DOWNSIZERS Team Chat - April 2020



  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,407 Member
    cesse47 wrote: »
    Hello Everyone. New today. Just rejoined MFP on Sunday. I'm 72 and morbidly obese. Had my physical early this year and am in good ranges in everything except weight. I've been self-isolating for over 3 weeks and grazing throughout the day and night ... have gained almost 20 lbs in 2 months. :/ Put batteries back in my scale for the first time in almost a year and seeing weight over 300 was a BIG wakeup call. So, here I am.

    Username: cesse47
    Weighin week: 1
    Weighin day: Sunday
    Previous weight:
    Current weight: 308.6 -- day 1 beginning weight

    Daily Check In

    Calories over/under? baby steps for now, tracking/logging everything
    Water: always tough; yesterday made it to 6
    Exercise: again, baby steps. Just started Leslie Sansone beginner walker video
    can get to 5 minutes only. yesterday did 2 sets of 5 minutes; tried/failed at 3rd
    will do 2 today; hopefully do third
    Goals for tomorrow:
    Log everything
    Drink 8 water
    Do 3 5-min walks
    Declutter closet
    Get outside for a few minutes at least; yard cleanup

    Welcome! You have come to the right place. You will find a bunch of very encouraging folks here, and we are all in a bit of a rough spot right now. Congratulations on making some smart choices for yourself. You will love Leslie's videos and you should be proud of that first 5 minutes and multiple sets of that! Good for you!!! Keep it up and you will get stronger and develop more stamina. You CAN do this!!!
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Hello Team. I am so sorry for disappearing on you all last month. I especially want to apologize to our Captain Linda and our Motivators Jenn and Tami. I will do my best to help keep up with our team.

    I have really struggled with this confinement. My mental health has not been good and I've gone back to some really bad habits to deal with my stress. I have been dealing with anxiety attacks every few day. I know we are all in the same boat and we all have our stresses and worries due to our current situation. Know i am keeping everyone in prayer.

    I decided a couple of day ago to wake up each day and list out my blessings in my head. Before i even leave my bed. My family is home and safe.
    We are healthy.
    We have are sheltered.
    We are fed.
    We are clothed.
    We have a garden for fresh air.
    I can still go out for my runs.
    The sun is shining.

    My name is Mari. I am 41 years old mom of 3 boys and married to a great and supportive guy. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and am finally very close to my goal. I've now been stuck at my current weight range for several months now and am desperately trying to start losing again. I was doing really well at the beginning of march then all hell broke loose. My current goal is to at least maintain my weight or lose a teeny bit if i can.

    I love the idea of listing your blessings before you get out of bed in the mornings. I know for me, my Bible study time is the most important thing I do every day. I began that "habit" on a daily basis on January 1. Little did I know what was coming and how much help it would be for me to make it through this crisis. We must each find what supports our mental health during these trying times.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,149 Member
    cesse47 wrote: »
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    So, I was encouraged to post or ask questions here when I have a problem. It seems things have changed for me. What do you do when you feel hungry and have no calories left in the food diary? To define hungry, as in I can feel hunger in my esophagus. I've drank a large amount of water to "feel full". That is not helping. Any help is appreciated.

    I've had a couple of thoughts / questions regarding your questions. Everyone generates stomach acid because it's necessary for the digestion process. However, if there's an excess, and your stomach is not processing it efficiently, it can build up. And, it can cause a feeling of hunger, or feel shaky, or slightly nauseated. I'd suggest chewing a couple of Tums or a similar product to see if that helps.

    My second question is are you eating enough Protein. It will increase the feeling of fullness. Try to include fiber rich foods. Pick solid foods instead of liquids; i.e., eat an apple vs drinking apple juice. Be sure you are drinking all of the water and space it out throughout the day. Plan your meals and eat mindfully. Eat slowly.
    Regards, cesse

    I'll try my best to answer the questions. Stomach acid is not an issue. I'm never nauseous or acidy. On a side note, Tums and similar items are not healthy so I would not eat them. Protein is not a problem either. For the most part I eat meat, cheese and yogurt. When the hunger lingers I eat granola. I try and choose some with a decent amount of dietary fiber. I usually stray from sugar. As for my drinks it's coffee, water or coffee. My diet has changed because I'm trying to find something to satiate.
    Thanks for asking.

