Do You Identify as a Food Addict?



  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    @pslansky I will send a freind request I also find that it helps to have group support when making lifestyle changes ..I lost 100 lbs and have gained it all back so I totally get where you are coming from..

    @ladyzherra So true that life does so often get in the way and that we are ultimitly Captians of our destiny .. a good reminder to keep expectations realistic..
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    Wow, @pslansky. I think that you really hit on something important when you write about how for so long you placed the "weight" of your journey on others -- such as getting healthy for your daughter or wife -- only to realize that when you were brave enough to frame this journey as YOURS and for YOU, then things shifted. And how HARD that really can be, right? Making yourself the center of things, and framing that in a postive way, isn't as easy in reality as it should be. And when you do finally get up the courage to do that, you find that it changes the game.
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Definitely. I find, like the people in Food Addicts Anonymous, that any form of flour or sugar sends me into a binge spiral. While the program isn't one that I've adopted, I find that the fewer processed foods I eat the more food has an appropriate place in my life. The more processed foods..and so many of these have flour and sugar in them...the more I eat almost unconsciously.
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    I can't seem to add to the above, so I'll add here: I think the popular image of a food addict is someone who is visibly overweight. I'm not. I'd like to lose some vanity lbs, and to be a better athlete, but I'm not visibly overweight. However, what people don't see is the amount of time I have spent thinking about food, struggling with food. So to some degree it has made me more compassionate..
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    @ShredWeek1 I agree with you about how refined foods will send me into a spiral. I am usually able to avoid refined foods but pasta is my ultimate comfort food, and I have to make a conscious choice to not eat it, which is difficult when I need comfort.

    Like you, I am not overweight. However, I have had binge eating and overeatkng problems for my entire life, even as a kid. I think that our addictions are not always visible for others.
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Yes, I started Weight Watchers this year and I suspect that many of the other attendees wonder why I'm there. I'm actually slimmer than our leader. I'd like to drop a few lbs for athletics, but primarily I'm there to finally develop a healthy relationship with food.
  • Malimalai
    Malimalai Posts: 273 Member
    Dear @pslansky , I do healthy packed lunches and healthy snacks for my husband.He is very happy with his foods too.You don't have to struggle alone anymore. You can talk to your wife and let her help you. 🤗
  • pslansky
    pslansky Posts: 16 Member
    @malimalai Thanks for the encouragement. You are absolutely right, and my wife does try to help in many ways. She prepares healthy dinners and snacks for us but she just also keeps some foods around for herself that aren’t the healthiest. She is on her own journey and has actually lost a lot of weight, about 40 lbs and she feels and looks great. It’s just the bologna and Oreo’s that I joke about because they are so tempting. But in all reality, it is good practice to have things around and learning to have my own self control because at work, out driving around, and out at restaurants there are plenty of bad choices too. I used this MFP app one time to add up all the fast food I ate driving home one night and it was over 5,000 calories. It was then that I knew I had a real food and self control issue and not just a little overeating. I also realized I was the only one that could change this habit. I’ve gone back and forth and the best thing is that my wife supports me through it all. She gently reminds me when I make bad choices and praises me when I do good. It is just a hard addiction to deal with since we have to eat every day so we can’t avoid food all together. I also want to set a better example for my daughter. She’s home since her college is closed due to the virus. Mom grilled chicken yesterday and we ate very well. Full and happy with calories to spare! Was a good day.
  • Malimalai
    Malimalai Posts: 273 Member
    @pslansky , You already lost 20 lb and you seem to be in a good place. If you want to eat a lot and lose weight too. Check out '' Volume Eaters Thread '' .As for me,I can't have choccolate in the house even though I don't eat the whole bar, only 2-4 sqaures of it.It's better to have only healthy snacks on hand. I lost 23 lb and I'm not fat any more but I want to lose 5-10 more lb.I wish you good luck on your journey.🍀🌠🤞🏽
  • fostersu
    fostersu Posts: 327 Member
    Hi folks - I think I’m in a similar boat to what folks have posted above. I struggle with binging at night and and have anxiety. I too have found how triggering processed food is and am working hard to balance out my weight and cravings and relationship to food. I could use some friends - first time through MFP I accepted any friend request that came my way but am now understanding the importance of having ppl who understand where you are at. I’d love some community with folks like you.
    @pslansky @Malimalai @ladyzherra @mermaidnj et al
  • Malimalai
    Malimalai Posts: 273 Member
    @fostersu ,I send you a friend request. Now,I'm less than happy since my grown up son , his girl friend and their dog move in with us.I have more cleaning to do. My son doesn't drive a car. He depends on his girl to do the driving. She seems to be happy about him depending on her.They are co- dependents with each other.They used to live in a big city with good public transportations. Now they live in semi rural area and they have to drive everywhere.They have a lot of free time . Why won't he go out and learn to drive with her? He had load of driving lessons in the past.Now, he can't go to work if they have to work different shifts.I'm sad for him. 😞
  • Malimalai
    Malimalai Posts: 273 Member
    Well today, we had a big arguement finally. We called our son out about his inaction. He is full of excuses why he can't learn to drive. His girlfriend smirked when she said '' I can't make him learn to drive'' '' it's his problem if he can't go to work because he can't drive''.So,I called her out about her selfish attitude too. we are going to pay for his driving lessons. She will have to let him drive their car eventually.Sorry, I have to let it of my chest.😖
  • insideoutgirl
    insideoutgirl Posts: 45 Member
    Hi! I’m dealing with food addiction. I lost 40lbs going off sugar and flour, then hit a wall and gained it all back. I’m unsure of whether I just need to accept that what I was doing worked and accept that will be lifelong, or if I can go a more moderate and intuitive way. Either way, I would love friends who know the obsession with food. Please friend me, my diary is open as I find open diaries helpful. (I can’t remember how to do a friend request!). 🤪
  • Malimalai
    Malimalai Posts: 273 Member
    @insideoutgirl , we will try to help each other from now on . 🤞🏽💙
  • insideoutgirl
    insideoutgirl Posts: 45 Member
    You know, it has been awhile since I actually tried to limit what I’m eating. This is so hard for me. I work with people who have other types of addictions (alcohol, drugs, sex, work) and this is just as hard. What will happen if I don’t eat when I’m not physically hungry. That’s the thing I’m going to be curious about.
  • Malimalai
    Malimalai Posts: 273 Member
    @insideoutgirl , your diary looks good to me.Sometimes, when I want to eat even when I'm not hungry, I will eat something healthy or low cal.I'm trying to stay away from junk foods.It is one hour at a time, one day at a time for me. If I have a bad day foodwise , I will try again the next day. We keep trying , we don't give up.🌞🤞🏽

