
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,230 Member
    Username: Vegan4lyfe2012
    Weigh in Week: 3
    Weigh in Day: Sunday
    Previous Weight: 191.2
    Today's Weight: 192.8
  • TeraBbreakingFree
    TeraBbreakingFree Posts: 15 Member
    Week 3
    PW: 165.4
    CW: 164.6

    It's been a crazy week to say the least. I haven't tracked anything but I'm very aware how much I am eating. Schools are shut down here and with my husbands current over seas trip we are self quarantining. I'm not stressed about this and actually more calm then normal.
  • nbbaby
    nbbaby Posts: 202 Member
    Week 3
    PW: 220.0
    CW: 214.1

    Sorry I missed last week, I was just in to much pain.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    We took a drive as a family yesterday and visited one of our oldest churches. It's a place of healing with a lot of open space to walk around and enjoy. It was such a peaceful day with my family and I am so grateful to have them all. So YES walking helps! Being outside helps! Family helps! I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe amid the craziness of the world right now.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 718 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Week: 3
    Weigh-in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 203
    Todays Weight: 202
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 718 Member
    Wasn't sure I was going to be in the green this week. I went away for the weekend. My food choices weren't too bad but exercise was nil.

    I'm not planning to leave my house for the next few weeks. My oncologist always stresses to not get sick so I'm going to be extremely diligent. My goal this week will be to avoid the temptation of staying in my pjs all day and parking my butt on the couch.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member

    Calories: under; all good, on-plan choices
    Exercise: platform stepping (46 min)
    Water: on track
    Habit Tracking
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min) ❌
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min) ✔️
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily) ✔️
    - Office cleaning/decluttering ✔️
    - Tiny Habits study ❌

    Goals and Improvements for Today (Monday)
    Habit Tracking
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min)
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min)
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min)
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily)
    - Office cleaning/decluttering
    - Project work ✔️
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    hey all

    Well a lot has changed since I posted, bc of the virus which everyone knows so I won't get into except to say- I already spent a lot of time alone and was kind of isolated, now even more so. On top of that my beloved gym closed. So it's been a bit rough emotionally, but this morning I had to come up with a new plan for myself, I need structure and lists or I go right off the rails emotionally.

    So I'm hoping to report in each night. Some of my goals are about moving- as I said above I have chronic pain issues if I sit too long. I can do cardio- jog, ealk, etc, but it's not enough. Tomorrow I have to try to find some bodyweight stuff I can do

    Anyway goals:

    -in the am, do Leslie Sansone for 5 mins just to warm up - Y
    -sit only 45 mins then up for 15-30 mins- Y except around lunch hour/mid-afternoon
    -stretch or do mobility work each standing break - Y
    -moisturize- 2/3
    -wash my face at night- Y
    -2x daily check in, just an emotional checkin 1/2.
    -wrist work to help arthritis- 1/2
    -go out 3x a day- Y. Right now I am just walking or jogging, etc.

    Not bad, hope to improve tomorrow.

    @AustinRuadhain I like the sax, that's cool you could play. I always wished I could play an instrument.

    @jactop do take care, it's hard to be in all the time though. I like the Leslie Sansone videos for light indoor cardio.

    @leonadixon that sounds like a lovely day. Places like that can be so soothing.

    @nbbaby I hope you're feeling better.

    @TeraBbreakingFree that is great you are doing the self-q, though I know it can be challenging.

    @Katmary71 I can't stand when my microwave breaks. And then I always want a replacement and so I get something really fast and it ends up being crappy. Let us know if you change up the workouts!

    I haven't been keeping up with the habit tracker, will try to do it tomorrow.

    Take care all.
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    Monday weigh in:
    Username: wrknonmedaily
    Week 11
    PW 226.4
    TW 227
    I start my 2 week from work rotation today. I pray it does not effect my waistline. :s
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 It's good to see you, hope you're hanging in there!

    @TeraBbreakingFree Good loss, glad you're feeling calm with all that's going on.

    @nbbaby Great drop! I hope you feel better, I'm sorry you're hurting.

    @leonadixon Sounds like an amazing day! It's been raining here and was beautiful last week, can't wait for the good weather to come back.

