Monthly Post February 2020

Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
Hi all!

Hope your weekend is going well Who is ready to rock February?!

See you soon. :)


  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    Wooohooo February will be my second full month fasting! If I keep losing on my current pace I should be hitting lows I haven't seen in a decade!

    Fast on my lovelies!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,542 Member
    January was the longest year of my life. All 56 days of it. I am more than ready for February! I am going to do alternate day fasting this week, M, W, F. I am in the middle US, so EVERYONE is excited for the Super Bowl this year. I grew up near Kansas City, so I am, of course rooting for the Chiefs. I have my licensing tests on Monday, so I will be able to fast and recover from the snacks the day before and roll into the new week with renewed energy!
    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning all!

    Happy Monday! We cooked chicken wings in our Air Fryer last night for dinner and they came out awesome! Will definitely make them again. We found a nice two pound bag of organic chicken wings in the frozen section of Trader Joe's for $6.99 USD. Great deal and really tasty.

    Woo hoo @A_Dabauer I hope to be in the same boat as you with new lows! The last time I had gotten down to the low 160's. My goal is 140, so here we go!

    @KateNkognito yes, January was UGH! We made it to Feb! I like your fasting schedule and good luck on your tests!!
    Congrats to the KC Chiefs! Honestly was hoping my boy Jimmy G. and the 49ers could pull it off, but very happy for Pat Mahomes as he seems like a nice guy. :)

    Hope everybody has a great day and a great week ahead. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hello, all! Testing went well. I know I passed one of them, because they give you your raw scores. The other one I have to wait a few weeks on. I did well fasting this morning, but then after the test I forgot and ate a lot. A whole lot. Oops!
    I am exhausted now. Going to go sleep all afternoon and then go to bed early.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning all!

    Hope your week is going well so far. Things are good here. Still Keeping Calm and Ketoing On. :)

    Planning to get back to the gym soon. Maybe tonight. We shall see. Figure a couple days a week of walking or cardio will only help us out.

    @KateNkognito Congrats on the tests! Hope you pass them all!

    Speak to you soon!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    okay, so my phone has died!! I normally check in with my phone!!! making this quick.... I'm also planning on regular 5:2 fasting this week, so far I've also not eaten until later in the day for last 3 days.

    thanks for keeping this going Meghan!
    Orlcam.... thanks for a beautiful NEW photo... I just love it... it's makes me feel like a new beginning is going to happen!!
    Kate, congrats on your tests! crossed fingers for the other one. Yes, have a nap... you don't eat while napping, I say!
    A_Dabauer.... good luck!

    off to stir the rice that's covering my phone!
    yes, thanks to mother nature and her monsoon rains! :*

  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning and happy Wednesday all!

    @mamainthekitchen good luck with your phone! Sounds like it got wet? Ugh... Rice is good for that. Hope it all works out! Good luck with your fasts!

    We got back to the gym last night for a little light walking on the treadmill! Feels nice! Both of us experienced some pain afterward, which of course stinks and is the reason why we had let the workouts lapse for a bit. But, we shall see. The point is to move a little and burn some calories. Planning to head back tonight.

    Keto is going well. Still doing my 1200 calories and 20g carbs or less per day. Focusing on getting enough water and fluids.

    Figured I would tell you a little about me. Since it has been a while. :)
    My boyfriend and started keto back on August 5, 2019. At the time I weighed in at 210 pounds. I have lost 36 pounds since then. Current weight: 174. Goal weight: 140 or a healthy BMI.
    My high weight in February of 2012, when I started to eat "healthier" was 240 pounds.
    I am a 47 year old female, 5'4" tall. Medium frame. Currently fitting in to size 8/10.

    Have a good one and I'll see you all soon!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning all.

    Hope the week is going well.

    Went to the gym last night again and today I feel sore but good! Planning to go tonight as well. The good thing also about the gym is I get to catch up on my Netflix shows. LOL

    Planning to stick to my Keto WOE today and not have anything after dinner tonight. Lots of water and tea today as well. Tomorrow AM is weigh in day.

    Have a good one and see you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hey all! I am just chuggin' along with my chubby self. Nothing exciting to say. :)
    @mamainthekitchen I hope your phone made it!
    @Meghan509 You are an inspiration!
    @A_Dabauer It sounds like you are on track and making good progress. I agree that you should find a goal that you are comfortable at, not necessarily what a chart says you should be.
    I am off to bed. It was a busy day and I need a good sleep!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning!

    I am down two pounds this week! Very excited to see the 170's slowly disappear in the rear view. :)

    We got to the gym three times this week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) and will plan on a similar schedule for next week. Feeling a little sore from the walking (I walk at a pretty fast clip) but I am enjoying it and I think it will only help our weight loss efforts. BF is doing same as me. Keto, walking, etc.

    @A_Dabauer too funny about our similar stats! Are you also 5'4"? Good luck with your losses! Bet you don't have a plateau this time! I had one years ago, when I was doing Atkins in the early 2000's. I was stuck at 171 forever... LOL Thanks for the app link! I will check it out. I love techno stuff too. :#

    @KateNkognito hope you have a relaxing weekend! @mamainthekitchen waving hi! @orlcam hope all is well in your neck of the woods!

    Anybody got any fun plans this weekend? Low key here. Dinner out tomorrow night, most likely. Otherwise no big plans.

