

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    Hey there, @annliz23 and @debster634 ! Welcome to the Mission Slimpossible team! We are really delighted you have joined us!

  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,474 Member
    Weekly Weigh In

    Username- bethanie0825
    Day- Tuesday
    Previous - 232.2
    Current- 232
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    Hello!! :) I had a very productive day and went to the grocery store first thing this morning. It was so, weird that at least one out of 5 people I saw were wearing gloves and a mask. I had my hand sanitizer in the front of my purse and was very careful with what I touched. Once back home I decided to not work out and instead do some deep cleaning. It's pollen season here in Georgia and the yellow dust is being tracked in by DH and the dog. So, I swept, vacuumed and mopped all the floors. Plus did a thorough dusting of all surfaces. It won't last long but it looks really good this evening. Tomorrow morning I'm going in to work for a staff meeting. We are going to meet in one of our large rooms and try to decide what to do about church services when we can't have church. It's really bumming me out! :/ Take care, everyone! <3

    @raleighgirl09, it’s so nice that you are finding ways to stay connected to your family. I agree that I find myself looking forward to meals more now that I’m trying not to nibble all day long. It’s hard though! :#

    @Shoop69, you are going to fit in with us and do amazing!! This is a very hard time for so many of us that have had our normal routines turned upside down. So, cut yourself some slack and do the best you can. We are going to get through this! :)

    @Katmary71, ohhh dear first your microwave and now your can opener! You are having a time of it, aren’t you? But you have the best attitude and always make me smile. :)

    @wrknonmedaily, I know it’s hard being at home and working. I’m doing it too and I know that when I step on the scale on Friday it won’t be pretty. We just gotta do the best we can. I admit to looking forward this month being over and praying for a better one in April. ;)

    @its_cleo, It’s called The Sweet Shop and is a picture of a candy store. Not very healthy but super cute. 😉 Yes, life has gotten smaller and I’m glad that you are at least getting out to walk. Take care! <3

    @leonadixon, that isn’t much of a gain so you will get it back off. Take care of yourself! :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012, hey we are here for you! Including the need to vent. I’m glad that you will get some time to be home and get things organized around you. I get angry too when things get cluttered. (((hugs back)))

    @bethanie0825, good job on your loss this week!!! I know your under a lot of stress so you should be VERY proud of yourself. <3

    @AustinRuadhain, thanks for doing the step winners!! Wow we did a lot of stepping!! B)

    @Katmary71 with 179,901 steps (yes, even higher than last week!)
    @raleighgirl09 with 85,794 steps (even higher than last week!)
    @Jactop with 84,562 steps
  • gunderw59
    gunderw59 Posts: 45 Member
    Active rest day just working out the kinks :)
    50 push ups
    50 sit ups
    50 air squats
    50 mountain climbers
    logged meals, under on calories :)

    March is about over, you guys finish strong, you got this :)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    edited March 2020
    I am thinking of you all today, Slimpossibles!

    @gunderw59 - What a great day! It sounds like you are rocking your plan! :smiley:

    @TeresaW1020 - Our church is having no in-person services at all, but is getting quite creative with streaming things on Facebook, YouTube, etc. So hopefully your group will find ways to commune and celebrate and also keep members safe. It's a challenge, for sure.They are lucky to have you working on it, as we know you are so SO good at being a warm, joyful virtual presence! :heart:

    Oh, and your PSA about wearing jeans occasionally to make sure they still fit -- hilarious! :lol:

    @bethanie0825 - Congratulations on the weigh-in! You are getting there! :smile:

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Hurray for you for checking in, regardless of your attitude in the moment! If we said things only when everything was going well, it could get super quiet on here. :wink:

    @leonadixon - Hang in there! With your determination and persistence, you'll get there, for sure. Is there anything you can do in terms of logging food or paying attention to diet, if exercise is being more challenging right now? Anyway, take care of yourself, and keep on keeping on! :smile:

    @its_cleo - That walk to the store DOES count. 50% of those goals is 100% more than if you weren't reaching for something! And getting outside for a walk sounds super smart -- movement, fresh air, and if you are luck, some sunshine Things are disrupted right now, and we are all having to invent new practices and routines. Keep being kind to yourself. 👐 Check in here, 'cause we care and are happy to hear how things are going, regardless.