    Also thanks to every body else for giving advice and especially the prayers.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    Wednesday check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 40 minute walk
    Water: still under
    Steps 4/1 7,441
    Step pledge 7,000 steps a day

    It is a beautiful day here today. I am hoping to bring my walk outside today. I have lowered my daily step goal as I am just not walking as much as I used too. I didn’t realize how many places I walked until we were told to stay in. I am going to try the Leslie Sansone video today as @mari_moulin suggested to see if I can increase my steps.

    Today’s goals
    1. Walk 40 minutes
    2. Walk 7000 steps minimum
    3. Drink 9 cups of water
    4. Stay within calorie goal
    5. Leslie Sansone video
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Weigh Day Thursday
    PW: 244.6
    CW: 244.2
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    Tagging our whole team so you all get notified....

    If you want to join our April Step challenge that was posted yesterday please let me know so I can add you in the spreadsheet. ❤️🚶🏻🚶🏻‍♀️

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,149 Member

    Tagging our whole team so you all get notified....

    If you want to join our April Step challenge that was posted yesterday please let me know so I can add you in the spreadsheet. ❤️🚶🏻🚶🏻‍♀️


    I'm in if there's room.
  • ddk125
    ddk125 Posts: 32 Member
    Daily Check-in

    Yesterday: 4/1 (Wednesday)
    Kept a food diary: yes
    Fruits & Veggies: 4
    Water: met goal (8 cups)
    Stayed Under Calorie Goal: yes, 48 remaining
    Exercise: Core Workout Video
    Steps: 7595

    Yesterday was a pretty good day for me. I sort of had an energy crash in the late afternoon though. But my energy made a come-back for evening. Today I feel like someone drained all my energy. Maybe I have been doing too much too quickly for my adrenal and thyroid issues?

    I'm going to attempt to meet today's step goal for the challenge, but that will be my only exercise. (Hubby gave me a Garmin fitness tracker for my birthday (which was the end of March.) I have been loving counting my steps, and watching my heart rate and body battery.

    I was curious to see how the body battery thing would relate to someone like me who deals with fatigue. I don't know what all it uses, but it actually is usually a fairly accurate reflection of how I'm feeling! Maybe I will eventually see a pattern on what causes me to feel so drained at times?!

    It's supposed to be my day to clean our entire house, but I think that's pretty unlikely judging by today's energy levels. If I can at least get the master bath and kitchen floors clean, it may have to suffice.

    Otherwise, we have a gorgeous day here in Louisiana! Highs in the mid 70s. Just my type of weather for spending time outside!

    Today’s goals
    1. Drink Water
    2. Meet Step Goal
    3. Rest
    4. Clean kitchen & master bath floors in our home
    5. Pay Bills

    @mari_moulin Please add me to the step challenge. I'm going to try!
  • mellane30
    mellane30 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello everyone! I don't wanna talk about it.

    Username: Mellane30
    Weighin Week: 03/30/2020
    Weighin day: Monday
    Previous weight: 212.5
    Current weight: 213.8

    Calories over/under: over :(
    water: Much better than before.
    Exercise: I am so tired of sitting in my chair! I need a new job.
  • Murphyi150
    Murphyi150 Posts: 54 Member
    edited April 2020
    Sorry if I’m making this comment in the wrong area however I’m unsure where to put that I’d like to join the April Step Challenge ... any guidance/instruction is gladly accepted 🙂
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    Daily check in Wednesday April 2nd 2020

    Calories - Maintenance
    Exercise - Bowflex Max and Strength Training
    Hydration - Good

    Today was the first day back of distance learning for my kids, it was Spring Break last week. so it was a little hectic getting everyone organized and even though I am home, I am still working full time.

    I’ve been walking everyday, but it got cold today with rain and snow so I didn’t get out. I’m happy I was still able to get my workout done inside. I hope everyone here is coping well and staying on track for their goals.
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    So great to come on here at the end of a long day and see so many supportive, positive messages.

    Today was a tough day self isolation wise. I need some fresh air and sunshine but it’s been cold, snowy and cloudy here all week. Tough day today so thanks for all of the awesome posts to raise my spirits!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »

    Tagging our whole team so you all get notified....

    If you want to join our April Step challenge that was posted yesterday please let me know so I can add you in the spreadsheet. ❤️🚶🏻🚶🏻‍♀️

    I'm in if there's room.

    Gotcha. Glad you are joining the step challenge. If you have the steps for this week send them to me when you get a chance. Thanks!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    ddk125 wrote: »
    Daily Check-in

    Yesterday: 4/1 (Wednesday)
    Kept a food diary: yes
    Fruits & Veggies: 4
    Water: met goal (8 cups)
    Stayed Under Calorie Goal: yes, 48 remaining
    Exercise: Core Workout Video
    Steps: 7595

    Yesterday was a pretty good day for me. I sort of had an energy crash in the late afternoon though. But my energy made a come-back for evening. Today I feel like someone drained all my energy. Maybe I have been doing too much too quickly for my adrenal and thyroid issues?

