WAISTAWAYS Team Chat - MAY 2020



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    Some awesome weigh-ins and goal slaying this morning! Whoosh indeed :smiley: And I think it is a great decision to work with Noom for a while, @conleywoods . Sometimes those fine tunings of our edibles really make a difference. Partly awareness, but mostly practice, practice, practice.

    And welcome to another new member! @Stefbomb2020 - you, too, will practice with us!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,282 Member
    Pw - 174
    Cw - 170
    Weigh in today, because I won't be around tomorrow.

    I weighed myself 6 times to be sure it was right... it was 170 every time... woohooo, guess it was whoosh week...

    Steps for 5/28 = 8,172. I have alot of catching up to do this weekend if I want to beat my 80k steps from last week.

    Have a great weekend !!!

    FABULOUS LOSS!!! Way to go! Hope you have a great trip. Before you go, do you have your steps for last Sunday? I don't see them. Enjoy your trip and post a pic or two. :)
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,282 Member
    edited May 2020
    PW 164
    CW 162.6

    7.5 more miles to complete my 60 miles for May
    3 days to complete my NO sweets for the month!

    Great Loss! And also to @conleywoods, @CanadianGiraffe, and @Steph1498 Great losses to you all as well. We are on a roll. Way to go ladies!! <3:)

    I have noticed that my weight is out of sync with everyone else's. I don't know why but when you all have big losses, I gain and when you all have gains, I lose. I don't know why. It's just curious to me. I want to get in sync with you all and lose more like all of you. I guess like @jugar said, Practice, practice, practice.

    Did Pilates this morning, but now it's overcast and suppose to rain, again!
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    Pw - 174
    Cw - 170
    Weigh in today, because I won't be around tomorrow.

    I weighed myself 6 times to be sure it was right... it was 170 every time... woohooo, guess it was whoosh week...

    Steps for 5/28 = 8,172. I have alot of catching up to do this weekend if I want to beat my 80k steps from last week.

    Have a great weekend !!!

    FABULOUS LOSS!!! Way to go! Hope you have a great trip. Before you go, do you have your steps for last Sunday? I don't see them. Enjoy your trip and post a pic or two. :)

    Thanks for last sunday it was 10,081..

    Will definitely post some pics.

    Have a good weekend!
  • ELENA01
    ELENA01 Posts: 47 Member
    I live in Tn. My goal is to lose weight at a steady pace and walk often to help me lose it. I currently work 5 days a week.
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member

    PW 344.6
    CW 349.4
  • deniners2
    deniners2 Posts: 871 Member
    @jugar I'll be starting June at 153.

    This week has been awful due to lots of sodium. I don't cook with any salt, and I often find cooking by others very salty. 😝 I had some things this week like soy chorizo that have left me craving water. Here's to a better next week.

    Also, I'm not sure if my Achilles tendon is aggravated, but I'll stick to walking this weekend. I haven't felt right since that accidental 10.2 mile walk on Mother's Day. 🚶‍♀️

    I've officially changed to Sunday- Thursday work schedule, and I'm having difficulty knowing what day it is. 🙃
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good evening, or whatever it is where you are!

    Welcome, @ELENA01 - I hope you'll find lots of support here for a good steady program that you can fit in while still working full time. You are not alone in that! I am retired, but many of our team members are working, juggling family obligations, and finding ways to make it possible to attain a healthy weight and level of fitness. Never hesitate to ask questions, rant, cheer about a good day, or respond to anyone else's day. Looking forward to getting to know you!

    @evangsimmons170 - big hugs out to you - I am sure it has been hard getting back to work under the new conditions in schools. Hang in there!!!

    @deniners2 - take care of that Achilles tendon. That can take a while to feel better. And yeah - higher salt cooking can really throw things for a loop. Oh - and today is Friday! I figured it out! Keep the chin up, ok? Your weigh in for June isn't until Sunday, so you have a chance to kick some of that salt weight to the curb :wink:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    We have a couple more new people joining us! The sign-up is quite active for June, so let's get ready to welcome @mhariankhatibau12 and @eponymoose (we have a giraffe, so we needed a moose!). Tally ho!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    If anyone wants to get a jump on introductions for June, head on over to https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10798302/waistaways-team-chat-june-2020#latest

    Keep weighing in here until the end of the day Saturday.

    Speaking of which, weigh-ins are due on Saturday for:

    and today we are waiting for @KellyBgetsFit
  • RaisedToRamble
    RaisedToRamble Posts: 20 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    @RaisedToRamble Cholesterol checks can give false readings during weight loss. Because your fat cells are shrinking and dumping waste into your bloodstream. My blood test results come back with higher cholesterol readings every single time these days.