    @wrknonmedaily - Hang in there. The dust will settle. You WILL find ways to manage this new circumstance that work for you! 👐

    @Katmary71 - What a great day! You are inspiring me!
    😔 SO sorry about the microwave oven, and 🎉 hurray to that extra can opener!

    @nnbaby - Wow, congrats for basically holding steady. Given what a challenging week it has been, I am thinking that's a happy thing. I hope so. 👐 👐 👐

    @Debster634 - Welcome to the team! And PLEASE do not worry about letting the team down. Not going to happen. We all have good and bad days and weeks, and we are here to support each other. The secret is to keep showing up. So just keep checking in. Do please read and join in the conversation, if that supports you. We are all here to share and support each other.

    @raleighgirl09 - I so LOVE your comment about letting go of drama. Keep practicing that thought. All we can do each day is our best.
    Tonight in my journal: A thought I'm working on believing about me is - I can maintain lost weight w/o fear. I can lose to goal w/o drama.
    I have been doing lots of meditation, getting up early to fit that in. For me, it's helping me to notice those anxious thoughts and fears, but not have them BE me. It feels like you are in a similar space, working on not being run by that stuff. (And if I misread, set me straight!)

    @Jactop - 🎉🎉 Super great weigh-in! Really! A pound down is excellent!

    Cheers to all of us! Seriously. In the midst of all this uncertainty, you are here and in your life everyday, keeping an eye on goals, not giving up on your health even as things seem wobbly and uncertain in the big world.

    Here's to all of us -- weighing food, finding time to walk outside, getting in laps around the living room, and more!

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 699 Member
    Shoop69 wrote: »
    Thank you for the warm welcome, team!

    I'm also excited, but rather nervous to join up. I'm barely holding myself accountable to myself, let alone towards a group(!) so I thought this would be a good challenge to keep me on track.

    I am an older gal, with a whole lot to lose (50y/233). I have shed 20lbs in the last 4 months, but with this whole quarantine thing and hubby working at home, I'm slipping... and what a slippery slope it is!

    I am really enjoying reading the posts in this thread - I love how you all have made this community so fun and personal.

    Bring on Sunday! woohooo!!


    @Shoop69 congrats on the head start with 20 pounds, that's awesome!! => You have landed in the right place, then! I don't tell others' stories for them so I won't call out names but there are several people here in Slimpossibles who have lost a lot of weight - a wealth of information, advice and been-there-done-that. There isn't a one size fits all solution which means this whole team is a great resource, regardless of amount lost. Tell your story, let others know what has worked for you, give support, get support. My 4 bits of advice from me are below - not the first or last of tips to be had but they're good, solid basics. =>

    1. Missteps and mistakes happen - expect them and plan on how you'll handle them
    2. Planning ahead is super helpful - otherwise, the most tired and spent version of you has to make choices at the end of the day
    3. Tracking is key - Knowing what happened in #1 is what takes you to the next level - without data, there isn't anything to assess to do better from
    4. Water/Sleep - get your 8 glasses and 7-8 hours so that you're constantly charged for success
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,571 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 No problem having off days, we all have them. Clutter's frustrating, I either try to ignore it or get extremely detailed and anal about fixing every little thing. Kind of how I work out and eat! Seriously, focusing on one thing at a time helps a lot with tackling it, like one box or drawer at a time.

    Wednesday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- You Tube dance, cardio, weights, walking, yoga
    Water- good

    Weights 3xs/body part- two upper body, 1 lower
    Cardio 30 minutes- done
    Strength/yoga- done
    Decluttering/cleaning- none
    Recipe- Oooo, made a good one tonight! https://www.thugkitchen.com/recipes/roasted-chickpea-and-broccoli-burrito I used half the chickpeas and 1/3 oil with it on a low carb/low cal tortilla so I could eat two and I had to eat them as soft tacos they were so fat. The seasonings were really good plus I used my Penzey's medium-hot chili powder. If you're offended by cursing don't check out the recipe.