    @Jactop down a pound, awesome! Actually you helped me not get up and sit on the couch and go online with my coffee first thing in the morning by telling me how to get in steps. I've been waking up earlier and marching in place while I wake up. I'm not very happy at first but I start the day off with a lot more energy.

    @AustinRuadhain Great day! How's the decluttering going, is your office clean yet? Man, I'm regretting cleaning out my pantry, fridge and freezer, and medicine cabinets now, I had a lot of stuff that's no longer "me" that would've been good in case of emergency!

    @its_cleo If you're struggling come post here, I'll check in the mornings to see if you've posted. I'm already going a little stir-crazy, I meet with the nurse at my psych's office to go over my medication and I'm actually looking forward to it! I did a bunch of You Tube workouts today that were fun, you may like one of the strength ones. There's a cool plank challenge, I've been doing planks and side planks every day and the variations were a great workout, thought my arms were going to fall off! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X1c79oyYV4&t=89s
    This was a good core workout for 10 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUKAYkQZXko
    I did that Leslie Sansone one today, I like her too.

    @wrknonmedaily I hope work rotation goes well.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    Monday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- Leslie Sansone, YouTube cardio/strength, yoga
    Water- over

    Weights 3xs a week- arms down
    Strength/yoga- done
    Cardio 30 minutes- done
    Decluttering/cleaning- just kitchen and dishes
    10,000 steps- done
    Recipe- made Moosewood's Persian split pea and barley stew. Came out great but I burned the barley, I guess it's less calories without all of it! At this point that's my most-used cookbook since I changed how I eat, website would be Skinnytaste.

    I decided not to go to the gym even though it's open. I'll be getting out tomorrow for an appointment (scared to have my blood pressure taken even though I take it at home!) so it'll be good to be out of the house, with church closed and my parents isolating my weekend plans went out-the-window. Like @its_cleo I'm trying to stay mentally ok and balance out the good of everyone over what "I" would prefer to do. My brother works for an appliance company and stopped by to check out the space, turns out I'd need a full microwave/oven replacement. It's really old but the timing stinks. It was great to have someone in person to talk to though! OK, I have a rubber band around my pointy finger so I don't forget to put the Instant Pot beans in the fridge and it's turning purple so I'd better do it!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Katmary71, I think that it’s a good choice not to go to a gym at this time. You already know that you can get a ton of YouTube workout videos and you can also get a free 14-day trial at Beachbody on Demand. You know I love my BOD workouts!! B)

    @wrknonmedaily, do you have a plan in place to handle your work rotation? I know for me if I don’t have a firm plan in place it can be very easy to wander off plan and that will always affect my waistline. Hang in there and be strong! :)

    @its_cleo, I am so happy to read that you have come up with a plan for yourself. Isolation is not good but it is something that so many have to deal with right now. You know yourself well and what to do. Come hear often and talk to us! <3

    @Jactop, Yayyy for the one pound loss!! Yes, you have to be very careful right now to keep yourself well. Eat well, get in some exercise, and then find a good movie to watch while in your P.J.’s. ;)

    @leonadixon, your day with family and walking around an old beautiful church sounds wonderful and very peaceful. :)

    @nbaby, that is a lot of weight you lost and I would be thrilled for you, but I’m not because you have been in so much pain. Take care of yourself! <3

    @TeraBbreakingFree, yayyy for your weight loss this week and double yayyy for not feeling stressed out. Stay calm and drink more coffee! :)

    Good morning team! :) I am sitting here with the news on and watching the COVID-19 coverage. I am a news junkie and feel more connected to everything that is going on when I have it on. But I certainly don’t recommend it if it does cause you stress and worry. Turn it off and find something relaxing to do!
    Today, I’m going to get my hair colored and cut. My hairdresser texts me last night to make sure that I am feeling well. I appreciate her caution and think we all need to be extra diligent right now. After my hair, I’m going to do some grocery shopping. I am NOT hoarding food, but I do want to make sure I have enough to last us for a week or two.