    Going to sign off and drink my tea. Have a great day!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Happy weekend!

    Quiet here, so hoping that means everyone is off doing awesome things. <3

    See you soon.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member

    Hope everybody's well. :)
  • originalslicey
    originalslicey Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, all. I'm new to this group and have just started fasting, so I'm still in the experimental phase.

    Like @A_Dabauer I have PCOS, which makes weight gain really easy and weight loss really hard, and 18:6 doesn't seem to do anything for me. I was recently reading someone's blog about alternate day intermittent fasting and the more strict schedule appealed to me. Both from a calorie restriction standpoint and just for overall health and hopefully reducing inflammation and other benefits.

    I just started last Tuesday as my first fast day, planning on fasting alternate days. Wednesday was the Chiefs Superbowl Victory Parade. Even though I wasn't hungry after fasting the day before, I decided being outside all day in freezing weather I should probably eat something, but limited my first 2 "meals" of the day to a banana and protein ball. I felt great and not hungry.

    With lots of social stuff coming up on the weekends for the foreseeable future I thought I would switch to a M-W-F fast schedule, so that I could eat on both weekend days.

    So, today - Monday - is a fasting day. Turns out I now have a weekly work meeting scheduled for every Monday at lunchtime! They brought in Chipotle for lunch, so it's been a real struggle not to eat anything!

    Basically, I'm not going to beat myself up since I'm just starting/experimenting with IF to figure out what works for me. If I only make it 16:8 or 20:4 instead of a full day, or if I eat up to 500 calories on my fast days, I'm going to consider that a win for me.

    I do think I'm going to have to rethink fasting on Mondays, though. The Chipotle leftovers are calling my name as I drink another cup of tea instead! :D
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Welcome to the group @originalslicey!

    Your schedule sounds awesome! I do Keto and my version of IF, which for me is approximately a 1pm to 9pm eating window (give or take). I do have coffee in the AM with half and half and monk fruit sweetener. Otherwise water, water, water, and tea until lunch time.

    My goal is 140 lbs. I am hoping to get to 150 lbs at my birthday, which is May 9. That is my shorter term goal. I am currently sitting at 172 and I am kind of a slow loser. I would like to try a 20:4 one of these Sundays to try and mix things up a bit. I don't think I could do a full 24 hour fast.

    Hope everybody is well. Sending positive vibes. :)
  • cgcrutch
    cgcrutch Posts: 223 Member
    I plan to start a long term fast. At least 5 days. I need to break my food addiction And what better way than no food. I usually do IF and have done a couple 5 day fasts before. Now I have a HEAFTY goal of dropping over 20lb by the end of this month. I know it's unlikely but I'll take whatever I can get from the long fast. I've been keto off and on for 4 years or so, this time of year is always when I go WAY off the rails (Mardi Gras season in New Orleans) This time I won't, this year will be my final attempt to reach goal weight. The weight is coming off much more slowly now, maybe cuz I'm 30 now, maybe too many failed attempts. I was doing pretty good this past month and hit my short term goal! Thought I could celebrate the win with pizza... A whole pizza over the next day and a half (I live alone) and I gained 6lb :( I hope some of that is water weight, but no matter what it is, I'm fasting it off and hopefully will gain an "eat to live" mindset
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Welcome @cgcrutch glad you found our little part of the internet. Good luck with your fasts! :)

    I know what you mean about celebrating with food. Not always a safe idea. Better to celebrate other ways or with a healthier version of an old treat. i.e., Keto friendly ice cream, a pizza made with a cauliflower crust, etc. I miss pizza a lot since starting Keto back in August of last year. Planning to stick to my WOE for the time being as I love have literally no cravings now that I am sugar free.

    Things are good with me. Sticking to my WOE and got to the gym last night. Same planned for today. There is a meeting today during lunch and they are bringing in food. I brought my own salad.

    See you soon.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Tumbleweeds are rolling through here lately. :|

    Hope everybody is well.

  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    @Meghan509 LOL yes I'm 5'4" too!

    Welcome, @cgcrutch and @originalslicey! There is a really nice group of supportive people here. :)

    So it has been a bit since I posted. Last week I had some social commitments so I did a bit of alternate-day fasting, then struggled with my usual weekend fast. While what I was eating was on point, the scale wasn't really my friend, I was feeling low energy and just kinda blah. So I've spent this week doing OMAD (one meal a day). It's PMS week and sometimes that can affect me, so not sure if it's that or if burnt myself out on fasting a bit. At any rate, OMAD has been working well this week, and I even saw a new low on the scale this morning. I'm not sure if I'll continue OMAD into the weekend or if I'll try a longer fast again, I'm just going to see how I feel.

    I have to say that's the thing I really like about fasting, is the ability to change things up as I see fit. For my PCOS symptom, those longer fasts really seem to make a huge difference, but I know I'm helping my insulin even by doing 23:1, so it's all a win!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Way to go @A_Dabauer!
    Doing OMAD is awesome. I hope to work up to that type of fast in the future. 23:1 is a total win! Hope the scale is friendly to you as well!

    I am weighing in tomorrow for my weekly check in with the scale. Having a good week. Got to the gym twice so far. Tonight same thing planned. Keeping Calm and Ketoing On. :#

    See you guys soon!