2020 - We can be our BEST SELF every day!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    No help here Suzy sorry .... maybe there’s a thread on mfp?
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Gail great news with your A1C dropping!!

    Hang in there Snoozie with them classes, your stamina will kick in. I don't like meat substitute I use either meat or vegetables.

    Vail, I am with you, I know the eating less is what works, but it is very difficult to have that will power.

    I been good with the will power this week but it is so difficult to fall of the wagon, I have taken off some of the pounds that I put on since the holidays.

    Suzy I want to buy an air fryer everyone that I know that owns one they love it.
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Correction for above: It is so easy to fall off the wagon.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Yes that wagon is very slippery!!!!

    I made a pasta primavera tonite with linguini - i cheated and used the Jamie oliver way of putting the pasta on to boil for 8 min, then tossing in the raw broccoli and cauli and baby carrots which i had slivered.... all in the same pot for the last 3 min... then i drained it into the colander where i had the spinach washed and ready so it would wilt a bit from the heat.. i used an envelope of alfredo sauce as way less cals and altho my mushrooms were sadly too far gone to toss in, i got 4 of my 5 veggies in one meal lol.. and enuf left for lunch toororw. there would have been enuf left for dinner cept i was a piggie and went back for a bit more... (hello wagon)! If i had stuck to one serving i would have been fine lol.. anyway it was a ncie warm comfort food dinner (meatless!) for a cold winter night
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Is that the Jamie Oliver way? I don't think I've ever done it any other way! Sounds lovely. Not a huge amount of protein, etc., though ... I feel a bit confused with this at the moment, especially after I did that NHS diet a while back which was very keen on protein at every meal, and B vitamins, etc. I am eating less meat, and wanting to make sure I get the right balance. So I always feel I need to add something like beans, eggs, etc., if I'm not using meat. But maybe I don't. I tend to use frozen peas in a primavera (in the same pot, of course!). Just thinking aloud for myself here, not criticising your meal which sounds delicious and filling!

    No, I don't have an air fryer. I have been tempted, but I feel it is a kitchen gadget too far for me. But I know people rave about them.

    Lol at the slippery wagon! I think mine is coated in butter!

    I bought some new expensive gym leggings on impulse yesterday. I was passing the shop - one of those with no prices in the window - said I wasn't there to buy, tried on a couple of pairs and ended up buying. Anyway, it turns out I have bought those sculpting leggings which are meant to "shape" you. They have their work cut out trying to sculpt my flab, I can tell you! I carry most of my fat in my lower half. I'm going to feel embarrassed wearing sculpting leggings at the gym, but I love the high waist and I think the sculpting/compression part might be good for varicose veins! Will be trying them out tonight!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Darn it Vail - I TOTALLY meant to throw in a handful of frozen peas too LOLOLOL.. i almost forgot the spinach cause it was still in the fridge!! As for the "jamie" way; I always used to do the veggies in a separate pot until i saw one of his shows where he just tossed em all in with the pasta lol.. hence why i call it jamies way now!

    And i completely understand about the protein aspect... i've been told im supposed to make sure there is protein at every meal because basically my dinner last night was ALL carbs - right down to the veggies.. i should have tested my blood sugar after that dinner just out of curiousity..

    GOOD on you for buying those pants and do NOT be embarrased at all!! I can honestly say i never look at what anyone else is wearing because im so damn busy just trying to keep up with the moves and the exercies and stuff.. i couldnt tell you if you paid me what anyone was wearing... so you put them on and enjoy every minute in em! and i bet you're right about the compression vein bonus!

    i have started wearing my travel pants to play pickleball instead of my leggings.. ibought them before i went to italy on a friends recommendation.. they are kinda made of a parachute material that dry quick and are very comfy... and i thot well what am i gonna do with them after lol.. but turns out they are great for pb cause they are very comfy and move easily. i have tried on a few leggings but cant seem to find a pair that actually fit without either being too tight or falling off... i have learned to buy patterened ones tho.. i feel more comfortable in them as the bits and pieces that tend to bulge out are less visible in a pattern (in my mind anyway lol)

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    YUM!!! on that pasta dish , Snoozie. I can't wait to try it when we get through these 6 weeks!!

    Vail, I feel you on the pants, but you have me wanting to look for some for the compression part of it. I agree with Snoozie, I am trying too hard to try and not look completely foolish with noticing what someone is wearing...You strut those pants!

    Milove, Suzy, my wagon is always ready and buttered! I just slip right in and out as the need be. We just had blackberry cobbler and peach cobbler this weekend!! OMG!!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    omg peach cobbler... Gail my absolute most favourite thing in the summer here is a peach and blueberry cobbler.... now i want some!! wahhh.. I have been on some kind of eating binge... honestly i dont know whats going on its like im HUNGRY all the time! even after eating nice, normal meals i seem to be constantly looking for food.. maybe its an evolutionary thing? with winter coming in full swing its the "eat or starve" mode ?? ya well i can dream lol.. last nite i had a nice dinner of scalloped potatoes with some leftover ham diced in it.. then later in the evening had 2 cookies and a orange .. and then around 10pm i heated up MORE of the scallop.. what the hellllllllllll

    tonight im going to see Little Women with some friends so hopefully that will keep my face out of the feedbag for a few hours! The class yesterday kicked my butt again.. which is GOOD because im so bad its obvious i need it badly.. we upped the weights but did a lot of leg work on the hamstrings and glutes and calves and this morning im a little sore all over... not as bad as i thought i would be.. but i'm a little intimidated by today's class coming up lol... i think i had a nightmare about all those wall squats i know are c oming!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Now that’s really funny, Snoozie! 😂

    I haven’t motivated myself into the gym yet. I’ve been taking small steps with my eating. For some reason I just haven’t gotten that AHA! awakening moment that pushes me into wanting to get back on my wagon. I just have the blahs.