    As you know, I work for my church as a ministry assistant and we closed this week and will most likely not have service this Sunday either. We were knee-deep in our Easter plans and now that is all up in the air. It’s worrisome but all we can do is have faith and trust that this will all be over sooner than later. I worked yesterday and will go in for our staff meeting on Thursday but the rest of the week I will be home. :/

    On another note, I did a workout a few days ago where I did a new cardio routine on BOD and then I did a HIIT program on my treadmill where the incline goes really high at times. Well, I somehow managed to pull my calf muscles in both legs to the point where I have been in constant pain! :s They are a little better this morning, but wow I had no idea that I could even hurt myself so badly since I’ve been doing workouts for a long time now. I’m basically living on Advil and of course doing NO cardio until they heal. I am doing gentle walking often which helps loosen them up. Anyone ever experience something like this and have some advice for me?

    I want you all to be well and safe and to please come here often and give us updates on how you are doing and how you are taking control over your lives and managing your stress, eating, and exercise. Vent and rant if you need to and please join me in encouraging and supporting one another. Love you all!! <3
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member

    Calories: under; all good, on-plan choices
    Exercise: outdoor date walk with husband (52 min)
    Water: on track
    Habit Tracking
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min) ❌
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min) ✔️
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily) ✔️
    - Office cleaning/decluttering - just a wee bit; 2 minutes worth, at least, so yay! ✔️
    - Project work - LOTS! ✔️

    Goals and Improvements for Today (Tuesday)
    Habit Tracking
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min)
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily)
    - Office cleaning/decluttering
    - Project work
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    -in the am, do Leslie Sansone for 5 mins just to warm up - Y
    -sit only 45 mins then up for 15-30 mins- Y better at the lunch mid afternoon time today
    -stretch or do mobility work each standing break - Y up until noon
    -moisturize- 3/3
    -wash my face at night- Y
    -2x daily check in, just an emotional checkin 1/2. One might be enough, We'll see.
    -wrist work to help arthritis- 2/2.
    -go out 3x a day- Today 2/3.

    I wanted to do a body weight routine today but I'['m not sleeping well so I skipped it. But I was bringing some groceries home and I had the genius idea of filling bags with cans and stuff to mirror weights and do some strength training with it.

    I will try to note it tomorrow for everyone.

    My dad called me today which is nice bc we are not close. And I texted my brother. We are not close. But I wanted to reach out and it felt good.

    Tale care y'all- to anyone struggling, or anyone in Ontario or Canada- feel free to DM me. We have to help one another. :)
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    I did a whole post and it was lost :(
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    Got it sorry:

    Hey all, \

    I don’t want to get into politics here, but I hope all my US friends stay safe and have good care. Whenever I travel the American peeps I meet are always the friendliest. So I hope you can come together and take care of one another now.
    My day with my goals:

    @TeresaW1020 just want to give a shout out for your presence, you are a tireless cheerleader and inspiration, and I know you have your own family to take care of too. So just want to thank you and recognize you 😊 Yep…people may have different religions or faiths but at the end of the day we will have to trust that the universe will unfold as it should and support one another.

    @Katmary71 I’ll post my workout tomorrow as I didn’t get it today….glad you had someone to talk to about the microwave. Feel free to DM me if you need some extra support. Chances are I do too, so it’s not a burden. No pressure though! I will check out the workouts you posted tomorrow as I didn’t get to it today.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    edited March 2020

    :star:Congratulations to all our Slimpossibles Step Challengers! :star:

    Our high steppers for last week:
    1 - @Katmary71 with 143,629 steps (even higher than last week!)
    2 - @Cornanda with 80,925 steps
    3 - @raleighgirl09 with 78,993 steps

    Congratulations to all our Slimpossibles steppers! Together we logged 737,589 steps last week.

    Happy and healthy stepping to everyone! :smiley:

    Didn't join at the start of the month, but think a step challenge would help you stay in motion?
    Go ahead and jump in now!
    Walking is a great way to help stay healthy for those of us staying home. Steps taken along with walking videos in the living room count, too!
    JOIN: https://www.fitrockr.com:443/#!/join/league/5e42db924dbe5b0001973d73/c81a3fad-1c5a-450d-aef7-6dc1a64a3e7d
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Weekly Check In

    Username - bethanie0825
    Day - Tuesday
    Current - 233.2
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes. I actually woke up very early Wednesday morning and felt like I'd been hit my a bus. Called out of work and got into my Dr. I hate a flu test, it feels like my brain is touched :D Courtesy of the flu shot I got in the fall and catching it quick (and getting Tamiflu), it wasn't terrible. I was down for the count till Saturday and it's cleared up quick since then. I will always get my flu shot from now on. It really did seem to make a big difference.

