Weekly Challenges



  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    You still have until 10am today to post if you completed last weeks Challenge!


    By now we should all be tracking our food... if not, this is a great time to get back on track. This weeks challenge takes tracking to the next level. We not only want to be tracking daily but we want to reach our goals. If you are tracking calories, the goal is to be within 100 calories of your goal (example: if your calorie goal is 1600, you need to be within 1500 - 1700 calories). If you are tracking WW points, be no more than 2 points over your goal. If you are tracking carbs for keto, be within 5 carbs of your goal.

    Please post what method you track with and what your goal is, to set your goal for the week. If you have another method that you are tracking, please post and we will create the specific goal for you.

    If you meet this goal 5 out of 7 days this week, you will earn a ticket in the weekly drawing. If you manage to meet your goal all 7 days, you will get 2 tickets. Drawing will be held next Tuesday, March 3rd. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know!
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    I am tracking calories and my daily goal is 1500 calories.
  • Katrinad5232
    Katrinad5232 Posts: 21 Member
    I completed both streaks and still meditating
  • Katrinad5232
    Katrinad5232 Posts: 21 Member
    Steak Steak Steak need I say more.
  • karlakay32
    karlakay32 Posts: 24 Member
    So, this was completed, but not as easy as I thought it would be when it was posted last week. Very much an eye opener. Thank you.
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    I only met my calorie goals on 3 of 7 days. I really need to get focused.
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member

    With the weather warming up, we have more opportunities to be active. The goal this week is to add 15 minutes of activity EVERY DAY. Whether it is adding a 15 minute walk or bike ride, or 15 minutes of yoga or stretching, we should all be more active. To be entered into the Weekly challenge drawing this week, post your weeks activities by 10am on March 10th. If you complete 5 of 7 days you will receive 1 ticket, if you complete all 7 days you will receive 2 tickets.

    Tracking should look like this: ( you can copy/paste this example)

    Tuesday: (type in activity completed for each day)
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    Ive completed this challenge 7/7 days:

    Tuesday: 20 min walk
    Wednesday: 15 minute step exercise
    Thursday: c2bf all 4 challenges + stretching in morning
    Friday: shampooing carpets at home
    Saturday: Raking and garden cleanup - 2+hours
    Sunday: Walking 30 min at haunt
    Monday: 15 min exercises and stretches including daily challenges
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member

    We are down to the last month of the competition. Let get our focus back on the things that are most important. Most of us set goals in the beginning of this challenge. If you did not, then this is a god time to create those goals. Where are you on your path to reaching the goals you set? Are they getting closer? Are they still the goals you need to be reaching for? Take some time to think on what you are wanting from this last month of the challenge. Start with your goals that you set in January and refocus your energy on what you can still accomplish, or if you need to make a more realistic goal for yourself. Have you already met any of your goals? Then it's time to make some new ones! The challenge this week is to rework your goals list of three short term wellness goals you want to achieve by the end of C2BF, two mid-range goals you would like to achieve by the end of summer and one long-term goal that you want to achieve by the end of the year.These goals should be achievable, not just wishes. Choose something that you can realistically act on.

    Goals must be recorded somewhere that you can see them every day. Post here when you have completed this challenge. All who have created their goals will be entered into the Wellness Prize Drawing for this week.


    Are your goals specific and positive? Rather than vowing "to exercise" for example, reword each goal so that it is clear and measurable. "I will walk 30 minutes every day." "I will compete in a 5K race." "I will do a yoga DVD twice a week."

    Short Term Goals: (1 month left)

    Medium Goals: (end of Summer)

    Long Term Goal (End of the Year)
  • jenniferruffridge
    jenniferruffridge Posts: 16 Member
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member
    I have this completed :)
  • katerskat
    katerskat Posts: 165 Member

    This week's Challenge is to get us back to the basics. We will have to chances for tickets this week for 2 separate challenges.

    Challenge 1:
    One of the most important things for our health to to be hydrated. The suggested minimum requirement for water intake is 64 ounces. This week the goal is to consume the minimum of 64 oz of water a day for a minimum of 5 our of 7 days to earn 1 ticket in the drawing. Complete 7 of 7 days for 2 tickets.

    Challenge 2:

    Sleep! Getting enough rest each night is also vital to our health. Fatigue can not only run down our energy levels but also our immune systems and ability to effectively burn calories. This goal is to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep nightly. Completion of 5 out of 7 days will earn 1 ticket. & out of 7 will earn 2 tickets!

    Good luck and stay healthy this week!