Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • GlacieSicari
    GlacieSicari Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I'm Eric, male, 25, 6'5", 275, and play mostly PC.

    I usually settle into RPGs or strategy, but have a couple FPSs.
    I also play D&D and have DM'ed a few games here and there.

    Have never LARPed but it has looked interesting.

    Goal wise, I was at 324 a little over a year ago, so lost about 50 lbs and have been fluctuating since November. Want to start getting serious again for first weight loss (about another 40lbs) and then transfer into maintaining weight while improving strength.

    Currently working on mile times for running (at about 8:30 to 9:15) trying to drop down to 8 minute miles while increasing to 3 miles (at 2 comfortably). Haven't planned a day yet but want to run a 5k eventually.

    Mostly looking for a way to keep progress while having something that can push a bit. Pretty bad at logging food since I have been traveling a lot.
  • KiwiGirl91
    KiwiGirl91 Posts: 43 Member
    I’m Juju, 26 and I’m short, I’m also obese, something that I’ve always been in denial about until recently. I’m sick of being tired and drained and heavy breathing. Im addicted to gaming and it doesn’t help I work in tech support so I’m literally on a computer for 80% of my day. I want to be fit and healthy and I’m looking for some amazing people to help support me on the way. I’m addicted to gaming xD
  • Canadian_Expat
    Canadian_Expat Posts: 17 Member
    I'm Mike. 39 years old and looking to be fit by 40 which is in about 6 months. My initial goal is to lose 15 lbs, although according to the internet I should lose 25-30.

    I mostly play games on my PC. I have a Nintendo Switch that I bought when it first came out but haven't spent too much time with it. Some of my favourite games are the Fallout series, Skyrim, Dragon Age, and I probably spend way too much of my life (and Money) on Hearthstone. I had to google what LARP was.

    I also work on a computer all day.

    I haven't lost anything too noticeable yet as I've just joined about two weeks ago. Would be fun to have some fellow gamer friends! Add me!

    Oh also beer. I love beer. It often takes up quite a few of my daily calories.
  • TheArchyBunker
    TheArchyBunker Posts: 1,967 Member
    Tony, 40, husband and father of 4. I'm fat. Need to keep up with my kids again. Suffered a TBI (traumatic brain injury) about 19mo ago and got most of my balance back so time to run and lift. 40-50 pounds to go in an ideal world.

    I'm a PC nerd, I play Xbox and Nintendo as well (NES and SNES mainly).

    Star Wars or nothing. Playing and enjoying a great SWGEmu server at the moment. Love Fallout 4 not sure how I feel about 76 coming up but will probably gove it ago.

    As nerd as I am I am a fanatic of the outdoors as well. String up my hammock with a good book in the woods and I'm at home. If you're looking for motivational friends who never judge on anything (I did buy the collectors edition of SWTOR ok ok) hit me up!
  • politicalape
    politicalape Posts: 6 Member
    Doug. 41. 3 months ago I weighed 235 pounds. Down to 200 now and hoping to keep going. Right now I'm playing a lot of hearthstone and pillars of eternity on xbox 360. I also love dungeons and dragons---i started out with the original basic D&D game way back in 1986. Feel free to add me or whatever...
  • Laurelverse
    Laurelverse Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Laurel. I'm 49 and I've been a gamer since meeting D&D and Pong at the age of 10. Text-based online RP especially World of Darkness is my favorite, but I play tabletop, Roll20, board games, collectable card games, MMOs, was a LARPer back in my 20s, and I've worked and been self-employed in the gaming industry. A year ago I weighed 377 lbs, got it down to 298 by end of June, then it climbed back up to a current 330. So I'm re-dedicating myself with a 13 month diet/fitness program and going to try and make it fun and challenging enough to stick too.
  • Hi, I'm Angela. I'm a 26 year old third year medical student from New England. I play D&D and would love to get into LARPing. I play mostly RPG-style games with my favorites being The Elder Scrolls, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Breath of the Wild, and Diablo; my current obsession and probably new favorite game is World of Warcraft. I also am a long time fan of Pokemon. My weight loss goals are primarily for health reasons, as I am on a path towards having issues with cholesterol, diabetes, and PCOS both because of my current lifestyle and family history. They say you just have to lose 10% of your current weight to make huge strides for health, but I'd like to lose some more so I can look bomb af in cosplay. :)

    I love the beach, but it's cold and not exactly beach season around here. It's also way too cold to just go for a casual stroll in the reservoir. What I have been doing, though, is walking around town or the mall to play some Pokemon Go or walk to my yoga class down the street. :)
  • karadshaw
    karadshaw Posts: 1 Member
    kapeluza wrote: »
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    I hope this group is still active, because there aren't many on MFP for me. I'm Kara, female, age 42. I play mostly PC games, no RP or LARP. My favorite is Borderlands 2. I hate the pre-sequel. I play WoW mostly, dabble in Guild Wars 2, ESO, I'm about to start playing Hellblade, and Witcher 3. I have a ton of games in my Steam account that I've played for hours or not touched yet. I'm an avid Twitch watcher. My favorites are Ezekiel III, CohhCarnage, and I watch Burke Black and Gassy Mexican if they are on at night and I'm bored.

