Crush your fitness goals: Active AprilπŸ’ͺπŸ™ŒπŸ‘



  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @cayenne_007 Be patient! You'll get there!! ;)

    47, 5’2”
    CBF: 19.5 %
    Goal BF%: 19%

    Goal #1:Stick to light dinner diet
    Goal #2:Drinks on weekends only
    Goal #3: Burst workouts 5x day
    Goal #4: Lunch run 5x week

    09/30 109.6, 19.6%
    10/30 108, 19.1%
    11/27 108.4, 19.4%
    12/31 112, 20.6%
    01/31 110.2, 20.1%
    02/28 107.6, 18.9%
    03/30 110 19%

    04/01 109.2, 19.5%
    04/03 108.8, 19.4%
    04/07 110, 19.8%
    04/09 109.6, 19.8%

    I am really liking this working from home thing!
    This 10 min break I give myself to squeeze in the burst workouts is awesome! I have my alarm set so I actually STOP working and take the break. Today I only did 1 bust and 1 run because I wanted to check in with my daughter with her work. (she needs extra help) And today, to my surprise, she completed the entire assignment! (she usually would do 1 page on a good day-not even finish 1 of the assignment) So I am happy. I will find another time to do the 100 squats or 50 sit ups lol 😁🀣
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 71.1
    April GW: get back to 70

    07/04: 71.1
    08/04: 70.9
    09/04: 71.0
    10/04: 71.1
  • Semele0
    Semele0 Posts: 114 Member
    Hello to everyone! It's been a while since I last entered this group, so maybe I should introduce myself again? I started using MFP some years ago and was successful for a while, but then stopped logging and gained it all back. I never uninstalled the App, but never logged with consistence. I'm finally able to log constantly, I have done it since the 16th of March, so almost a month. Paradoxically, I was able to do it now that I'm in quarantine since I was able to build a stable routine (I work from home, so that wasn't very hard, I still have the normal office hour to keep), and I have the time to weight and log my food. I'm here since I would like to have some kind of accountability and to motivate myself not to give up.

    Since I'm minute and don't have much to lose I'm trying to be under 1200kcal, plus exercise.
    Since the 16th of March, I've lost 1 kg in the first two weeks, and then I've been stable since, with slight fluctuations, so I hope that by the end of April I can see some loss again.

    32 years old, 157 cm (5'2")
    SW 57kg (126lb)
    SW April 55.4kg (122lb)
    GW 52kg (115lb)

    1) Reach one month of logging constantly (16th of April)
    2) Log every day for all of April
    3) Take my measurements and not only the weight (every two weeks)
    4) Workout at least three times a week (especially strength training)

    1/04 = 55,4 (122lb)
    6/04 = 56,3 (124lb) = Ate pizza the night before
    9/04 = 55,8 (123lb)
  • FitSeachely
    FitSeachely Posts: 74 Member
    42, 5'5”

    Goal #1: 20,000 steps per day average
    Goal #2: sleep 8hrs per night
    Goal #3: practice self care for my mental health daily

    January 1st 2020 - 71.8kg
    Feb 1 2020 - 70.4kg
    March 1 2020 - 69.8kg
    April 1 2020 - 69.3kg

    04/01 - 69.3 kg
    04/08 - 67.9 kg
    04/15 -
    04/22 -
    04/29 -

  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    edited April 2020
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'8"
    Jan SW: 164.5
    Feb SW: 161.5
    Mar SW: 157.5
    Apr SW: 157.5
    Apr GW: 155

    4/2: 157.5
    4/11: 156.5

    Ran 9 miles today. It's the longest I've gone since starting training. It went well until mile 8 and I've been tired ever since haha
  • tracimckinney
    tracimckinney Posts: 79 Member
    April sw: 138
    April gw: 135

    Goal 1: don't get frustrated and give up!
    Goal 2: drink more water
    Goal 3: manage stress

    4/1: 138
    4/6: 136.2 Working from home has allowed me the time to work out and cook that I didn't have before. I am now doing the none-to-run program which is like Couch to 5k, but it is 12 weeks and encourages strength training. I got a stress fracture the last time I tried to run on my own schedule, so this is helping me build up to a comfortable pace slowly.
    4/13: 135.8 Found a 36 oz stainless steel water bottle. Hoping to drink 2 full bottles so 72 oz a day for 21 days to make it a habit!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 71.1
    April GW: get back to 70

    07/04: 71.1
    08/04: 70.9
    09/04: 71.0
    10/04: 71.1
    11/04: 70.7
    12/04: 70.0
    13/04: 70.0
    14/04: 72.0

    Hi girls, I hope you all had a good Easter weekend !

