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  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 716 Member
    2/1- 7690
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    2/6 Accountability (Habit Tracker)
    Track Every Bite-I did track but I didn’t pre-track which was a mistake because now I’m over on calories by 300. Not good!
    NO gain on the scale-the scale was down this morning again and I’m really hoping to have at least a little loss to report tomorrow.
    Workout or 7500 steps-Today was my rest day and I have done nothing but sit at a desk and work most of the day. Steps for 2/5-7544
    IF (17+ hrs)-18 hrs. 47 min.
    Thoughts for the day-I should have tracked my calories before eating so I could tweak as needed! That was just pure forgetfulness on my part. Thursdays are always off for me because of my staff meeting and having to get up earlier than normal. What I did do well was to decline the offer from my boss to go to lunch today with him and the guys. That would have thrown my whole day off and my calories would have been even higher. I want a loss tomorrow.
    I want to be in the GREEN!!! B)
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    I’m a little late to the party. I’m Sharon aka Sunshineplace, 48 years old from Ontario, Canada and proud mother of twin boys soon to be 18. I run a home daycare since my boys were eleven months old which can be very stressful, physically demanding and with long hours. After caring for these little people who have been sick, I got sick as well and am now starting to feel human again (hence being late to the chat). I cannot wait for cold and flu season to be over! So I check in when I can and try to stay active on this weight loss journey.

    I have been reading all these introductions and stories of triumph and hardships and I am moved and inspired and so happy to be part of this amazing group. Some of you are so entertaining...furniture polish on the cookies (love it) and TMI about the cottage cheese butt and wrimply dinkles! When I’ve had a rough day/week this group is always there to support and encourage and I love it.

    I so appreciate all the people who take the time to make this group so amazing, from the captains and the motivators to the members who post. THANK YOU!
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    Week 1
    PW 157.6
    CW 157.2
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    Midweek. I’m doing reasonably well on all my goals. This was a lighter week of exercise for me- 6 activities. And so far I’m on track. Two to go on Saturday- a run and an upper body workout. The upper body workout will be light to test my bicep and see how the tendonitis is. I do think it’s healing.

    I don’t usually talk about calories much. But I’ve recently set a goal to stay under 1800 and my bonus goal is to meet the MFP rec calories for me to lose .5 lbs a week. It has been hard this week, partly bc it requires a lot of tracking and planning, whereas before I pretty well knew what my intake was and didn’t have to think about it much. But I’ve had some success at staying under 1800 and I haven’t met the MFP goal, but I’m closer than I was in my last 3 month goal series.

    I think my weight has come down slightly, I could see it in my arms today and that was nice.

    Hi @sunshineplace I’m from Ontario too! Canucks in the house!

    @TeresaW1020 good job on the tracking! That’s the first step.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 that’s great you didn’t give in to temptation .

    A few people commented on my exercise regimen—the thing is I’m on best behavior here so you don’t see me get down and pessimistic when I’m not here lol. So in Jan when things were tough I really wanted to throw in the towel bc of the arthritis and the tendonitis, say screw it- drink too much, order pizza and watch tv. I managed not to but it was hard.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 690 Member
    Hello everyone! No time for personals tonight because Wednesday's evenings are for church and I'm beat. I do have something funny that happened tonight that I want to share. I work with elementary kids on Wednesday in a program called Awana. Our children's director, Anna is teaching the kids about missionaries this month and tonight we learned about a lady who was a missionary in China. So Anna played Chinese words for the kids to guess and then fed them some snacks. One snack was seaweed and it was sooooo funny to see how the kids responded. A very few actually liked it but many couldn't get to the trash fast enough to spit it out. I was the first to make it to the trash. Yuck!! :s:D

    2/6 Accountability (Habit Tracker)
    Track Every Bite-Yup, every little bite and I adjusted where needed because I pre-tracked which is key for me!
    NO gain on the scale-the scale was down this morning!
    Workout or 7500 steps-I did a 60 minute booty workout on 80 Day Obsession and cleaned house.
    Steps for 2/4-8041
    IF (17+ hrs)-17 hrs. 32 min.
    Thoughts for the day-Exercise, food, water, and IF were all on track today. :) I really wanted some chocolate with my afternoon coffee but I had decided to give up last week to help me stay better on my calorie count so I had to tell myself to get over it and enjoy the hazelnut coffee by itself. I'm also very happy that I did the whole 60-minute booty program today and while I'm a little sore, I am not at all in the kind of pain that I was in last week. Progress is a wonderful feeling!! B)