    Now I just have some lingering muscle aches, mostly my arms, and I'm still pretty tired but back at work. My steps took a huge hit and so did my milage. I'm slowly getting back into it but seems like I'll be walking around my yard for the foreseeable future since my Planet Fitness has closed till the end of the month (but I see it being longer).

    6 laps around the outer edge of my yard is a mile lol.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about your calf muscles! When I pulled my chest muscles it seemed like it was out of nowhere, I'd been doing all the same stuff for awhile and the newest stuff in my routine was at least a month old. All you can really do depending on the pain is gentle stretching and letting it heal. It was very frustrating not to be able to do most of my workout but I didn't really have a choice. Sounds the same for you.

    @bethanie0825 I'm glad you're bouncing back, I hope you're 100% real soon. It's frustrating not being able to go to the gym! I did both Leslie Sansone 3 mile and Joanna Soh's 10,000 step challenge on You Tube, they're both good walking workouts. Joanna Soh's got an awesome 5 minute plank challenge, planks are one of the things I'm actually decent at and that routine's a killer! I've been home way too much this week, I was close to beating my last badge on my Fitbit which was 30,000, I'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    Tuesday Check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- Leslie Sansone, YouTube cardio/strength/weights, yoga, planks
    Water- over

    Weights- one arm day, one leg day
    Cardio 30 minutes min- way over
    Yoga/strength- done
    Decluttering/cleaning- cleared off a shelf in closet, doing tons of dishes cooking everything on the stove
    Recipe- still finishing Persian split pea and barley soup. Not sure of next recipe, depends on what I find at the store
    10,000 steps- done

    I had my monthly appointment for medication check-in and I have to say, I'm annoyed that it couldn't be handled by phone. Lot less traffic at least in my town though it was more crowded once I was in the nearest city. Not much else going on, did a lot of You Tube videos and worked on my grocery list. I normally look for bargains and choose the store(s) with the best deals on what I eat the most but am a little worried about what I'll find for obvious reasons.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Katmary71, I had to go to three different stores in the last two days to buy groceries for this week. I still didn't get certain things on my list because there were so many empty shelves. I told DH not to question my receipts because I definitely wasn't able to bargain shop. :/ My calves are much better but still hurt. I’m taking off the rest of the week from working out in the hopes to heal completely. Most annoying!!

    @bethanie0825, so glad that you are feeling better! Your resistance is down so you need to be extra careful when going out in public. Yes, to walking in your yard! :)

    @cbabie, thanks so much for your sweet words! At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what our faith or politics are. We are all people who want the same basic things in life. And helping and supporting each other is really what matters most. <3

    Good morning! I’ve got my coffee next to me and the news playing in the background. They are currently talking about how to be extra careful when at the grocery stores and I saw that yesterday when I was in Walmart and Publix. People were really doing their best to stay at a safe distance from each other. It was crazy seeing so many empty shelves and I really hope that the fear settles down so that the stores can restock. I did buy myself a new 2000 piece jigsaw puzzle yesterday and will start putting it together today! :)
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi everyone! We started a F2F community thread where anyone can post their tips and online resources for staying motivated and healthy during this difficult time. I amassed everything I could pull from our team WNM thread. Please feel free at any time! Let’s stay motivated and support one another!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    Hi gang, just wanted to post a link:

    I've done a Body Pump class while on vacation with my uncle, it was a lot of fun. I'm going to try the Body Combat class today.
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    Thanks for that link @Katmary71 .

    I didn't do too well on any of my goals today. Will try again tomorrow.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    edited March 2020
    @its_cleo - Tomorrow is a new day. Do the best you can and be oh, so kind and compassionate with yourself. If you have the energy to take a step towards one of those goals, do it, and then celebrate that! Every little bit helps! ( @KatMary71 inspired me to do a 5 minute dance aerobic video yesterday in the middle of the day, and it really did make a difference in my day!)

    @Cafelelia - That's a great new thread -- thank you!

    @KatMary71 - I hope you will post some of your workout video links to this new resource list! You have definitely been inspiring me! My teenager saw me dancing to the J Lo video and just smiled!