    I'm going to attempt to meet today's step goal for the challenge, but that will be my only exercise. (Hubby gave me a Garmin fitness tracker for my birthday (which was the end of March.) I have been loving counting my steps, and watching my heart rate and body battery.

    I was curious to see how the body battery thing would relate to someone like me who deals with fatigue. I don't know what all it uses, but it actually is usually a fairly accurate reflection of how I'm feeling! Maybe I will eventually see a pattern on what causes me to feel so drained at times?!

    It's supposed to be my day to clean our entire house, but I think that's pretty unlikely judging by today's energy levels. If I can at least get the master bath and kitchen floors clean, it may have to suffice.

    Otherwise, we have a gorgeous day here in Louisiana! Highs in the mid 70s. Just my type of weather for spending time outside!

    Today’s goals
    1. Drink Water
    2. Meet Step Goal
    3. Rest
    4. Clean kitchen & master bath floors in our home
    5. Pay Bills

    @mari_moulin Please add me to the step challenge. I'm going to try!

    Added you in! Glad you joined us! If you happen to have your steps since Sunday send them on over. If not it’s ok.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Murphyi150 wrote: »
    Sorry if I’m making this comment in the wrong area however I’m unsure where to put that I’d like to join the April Step Challenge ... any guidance/instruction is gladly accepted 🙂

    I’ve got you down for the challenge. If you look at yesterday’s posts I posted some Leslie Sansones videos that you can do at home. Some are short some long and if you look up on YouTube you will find many more. I find them very helpful.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    This is just a reminder of what our step challenge is for this month. It’s starts off fairly easy working it’s way up to a big daily challenge for each of us.

    Despite being confined I KNOW we can all reach these daily goals.


    Here are some ways for you to get some extra steps in your day while you are safe at home....

    - Do yard work: rake leaves, mow the lawn, or shovel some snow
    - Play with your kids. Tag. Hopscotch. Hide-and-seek can run up 10,000 steps alone!
    - Wander the room while chatting on the phone
    - Use the restroom one floor up (or down)... not one that’s right down the hall
    - Cook your meals. Even in a smaller kitchen, walking from the fridge to the stove to the table adds up
    - Pace the room while watching TV
    - stand and pace instead of sitting while you homeschool.
    - Hide the remote so you have to actually get up to change the channel.
    - if you are allowed for walks near your home, Walk around the block.
    - March in place while brushing your teeth (go ahead and shut the door first if you'd like).
    - Going to the mailbox? Take a tour around the house first—then take the time to say hello to that chatty neighbor who flags you down.
    - Set the alarm on your computer to go off every hour or two, then take a quick tour around house.
    - Do your workout first thing in the morning so you don't skip it later in the day when your willpower is weaker. Plus, seeing those initial steps early in the morning will motivate you the rest of the day.
    - Set a reminder on your computer and walk a few flights of stairs in your building or home each hour.
    - Walk through your home each evening and tidy up any messes. Not only will you get more steps, you'll wake up to a less cluttered home.

    Let’s get to stepping!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    Here is another video you can use to get those steps in!!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Kres567 wrote: »
    So great to come on here at the end of a long day and see so many supportive, positive messages.

    Today was a tough day self isolation wise. I need some fresh air and sunshine but it’s been cold, snowy and cloudy here all week. Tough day today so thanks for all of the awesome posts to raise my spirits!

    I also love coming In And seeing everyone posting. It’s such a difficult time for everyone some days being harder than others. We have to just do the best we can each day. We will survive this. I hope today is better for you ❤️
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    panda4153 wrote: »
    Daily check in Wednesday April 2nd 2020

    Calories - Maintenance
    Exercise - Bowflex Max and Strength Training
    Hydration - Good

    Today was the first day back of distance learning for my kids, it was Spring Break last week. so it was a little hectic getting everyone organized and even though I am home, I am still working full time.

    I’ve been walking everyday, but it got cold today with rain and snow so I didn’t get out. I’m happy I was still able to get my workout done inside. I hope everyone here is coping well and staying on track for their goals.

    Good job getting those workouts done despite the bad weather. I can’t imagine how hard it is having to work and homeschool at the same time. I have homeschool. It am lucky I don’t also have a job to do a top of that. Just keep doing what you can.
This discussion has been closed.