C25k Group starting March 2020



  • SuzieQ136
    SuzieQ136 Posts: 38 Member
    I did as I said and started the C25K today. I have to be honest, day 1 was much harder than I thought it would be. I’ve been walking a couple miles a day pretty consistently for several months and I thought I’d breeze through the first week of this. Not so!!! Does anyone else do more than 3 days a week? Or should I just walk on the off days?
    Thanks and keep up the inspiring work everyone!

  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    I only do 3 days a week. Absolutely take rest days between runs. As the runs get progressively longer you will need it. I do Mon, Weds, and Fri.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    Nice work @CILLAJ8 !

    I thought about trying to do W8D1 slowly but I think I’ll just enjoy W7 a second time... 😉
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    So got through W7D2 successfully yesterday (that's 2 in a row at the 25 minute mark) so if I can get through one more I'll officially graduate myself to W8. Those 25 minute runs are a killer though, not going to lie. It's mind over matter. The spirit is willing but the body is being dragged along begrudgingly!

    I did take some advice I saw somewhere and switched from music to podcasts. That seems to help a bit because you lose track of time when it's just talking versus trying to count about how many songs you should be able to get through in 25 minutes.
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    @briscogun great job on progressing!

    @suzieq136 its always tough to start but if you go with the program and stick to 3 days a week with breaks it makes it so much more enjoyable and wards off injury and set backs...

    @cillaj8 woo hoo!!!!

    We finally have decent weather here so I have moved outside...... first run last week was dreadful and todays wasn't much better. So here is to Thursday being a charm! I will start from the beginning....... :neutral: and see how it goes... its a tough pill to swollow when I was doing so well on the treadmill.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    @showjumper thank you!

    I always have a hard time going from treadmill to outdoors. All the variables of running outside seem to make it harder for me (wind, uneven terrain, uphill, downhill, traffic, etc.). I'm sticking to my treadmill for a while until I complete this thing! Plus, weather still isn't great here so not excited about running when it's in the 30's and 40's, cold, cloudy, and breezy...
  • SuzieQ136
    SuzieQ136 Posts: 38 Member
    @briscogun and @showjumper Thanks for the encouragement! I completed W1D2 yesterday. It wasn’t as tough as the first day.

    Anyone have recommendations on running shoes? I’m using my cross trainers now but really want to get a good pair of runners. Problem is the shoe/dept stores are all on lockdown here in MN. I’m reluctant to order them online but if I known of a brand that’s true to size I’d be willing to give it a try.

    Keep up the good work everyone! Just think how good it’s going to feel to say “I didn’t fall victim to the Quarantine 15”. I’ll be coming out healthier and stronger!

    Blessings to all!
    CILLAJ8 Posts: 99 Member
    @SuzieQ136 awesome job completing W1D2! I’m glad it was easier for you than day 1.
    As far as sneakers go, I don’t have advice right now. But when everything opens back up I’d recommend going to a running store and getting properly fitted.

  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    @SuzieQ136 great job! Just take it one day, one run at a time. It’s more mental than physical I swear. There are some days it seems easy and other days it feels impossible but just keep going...

    As far as shoes it’s really best if you can get fitted. I did that and turned out I had a pronation or something so I got shoes for that and it was AMAZING! Best thing I ever did. Just try to plow through until you can get in. Maybe call or email some in your area and see if they have a plan for helping customers in the shut down?

    I managed to finish W7D3 this morning. Barely got those runs done so not sure about adding on another 3 minutes (sounds like hell) but we’ll see! I can always do W7 over for a while! I’m in no rush...
  • SuzieQ136
    SuzieQ136 Posts: 38 Member
    Completed W1D3 today! It’s gotten a little easier each day. I’m a bit nervous about W2 but I’m just gonna try to enjoy a day off tomorrow and not overthink it.

    The weather has been beautiful the past few days so that’s helped lift my mood as well!

    How’s everyone doing?
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    Nice job @SuzieQ136 ! Don’t think about it, just do it! I’ve totally learned that this whole thing is mostly mental not physical.

    So I barely got through Week 7. 3 runs of 25 minutes each. Today was W8D1. 28 minute run. Barely got through 25 minutes, so wasn’t sure I could manage it. Just said “screw it” and started it up. 28 minutes later... BOOM! Done!

    I think I have another one of those 28’s coming up too. But a few weeks ago when the program said “run 3 minutes” or “run 5 minutes” I thought “no way” but if you just keep going this thing works!

    Keep on keeping on everyone!
  • SuzieQ136
    SuzieQ136 Posts: 38 Member
    @briscogun Congrats and thank you for your encouragement! Tomorrow starts week 2. I feel pretty good about.
    CILLAJ8 Posts: 99 Member
    @SuzieQ136 you will do great tomorrow! Can’t wait to hear how it went.
    @briscogun awesome job completing W8D1! I just did W8D2 tonight. Not gonna lie, the last 5 minutes was tough. But I pushed through and I feel great. Much easier to do on treadmill though.

  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    Hi all, first try at the app, starting week 6 tomorrow eeek!
    CILLAJ8 Posts: 99 Member
    @BeccaHawes49 Awesome! Keep us posted. 👏🏻 🏃🏽‍♀️
  • SuzieQ136
    SuzieQ136 Posts: 38 Member
    W2D1 complete!!! 🏃🏼‍♀️ Thanks again for all the encouragement! You’re right it is more mental than physical.
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    C25K w6d1 done! Felt a bit cocky when I saw the programme, but nope not easy yet :D 2nd best 5k time though. Good set up for the day!
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    @briscogun how did the next 28 min run go? Are you on a treadmill or the great outdoors?
    @suzieQ136 W2D2 today? Go Rock it!!!
    @cillaj8 how are you doing?

