2020 - We can be our BEST SELF every day!



  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Apologies for triple posting, but I just re-read your recent post, Snoozie, and see that you did try again and could get up on your own. That's great news! And hopefully, that one occasion was just a blip, caused by whatever - being tired from the exercise maybe.

    You got me thinking because I rememember reading that how good you are at getting up from the floor is an indicator of life expectancy! And I was always reasonably smug because I could get from sitting to standing without using hands, knees, etc! Well that was maybe a year or so ago. I tried it today after reading your post, and there is no way! I can just about do it if I get on one knee first and push up from there. Wow! Yet another example of strength just going! I used to do an exercise called Turkish Getup, I think, that involved getting up from a lying position while holding a weight in the air - I found it really difficult and had to use a light weight, but that might be something to aim for again. Anyway, you've really made me think about how getting up from the floor is such a functional thing, and I'm planning on practicing getting up and down with as least assistance as possible. Such a simple exercise with no equipment that I will try to do regularly.

    I suppose if I get stuck I can roll over on to hand and knees!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail, i'm thrilled you did a triple post lol.. but i'm going to work backwards as your last poat is on this page and i'll have to go back to reference the first two...

    so yes the perfect word is demoralizing.. i know it seems like such a small thing to get upset about, but the shock of finding out i couldnt was huge - and it truly seemed like it had come on suddenly., and i guess i thot to myself that if i'm only 58 and i cant get off the floor - well it just freaked me out. as you said kind of a functional - i remember my dad and my friend betty both being terrified of falling as they got older..cause they wouldnt be able to get up..so i get it now.. but i guess i still dont think of myself as old.. so NOT being able to get up now really hit me hard mentally.. and yep i have to get on one knee and push up.. and every single day now at some point i get on the floor and try to get up on my own without using the stool or chair... might sound stupid but mentally i have to know i can do it. omg on the turkish getup.. maybe that one will be my goal at some point! i know i'm going to keep doing all the different squats at home as well to try to improve my leg strength. One of the new ones she added was facing the wall with your feet just a few inches away.. and doing the squat making sure your head and chest do NOT touch the wall... to help with good form so you arent bending forward... another was to hold a bar over your head with your hands wide and do the squat keeping the bar above your head... that one is super tough lol..

    thanks for the idea of the roasted veggies. .havent made them in ages and yes they are awesome in salads the next day; i do agree tho they lose something overnight tho.. and i face the same prob as mentioned with the small freezer space.. ok im gonna have to post this and go back and read your first two on the other page lol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I was on the floor wrapping gifts today and each time I went to stand up I was acutely aware of how much effort it took. Then, after sitting on the floor for half an hour and struggling to stand, I had to deal with the stiffness of my joints. Lol! Ain’t life grand!!! Haha haha!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol Suzy - oh yes i remember the post christmas wrapping years of suddenly realizing you've lost all feeling in your legs after sitting for hours ont he floor LOL.. of course back then i could hop right up.,.. but a whole different story these days, eh?

    well i took a baby step into prep yesterday lol.. i separated a head of lettuce, washed it and stored it in a ziplock produce bag in the fridge (i love those things).. i realized the chances of me using it would be much greater if it was ready to go.. rather than washing it as i needed it.. im hoping it will inspire me to add a salad before dinner to lower the amount i eat!

    im on my second coffee trying to decide if i wanna get up and go to pb lol.. i played yesterday and i find i usually need a day off in between.. but.. if i dont go i wont get any mvoement in so i should get my butt in gear, right... . yes i should... but it's sooooo cold and so early lol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Kudos for being up and on your second cup of coffee at 7:48!!! I’m rarely up and around before 8:30 myself. That’s another behavior/habit I’ve said I’m going to change but just haven’t done it. I’m a stay up late, sleep late kind of person. My husband is in bed by 9:30 and up at 4:30 every morning for work. That’s insane! I swear if I could start my day by 7:00 then I’d get more done and be healthier but I just don’t make myself do it. Kind of like eating healthier.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    i think we're naturally either an early bird or a night owl and changing it can be awfully hard... i think in my case i used to start dayshift at 430am but i think im up early just because i don't sleep long anyway no matter what time i go to bed lol.. and doing shift work for almost 40 yrs has messed up my natural circadian rhythm ... i absolutely left it til the last minute tho to decide on getting out of my jammies and going out in the snow lol - but i did.. and had agreat time but i wish i could bottle or box that "post" play feeling to get me out the door when i'm in my jammies with coffee in hand and thinking of staying there ha...
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello, ladies,

    I am liking the sound of prep meals. I use to do the healthy meals and weight watchers. I did lose using those meals.