    Starting weight was 214. I'm currently 209 lbs and my goal is 180 lbs. I've lost 5 pounds since I started jogging on the treadmill and using my rowing machine 10 days ago. I was only doing it 3x/week, but I love the feeling of jogging, so I'm upping that to 5 now.

    I'm from the beach and it's fracking cold and usually windy, so I'd rather walk elsewhere :)
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    edited February 2019
    My name is Ally. I'm 26 years old, engaged and own 2 cats. I'm a computer technician/network admin for a local high school.

    I'm a semi-casual gamer. I enjoy games like Pokemon, Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong Country, Rune Factory, and Harvest Moon. I play Overwatch and Warframe regularly.

    I love anime. Some of my all-time favorites are Full Metal Alchemist (both versions) and Sailor Moon. I'm currently watching Food Wars, Sirius the Jaeger, and How Not to Summon a Demon Lord.

    I'm a Marvel fangirl. My favorite characters are Gambit, Deadpool, Mystique, Scarlet Witch, and Spiderman. X-Men and Deadpool comics are my favorites.

    I recently started playing D&D with my fiance and our friends. My first character was a half-elf warlock named Melora. She was squishy and didn't live long. My current character is a tiefling rogue named Kier. I chose the arcane trickster path, so I can stab things or kill them with magic. I've also been playing MTG off and on since I was 9. I don't LARP, but it does look kinda fun. I would probably be too shy to do it though.

    As far as my weight loss goals go, I'm currently 5'4" and 235 lb. My goal is to reach 150 lb. I've been maintaining for the last few months, but I think I'm finally ready to start tracking and losing. I've dieted off and on for the last 5 years or so, but I am currently the heaviest that I have ever been. I refuse to gain any more weight.

  • FyrePanda
    FyrePanda Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2019
    Hey, guys. My name is Niki. I'm an engaged, 26-year-old support specialist with three kids from a previous marriage plus one furbaby.

    When I'm not working I like to either game, watch anime, study languages or draw. I can't say I have a favorite game (I love them all ^_^), but my favorite genres are survival, sci-fi, and fantasy RPGs. As for anime, my top three all-time favorites are InuYasha, Fullmetal Alchemist and Ouran Highschool Host Club (it's funny. fight me.).

    I'm not into LARP, but I do play D&D with my brother and his friends on occasion.

    On weight loss... I'm 5'4", 224 lbs even (as of this morning), and my goal is ultimately 120 lbs. I've been an on-again, off-again dieter for the last nine years, but it's only in the last 2 that I've really managed to find the motivation to stick with it. At the end of 2016 I'd lost 50 lbs and and was 3 lbs away from onederland. Unfortunately, the stress of my former marriage ending got to me and I wound up gaining 20 lbs back. Now though, I'm refreshed and ready to start again.

    Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm friendly and always ready to make new friends. If you have Steam you can add me on there as well (just message me for my ID).
    LANABENIKO Posts: 4 Member
    kapeluza wrote: »
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    Hi, I am a 33 y/o Married F. I am trying to lose weight for myself and to inspire my husband to lose weight with me.

    I have never LARP'ed before, nor do I RP, but I have played on RP servers in MMO's. I am a PC gamer and as you might be able to tell by my tag in this app I play SWTOR. I rotate between that, Neverwinter, WOW, and LOTRO. I also have a PS3 which I play Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age, Far Cry, FallOut, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Mass Effect and Borderlands. I also have Pokemon GO and the New Harry Potter game on my phone, but I will wait until adventure sync is active in that 2nd game before I play it more. My PoGo trainer ID is 510398051482.

    I am hoping to lose about 77 lbs and be able to squat 470lbs again like I did before I was injured. I would also like to strengthen my leg muscles to prevent further injury. I also have a goal of becoming vegetarian by next year, not that I care one way or the other about the animals. (They would not survive on their own anyways) I am just more concerned about the environmental impacts of where out food comes from. I have not lost any weight yet as I have just started this today.

    If you count inland bodies of water such as lakes and rivers, sure I walk on beaches.

  • Skarowan
    Skarowan Posts: 4 Member
    My name's Marius, 26 years old and I live in Austria, Europe.
    I'm male. I do rp, but never tried LARP tbh.
    I wanna lose 50 kg roughly, which is ambitious, but do-able.
    I lost 1 kg so far but I only started 5 days ago!
  • GetHeroFit
    GetHeroFit Posts: 27 Member
    Hullo all! Erin/Lulaica/Lula here and I'm 31 years old living in the Houston-area. I'm a casual (aka non-comp) gamer that plays mostly mmorpgs (ESO, Lotro, WoW) and Overwatch.

