JANUARY 2020 Challenge



  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    I hope it's okay, but I took the liberty to freeze the first column of the spreadsheet, so that those of us who are toward the end can see the dates in the first column while scrolling to our names! I'm happy to be back and look forward to reconnecting with this group!

    KLD it is so good to see you back! Nice touch with the spreadsheet. Thanks.

    I moved you up to the rightful and deserved spot on the sheet. I was unsure if you and other long-time members of the Monthly Keto Challenge group were going to return. I left your name, as well as those other old-timers, at the back of the pack on the spreadsheet anticipating your return. At the end of January, I will move people who haven’t participated to an inactive sheet. Nikki used to do that.

    So, welcome back old friend. Let’s do this!

    Thank you Stormy for not giving up on me ;) It's so nice to reconnect. I have missed all that being a regular on MFP affords, especially this group. My husband and I have been in the trenches with all that raising teenagers can entail. Unfortunately, we've had all of the "valleys" along with the "moutaintops," this year but I'm in a spot right now that I can pay more attention to what I need, so I'm here! It's a good thing, because taking care of myself has been taking a back seat and that is not good for anyone.

    Thanks for being an integral part of things here so that others who need to step back for various reasons are able to and have a place to come back to when they are able!

    Yes, let's do this!

  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    Most of us on this forum have a challenge with weight loss. That is kind of a given. If you are like me, whenever I focus too much on just my weight loss alone bad things happen. I either do something radical and unsustainable that long term sabotages my weight loss efforts. Or, I just lose motivation and jump off the wagon for long periods, ending up back at square one having to start all over.

    Unfortunately, I have a bit of an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) when it comes to weighing myself. It is the first thing I do each morning, the last thing I do before I go to bed and sometimes I weigh myself several times throughout the day. I know this OCD behavior is not normal. So for the rest of this month, on our monthly challenge forum, I’m going to shift focus to my OCD weighing habit instead of just my weight. I am going to limit my weighing to only once daily.

    I also know, too many of you this doesn’t seem like a big challenge, but for OCD me it will be a difficult task. Perhaps in the following months, I can work up to weighing only once a week. I’m wondering. do any of you have the same or similar challenges you would like to focus on instead of just your weight?
  • Figaver
    Figaver Posts: 69 Member
    @stormywxs288 This is exactly why I had to stop posting my weight in this challenge! I still follow along and read everyone’s progress, but I only weigh myself once a month. I used to be a daily weigher, and depending on what the scale said, I really let it affect my mood and motivation. I gradually have cut back to weighing once a month and it has been great. I consistently lost 8 pounds a month last year and I didn’t have to look at any of the daily fluctuations, just the total picture number for the month. It’s something that definitely takes effort for me, and is a struggle to stick to sometimes. I WANT to weigh myself more often to give me that pick me up and motivation, but I know it’s better for me this way.
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    When I have a considerable amount of weight to lose, it is best if I weigh myself once a week. I want to weigh daily, so that is difficult! Weekly is best because I also allow the daily fluctuations to affect my mood and motivation. Once I am close to goal, I prefer to weigh daily so that I have an idea of what my body is doing, can track patterns and I can adjust accordingly.

    I agree with you @stormywxs288 that shifting your focus/goal can be a good thing. I find that when I focus on meeting my macros and calorie goals (consuming and burning) rather than weight loss, I am happier in the process. If I am doing what I am supposed to do with my food and activity, the number on the scale is naturally taken care of! That shift of focus sometimes makes a big difference for me.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @Figaver well done with the weight loss!

    I'm throwing my bit in about the scales here mainly because I'm like Stormy (was or is trying not to be!) and weigh myself morning and night and sometimes in the night if I'm up as well.....I know this is not 'normal' and may be a tad obsessive........

    However I'm an ostrich about weight and the times I've gain a lot are the times I don't weight myself, as somehow I can pretend I'm not really getting heavier! The fact that my clothes no longer fit doesn't matter as long as I don't get on the scales: it's not happening!

    Fortunately for me I know and accept the daily up and down and the times you think, 'What??, I ate nothing the deserve that gain!' Unlike this morning, I must say when I was just relieved it was as little after a slight break out last night with friends!

    I know for me that if I went all week without weighing my expectations of weight loss would be too high and I'd be really annoyed by the lesser result. Guess we do what works for us and we're all different!

    Just off to weigh myself.......... :D

  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    @Figaver and @KristinLeeD you have both convinced me to quit being a weigh-in whimp. I thought I was making a big leap cutting back to weighing once daily. The real truth, for me, is weighing in daily has become an OCD behavior with all of the bad consequences you’ve mentioned and more. So, starting today I’m going to weigh-in just once a week on Sundays. As a challenge to myself, I’ll report results here for the rest of January and February.