    I posted these on my feed for those of you that are friends (you all are, you know what I mean), I came across this dancer and his videos are a lot of fun, not easy to do! I spent my workout breaks watching his videos, he's hilarious to watch and I definitely don't move anything like him! I've decided he has rubber bands for his spine/bones. If you try it try not to watch him but the back-up dancers, it's easier and they're not as animated. My favorite is this one, it starts off real corny, then he shows how to do the beginning moves nice and slow, then speeds up so fast my mouth dropped! It was so fun to try! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0XkDDLsIOM&amp;t=212s This is the "warm up" but after three times of doing it I was as sweaty as I got doing 35 minutes cardio! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L5cdskEiA4
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    @Katmary71 - I adore Thug Kitchen! I have been though their website and also one of their books. Somehow the cursing is so over-the-top gratuitous that it just makes me giggle. I found them because I was looking for a recipe and stumbled across them online, and a hilarious "Wait, what?" moment when I read the little curse-filled comment.
    That aside, they have great plant-based recipes, so if you want to eat more veggies, an awesome resource.

    I am also tickled that you know and love Penzeys Spices. I LOVE them.

    Also, aren't you fond of classic 80s and 90s rock? If so, you might enjoy this. Or it may be that my standards have dropped.
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    Week 4
    PW 157.2
    CW 156.8
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    So yesterday with goals did ok:

    1. Limiting social media- not so much lol
    2. Moisturizing- 2/3.
    3. Washing my face at night- Y
    4. Do a checkin for a few minutes, like a mental/emotional checkin- Y
    5. Phone off 30 mins before bed- not so much lol.
    6. Limiting sitting- I think I did ok.

    I also did a bit of a strength workout at home

    -Bodyweight squats 15x3 (half a normal squat, and half one legged)
    -filled up an empty kitty litter container with water and tried to do some deadlifts. It was only 15 lbs. I have to find a way to add more weight
    -I’m still very limited in terms of what I can do upper body because my bicep tendonitis is still not healed 100%. But I did some work with a theraband for my back and some farmer’s walks with the kitty litter.
    -also went up and down the staircase to my apartment (10th floor) so I think it was around 140 steps.

    Today I will go for a run, and hopefully get some core in.

    @AustinRuadhain & @Katmary71 I’ll have to check out Thug Kitchen. …Meditation is very good. I used to do it a lot. Actually went regularly to a Buddhist temple here. I really liked it but their schedule was kind of erratic so I stopped going.
    But I should pick it up on my own- I just always find it helpful to do with a group as well. It’s just a different dynamic.

    @gunderw59 what a great workout! That is fantastic. I did 100 walking lunges once but it just about killed me lol. I don’t know if I could do sets of 50 for all those exercise. But yesterday when I was doing squats I was thinking I guess if I don’t have weights I should increase the reps. I was thinking 20x3.

    @TeresaW1020 sometimes a deep cleaning is very satisfying. I cleaned my kitchen yesterday and vacuumed and it felt good when it was done.

    Some work today, and making lasagna for dinner. Take care all.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,080 Member
    IDEA SEARCH!npinsr3yt5u7.png
    The four moderators have been running the full group challenges since the new year. We had the photo challenge this month with a different theme for each day of the week, last month we had the 29 questions of leaping groundhogs, and in January we had 20/20 vision to work on our goals.

    I think the April challenge should come from team members. I'm asking all the teams to come up with some ideas. Or revive a previous challenge we had that you liked. What would be fun, useful, and get people from all the teams participating? In the past we have had all kinds of things: points-based games (minutes of exercise, sticking to plan, etc. earning baseball runs or just points), thoughtful questions, photo challenges, daily "pile up" (check this for example), goal setting, daily fitness from darebee or other easy to use sites, recipes, etc. etc.