    @bethanie0825 - I am so sorry you have been sick. The flu is no fun.
    And your having figured out how many trips around your yard make a mile made me smile! 😀😀😀

    @TeresaW1020 - Congratulations on your successful grocery shopping trip! 🛒👍🏽

    I went grocery shopping this morning. It took a several hours, and I could not find everything I would have liked. It did open up the chance for some fun conversations. I got in line to go into my regular grocery store 30 minutes before they opened and was roughly 40th in line. We were all doing our best to stand 6 feet away from each other, so it was a long line. Everyone was so nice. The woman behind me in line and I had fun talking. I also spoke (from 6 feet away) with the man who manages the orders for our produce section (he keeps trying to get acorn & butternut squash and will keep trying; he's going to try to get me some parsnips for tomorrow). He has worked there for 22 years, and is just a super kind, quiet man.

    When I got home, I showered, changed clothes and disinfected my phone. All not the usual routine, but the shopping was great anyway. My level of excitement at speaking (from a safe 6 foot distance) to people that don't live in my house? Hilariously high!

    I also have had fun greeting people I meet out walking in the evening. The are definitely more people out than usual. We all stay a careful 6 feet away, but definitely are having fun with the hellos! 👋🏽

    Cool Resource/Reminder on Social Distancing and Still Getting Exercise
    Per a Harvard public health expert, social distancing means "No kid playdates, parties, sleepovers, or families/friends visiting each other's houses and apartments."
    And also: "Take care of yourself and your family, but maintain social distance.
    ... Exercise, take walks/runs outside, and stay connected through phone, video, and other social media [like Slimpossibles!]. But when you go outside, do your best to maintain at least six feet between you and non-family members. ... Going outside will be important during these strange times, and the weather is improving. Go outside every day if you are able, but stay physically away from people outside your family or roommates."
    See: Social Distancing: This is Not a Snow Day

    My top goals for the day:

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 684 Member
    Wednesday check in

    Sooooo - three days into my social distancing and I'm already tired of it! Show of hands...? Yeah, I think it's all of us and we have a few more weeks to go (I hope not extended beyond a few weeks!). Trying to settle into this new norm - working from home everyday (note to self - at least shower), sometimes somewhat distracted by the trepidation of the unknown. Hands all chaffed and chapped and unhappy, despite lotions and Aquaphore. Trying to not scratch my mouth/nose/eyes all the time so why in heavens name do they all itch at once IN PUBLIC???

    Giving grace - to my fellow human beings close by and all over the world of all races, religions, backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and philosophies.....enduring a shared experience that none of us wants (less fun that Christmas). Giving grace to me for having feelings of sadness and irritation, some fear of the unknown. Giving grace to me for mindlessly nibbling while making dinner last night - but cheering me on that I was able to very quickly move past the fun of eating off plan at the wedding and getting right back to it! That and the virus events would have previously thrown me into binges and crazy eating and gaining. Giving grace to my housemate, my dear husband who is likely to irritate me, and me him, but we're very forgiving and understanding as we traverse this craziness.

    Be well my friends - although I don't know you beyond these walls, I think of you.....collectively and individuals, as I go about my day. There are many names I am not seeing right now and I wonder how they are and I miss reading their posts. So many have shared so much right here - I appreciate that about you all. Thanks so much to all of you who check in, whether you feel you are having a good day or not, I appreciate hearing from you. And for our friends we have not heard from lately - I hope you can feel the vibes and the care, we'll be here when you are able to stop by and catch up....I hope it's soon. <3

