2020 - We can be our BEST SELF every day!



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited March 2020
    I’ve got that recipe on my “need to try” list. Let me know how it turns out. We’re having the chicken sausage stuffed zucchini boats tonight. Last night I made the super easy chicken thighs with artichoke hearts and feta. So good!

    I updated my ticker weight. How depressing. I’m heavier than I was at the beginning of 2019 by two pounds. My lowest weight was in August 2014 and I was 34 pounds lighter then than I am now. I had lost 44 pounds by then so I’m still down a total of 10 pounds....in six years...really depressing. I’m choosing to look at it as motivation though. I did it before so I know I can do it again. I may be six years older but that’s no excuse. My goal is still to be at 160 by my 60th birthday, which is in 15 months.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suz i think updating your ticker was a really good idea (just my thought) - because now you know where you're starting and watching your progress as you go will be very motivating! and you have the 10lbs GONE as a great start too!!! I have no doubt you will get to your goal my friend... i dont know if it will help but i remember years ago a nutritionist telling me for a "quick start" weight loss to just stick with proteins and any green veggies LOL.. i think i made it a week before i started jonesing for a carrot!! It did work to motivate me with a few pounds loss but the nagain that was 20 yrs ago.. when my metabolism actually worked lol

    In any case, as we know now, deciding to make changes is the biggest hurdle - and you've already leaped over that one! If i did the math right, aiming for one pound gone every two weeks will get you to your birthday goal - and what a great gift to givey yourself! hugs
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    oh.. i didn't use the skinnytaste recipe.. i kinda made it up as i went from a few different ones.. basically its jst chicken in a tomato saue with veg lol... i did dice carrots, celery, onion, and mushrooms so at least i got a few veg in. It was just .. ok.... a little bland (which is one reason i hate cooking.. all that work and it's just.. ok lol).. but it wasnt horrible so that's a step up at least!!

    The sun is out and its about 40F today so i am gonna head to the lake for a stroll.. havent been out of the hosue for a few days becaus emy foot was messed up but today its way better and cabin fever need to break!! have a good day -

    Gail, Vail - hope all is well in your worlds; miss ya!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    edited March 2020
    Sorry, I've been MIA yet again. After poor health since January, I ended up with seasonal flu (yes, I did have the vaccine! But it's not 100%). I am just recovering now. The good news is I lost weight, lol! The bad news is I feel I now want to eat all the meals I missed while I had the flu, and I am so weak it's unbelievable. I'm finding it really challenging to do things like walking a very short distance or housework. Just waiting to get COVID-19 next! There have been some cases locally, but looks like it's going to get everywhere the way it's going. I hope you are all keeping as safe.

    I'm going to focus on doing little bits of housework until I feel a bit better, and I will need the energy to cope with work. I'm not going to go to the gym until the epidemic passes over - it's not the most hygienic of places at the best of times! But will try to build my strength up again at home as I recover.

    I'm catching up on all your news. I hope your daughter is well, Suzy, and not too stressed. Sounds like you will have some exciting news very soon! I am worse than you with my weight - I'm about 10lb heavier than I was a year ago. Like you, I'm still lighter than when I started, which I honestly think is major - at least we haven't been gaining all these years! I have used herbal teas before to help to stop eating - it does work a little, I think.

    Well done on the steps, Milove!

    Snoozie, I hope your thyroid meds are working OK. Good luck with your tests. Looks like you have things in hand with the portion control and healthy cooking. I agree that it's frustrating when things aren't too tasty after all the work of cooking, lol! Oh, you asked if I had a cooker, yet - no, I don't! I can't believe it's been this long! I'm managing with my pressure cooker and microwave. Not ideal.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Vail, I’m so sorry that you’ve been sick. Take your time getting back into the swing of things. I think it’s smart to avoid the gym with your immune system compromised by the flu. I can’t imagine being without my stove/oven for so long. Any idea how much longer?

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thanks, Suzy. I honestly don't know about the cooker - it's a problem with my kitchen not fitting safety regulations and I can't seem to get any answers.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail I'm so sorry to hear you were ill - life is so much harder when you feel like crap; i hope you are well on the mend. I feel for you with the weakness; i know i told you about not being able to get up off the matt at class because i was too weak; and lately my walks at the lake i'm finding im winded far too easily and a few other things are quite challenging these days.. I am sure with time as you recover you will regain your strength....

    The weight loss i've been having is from the hyper thyroid, not from me eating well or healthy.. in fact its almost causing me to think i can eat anything and still lose weight.. gak!! Today was the first time the scale was up a bit in a few weeks, so maye the meds are starting to kick in and i will need to smarten up! The ultra sound on my thyroid didn't show any nodules so that's really good; but i have to go for another one on my neck as apparently there are calcium deposits on some of my neck arteries.. hmmm anyhooo they didn't appear to think it was too urgent and they were pretty quick with the other tests so we'll see when that's scheduled...

    We are having a lovely break in winter this weekend; about 50F and beautifully sunny; i've had some probs iwth my foot and hip the past few days just annoying but i'm gonna try to hit the lake for a walk both days even if its just a short one. Hope everyone else is having a good day... and Suzy hope all is well with both your daughter and your parents at the moment so you have a little breathing space before becoming a grandma!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Good for you for taking advantage of the nicer weather even with your aches and pains. I don’t know enough about thyroid issues to ask intelligent questions but I really hope they get it all figured out quickly.

    I was doing so good y’all. Really good! Then I got a phone call from my son on Friday that he was driving down from Nashville for the weekend. His girlfriend is touring with Little Big Town and they were in Atlanta tonight so he was picking her up and spending a couple nights with us. He wants to spend some time with his sister before she has the baby. So....last night I blew it (cheese dip and wine!). Today wasn’t much better. Tomorrow is already doomed. Why can’t I stick to my guns when my plans are interrupted? Why can’t I continue to eat healthy and avoid the alcohol in social situations? Ugh. That’s something I really need to figure out.