    Also if you are walking a lot more, you're almost definitely retaining more water.

    Welcome to the magical world of weight loss, where all the numbers are frustrating basically all the time.

    I sure hope so. I have been walking more consistently than before. We shall see. I am requesting a new cholesterol test next month. : )
  • RaisedToRamble
    RaisedToRamble Posts: 20 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Happy Tally Day -

    @RaisedToRamble I have to say, though, that nuts and seeds have no cholesterol and are surely not the first thing that needs to go. They have lots of fibre and are a healthy kind of fat (you do need fat in your diet) and as long as you are not eating them by the handful you should be able to keep them in your daily routine. I'd get rid of oil before getting rid of nuts and seeds. And then the obvious culprits, cheese and meat can be problematic. I'm not sure what you mean by "fake meat" though -

    I've decided to keep nuts and seeds in my diet. I agree the more I read, the more I realized they should definitely be apart of my daily intake. Fake meats are the fake vegan meats. They are full of oil. I never realized until my dad who enjoys the fake vegan meat burgers, showed me the ingredients. I had to cut them out completely or I'd never be successful. I enjoy them too much.

    Other than that, I am looking forward to checking my weight tomorrow. I am hopeful I lost most of what I gained.

  • unevano
    unevano Posts: 30 Member
    Happy this week. I stayed in ketosis all week. Each day I am successful at it, the easier it becomes. Consistency is the key I believe. Once the body is burning fat for fuel rather than glucose, I am feeling lots of positive things happening in my body. Weight loss is just an added bonus for me. I should have a pretty good weigh in on Monday if I don't screw things up this weekend. :-)
  • deniners2
    deniners2 Posts: 871 Member
    edited May 2020
    jugar wrote: »
    @deniners2 - take care of that Achilles tendon. That can take a while to feel better. And yeah - higher salt cooking can really throw things for a loop. Oh - and today is Friday! I figured it out! Keep the chin up, ok? Your weigh in for June isn't until Sunday, so you have a chance to kick some of that salt weight to the curb :wink:

    @jugar So, my 1st weigh in for June will be Sunday, and after that on Fridays? This Sunday is May 31st. I just woke up, so I'm probably not understanding.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    deniners2 wrote: »
    @jugar So, my 1st weigh in for June will be Sunday, and after that on Fridays? This Sunday is May 31st. I just woke up, so I'm probably not understanding.
    I'm the one being slow - I forgot to switch you to Fridays for June. So you have a chance to have even more extra time to lose the water weight, or we can put your starting weight for June as the high one so that you have an amazing week 1. Your final weight for May was the one recorded last Sunday, and normally that would be the starting weight for June, but I'm happy to use either that one (147.5) or the 153 you posted on Friday. Let me know!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @jugar I'm so sorry! I actually thought yesterday was Thurs 🤦‍♀️ and by the time I realized it was Fri, I didn't want a mid day weigh in. Summer problems

    PW 156
    CW 155.4

    I really thought last week was a fluke and this week would be lower. I am 2-3 lbs above my normal weight. Honestly, I feel really good about myself. My squishy post baby belly feels less squishy. My legs look good in shorts. Monday, I will take my monthly measurements. This is my second week doing 80 day Obsession on Beachbody on Demand and I really like it. The workouts are long and sometimes the baby doesnt corporate with that. I want to add in more walking/elliptical. Walking is easier with the baby but it is already 70degrees at 7am.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    @conleywoods - cograts on your daughter's birthday! It is amazing how they just keep growing up. The bike ride and feast sound like a perfect day. Burn 'em and eat 'em!

    @unevano - you are doing great! don't let the weekend kick you off your plan. I tried keto decades ago and it did not agree with me at all, but I know a lot of people have great success with it. Finding a way to maintain afterwards is the tricky part, it seems - but for now, hang tough over the weekend!

    @RaisedToRamble - bummer about the vegan meats. I have not tried them - but I make all kinds of vegan stuff that is delicious without the added oil and salt. I have a hereditary tendency to high cholesterol even with almost zero dietary cholesterol, but keeping some non-saturated fats is good, as long as it does not get too carried away. Luckily I cannot really digest much fat, so it is a self-regulating problem! It is so unpleasant that I don't mind avoiding it. I remember a very old New Yorker magazine cartoon where the grim reaper is next to a woman's bed. It's her 40th (or 50th?) birthday, and she looks very afraid. But the reaper says something like, "Don't worry - I'm only here for the muscle tone in your upper arms, your good moods, and your ability to digest french fries.". We have to work hard to keep the first two, but I was (eventually) good with leaving behind the third!

    Have a good Saturday, everyone!
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