    @bethanie0825 you go, girl!! Where there's a will, there's a way, right? So glad you're feeling better - I have never had the flu test but I understand it is not a fun ride.... =<
    @KatMary71 you have been doing super with your steps! A lot less traffic here, too, even at peak times. I don't want to go to too many stores, either, but yesterday we hit 3 (2 hubby and me 1) looking for things we want to be trapped inside with, one thing being meat. The stores are not evenly out of things so we have found multiple stores can net quite a bit but it's a bit unnerving.
    @TeresaW1020 to be honest, the bare shelves are a little frightening. I have been talking to myself about the many turbulent times in the world history - and how lucky North America has been to avoid so much of it. Shelves bare of toilet paper are a pain in the butt but we have not had to deal with true food shortage and I hope (and must have faith in our leaders) that we won't head in that direction. I have faith that we'll evolve and adapt and come out stronger on the other side. Hey - what's the puzzle a picture of? I echo the thanks from @cbabie and really love and appreciate your response!! =>
    @its_cleo you'll be right back at it tomorrow, I'm thinking let's spread the grace around, especially when we need to give it back to us. I'm glad you have had the opportunity to make some connections with family that have felt lost - when the chips are down, we are pack animals and need one another.
    @AustinRuadhain omgoodness! I was just telling hubby today on our afternoon walk that the hellos and waves and the eye contact and smiles are more now than they were before - like we're all paying attention because we are feeling what we were taking for granted before! Loved the article and I had the same thought - it's not like a snow or hurricane day because we can actually get out and walk or bike. My hubby is taking the opportunity to exercise twice a day. => I went shopping today, too, because I have not been able to get chicken for several days - my local store keeps selling out of meat! So I showed up earlier today than I have been and was able to get chicken and some meat to last a few weeks. We don't eat a ton of it anymore so what we do get lasts twice as long as it would have prior to us getting healthier Benefits I Didn't Realize I'd Have From Weight Loss for 1,000.00, please Alex! :D:D:D
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    @its_cleo That was the hardest cardio workout I've done online so far, I had to modify it as I can't do high impact because of my back problems and all the punching still flared me up a bit even low impact. You'll do better tomorrow! When I was slacking off in December just getting some music on that made me dance would at least get me wiggling my hips a little if I didn't do anything else. It helped at least temporarily with how depressed I was feeling.

    @AustinRuadhain I would've loved to see your son's reaction to you hopping up and down pumping your fist! I found that one doing this routine a friend posted first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X8eftN2mv0&amp;app=desktop I'm in love with this song now and I know I looked like an idiot trying to do it but it was still fun! My problem is I like one and check out similar ones then get excited and can't decide which to do there's so many.

    I'm glad the grocery shopping was a decent experience. I stopped at a discount store Friday before things got too crazy and it was crowded but everyone was in a good mood. I agree about running into people, my one neighbor and I usually just say hi but today we talked for about 15 minutes when I took the trash out! I bet your produce department guy loves you! Something about the produce department, I'm in my own world daydreaming usually but people always start talking to me there and asking for recommendations. I'm glad everyone was friendly. One of the stores I'm nervous about going to had people stealing out of each other's carts so I'm trying to find ways to avoid it that aren't too expensive. I may try to get a few things and do the bigger trip next week. A neighbor is going to host a farm at her house with boxes of vegetables for $24, only problem is it'll have two of the only items I don't care for so I don't know if it's worth it. I'm regretting canceling Imperfect Produce now!

    @raleighgirl09 You brought up something I've been noticing as well, not as many people are posting check-ins with all that's going on. I too pray that everyone is doing well under the circumstances and hope we hear from them soon.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    Wednesday check-in
    Calories under
    Exercise- bunch of various You Tube videos, planks, yoga, walking
    Water- over

    Weights 3xs a week- Down 2xs arms, 1x legs
    Cardio min 30 minutes- done
    Core/yoga- done
    Decluttering/cleaning- just dishes, now that the microwave's not working I'm washing pots three times a day
    Recipe- finished the Persian split pea and barley stew, it was really good, I'm bummed it's gone! I defrosted butternut squash chili so that'll be dinner for the next two nights.
    10,000 steps- done, got a lot from my workouts so I went for 20,000 and am around 25,000 now.

    I did Joanna Soh's 5 minute (10 types) plank challenge and still managed to beat my regular plank and side plank records, I'm really surprised as I was going to skip them. It doesn't make a lot of sense as my arms are pretty weak with dumbbells but I'll take it!
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Username: leonadixon
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    PW (2/28): 199.2
    Check in weight (3/4): 196.2
    Check in weight (3/12): 197.2
    check in weight (3/18): 198.2

    I'm still working at work. Most people are gone. My staff is pretty essential, as long as they are here, I am here until something happens otherwise. I'm not worried because otherwise, it's a ghost town here! We are feeling ok here in my home. We have what we need for a while. Praying for all to keep healthy and sane..... :smile:
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