    Snoozie, I agree with everyone, keep pushing don't give up. I find that once I admit to feeling weaker I become even weaker.

    Good News, I finally made it to 7000 steps yesterday.
    Bad News I reset my weight to my current weight of 174. Further away from the 169.9
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Well done on the steps, Milove!

    How did it go with the lettuce prepping, Snoozie? Did you end up using it more? I cut lettuce fresh and use straight away, but of course that means that sometimes I end up not using it because I can't be bothered! And I have been cheating and buying some of those bags of ready-washed lettuce/salad, although that's partly so I get a bit more variety because they have mixed ingredients.

    I keep having ongoing work on my house, and still don't have a cooker at the moment, which maybe isn't helping with my eating. I have bought a couple of microwave ready meals, which is not something I normally do - although actually they seem ok nutrion-wise and calorie-wise, so I might continue buying the odd one. In some ways, they are probably quite a good way of controlling intake as the calories are controlled!

    Exercise-wise, I'm still going to the dance classes, which are fun, and occasionally to the gym. Everything is much harder with the extra 10lb I have allowed to creep on! Really feeling it in my joints! I might try the squat exercises you mentioned, Snoozie. I was carrying the cat litter bag (I think it's 15kg) upstairs yesterday and thought it was probably quite a good exercise, so did some squats with it, and lifted it up and down a few times! I have also been doing work on the house, although I don't know if that counts as exercise!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Milove - congrats on hitting the 7000! well done you!!

    Vail - i don't know how you are surviving without a stove... (which i assume is what a cooker is on your side of the pond).. even tho i dont cook a lot i dont know how you are doing it.. and yes absolutely having the lettuce all washed and ready to go has been GREAT... i totally use it all the time now; toss it on a sandwich or make a quick salad... and i'm wasting so much less.. im so lazy tho even the prep of washing it all then drying it is a pain.. how sad is that lol.. but produce prices are getting crazy expensive here... i honestly wish i could have a tiny garden just for tomatos and cucumbers say.. but alas...

    i havent been eating well because im starting to get a bit bored in retirement.. yep i was super busy the first few months but now with winter here and all my friends away in sunny places lol.. so i end up stuffing my face at night especially.. but i read a really good article the other day by a guy who is type 2 diabetic and a cyclist... he cycles over 10,000km a year... but the article was "you can't out cycle a bad diet".. it was quite an eye opener for me because as we've talked about, sometimes my head goes to "well i played pb for 2 hrs i can havce a donut" ... but it really made me realize that my diet for health reasons alone is bad right now.. let aloen for controlling the T2.. so i've starting testing my sugar levels a few times a day now just to see. and last night after a big dinner and a few cookies after and the planting my butt on the couch for a few hours.. it was the highest i've ever seen .... wow.... so i got up and did a few squats and some weights just to try to brnig it down... but it was a good eye opener for sure and definitely reminding me why i came here in the first place when i was first diagnosed...

    Suzy - i think the shower is this sunday for your daughter??? hope everything is done and you arent going to stress too much! How is your mom doing btw......??

    Gail - hope all is well in your world my friend!

    we're gettng a snowstorm today... but if its not too bad in an hour or so i will go to pb .. im thinking only 2-4cm of snow hopefuly

    and im working one of my fav shows tonite.. "choir choir choir"... 2 guys who turn the audiecne into a choir.. i wont be able to sing cause im working... but then again.. fi it's dark they'll never seeeeeeeeeee me
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Milove, great job on increasing your steps! Little things can really help, like parking at the opposite end of the lot from the store or taking more trips from the laundry room to the bedroom to carry the clothes than necessary. The important thing is to just keep those joints moving!

    Vail, I almost spit out my tea while reading about you doing squats with the cat litter! Brilliant! And hilarious! I could not do without a stove for very long. When we had our kitchen countertops replaced I was without a kitchen for four days but I have an outdoor grill with a side gas burner for a skillet. We try to only eat out once (sometimes twice) a week. It’s so very hard to control your calories while eating out.

    Snoozie, I seem to remember you being in the audience for one of those choir performances and you loved it! I hope you enjoy the show and sneak in some singing.