    It’s really good to have my kids here though. To see my son three times in less than four months? Priceless!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suz - i'm guessing that even with the dip and some wine and a few other goodies thrown in, you STILL either ate something healthy on those days too! Those moments are just the trees, not the whole forest so don't give up and don't beat yourself up over a few indulgences.. its perfectly normal; and understandable with your son visiting! what a treat as you said to get to see him again so just enjoy and don't sweat a bit.. aim for a couple of healthy choices for breakfast or lunch if you can but even if you dont just enjoy yourself :)
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I love that, “just the trees, not the whole forest.” ❤️
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    So I was watching this webinar on my computer and although it deals specifically with Type 2 diabetes, there was a psychologist on there talking about that aspect of dealing with it.. but one of the things she said that REALLY RESONATED with me...

    was when she described one technique that was to think of food choices as a trade... you might be trading feeling like a piece of cake... but you're trading that choice for excess weight and heightened blood glucose. And it is a choice... no judgement, just a choice.. and you have to make that choice, knowing what youre trading for it...

    I don't know why but that thought process really hit me between the eyes.. more so for the blood sugar because i'm not at target... but also for the weight loss ... for me thinking of some of a my choices as a potential "trade" might make me reach for the orange instead of the cookie... i really liked too that she said you can plan for a "detour" (i.e., a party, your birthday, whatever) in my case, by eating less carbs early in the day, and making sure I try to keep moving during the party, not plop on the couch.. or go for a walk when i get home (alhto i wouldnt walk my neighbourhood at midnite lolol).. but by getting rid of any judgement as to "good or bad" and reducing it to simply a choice that may make you trade your health or weight... i swear im gonna write the word TRADE on my hand for a few days LOL..

    and yep. i just ate an orange!!

    Anyway just wanted to share as the weight loss aspect is something we are all working on :)
    Hope everyone is having a good week and Vail hope you are feeling better and Suzy i'm assuming we'll be the first.. or second.. or 20th to know when youre a grandma!! (and there WILL be pictures!!)
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Good Morning,

    Ladies what I am reading and feeling we are not giving up we are pushing through and we are going to be winners

    I am a yo-yo up and down on the scales!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    My son and his girlfriend left yesterday and I’m still eating poorly. Making trades that aren’t going to help me lose weight. I just got back from the grocery store and threw all the leftover crapola in the trash bin. No time like the present to start making smarter choices.

    My daughter’s doctor visit yesterday revealed that her baby is now about nine pounds (😳) and she has a narrow pelvic channel, so she’s most likely looking at a c-section in a week or so. Her actual due date is the 18th. Needless to say, she’s terrified and stressing out which is not good for her blood pressure. She was 9.14 when she was born, her brother was 10.12....so big babies run in the family. If you get a minute, send good thoughts her way...thank you!

    Milove, I feel like the yo-yo queen so welcome to the club! As long as the downs are greater than the ups in the long run, we’re doing okay! 😂
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    sending good vibes to your daugher Suz! i know its the fear of the unknown and nobody can help us when we're in that mindset so hopefully just having you around will help her try to not get as stressed - but completely understandable! happy thoughts going her way
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thinking of your daughter, Suzy. It's such a stressful time, and I agree with Snooozie about the fear of the unknown. I think we get so used to being able to at least have some control over our lives and planning for things, but having a baby you go into without much control and no certainty of what exactly is going to happen!

    I ended up having an emergency c-section with my son, and I'm only saying because it was such a lovely experience in the end. Obviously it was a long time ago, but I imagine things can only have got better, and with a planned section even better still. My judgment might have been clouded by the fact that I'd been in labour, so I think I was a bit euphoric about having no pain during the procedure! But I felt the staff were very thoughtful, talking to me throughout and holding my son on my chest after he was born (because I couldn't move or pick him up!) and helping me feed him. I hope your daughter knows that it can still be a really good birth with a section.

    Thank you for the idea about trades, Snoozie. I do like that and will try to keep it in mind. I know this is ridiculous, but it's almost as if I forget that it's myself I'm rebelling against when I eat things I shouldn't! Thinking of it in a non-judgmental way as a trade might help. That piece of cake is so tangible in the here and now, whereas my future health is a bit vague, and I sometimes forget the "cost".

    Milove, I'm also yo-yoing! I lost weight with the flu, but it's gone straight back on again!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I ended up driving my daughter to the hospital today and her husband met us there. She may have to have a c-section. I wasn’t allowed to stay and be there with her because they’re only allowing one person per patient throughout the entire hospital. It was so hard to leave there not knowing what’s going to happen, to not be there if she needs me. We won’t be able to see her or the baby until she returns home. 😢
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Oh Suzy you must be losing your mind!! I’m so sorry you can’t be with her - I know everything will be fine - can your son in law face time on his phone with you at least ?? Not much I know but I feel so bad I know how much you want to be with her sending hugs !
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    How difficult for you, Suzy. I hope they are managing to keep in touch, but I know it's not always possible and might go on a while. Hopefully she can get home quickly after delivery. Are you able to Skype or anything like that? Fingers crossed, hoping it all goes as well it can do. *hugs*
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I have a grand daughter!!! 8 pounds 10 ounces! She did end up having a c-section but momma and baby are doing fine! What a stressful, agonizing, sleepless night...and that was me! 😂 I know it was tough for my daughter but she came through like a champ! My heart is full!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    SO HAPPY for you Suzy - congratulations and welcome to the world little one!!