WEIGHT NO MORE January 2020 Chat



  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    I slipped in my kitchen in early December and I have had back pain since. Was finally able to get in to see the doctor Thursday. She says it's probably arthritis of the spine - which I have been diagnosed before with very little pain until now. Anyway, she ordered xrays which confirmed the arthritis and ruled out a fracture. I am on a muscle relaxant for 10 days and some steroids for 6 days for the inflammation. I hope this will not be an ongoing thing as I only take something for blood pressure every day and would like to get off that too.
    I have finally started losing weight a little bit each week so that may happen.

    I went to water aerobics yesterday morning and mostly felt OK with the exercises. Was a bit leery with the way my back felt first thing in the morning. I'll just keep at it as long as I can.

    We need more team members to get in on the "Keep it green" challenge this month. It really is inspiring to see all the green checks on the chart.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    Have a great day everyone!
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Weigh-in day:Saturday
    Previous weight:175.4
    Current weight:175.8
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    @Cafelelia, my goal is to get to 135 pounds, then start increasing my calories by 50 calories day per week to find my maintenance calories. I am guessing maintenance will be 2k/day. I am losing 1/2 pound/week around 1700-1800 calories per day.

    My maintenance range will be 130 - 135. Maintenance has been a problem in the past as I feel I have reached goal and do not pay much attention. This time I am planning on paying attention!

    This week was a big swoosh. Trend weight has me losing at .6 pounds/week. My guess is next week will be a gain or no loss.

    In the meantime I plan on continuing what has worked!

    Everyone have a great week; go GREEN!!!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    A few housekeeping items!!

    Step Challenge
    I will tally results tomorrow afternoon after final Saturday steps are in.
    If you wish to participate in this weekly challenges, please post here with all of your steps each day for the week.
    So far, our participants are: @brown6267, @JTBilly, @ljdanny & me.

    I need the following days for our step tracker:
    @JTBilly - May I please have your steps for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
    @ljdanny - May I please have your steps for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

    Habit Tracker
    As mentioned by @pacsnc6, we have a voluntary habit tracker spreadsheet (the link is below). You can go on the spreadsheet and track any of your habits daily. Unlike the weigh in spreadsheets, members track their own progress on the habit spreadsheets. You can start at any time and don’t have to wait for the beginning of the month.

    Going Green Challenge
    This is a challenge for the month of January. In this weekly challenge, each team participates to see who has the most “green” weigh in spreadsheet, which means weight loss or maintains. The mods post the results each Sunday afternoon on all of the team threads (I will be doing that tomorrow!).

    Our group has a thread that is still open to discuss your 2020 goals. It is here:

    Feel free to discuss your goals here at any time! As you can see, some people talk about weekly goals, monthly goals or ongoing goals. The main thing with your goals is not to give up on them!!

    Weigh Ins
    Thank you everyone for being so prompt with your weigh ins this week! It makes life a whole lot easier for me and @sleepymom5! As you saw last week, the mods post the weekly weight loss competition results each Sunday on all team threads. It is a friendly competition, and our real reward is our health and fitness!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Friday 1/17 check in
    Food: didn't log but not too bad. Overate at lunch.
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: PT and stretching

    The dentist was horrible yesterday. Mostly because my head was back for 2 hours. I went to get the crown fitting but my filling didn't look right so he found I had a cavity under my filling. So they had to take care of that first, now my mouth has to heal for a month(seems excessive but whatever) and then we will take care of the crown. Better safe than sorry but jeeze...So yesterday, basically, no exercise, overate lunch but did well at girls night. I only had 1/2 a glass of wine. I didn't like it and didn't finish(which is good for me) I didn't sit by the food so I just got up once to get stuff and that was it. If I sat at the table I usually eat non stop without even realizing it. I actually wanted something else but didn't feel like getting up. Slept in way too long today too. I need to get moving. It is already 1:30 and I am just catching up here. We didn't get much snow but it is cold out so I will be working out in the basement. Ok...hope everyone has a great day today :)

    @JillyBT Not bad at all. I am sure that killer workout canceled out going over on calories.
    @tryingagain5 Wow! 4 hours OT makes for a long shift. Glad that is behind you. Sounds like you at least got a good nights sleep even though you didn't get to get done what you planned today. I am good with water too but still struggle with fruit and veggies. I guess you did well on the days with your salad. Maybe you should make them every week. It would be a good grab and go AND you did like them. Enjoy your weekend :)
    @brown6267 Nice loss! And awesome steps as usual! (cute cat too :))
    @timibotkin Nice loss!! We have had warmer temps in Philly too but I really haven't taken advantage of it as I should. It clicked in my head when I read the post. My husband broke my bike taking it out of the car from the shore and I never got it fixed. I just put it on my to do list for next week. I want to be ready for the next time it is warm. Sounds like you are doing great. It is better to do what you are doing and not making resolutions. What an awesome streak you are on. Sounds like you are going strong!!
    @phoebe112476 Wow!! Just Wow!! Congratulations on getting to a normal BMI. I am amazed about your entire journey during this time. You have sold a house, moved, fixed up a new house, taken in to your family at least one child in crisis, worked FT, you are raising 3? girls on your own, and I believe at least one of your children are in those fun teenage years, went on a few vacations, been through things your probably didn't even mentioned to us AND you still were able to make this a lifestyle and stayed on course. You are an amazing woman! I also especially love that you have taken the time to share with us things you have learned along the way. You have really changed my way of thinking by sharing so much of your journey on here. I can never thank you enough. :)
    @Zumba_Luvah Yes, better than a gain. If you are staying on track, sometimes a maintain just happens. It doesn't mean you didn't lose fat, you could be retaining more fluid, gaining muscle among other things. Don't worry about it. Just keep going strong and you will probably have a big drop next time. :)
    @lburch Nice loss!! I get so confused with macros I gave up. I seemed to be over either on carbs or fat. And is it bad if you are over on protein? I thought that would be a good thing...I am giving you more questions than answers. Lol! I stepped away from the macros and just try to watch carbs because I seem to gain if I eat too many, even if they are healthy. I never tracked potassium and calcium. I find that interesting though, I have no idea if I am getting enough. I don't have a lot of dairy except for greek yogurt. I also struggle with fruit and veggies so my guess is I don't get enough potassium either. I actually just went and looked at my multi vitamin, no potassium in it and only 15% of RDA of calcium...I guess I should be tracking that too.
    @Cafelelia It is difficult to stay in a routine, especially when the kids are off. Great job sticking on plan with the food. That is the most important. I am glad you are focusing on sleep this weekend. It is so important. Hope you don't have too much running around in the snow this weekend.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,112 Member