    Yes, yesterday, I went overboard. I ate half a cheesy pizza and because something went wrong with the delivery, we got a tub of Ben&Jerry's. Ow boy, my trigger food !! I ate the whole tub on my own (not even sharing with hubby), and then added some small easter eggs. I'm not surprised to see such a high number on the scales this morning :disappointed:
    But the good news is: all the chocolate is gone, the icecream is gone , back to normal eating !

  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    47, 5’2”
    CBF: 19.5 %
    Goal BF%: 19%

    Goal #1:Stick to light dinner diet
    Goal #2:Drinks on weekends only
    Goal #3: Burst workouts 5x day
    Goal #4: Lunch run 5x week

    09/30 109.6, 19.6%
    10/30 108, 19.1%
    11/27 108.4, 19.4%
    12/31 112, 20.6%
    01/31 110.2, 20.1%
    02/28 107.6, 18.9%
    03/30 110 19%

    04/01 109.2, 19.5%
    04/03 108.8, 19.4%
    04/07 110, 19.8%
    04/09 109.6, 19.8%
    04/14 108.8, 19.4% and maintaining 37.9% muscle!

    SO I guess I'm back to where I started this month. That's OK. Considering the situation we're in. I been getting out to do a short run during lunch but yesterday it was raining and today is COLD! Will see if it's warm enough later to go outside.

    I've been so HUNGRY these days. I don't eat junk. I just refuse to. BUT I'm eating more of "something". Usually carbs, cuz it's fast and easy. This isn't good. I need to find something or make ahead so I don't reach it. What do you guys snack on? Need fresh ideas!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 71.1
    April GW: get back to 70

    07/04: 71.1
    08/04: 70.9
    09/04: 71.0
    10/04: 71.1
    11/04: 70.7
    12/04: 70.0
    13/04: 70.0
    14/04: 72.0
    15/04: 72.3

    Definitely going in the wrong direction ! Hopefully it is just a last blip after the pizza and B&J debacle.
    I also feel very tired these last two weeks, which has been confirmed by my last donation at the Red Cross. After the donation, they have informed me that I have anemia. If this tired feeling isn't better next week, I'll call my GP.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited April 2020

    I've been so HUNGRY these days. I don't eat junk. I just refuse to. BUT I'm eating more of "something". Usually carbs, cuz it's fast and easy. This isn't good. I need to find something or make ahead so I don't reach it. What do you guys snack on? Need fresh ideas!

    Whole carrots and pomegranates keep your hands occupied and they take a long time to eat (good for boredom eating).
    Soup made from butternut squash and sweet potatoes will keep you filled for a long time (add some coconut milk and cilantro for taste); in general all fresh soups are good to fill you up and they are easy to make - extra batches go in the freezer.
    Quick eats (but not so filling): cherry tomatoes, diced tomatoes with mustard and balsamic vinegar, grapes, yoghurt with just a sprinkle of granola.
    Bulk eats: pomelo, watermelon, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @Antiopelle , thx for the ideas! It's so cold (snow on ground again... killed my plants) the soup sounds great! I started the veggie stock this morning. (saved frozen veggie scraps in pot) I will definitely be making something tasty!
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 71.1
    April GW: get back to 70

    07/04: 71.1
    08/04: 70.9
    09/04: 71.0
    10/04: 71.1
    11/04: 70.7
    12/04: 70.0
    13/04: 70.0
    14/04: 72.0
    15/04: 72.3

    Definitely going in the wrong direction ! Hopefully it is just a last blip after the pizza and B&J debacle.
    I also feel very tired these last two weeks, which has been confirmed by my last donation at the Red Cross. After the donation, they have informed me that I have anemia. If this tired feeling isn't better next week, I'll call my GP.