    I’ve attempted this challenge before on this forum and had moderate short-term success. Hopefully, changing my focus from my daily weigh-in obsession will allow me to focus on more important things that directly affect my battle with weight loss. Things like staying keto clean, exercising and getting proper rest. Figaver and KLD thanks for your support!
  • Susabella627
    Susabella627 Posts: 107 Member
    HW: 245
    CW: 209
    1st GW: 195

    Sunday 01/12: 215
    Sunday 01/19: 209
    Sunday 01/26: 209
    Friday 01/

    No gain or loss this week as expected - last weeks 6lb loss was most likely water weight. Got my head in the game though and feeling back on track.

    The Journey
    Feb 2019 - Dec. 2019 (-50)
    Dec 2019 - Jan 12 (+20)
    Jan. 2020-

    twl - (30)
  • swall0810
    swall0810 Posts: 148 Member
    HW: 186
    CW: 180
    GW: 150

    January GW: 176

    Wed 01/01: 186
    Sunday 01/05: 180
    Sunday 01/12:179
    Sunday 01/19:175
    Sunday 01/26: 175

    I guess I need to give up my sola bread. :( but still happy with my January loss!!
  • Sarahlr26
    Sarahlr26 Posts: 28 Member
    HW: 250
    CW: 197.7
    GW: 175

    January GW: 195

    Sunday 01/05: 197.7
    Sunday 01/12: 196.6
    Sunday 01/19: 195.5
    Sunday 01/26: 194.3
    Friday 01/31:

  • KADC57
    KADC57 Posts: 9 Member
    HW: 200
    CW: 179
    GW: 140

    With my Congestive Heart Failure, my weight can be all over the place so usually I don't count any weight loss unless it is stable for 3 days. All of Dec and Jan I have been stuck in the mid and low 180s but finally this last week I hit 179 lbs. I am so excited as my motivation was getting really low. It helped that I have been really sick for about 3 weeks (LOL) but hopefully I won't have to stay sick to get the next 10 lbs off.

    stormywxs288 - I am doing the same "goal" as you, focusing on 10 lbs at a time. I have to weigh every day for my CHF. Congrats from another Keto that cracked the 180s and have moved into the 170s.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @KADC57 That is certainly something to celebrate, well done and I think smaller goals are key for me as well also never looking back and thinking I wish I had stuck to it before...
  • AzarielMoon
    AzarielMoon Posts: 36 Member
    Had my final weigh in for the month. Started January at 86.6kg, and made it down to 83.9kg.

    My January goal was to get to 83kg. A week and a half ago I had a weight gain of 500g, and I felt sure I wouldn't get to my goal.
    Just goes to show to never give up 😃
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    I almost didn't post my 1/26 weight because I was frustrated by the additional 2 lbs. It was to be expected due to my Saturday food/beer consumption and eating late (I was out all day with my husband for his bday). But....I know if I am going to be "all in" here again, I need to post the good, the bad and the ugly!

    JANUARY 2020
    SW: 164
    GW: 120
    Jan Goal: 154 (-10)

    01/05: 164
    01/12: 160 (-4)
    01/19: 158 (-2)
    01/26: 160 (+2)
  • swall0810
    swall0810 Posts: 148 Member
    SW: 186
    CW: 180
    GW: 150

    January GW: 176

    Wed 01/01: 186
    Sunday 01/05: 180
    Sunday 01/12:179
    Sunday 01/19:175
    Sunday 01/26: 175
    Friday 01/31: 172

    January Total loss = 14 pounds lost 🎉

    I know it will slow down from here, but I'm so excited to be out of the 180's and cant wait to be in 160's
  • Figaver
    Figaver Posts: 69 Member
    SW 01/2019: 270
    10/2019: 205

    01/09: 233
    01/31: 225

    January loss: 8 lbs

    So last year I was on a mission to get healthy. I stayed very strict until July, losing 8-10lbs a months consistently. Then I sort of lost my drive and started to incorporate some cheat days. I still lost, but only about 2-4lbs a month. Once the holidays hit, I was down to 205 and I felt GREAT. So I decided to enjoy the holidays, and as you can see from my starting weight this month, I enjoyed them way too much. Lesson learned, and I will not allow myself to do that again this year. I’m sure I started higher than 233, but I was too chicken to get on the scale at first because I knew I had screwed up.
    I weigh myself only once a month, so I’ll be checking back in at the end of February. Hopefully another 8 lbs lighter! My ultimate goal weight is 160, although my doctor thinks I should shoot for 175.