    Wed- 7,557
    Thurs- 7,609
    Fri- 9,109
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Sorry to confuse you. When I said 4 hours OT I meant 4 hours for the week(2 hours on Tuesday and 2 hours on Friday) I have done some 12 hour shifts but that was a long time ago and in the other building. The building I'm in now has us do 2 hours of OT.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Hello team and happy Saturday. We had a lot of snow last night and this morning but I went to the gym this morning and we had a full class doing Zumba. I have a car ( not an suv or truck) so it was a little tricky getting out of the parking lot. I kept thinking how stupid I was for going out during a snow storm! I’m so good with my exercise —. if only I could get that committed with my eating I’d probably look like a 30 year old rather than a fluffy 64 year old!!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Saturday 1/18 check in
    Food: didn't track
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: none

    I woke up around 3:30 this morning but fell asleep again but only until 4:30 or so and couldn't get back to sleep so I got up and did a load of laundry. I kept myself pretty busy today so I didn't think about the colonscopy and endoscopy. I did some cleaning and went through some papers that needed to be either recycled or shredded.

    We got several inches of snow overnight. The condo complex does have a company come in and plow but they don't do a great job so I also spent some time clearing what they left. It was the wet, heavy snow. While I was outside, it started raining with some sleet. They're expecting another 1 to 4 inches of snow between now and tomorrow evening.

    I plan on doing another load of laundry tonight and will probably go to bed early since I'm getting tired now. I was good as long as I was moving around but now that I'm sitting I'm getting sleepy.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    @ljdanny. Nice steps!
    @tryingagain5 phew! 2 hours would be much better than 4! Get a good rest, shoveling wet snow is quite a workout!
    @lennoncpa You are very committed to you workouts! Keep plugging away with the eating, it is a struggle for many of us.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Check in

    Food was good- no snacking!
    Water could be better.

    My only exercise was ice skating, ping pong, and housework. Need to be more disciplined. Tomorrow will be better!
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    Saturday check in 1/18
    Under calories
    20 minute walk
    Water: 54oz
    steps: 10,217

    @Cafelelia here are my steps
    Sunday: 5,421
    Monday: 9,571
    Tuesday: 8,962
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    01/18 steps 14962
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member




    1st Mission Slimpossibles 0.41%
    2nd Downsizers 0.38%
    3rd Weight No More 0.37%
    3rd Shrinking Assets 0.37%

    1st Mission Slimpossibles 22.2 Lbs
    2nd Weight No More 19.8 Lbs
    3rd Shrinking Assets 19.3 Lbs

    1st @twyla77 2.79 %
    2nd @Freeglerock 2.70%
    3rd @kayla7303 2.56%

    1st @DreaRN15 6.0 Lbs
    2nd @Freeglerock 5.3 Lbs
    3rd @kayla7303 5.0 Lbs



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Dear team, your pictures have me oooohing and ahhhing, laughing and smiling. Your posts and successes have me beaming with pride! What an amazing group! Those that struggle and experience sorrow my heart is with you. My life has been non-stop action. I have done extremely well with exercise, water, nutrition, and sleep. Today is dedicated to my planner. We’re at the country house. My meals are already packed and ready for this 3 day weekend. Not an easy task. I usually cook a lot for everyone when I’m here but not this time. I’m staying on plan and relaxing.
    @sleepymom5 and all others thank you for taking time to support me with your words and comments. It means a great deal to me. I’m now briefly posting on Facebook group too. But your all my homies.
    Day 7 on Dr. G. Down 5 pounds. Never hungry. This plan is not for everyone. Lots of prep and too much fat. But my gut, gas/bloatyness, BM’s, seem to be calming down and regulating. Which was my whole purpose of doing this. The recipes are actually quite delicious. And having things so prepped is wonderful!
    So onward to week 2.
    My next priorities are my planner, clean the house, time with my wife and more organized with work. Work has really been exciting.
    Hope you all enjoy your weekend. Still plenty of time for January success!
  • 33sandy1223
    33sandy1223 Posts: 55 Member
    jan week 3
    pw 199
    cw 198
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    Congratulations to Mission Slimpossibles for being the #1 Green Team on the spreadsheets this week!!

    #1 Mission Slimpossibles 70.4% green
    #2 Weight No More 66.7%green
    #3 Trimstones 65.4% green
    #4 Downsizers 59.1% green
    #5 Shrinking Assets 56% green
    #6 WaistAways 47.05% green
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member

    I am so bad about buying food that I end up throwing out! This newspaper was delivered to my house today and I don’t have a newspaper subscription- so I guess I was meant to see this!!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    CONGRATS @txmama63 for reaching 100 lbs down!!!!


    CONGRATS @matthewsfive for reaching 90 lbs down!!!!


    CONGRATS @33Sandy123 for reaching ONEDERLAND!!!!
This discussion has been closed.