  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    @showjumper so... didn't quite nail day 2 like day 1.

    I got about 21 1/2 minutes in and just ran out of gas. I woke up a bit later than I wanted and only had a quick cup of coffee, then tried to just go for it and didn't have it. Stopped and walked for about 2 minutes then ran out the last 4 1/2. It's only the second time I haven't been able to complete one of my workouts during the whole program so I'm not beating myself up too bad about it. I did it a few days ago so I know I can do it.

    I'll be back after it tomorrow morning and hopefully knock it out.

    Good luck to everyone else this week!
  • SuzieQ136
    SuzieQ136 Posts: 38 Member
    @showjumper W2D2 complete. 💪 I’ve been having knee pain since my weekend run that got worse after Monday’s run. I was terrified it might sideline me but I started icing it yesterday and it was a bit better today. I should have done it from the get go. I guess that’s why we say nurses make the worst patients. 🤦‍♀️ It definitely hurt today while running. Enough so that I doubted if I should be pushing through or not but I started icing it right when I got home and it’s improved already.

    @briscogun I’d say that’s a dang good track record if it’s only the 2nd time. You’ll rock it again on your next run!

    Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    @SuzieQ136 I'm 100% no expert, I'm a newbie myself but what sort of shoes are you wearing? I had knee pain and really bad shin splints the first few weeks and my friend made me buy some proper running trainers (I was wearing cheap and cheerful trainers I bought years ago). They did a gait analysis with me running on a treadmill. Bought some that had more support and haven't had a knee twinge since. Might be worth looking at depending on you lockdown situation?
    Also use the rest days, I had to have a break for 3-4 days when my shins were bad as I wasn't resting, was doing extra because I was enjoying it and it got me out the house, but from zero to running daily was not my brightest idea.

    Question for anyone, do you eat before you run? I go out first thing in the morning and don't eat before as I'm not a breakfast person, but wondering if it would be better if I did?

    Don't know if it's a good or bad thing seeing what the future weeks hold, but I'm loving seeing the progress people are making! Well done everyone! 💪
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    I was going to bring up the same thing @Change_is_Good_ did. I had horrible Runners Knee when I did this the first time. Had to stop running. But I got analyzed for shoes and never looked back. No more knee pain, shin splints, nothing. Best $ I ever spent on my health.

    As far as eating, I go back on forth on this. When the program was in the early weeks I’d run on an empty stomach. If I have food in me I just get upset stomach and cramp up. But, now that the runs are longer I have to wake up and eat a little something but then wait and digest some before I go at it. So my answer is: both? It depends on how hard of a workout. Running for almost 30 minutes straight I need some fuel or I’ll crash. But some folks can go forever on no food so whatever works best for you is the right answer. Try both see what happens?

    Good luck!

    BTW, almost forgot... Nailed W8D2 no sweat today. Probably coulda done the 30 minutes straight but gives me a challenge on Saturday!
    CILLAJ8 Posts: 99 Member
    I finished the program today. (On the treadmill). We’ve had hard rains for the last few days. I went at a nice steady pace and had no issues. I think I’ll stick to 30 minute segments for another week and see if I can increase my speed a little. Then possibly try the 10k app.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    Congrats @CILLAJ8 ! Great job! I’m hoping to join you soon!

    Good luck if you decide to do the 10K plan. I don’t think I’ll ever be that guy but who knows...
  • SuzieQ136
    SuzieQ136 Posts: 38 Member
    Well, W2D3 is complete. Just barely and not without a lot of pain but complete none the less.

    My neighbor referred me to a Running Store who was open by appointment. The owner was fantastic. I got a very thorough fitting and ended up purchasing a pair of Brooks. I’m very hopeful that these will help heal up my knee/s. Week three, here I come. Hope everyone has a great weekend and keep up the inspiring work!

  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    Woohoo @CILLAJ8, well done 🏅 I'm already debating what to do when I finish, similar plan to you at the moment.

    @suzieq136 I bet you notice the difference straight away! Let us know.

    I'm gearing myself up for w6d3, haven't looked at what it is yet, I try not to look before I leave the house so that I can't make excuses 😂
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    Congrats on the shoes and completing Week 2 @SuzieQ136 ! Running shoes are the best money I ever spent on my fitness. It’ll make a big difference for you!

    @Change_is_Good_ good luck finishing Week 6! I’m like you I don’t like looking ahead sometimes either.

    So I finished W8D3 today so I guess I graduated? Not sure what I’ll do know, probably just keep running 30 minutes+ until I do a full 3 miles or more. Not interested in going for the 10K program,

    Good luck to everyone!
  • SuzieQ136
    SuzieQ136 Posts: 38 Member
    @briscogun Congrats! Thank you for being an inspiration! Can’t wait until I can say the same.
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    Congrats @briscogun !!

    @SuzieQ136 have you been out in the new shoes yet?

    I tried w7d1, got to about 10min and my legs said no! Got a few little runs in on the way back, but all in all I have discovered I can't run the day after a class full of squats and lunges 🤣
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    @Change_is_Good_ I’ve been there. Some days I just don’t have it and the tank is empty. You just have to realize the body isn’t a machine, it has ups and downs based on sleep, nutrition, hydration, etc, and sometimes you just have to fight the good fight another day.

    So I guess I officially graduated this morning with my last run. Not doing the 10K. Doing 30 minutes+ is still a real *kitten* for me! I’ll stay in the shallow end of the running pool for a while... 😉