. I had come home late. She piled up a plate of pasta pan fried in oil with a side of sour dough bread. I made an obscenely huge salad (the one I posted the other day) and the difference in our 2 meals was telling. And it is what I prefer. I go crazy thinking about roasting mushrooms (oil free) and other yummy vegetables. A ripe mango and perfectly crisp apple makes me gleeful! appreciating my excellent health, tiny clothes, fresh meals, active body and tremendous gratitude for all of these things IS my thin thinking. Posting daily or as often as I can has also become a natural part of my life. I love receiving and giving support.
    @gingerpwr glad you got your app working. And welcome back into the 140"s.
    @tryingagain5 it's amazing to me that you also find time to volunteer and share meals with friends. I love your attempt to keep a balanced life.
    @amytriesww that sounds disappointing but also really wise to take care of your needs. It is just a small window that you will have to sit out on the sidelines. It feels like there are a lot of us slowly moving through January. Our old mentality would be to beat ourselves up that we were not raring to go on January 1st. Or stubbornly doing what ever we had set out to do. There is wisdom in honoring the natural flow of life and taking care of our primary needs. And sometimes that means resting to heal.
    @pacsnc6 are those the 150's calling your name? I think so! I am a puzzle girl myself. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
    @lennoncpa I was staring at your posted weight and it occurred to me just how close you are to the 130's! We are the same weight. Did you say you were 5'3? I am 5'4.
    @Zumba_Luvah ok now you have to tell us their names. Lula Mae was supposed to be about 50-55 pounds. Imagine our surprise when she hit 180 at her last weigh in. she may need to join our group lol.

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I did 45 minutes of yoga last night. It was so good to be back. I am following Adrienes HOME 30 day routine. I did day 1 last night. So what if I started on the 9th? My "fairy" room is a disaster since I am still setting up my planner. I had to do yoga in our bedroom. It was amazing. I had the lights off and did yoga with the moonlight shining through the window.
  • lburch
    lburch Posts: 7 Member
    Hi @sleepymom5 apologies, we’ve been traveling this week and wasn’t able to weigh in. Just weighted and at 147lbs.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @Zumba_Luvah your dogs are beautiful! :love:
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello & TGIF!!! It has warmed up today & is supposed to be in the 60's over the weekend. This weather is crazy!

    1/9/2020 check-in:
    Food: Logged & under
    Water: I think around 64 ounces - I am bad at keeping track of my water intake
    Exercise: hour on the elliptical
    Steps: 24,729

    All is going very well this week! I definitely think all the challenges I'm in is helping, keeping me motivated, I am very competitive, lol. I am really focused on staying on track this weekend, I am going to do it! Tonight I am getting together with the girls. We are going to my friend's house, I am making guac, she is going to have a veggie platter, shrimp cocktail, & we are trying a roasted Brussel Sprout recipe. There will be lots of healthy options. I will probably have one glass of wine. I will eat light during the day so I can enjoy later. Tomorrow I am meeting another friend for dinner at a restaurant. The place looks really nice & also seems to have a lot of healthy choices, lots of seafood. I will try to eat one small meal before meeting her or fast until dinner. I will not get to the gym tonight, but I am ok with it, I will workout tomorrow morning before my WW meeting.

    @Mrsbell8well I'm sure your cake would be delicious! I agree, this is a lifestyle, there is no end to this journey, just maintenance, which is not easy! You seem to be doing well!

    @phoebe112476 great job with yoga! My thinner thinking is that I am changing my mind-set from all or nothing to a more relaxed way of thinking. Taking it day by day!

    @rosieposiesrl I like IF, it helps keep me on track! That all or nothing mind-set is what screws up my success. I am trying to change my way if thinking.

    @amytriesww Feel better!

    @Cafelelia Enjoy the hockey games! Sounds like you will be busy! Feel better!

    @sleepymom5 sounds like you enjoyed your birthday!

    Have a wonderful day & weekend! :smiley:
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    A few housekeeping items

    Step Tracker
    If you would like me or Pam to record your steps on the step tracker (on the weigh in spreadsheet), please post to let us know. The tracker runs Sunday to Saturday, just like our weekly weigh ins. If you do want to track your steps there, you will need to post them everyday (or give us your daily tallies before by Sunday morning). Thanks!

    Big Storm Coming!
    There is a big storm hitting Toronto, and most of Ontario. It looks like here in Toronto, we may be getting a lot of rain, but there could be freezing rain. Power and cellular outages could occur over the weekend, so if I am not posting, that’s why!
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    Here are my steps starting from Sunday.

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    @jugar you are posting from my favorite mentor @AustinRuadhain helped turn me on to new ways of eating! She hit her goal right before I did.

    @Mrsbell8well - Thank you! So lovely to get pinged by you! I am delighted and honored to be a part of your journey! And you guys, from this seat, it did not look like mentorship -- it looked like mutual inspiration!

    Also, thanks to both you @Mrsbell8well and @jugar -- this exchange led me to read the excellent post just above by @phoebe112476 . Wow! I love that breakthrough in not having to finish food that you don't need and doesn't work for you!
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    Happy birthday @sleepymom5 fornywsterday

    Check in for Thursday and friday. I had already written Thursday's but it didn't upload


    Food a little over
    Water on target
    Exercise 36 min run (recorded on my app as a brisk walk! Harsh app harsh)

    Food over but still in weight loss zone
    Water not too sure
    Exercise 25 sstrengthen conditioning at gym.

    Went to the pub for a meal with friends the first pub we had planned to visit was rammed so we went to another it was way nicer and the food was better. I have got my workout plan from my trainer. I am like right I am ready to do this let's go. I hope this message saves
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    @Cafelelia I want to join the apple watch step tracking. Here are my numbers through Thursday. I'll log in later for today as I am in Southern California, I still have time to add to my step count.....
    Sunday: 12,867
    Monday: 11,102
    Tuesday: 15,224
    Wednesday: 8,117
    Thursday: 11,451
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Friday 1/10 check in
    Food: logged but a little over
    Water: 40 oz
    Exercise: none

    I was asked if I wanted to stay late for OT today. I said no. I wanted to get some sleep before my doctor's appointment today. Since my bloodwork showed my iron was low and I have mild anemia my doctor wants me to stop taking aspirin, start taking iron and have a colonscopy and EGD (endoscopy) to find out where the bleeding is coming from. And then more bloodwork in about 4 weeks. I have no symptoms other than being more tired than normal.

    I got a call from the doctor's office who will do the procedures. They had a cancellation so they're going to be done on January 20th. It was either that or I would have to wait until at least April. I've had an endoscopy procedure before but not a colonoscopy. Just a little nervous but not too bad. (That will happen the day before and the day of)

    Last week we were told we would have to work tonight but we must have gotten everything done that needed to be done since they told us last night we (3rd shift) wouldn't be working. 1st shift is working tomorrow.

    West Michigan is under a winter storm warning for high winds, ice and snow this weekend. They're talking about possible power outages that may last a while. Two days ago it was 19 degrees, last night it was 50 degrees, right now it's 46 degrees and by Sunday back down to 19 degrees again. Strange winter we're having. Hopefully it doesn't happen. If it does happen I probably won't be online because I"ll want to keep my phone charged as much as possible.

    I know I'm so far behind on reading/responding to the many pages of posts. Hopefully I don't lose power and can spend some time going through and catching up.
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