    Thanks for the reminder - I've been lax about taking a multi-vitamin for the last month and tired. I've been blaming mental stress (adjusting to the quarantine and life is just weird at the moment). We do blood drives at work and they never allow me to donate because I'm slightly anemic - always have been, I do better when I've consistent with good vitamins.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5'8" 42yo
    SW: 154.4
    April GW: 137
    GW: 133

    August SW 145.8 EW 145.6
    Sept SW 145.6 EW 145.6
    Oct SW 145.6 EW 142.6
    Nov SW 142.6 EW 146.2
    Dec SW 146.2 EW 147.0
    Jan SW 147.0 EW 142.0
    Feb SW 140.5 EW 143.2
    Mar SW 143.2 EW 143.4

    Bust: 38 - Aug (-1")
    Band: 33 - Aug (-1")
    Waist: 28.5 - Aug (-.5")
    Hips 38.5- No change in Aug

    1. GET A GRIP - somehow create a routine again.
    2. Walk at lunch 4x a week
    3. Stay consistent with Workout Challenge

    4/1 - 144.0 - really not surprised, I way overdid it by 500 calories yesterday (double stuffed oreos anyone?). So 4/1 is a fresh start. Errands at lunch, but I did do Day 1 - 20 situps, 20 squats, 10 pushups and 30 sec plank. Took 5 min and much more challenging than expected. I think I'm going to do this twice a day - mornings & lunch.
    4/2 - 145.0 - Ugh! I did better yesterday, but did have cheddar popcorn as a snack. Today's goal - Do day 2 twice. Ride/Garden/clean stalls tonight. Met eating & exercise goals! First time in a while I've met my daily goals!
    4/3 - 144.6 - So my abs are so sore today! Thanks @weatherking2019! Today I will focus on same goals as yesterday - pretty sure my body is going to be screaming at me doing pushups.. but it's going to happen. Managed Day 3 - 2x.
    4/6 - 144.3 - Spent the weekend working on my new flowerbed..and replanting all my pots. My body is so dang sore, didn't do the graphic this wknd but moved lots of mulch and garden soil. Didn't do great on food yesterday, but did work outdoors from 9 to 4 and then rode for a couple of hours. Did Day 4 - twice. Rode 2 horses. Decent on food, but had a homemade chocolate chip cookie - have to get better at cutting the sugar.
    4/7 - 145.0 - Lunch workout - 2 reps 28 sit ups, 28 squats, 28 lounges, 3 reps of 10 pushups and a 1 min plank followed by 30 min brisk walk. Kept intake under 1300 for the day. NO SUGAR (celebrating small victories these days)
    4/8 - 145.0 - Lunch workout - 28 lounges, 30 sit ups, 30 pushups, 1 min plank & 30 min brisk walk. Rode for 2 hours after 2 work. stayed within food allowance for the day and NO SUGAR! :)
    4/9 - 145.0 - I seem to be stuck here.
    4/15 - 144.6 - didn't realize it had been so long since I checked in.... Easter was great - finished my new flowerbeds and we celebrated all day Sunday. I'm on Day 8 of the workout graphic - my body needed a break the last 2 days from all the manual labor I did Fri/Sat. I'm not doing the squats going forward, subbing some other exercises. (thanks for videos @weatherking2019)
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 71.1
    April GW: get back to 70

    07/04: 71.1
    08/04: 70.9
    09/04: 71.0
    10/04: 71.1
    11/04: 70.7
    12/04: 70.0
    13/04: 70.0
    14/04: 72.0
    15/04: 72.3
    16/04: 71.6
  • laurapal00
    laurapal00 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! First time writing, been reading you for a while. I am from Spain. I hope this helps me reach my goals while we are in lockdown.

    38 yo 167 cm (6 m pospartum)
    W pre-baby: 74kg
    SW (January): 76,5kg
    CW: 70,8kg
    GW: 65kg
    GW April: <70kg

    1. Log food everyday
    2. Walk 1h 5x week
    3. Do 2-3 workouts
    4. Work goal: β€œwork” 2hours everyday (selfemployed, cannot work from home but want to organize and keep in touch with clients). It’s hard to get anything done with a 6 mo baby πŸ™„

  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    I would love to join in! I am struggling with self-isolation, and I need a place to be accountable.

    5'2" 27yo
    SW: 160
    GW: 125
    April SW: 137.7
    April GW: 135

    1. Move for 30 minutes every single day – go for a run, yoga, etc.
    2. Log all calories, and stay at or under goal most days
    3. Wake up at 7:30 on weekdays and log my progress for the day before
    4. Complete ab workout challenge.

    4/15 – I met absolutely none of my goals – this day was my inspiration to start logging daily here. I am hoping it will keep me accountable.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 71.1
    April GW: get back to 70

    07/04: 71.1
    08/04: 70.9
    09/04: 71.0
    10/04: 71.1
    11/04: 70.7
    12/04: 70.0
    13/04: 70.0
    14/04: 72.0
    15/04: 72.3
    16/04: 71.6
    17/04: 72.2