    Wow, you are killing it - on track everywhere and grabbed choco by the throat and said no!! Watch out chocolate - she has furniture polish and is not afraid to use it!! =>
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 690 Member
    prowell57 wrote: »
    Woke up this morning with a really stiff and sore shoulder. Lifting around on all this wood I guess has irritated it. Planning on taking it easy today as far as lifting on things.
    I did good on my water yesterday. Didn't get in my 64 oz but did drink 40 oz, that's a lot for me lol. Slowly learning to like drinking water.
    Having trouble motivating myself to get on the treadmill. I think it'd be easier if I had something to do while on the treadmill. Told my husband I wish I could set it up in the living room so I would have him to talk to or the TV to watch. It's set up in the spare bedroom and there's nothing in there but 4 empty walls and a window.
    What do y'all do to motivate yourself? I'll be glad when Spring/Summer gets here. I have no problem being motivated to work outside 🙂

    @prowell57 do you have a smartphone or iPhone? Many of us listen to podcasts while exercising - most especially weight loss related, goal oriented, habit oriented, that kind of thing. On the treadmill, I do some interval stuff that helps pass the time. Example, I walk at a lower speed for like 2 minutes, ramp it up and go another 5 - I just play with it. When I have a good pace, I then challenge myself for as fast as I can for 2 minutes, slow down for 2 or 5, ramp it back up. Not only is it good for the heart and good for building stamina but - it also helps pass the time, believe it or not. You start focusing on the small chunks of time and the next thing you know - whamo, you're done. Also - I'd start with a reasonable amount of time....15 minutes a day for the first week, add 5 minutes to that each week....? Just a suggestion and an example but something that doesn't feel like being thrown to the wolves. My most successful habits have been those I approached slowly and with patience (and grace, as needed).
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 690 Member
    Thursday weigh in week 1 (06Feb2020)
    Previous weight: 192.7
    Current weight: 185.2
    Steps 05Feb2020 11,672

    I am .7 less than I was on 23Jan2020, my Jan week 4 weigh-in. I was riding the wave up on creeping bad habits and sodium so this is a readjust. I hope my new tactic of only weighing on Thursdays is helpful in my mindset and actions!! Saying that because I have a trend of a gain when I am doing well and losing. Self sabotage, I think.

    I am beat - heading for bed. My son had surgery and I went over to take care of the baby and do dinner, same tomorrow and 3 nights next week - splitting it up with my DIL's folks. I have to say, I am lucky in family and extended family and those who just feel like family. => I adore DILs parents and they have often jumped in to help, this is my son's second knee surgery

    Planned and Prelog 3 meals? B planned not logged, L and D planned for out and wasn't sure what it would be
    Times? B 10a, L 1p, D 630p
    Non-planned eating and thoughts?
    Hunger? low hunger - also still taking allergy meds and it's suppressing appetite some, although less than yesterday
    Exercise? no... =<
    Sleep? 11p-6a [log the morning after]
    Assessed the previous day / week / month?

    @TeresaW1020 the stuffiness seems some better - and we've had a LOT of rain in the past few days. I'm doing the Claritin D which gives me some medicine head feelings but it seems to be working, along with the early pollen being washed away. => Nettipot - oh boy, I can't get past the feeling that I'll feel like I'm drowning. I know it's irrational, but there it is.
    A few people commented on my exercise regimen—the thing is I’m on best behavior here so you don’t see me get down and pessimistic when I’m not here lol. So in Jan when things were tough I really wanted to throw in the towel bc of the arthritis and the tendonitis, say screw it- drink too much, order pizza and watch tv. I managed not to but it was hard.
    Cleo - say it ain't so!! Haha, we're all reporting the best but, girl, don't discount that not succumbing to the pizza and tv....that crapola is hard when it's calling your name and the devil on your shoulder is getting louder and louder. 100% of us want to do these things - probably 90% of us go ahead and do it, at least sometimes. It's a rare and dedicated bird who is able to remain resolute. And even if you had a pizza and tv day, we are still super impressed with your workouts! Like a BOSS.
    @Sunshineplace hey, congrats on a great weigh-in! Glad you are able to peek in from time to time, keep up the great work on your personal journey and stop to wave and shout some pleasantries as you sail by, whenever you can!
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I, too, have recalled something late and then had to face the red...(I hate the red)! Good for you for tracking it anyway, I think it actually helps us not forget next time.
    @gwamajtw91 congrats on the loss - in the GREEN, baby!
    Grateful for: knees that let me run a few sprints!
    Can I hear an amen on that one?!? I will occasionally run at a slow pace for a short time on the treadmill because I just get so energized and excited (endorphins are your friends!) and I just want that feeling. I will celebrate your accommodating knees with you!!!
    @leonadixon how very frustrating! I had the same last week - a big gain, actually, and it was gone this week. It's hard to see a backward trend, try to not let it get to you - you've got this and can be back on track! I hope that your doc can help with the side pain pretty easily - feel better!
    @Katmary71 it's funny - knowing the ounces and creating a way to make it easy on myself was the key for the water, for me too. I found a 4 cup cup (it's a McDonald's cup, actually) and have been making sure I fill it with water and drink both, along with everything else. Did I miss the cassava update - were you able to figure out the best way for you to prepare it?
    @mrmcgrath I love looking at your numbers (I'm data driven) and I gotta say, this looks awesome! Cals under, water over and you added planks to your winter-storm, inside the house routine! Sounds like dedication to me!! =>
  • prowell57
    prowell57 Posts: 140 Member
    Thursday check-in