    Bring 'em on!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    Wednesday (Yesterday) Check-in
    Calories: under; all good, on-plan choices, meal planning helped me with the "under" part of this!
    Exercise: yes! 71 minute OUTSIDE walk, which was good for my mental as well as my physical health
    => Funny moment - I stepped into the street to give a neighbor walking his dogs on the sidewalk plenty of room, to keep to the 6+ feet away. He quickly said "Oh, that's okay, they're friendly!" And I said, "No problem! Great dogs, just doing the social distancing thing!" "Oh, Right," he said, and we both laughed.
    Water: on track
    Habit Tracking
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min) ✔️
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily) ✔️
    - Preplanning meals ✔️
    - Project work ✔️
    TL;DR Meal planning was super helpful. I got in my exercise, martial arts forms, meditation and breathing exercises -- all excellent for a healthy day. Improvement!

    Goals and Improvements for Today (Thursday)
    Habit Tracking
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min)
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min)
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min)
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily)
    - Preplan meals
    - 10 K steps, mostly outside!
    - At least one "bonus" video workout
    - Project work

    I am sending you all wishes for health and well-being today. How's your sleep? I am finding breathing exercises very useful. (See this how-to article and video on 4-7-8 breathing. It takes about 2 minutes to read, and it's easy to learn and practice.)

  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    @AustinRuadhain I certainly CAN do those things! :smiley: But my "giveadarn" seems to be broken! I really need to focus. While I am working on not getting overly anxious, it comes out in ways like just not paying attention to these details when I need to.
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    Thursday weigh in:
    PW: 166.7
    CW: 167.3
    Not surprised at the direction of the number. A combination of the gym being closed, working from home, crappy weather etc. has cramped my exercise style! Trying to adjust to a new normal...at least I am doing OK with IF and food intake! Hang in there fellow Mission Slimpossibles - I am rooting for all of us :)
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 699 Member
    Thursday weigh in week 4 (26Mar2020)
    Previous weight: 181.4
    Current weight: 180.4

    I am amazed that I feel a lot better this week, not because anything has changed....but because I have accepted the new normal, in many ways. I'm happy I was able to, I'm sad that I had to.

    I think my sanity as we ride this out is going to be in my routines. Routines that I am still establishing for sleeping, rising - bathing and dressing. Yes - some pretty basic stuff. Routines for planning the next day, assessing this one, planning food to bulk prep
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 699 Member
    ......Take Two!!!

    I am amazed that I feel a lot better this week, not because anything has changed....but because I have accepted the new normal, in many ways. I'm happy I was able to, I'm sad that I had to.

    I think my sanity as we ride this out is going to be in my routines. Routines that I am still establishing for sleeping, rising - bathing and dressing. Yes - some pretty basic stuff. Routines for planning the next day, assessing this one, planning food to bulk prep...

    Routines for planning the next day, assessing this one, planning food to bulk prep, planning my meals and exercise for the next day.

    One thing that may sound contradictory is that while I am establishing routines in order to save hard drive space in my head and allow me to focus on other things while the basics go on auto-pilot - I can also keep it one day at a time. I can't think about how long this might last and what I might do. No. I need to keep today in focus - and breathe. Yeaaaahh - routines, focus on today, breathe. I can't breathe if I watch the news. I can't breathe if I worry about 2 weeks or 2 months from now. I can't breathe if I worry about humanity to the point that I become extinct. I can - however - remain focused and healthy and take the time this affords me to focus on my food and exercise life and prioritize those in a way I have not done....with a true burning desire, not just a shallow desire as long as a brownie didn't do a strip tease in front of me. An aching desire to not wake up when it's all done and be regretful and sad that I gained weight, lost ground in strength and stamina or blew a year's worth of work. I. Will. Not. Do. That. If ever I owed that much to ME - that time is now.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,571 Member
    @AustinRuadhain I just laughed for 5 minutes, I look like her working out making up my own stuff when getting lost! That's the most I've laughed in a long time, thank you! If you don't look like a fool doing videos you're doing something wrong! I'd heard a lot of good things about Thug's Kitchen, now that I tried that recipe I want to make more but there's not many on the website and the library is closed. I haven't tried checking out books with my Kindle yet. I currently have two Skinnytaste cookbooks I'd ordered that came in right before all this started. I'm going to make a Vegan Richa recipe with cauliflower and lentils next. Then cabbage is up! I basically plan meals around my vegetables, usually what'll go bad next. I'm doing my best to keep my vegetables up but my darned salad greens are in high demand all the sudden, grr! Penzey's is amazing, there's a store by my aunt's house and I was the big spender when 5 of us went, it weighed down my suitcase so much that I had to carry them on the plane! Here's a thread where I asked for recommendations before I went, lots of Penzey lovers! https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10750665/penzeys-spices-favorites/p1
    Their other family store The Spice House started flat packs where shipping is free, so if you have your own bottles that's a great option too. I've bought stuff from there before and the quality is comparable (plus my brother BBQs and they have a lot of dry rubs and blends for it).