    The shower is this Sunday. I still need to clean house, decorate some cookies, and decorate the rooms we’ll be in. I made a lot ahead of time so it won’t be too bad. My mom is having side effect issues so it’s constant doctor appointments. She’s not doing great. I’m not sure we’ll have her much longer. My dad’s mind is declining and he’s her primary caregiver. Which is totally crazy but they don’t want to hear it. My sister and I are trying to get them some home healthcare started.

    As soon as this shower is over I absolutely have to make my health my priority. I have gained back so much weight and haven’t been walking/hiking/exercising enough. My mom’s health issues can all be traced back to her lifestyle choices and the fact that she has been sedentary her entire adult life. She’s a cautionary tale!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    yep suzy - last time i was a patron lol... and after a few glasses of wine my friend and i sang really well (in our minds, anyway)!! sounds like you have a fair bit still to do for the shower but i bet its gonna be wonderful..
    im so sorry to hear your mom isnt doing great...... and i understand completely about them not wanting to hear it... i hope you are able to find they are qualified for some home health care (im not sure how it works in the states) but here they assign a certain amount of hours per week based on the needs of the person(s).

    cut yourself a little slack right now suzy.. you have a whole lot going on... joy at your daugher's soon to be little one and the trauma of dealing with your parents ongoing issues... i understand your fear as well, but sometimes when we are overloaded, something has to give.. and at the moment you have put yourself on the back burner to take care of everyone else.. i get that.. sometimes the reality is we just HAVE to do that... its all very well for people to tell us we have to put ourselves first but when push comes to shove, we do what we have to do. So be kind to yourself right now - you KNOW when you get a little breathing space you will get back on track and be able to take the time to focus on yourself ! hugs
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh my gosh, y’all. I haven’t been this exhausted in ages. I didn’t even climb a mountain, just been on my feet all day baking, cleaning, decorating...I’m completely knackered. I’m ready for the shower tomorrow though. I just have to bake the little quiches and a pepperoni roll, make the punch and top the mini cheesecakes tomorrow by 2:00. I’m rethinking my decision to not serve wine. Ha! I just hope my daughter has a good time and loves it all. Can I share a photo or two of the preparations?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    oh my goodness Suzy - i came in tonite to say hope everythign goes great at the shower and to please post some pics - and WOWSAAAAAAAAAAAA everything looks AMAZING!! the fireplace looks stunning and LOVE the flowers and pics.. i know what the middle pic is LOL.. are those baby pics of your daughter on either side???? i can't believe everything you've done.. the cookies are amazing you are one talented lady!! tell me you didnt actuall make the chocs too?? love the little boxes and hanging the little onesies LOL.. i love it all i wish i was there!!

    AFTER it's over - for SURE you deserve a glass of wine for yourself LOLOL!! your daughter is going to be so happy!!!!!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    edited February 2020
    Wow, I can't imagine how much work went into all that, plus all the rest that isn't in pictures! It looks amazing! Your baking looks so professional. I bet your daughter will be delighted! I hope you manage to enjoy it all (if not too busy and exhausted!) and have some plans to destress after. You will maybe feel more like walking/exercising when it's out of the way, although I know you still have a lot going on with your mother too - hoping she is doing as well as can be expected.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks y’all! The pictures on the mantle are my daughter on the left and her husband on the right. I did make those chocolates and the heart shaped butter mints. The shower went great! Everyone enjoyed everything and my daughter really cleaned up on the gifts. She should be completely ready now. I had food, cookies and cheesecake left over. I sent a bunch home with people but my fridge is still full. I know I’ll end up eating it all. I’m going to freeze what I can and send some to work with hubby. The good news is that I have veggies already prepared so I could just focus on eating those. I was on my feet so much the last three days and now my knee is killing me. I think I’m taking tomorrow off to do nothing! It went really well though! So excited to be a granny soon!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I just saw some photos that people posted on Facebook from the shower. I look absolutely huge. I have gained so much weight. I’ve got to use this to motivate me to get back on track.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I dunno what pics you saw that made you think you look huge Suzy - cause in the one you posted above you look great!! i bet all the guests had such a great time with all the hard work you did prepping for it... lucky ones got doggie bags of goodies to go.. wah wish i was there lol.. i hope you can take tomorrow to just CHILL and relax and stay off the knee and get some well deserved rest - you gotta be ready for Nanny duty not to far away !!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Your daughter looks like you! I think you look great in the photo too. I think pink suits you. Possibly the other photos are lying - I think it's true that the camera can add pounds. Sounds like your daughter and everybody had a wonderful time! I hope you have a good rest today!