    Calories- under
    Water- under
    Exercise- 0
  • prowell57
    prowell57 Posts: 140 Member
    @Katmary71 I've been using mineral ice, that stuff sets my muscles on fire but it seems to help. The tiger balm sounds interesting, I'll have to keep that in mind next time I go to Walmart.

    @gwamajtw91 awesome loss👍🏼

    @leonadixon I hope your side starts feeling better soon.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 good job on resisting the chips, you've got this!

    @raleighgirl09 I hope you're feeling better. I also use a Nettie pot when I'm stuffed up. Using eucalyptus oil in my diffuser also helps to open up my head.

    @TeresaW1020 funny story about the seaweed. I don't know if I could've even tried it lol.
    I've been reading/studying up on IF. Not for sure if I'm ready to give it a try just yet but am definitely interested. I'd have to start out easy like 12/12 but work my way up to 16/8. My hairdresser's sister does 21/3. That's a little much for me but she has no problem with it.
  • nbbaby
    nbbaby Posts: 202 Member

    @nbbaby - No worries about the hour! We are just glad to see you checking in. Hang in there, and keep up all the work you have been doing! The scale may tick up some weeks, but with your steady efforts, we know you'll get there! 👍🏽

    Thank you, that was so nice. The scale and I have been fighting for the past week, with 2 ozs up it seems daily. So I stopped fasting and am just still concentrating on my keto instead of both. I need to get back to drinking my water, been drinking diet pop instead of all water. I'm thinking that might be the culprit.
    Thanks for the leeway on the hour, I appreciate it.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,940 Member
    @leonadixon inflammation can definitely cause weight gain but it still sucks to see on the scale. I hope your doctor has some helpful news for you, good luck tomorrow.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 you got this, and your lunch sounds delicious!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,940 Member
    @sunshineplace I'm glad you're starting to feel better and can post! I can't imagine how hectic your days are! Nice loss!

    @Jactop great steps!

    @TeresaW1020 congratulations on the scale being down!

    @its_cleo good luck with your arm workout, I hope it goes well and doesn't increase any pain.

    @raleighgirl09 I hope your son is doing well and has a swift recovery.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,940 Member
    Calories- under
    Exercise- stair treadmill, weights, yoga
    Water- over

    Weights 3xs a week- today was 2. Full disclosure- when at my parent's gym waiting on my dad I tried my arm routine with less weight and only 1 set each, flared up a little but icing helped.
    Cardio 30 minutes- done. That stair treadmill is going to kill me, I'm trying to go faster earlier into my warmup to beat my stairs climbed total and have barely increased flights to hit my goal but the extra increase is even more exhausting! I don't think I'll hit goal Saturday, hopefully soon!
    Core- on hold
    Yoga 3xs a week- today was day 3
    Decluttering- tossed 1 magazine
    Recipe- finally made the cassava! Spark people sauteed cassava, basically jalapenos, onion, garlic, and boiled cassava sauteed. That stupid thing is a lot of calories, thank goodness I used recipe builder as it was way more calories than the recipe said so I made it 4 servings instead of 2. It was pretty good, I'm glad I made it, but similar in texture with less calories would be an entire potato.

    For those of you wanting a Fitbit Sam's Club has them on sale right now, I ordered one today. Amazon had the Versa on its daily deal but not sure it was the same and less of a discount.