    We’re flying to Kansas City this weekend to see my mother in law. She turned 92 just after Christmas and her mind is slipping even more now. We’ll get to meet our new great niece, too! My mom’s last “chemo” treatment is today. They’re using a chemo drug to fight the autoimmune disease. It appears to be working as her kidney levels are looking better. I’m hosting a baby shower for my daughter February 9th, so I need to get to working on that. Lots going on!

    By the way, peach and blueberry cobbler sounds like heaven in a dish!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    i think its the time of year for the blahs Suzy.... after all the fuss and craziness of the holidays.. its kinda like.. now what... thats the excuse im goign with anyway! nice you are going to see you MIL AND get to meet the new great neice! Lovely on the baby shower for your daughter - they can be a lot of work tho if you're hosting so take care of yourself
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I DID IT!!!! I went to the gym!!! After I posted that comment earlier, I realized how pathetic I was being. Between the dance classes, boot camps, strength and stretch classes that all of you are doing I thought why am I just sitting here? So I did it!!! I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and did all the leg machines and did just a bit with five pound weights for my arms (since my shoulder is still hurting me). Then a bit of stretching and a stop at the grocery store on the way home. It may not have been a stellar workout but I WENT!!!

    Thank you all for the inspiration!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Excellent , Suzy!! YES!!! It was stellar!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS WAY TO GO SUZY!!!! stellar indeed girl = it can be one of the hardest things to get ourselves up and moving when we just dont wanna - so huge congrats to you for doing it!!!! well done you ... and a huge IPOU!! (Im proud of you!)
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Well done, Suzy! Sounds like a really good workout, especially if you hadn't been in a while! Did you enjoy it? Were you glad you went? I'm not a fan of the elliptical, although I know it's meant to be good - 30 minutes is a long time! And sounds stellar enough to me, lol! But I know what you meant that you just went - you are right, it's the going that counts. Once you're there, you're going to do something - doesn't matter if it's something amazing or not, it's something that you wouldn't have done if you hadn't gone. Very good point, and I'm going to keep that in mind for myself. I just need to go! I think what really impresses me is that you did that long workout yourself. I tend to book on the classes, because then I'll stay to the end. If I try my own stuff I want to go home after 5 minutes, lol!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Our flight to Kansas City was canceled due to the ice. Oh well. Maybe another time.

    Thanks for the encouragement y’all. I was busy getting ready for our trip so I haven’t been back to the gym. We’ll probably go for a walk today and maybe hiking on Sunday...depends on the weather.

    Now I need to go grocery shopping. I don’t have anything in the house because we weren’t going to be here.
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Good Morning,

    As I read all of the above, I feel encouraged:

    My only form of exercise is what I do at work and I find myself according to my watch that I am hitting about 4000 steps per day. I don't think that is good. Shouldn't we be hitting 10,000 steps a day? I just don't feel like going to the gym anymore. I am thinking about getting a treadmill at home, but I want a used one. I have to get out to look. The Habitat is a good place here for me to look.

    I have been staying under except for yesterday I went to a wedding.

    Here to a fabulous week in every way!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Milove I rad an article a while back that showed doing 5000 steps was just as beneficial as 10000 heathwise so if you can kick up a few more walks around a desk or down a hall or a few more trips to the bather you should be fine 👍
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    A little winter snap down here for a few days.....a bit chilly.
    No hope of snow, with all the rain!

    I managed to make it to the gym (fitness challenge with DnL has us going at least 3 times a week)...so far I have made it twice a week. Does that tell you how I am doing?

    I hope I can show a bit of a loss. Weigh-in is on Thursday. I have been eating ok, but I found hubby's chocolate stash (minature peanut BUTTER CUPS!! my FAVORITE!....SO IT'S BEEN 5 TO 15 OF THEM A NIGHT!! )

    yes, I can't keep eating them.....I should be out of them in a few days...lol

    anyway I got in 20 minutes on the bike and 30 minutes on the strength machines and 20 on the treadmill...
    I hope to trim off some fat....not muscle, this time.

    Milove, I also manage to get in around 3 to 7000. it's hard to get 10000. Glad to hear its just as good, Snoozie.

    Vailara, I feel the same way, about ready to go after I get there, so I have to go with someone else....lol
    Suzy, sorry you missed your trip.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Hello Hatters! Sorry I’ve been so quiet lately. I’ve been trying to get my daughter’s baby shower planned. I like to get as much done in advance as possible. We’ve also been getting estimates on some home renovations...ka-ching! My mom is doing really well. Her kidney levels are looking better.

    I have not been back to the gym. I hate that it was a one time thing. I need a kick in the pants. It’s so hard to make myself go alone. I miss my workout buddy. She’s been gone four years this past Monday. I miss her every single day.

    My eating is still not under control. I start the day out great! I tend to lose control with munching after dinner....the worst time of the day to be eating. If I stay busy then I’m fine but after dinner I like to veg out and read or watch tv. I don’t know why it’s been so hard for me to get back on track. I’ve been struggling for months now.

    How’s everyone else doing? January is almost over already. Hard to believe!