    I don't larp (but would be interested), however I do play ttrpgs with my husband (Starfinder/Pathfinder). I'm a GM wife, so along with being a player, I'm also is prep assistant proofreading homebrews, drawing maps, and such. I also have recently (in the last two years) taken up miniature model painting, so I am adding that hobby into our games.

    I'm looking at losing 30-40 lbs and am down 7 lbs as of my first week. I'm focusing primarily for my health, but also to fit into cosplays I put together and would like to wear to Oni-Con in October (my first time cosplaying).

    And tbh, my pale butt hates beaches and sand and sun and Texas beaches are gross. But those Virgin Island beaches 😚👌
  • KittyPryde2
    KittyPryde2 Posts: 38 Member
    Who are you! - Rikki
    Age? - 33
    Female or male? - Female
    RP? - in video games...
    LARP? - I wish
    What are your weightloss goals?! - to lose!
    How many pounds have you lost? - like 30ish
    Walk on the Beach? - no.

    My boyfriend is a DM, and we are going to start working on my first character. Right now I'm playing: Kingdom Hearts III, Skyrim, Spiderman, and Witcher 3. I'm a PlayStation girl, for now and for always.
  • jjsavoh
    jjsavoh Posts: 135 Member
    edited June 2020
    I'm...jjsavoh, 30-40, Male. Yeah, nonspecific I know.

    I tend to play RPG, action, and adventure, with certain flavors of shooters (Borderlands, DOOM, Wolfenstein). I'm not necessarily trying to lose weight. Don't care about the numbers, I care about the look. Goals are to cut bodyfat by at least 5% and of course get more fit in the process. I have lost 10 lbs so far and I assume I'll lose another 10 as that's where I was last year and was very happy.

    Bouncing between Monster Hunter World, Link's Awakening, and Assassin's Creed least until Xenoblade arrives. I game on PC and Switch.
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    Jason here! 42 by age. Geek by nature. Just returning to MFP after a break away. Real life in Higher Education.

    My geek lies very much in pop culture knowledge. Specific loves...I am a BROWNCOAT. May have not been the winning side, still not convinced it was the wrong one. Star Wars, LotR, Epic Fantasy, and comics. Always a part of me.

    Reading? Yes, LotR, but very much a Wheel of Time fan and have been since Lord of Chaos was released.

    Also Norse/Viking heritage so I geek out on that side of things. Nothing better than old Icelandic Literature and Prose,

    I don't LARP but I stalk LARPers because of their confidence.

    Happy to support and connect. Glad you are all out there. I once was 250. Got down to 175. Back up a bit because of life. But ready to do this all over again.
  • neilblackburn
    neilblackburn Posts: 15 Member
    i'm a larper, a gamer, a roleplayer...

    i'm 38 returning to finish looking like henri cavil

    need to lose about 20lbs and gain a little muscle.
    lets do this!
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    Hi! I'm Jenn. I like games of all kinds, board games, Roll-playing, MMO, Sims, Minecraft, WOW, Skyrim. I like to create and I like to be in a world of creation.
  • Caelock
    Caelock Posts: 7 Member
    I am Sam, 34, and recently relocated to Montana. I am looking to lose around 160 pounds and enjoy hiking, fishing, and camping as well as my video game pursuits.

    I play a variety of games ranging from tabletop to MMOs. I'm still super involved in World of Warcraft and occasionally play FFXIV. WoW is definitely my main time spender, though. I run a guild with my best friend and we work hard on M+ and raiding while still maintaining a pretty casual atmosphere. I'm an alliance main, but also keep some horde characters for achievements and story purposes.

    I also enjoy things like Cities: Skylines, Sims, Stardew Valley, and the like. I love to explore new games and push myself to explore out of my normal boundaries. I'll try lots of different things.

    Mostly I am just looking for friends, especially anyone else that is still into wow.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Returning gamer thanks to Lockdown. Ros, Female 51, UK based - mainly PC, I also have (would you believe) a working PS2 and Phat-boy PS3!!!! Never got round to getting the PS4 ... and no real point in getting a PS5!

    I returned to Elite Dangerous for the first time in three years and I use a T-Flight HOTAS and am living my best Space Cadet life!!!

    Recently got Command and Conquer Remastered via Steam and my lord that is every bit as addictive as it was back in the day.
    Next on the list - Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock...

    I no longer use MFP to calorie count - I was diagnosed as a diabetic and so use it to carb count. Was diagnosed after I lost about a stone in a matter of weeks and found that my body was munching on muscle and completely ignoring that abundance of insulin.

    Lockdown has not only meant I can home-cook a lot more than when I travel around a lot and getting into a decent routine using a home gym. I have no cartilage in my knees from years of being an athlete and I have been able to work up to running and walking for 30m with no pain thanks to rehabbing a lot on a spin bike.

    Still aiming to lose another stone - hopefully without the help of soaring bloods and muscle-munching...!