  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    @insideoutgirl You're not alone. Limiting what we eat is not always the answer. As emotional eaters and /or food addicts, diet or limiting foods can sometimes actually not lead us to success because we tend to have an emotional relationship to food that is unhealthy. Unless we address that, then dieting and limiting will eventually fail us. These may work eventually, perhaps after we address the emotional connection and learn to rewire our brains and practice ways to give ourselves when we use food to give. To recover from food addition, is a serious process. I have found that educating myself about it is key. Like all addictions, the more that you know about it, the more potential to empower yourself you gain.

  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 181 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m definitely a food addict. I didn’t know that was a thing until 3 years ago when I was talking to my dr about my emotional eating. I was saying that I eat double or triple portion sizes, hide to eat, keep eating after I’m feeling full, snacking while cooking meals... She asked if I’d heard of Food Addicts Anonymous and I was surprised. Food Addicts? How can you be addicted to something you need to live?! She gave me some info to read and then I did research. I fought it for a very long time. I thought I’d get over it as soon as the stressful period stopped. But, as we all know, there’s always stress. And now I’ve let it get so far out of hand that I’m more than 100lbs overweight.
    So in the last couple months I’ve decided that I need to really address this and learn to manage it. I’m looking for a therapist now. The FA group near me had meetings at a time I couldn’t make.
    If anyone is still looking for friends, please add me. I love all the compassion and good ideas being shared here!
  • LauraZaber
    LauraZaber Posts: 2 Member
    I just started BACK keeping a food diary. A few years back, I did really well - lost almost 50 lbs then gained back roughly 25 of it. Need to get those back off and of course the older you get the harder it is. Started back 2 days ago and have done OK so far but need to stay focused. Appreciate any support!