    My chest is doing better. Had something happen where I either babied it or helped someone in need and chose the latter and am doing ok tonight. Looks like I'll be able to start adding in stuff next week if this keeps up and may give Tiger Balm a break! BTW, I picked it up at Target so I'm sure any pharmacy would have it.
  • mlhopp93
    mlhopp93 Posts: 192 Member
    Happy Friday everyone -- new to the team this month and really enjoy reading all of the posts.

    First week down -- which is good. Next week is a travel week for work. Dinners out are always scary but I can do this....

    Week 1
    PW 340.6
    CW 338.0
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Thursday Check-in
    Calories: under; all good, on-plan choices
    Exercise: outdoor brisk walk (16 min); platform stepping in the evening (18 min)
    Water: over
    Habit Tracker
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min) ❌ (will make sure I still get to 6 for the week though!)
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily) ✔️
    Grateful for: this group -- such a great, inspiring conversation!

    Goals and Improvements for Today (Friday)
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min)
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min)
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min) - platform stepping and outdoor walking today!
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily)
    - Work on the To Do List. Start by doing planning over coffee with husband and son today!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    @mlhopp93 - 🎈 Brilliant weigh-in! Congratulations!
    As for eating out while travelling - you CAN do this! Plan as best you can, make the best choices you can, and be kind to yourself! However it goes, you are on a roll and you will get through that challenging week! 👐

    @KatMary - 👍🏽😊 I am SO glad your chest is doing better! Hurray for that Tiger Balm! (I love that stuff, too!)
    And also a hooray for that recipe adventure with cassava! I love me some Vegetable Adventures, and love hearing about yours!

    @nbbaby - 👐 Hang in there! 👐 Even if the scale is not currently cooperating, you are doing great work to improve your health -- eating carefully, observing results, watching and analyzing to see what's effective for you. Your care and commitment are SO inspiring!

    @prowell57 - Great Thursday check-in! Keep logging those great food days! 👍🏽

    @raleighgirl09 - 🎈Wow! 🌟 Great weigh-in! Congratulations on making those readjustments!
    A big hug and a salute to you for taking care of your fitness while also helping care for your son! I hope his recovery continues smoothly.
    I hope the allergies ease up soon!
    These words of yours to @prowell57 so speak to me!
    My most successful habits have been those I approached slowly and with patience (and grace, as needed).

    @Sunshineplace - 🎈🌟 Great weigh-in! Congratulations!

    @TeresaW1020 - Hurray for all your great work on health and fitness! Whatever today's number, I am super impressed.
    And that said -- I am SO pulling for you to be in the green this week!
    P.S. How is your pastor? And I apologize if there has been a recent update I am not thinking of. Anyway, I hope he is doing well, and all of you supporting him in his recovery are doing well!

    @Jactop- Great stepping! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - AWESOME job dusting yourself back off! THANKS for sharing that victory with us -- not quitting in that moment really was a victory! It's all day by day. Be kind to yourself!

    @leonadixon - Arg! I am so sorry about the uncooperative number and that pain in your side. 👐 Hang in there! 👐
    Keep doing what you can do, and be kind to yourself. Sometimes the journey to health isn't as speedy and linear as we would like, but you will get there. Your determination and energy and so SO impressive!

    @mrmcgrath - SO sorry about no gym, and SO inspired that you walked in place anyway! Way to own it and make it happen! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
    And thanks for reminding me to #FeelAlive! 😊😊😊

    Off to the gym soon! I'll be humming Staying Alive this morning, as my silly brain reminded me of it! It's a great weight-lifting song. Even my teenager confesses it's a good song.
  • Kpaige428
    Kpaige428 Posts: 11 Member
    Friday Weigh In
    Previous Weight: 156lbs
    Current Weight: 158.4lbs :(

    This was a rough week for me as I was sick with a cold that started last weekend and I am just now starting to feel back to normal. Next week's weigh in will be much better. I will have my nutrition and exercising back to where it needs to be.


    2/1= 2,790

    2/2= 3,954

    2/3= 2,956

    2/4= 11,817

    2/5= 4,306

    2/6= 10,594

    My goal next week is to reach 10,000 steps every day.
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Official Weigh In


    Up .2 from last week. Not sure if this still counts as “Green” since it is a slight margin but I don’t feel like it should be “Red”. Lol. Maybe a light greenish yellow????
This discussion has been closed.