    @sunshineplace Awesome loss!

    @gunder19 Great workout! I wish I could do 50 push-ups!

    @its_cleo I wonder if you could find group meditation online? I'm sure there are places live-streaming these days, so many studios and gyms are currently doing so and I'd imagine it would be similar with meditation. My therapist recommended an app called CBTi made by Stanford psychologists, it's guided meditation so that's different than what you used to do but it's an option if you're interested. Lasagna sounds pretty amazing!

    @jugar I loved Feb questions, that was a lot of fun! I try to eat the rainbow every day, I did that in other group and someone from that group did it here but now's not the most reliable time to be able to get all the "colors". I'm not going to go to the store for just blueberries or cabbage for blue/purple but I'd be tempted to do so! Recipes would be fun, I'm always curious about what others are eating. Another idea would be to have people come up with a question then the next poster answers it and asks another, then the next poster answers and asks another, and so on.

    @gwamajtw91 Glad IF and food is going well for you! Not having access to the gym has thrown me off too, I'm working out more because it doesn't feel like I'm getting as strong of a workout without my weights and stair treadmill every other day. The weather definitely dampens the mood, even though I usually workout inside the rain and gloom make it hard to want to do anything.

    @raleighgirl09 Yay, down 1lb! I loved your post, it definitely resonates with me. If I focus just on what I can control at home each day at a time it's not too overwhelming as long as I can stay busy. I've been struggling between wanting to help out and staying safe, I'm at higher risk because of health problems but because they're mostly under control or new I "feel" like I can do stuff and be ok when it's probably not smart to go out more than I have to. One thing that helps is knowing humanity is in this together and we have to do the best we can to support each other.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,571 Member
    Thursday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- You Tube videos, planks, yoga, walking/dancing
    Water- over

    Weights each body part- two upper two lower
    Cardio 30 minutes- done
    Strength/yoga- done
    Decluttering/cleaning- I was doing housework putting sheets on my bed and noticed a workout weight ball sticking out from under the bed. I haven't looked under there in years but was curious and found exercise equipment I totally forgot about. Anyone remember the Ab Rocker by Body by Jake? Infomercial was on forever and I probably bought it from QVC or HSN. Came across even MORE resistance bands and an ab wheel/kit, 2-3lb Leslie Sansone workout balls that went with the VHS video kits, and 8lb weights. I was going to order heavier dumbbells a week ago and thought they were expensive, now everything's twice as much or sold out, darnit! Anyhow, I'm making due with 5-10lb dumbbells and have some more stuff to toss!
    Recipe- had the burritos again, so good! One more night then I'm trying two Indian recipes that are combined in wraps.

    10,000 steps- never would've thought I'd be hitting 20,000 steps a day, I guess I walked more than I thought with exercise but I've definitely doubled my NEAT doing stuff the long way plus marching/dancing while online or watching TV.

    This is stupid but I love checking completion boxes, this is day 2 of checking all The Daily Dozen in the app. I usually know I probably won't and am happy to get the majority but man there's something satisfying about getting 24/24!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    27-Mar Username:TeresaW1020
    Weigh in week:  Week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 209.7
    Todays Weight: 212.5 :grimace: Yikes!!

    Well, that just makes me mad! But what did I expect after a week of indulgences and lack of activity? New week...new focus...I got this! #notbuyingbiggerpants #notonvacation
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,080 Member
    The new chat threads for April are up and running!

    Please use it for introductions and posting goals for the new month that begins Sunday March 29th. Keep on weighing in and updating steps here until then!

This discussion has been closed.