SHRINKING ASSETS Team Chat - June 2020



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    You have one more new member on the way! @mwirebaugh just signed up today. Should be along shortly!
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Park trip today
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Breakfast for the week.
    Egg, bacon. Lettuce, tomatoes and cheese
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Did some food prep today. In the spoiler below is lunch for the coming week. Ham/onion/pepper frittata. I also made bacon wrapped cabbage wedge and baked chicken.

    Ready for the week to come!!!
  • Curvybaja55
    Curvybaja55 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi everyone :
    Thanks for your warm welcome I am exciting to be on this team. Can you please explain how you do the spoiler/show. I am new and may have many questions.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Hi everyone :
    Thanks for your warm welcome I am exciting to be on this team. Can you please explain how you do the spoiler/show. I am new and may have many questions.

    Ask away!!! We are here to help!

    I’m explaining from my phone, so it might be a little different on your or a computer.

    Above the dialogue box there are several commands. The paragraph symbol - click that and spoiler will appear. If this doesn’t work easily you can do this:

    [ ——spoiler—-] Desired txt or photo to hide [——- / spoiler —- ]

    Just take out the space and dashes. Words, brackets &!backslash are needed. I had to add them or it would have inserted a Spoiler
  • samuel860
    samuel860 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Guys !! So I'm alive after the longest weekend of food ever ! Like I promised you all see the pics of all the goodies I made.
    I did gain weight - but I tried to control myself while not missing anything so the damage wasn't so great (I could easly gain more LOL) 7rq2eh3b8n4p.jpeg
  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    Hi (or should I say "G'day, mate"?)! I'm Australian, and mum to a teen. I've been maintaining a healthy weight for five months now, since January this year.

    When I began this challenge, in February 2019, I was class 3 obese, weighed 119.5kg (263.5 lbs), had insulin resistance, a sluggish thyroid, and was an epic snorer. Everything was fixed within a year of consistent effort. My goal is to keep on track (eating liberal LCHF wholefoods, intermittent fasting, regular exercise, good sleep, stress management), knowing that "maintenance" is actually a bigger challenge for me than the weight-loss. I've lost and gained so many times in the past 25 years, I really need to stick with this!

    My stats:
    169cm / 5'7'
    41 years
    Highest Weight: 119.5kg/263.5lbs (27th January 2019)
    Maintenance zone: 62.5-66 kg/137.8-145.5lbs (6th January 2020)
    Maintenance duration: 5 months.

    @Beka3695 is the above goal zone okay for the new thing? I know it's kind of broad, but that's how much my weight can fluctuate during a month - lots of ups and downs on any given day (fluctuations in hydration included). Weight has been averaging out around my goal of 65kgs (143.3 lbs) over the whole month (so trend line is good despite fluctuations). Thanks
  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    Week 1, Monday
    PW: 141.1 lbs
    CW: 144.4 lbs

    In the maintenance zone :smile:
  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    @WishfulThinning18 So sorry to hear about how difficult things are at the moment - inequality, injustice, conflict, chaos, violence, and you in the middle of it.

    Even as I see the footage from the other side of the world, I can't imagine what it would like to be living among it. I find it hard to watch. It makes me so upset. Also, upset with the ignorance and arrogance of our local commentators here in Australia. Our (conservative) PM decided in all his wisdom (note I am being sarcastic about 'wisdom') to publicly quote a meme "Martin Luther King didn't change anything by burning anything down or by looting any shops"... the quickness of some people to criticise desperate protesters while simultaneously not criticising systemic police brutality, racism, assault and murder. Here in Australia we also have problems with Aboriginal deaths in custody & systematic discrimination against our first nations peoples. Despite countless civilised attempts by good people to raise this issue, and official investigations and reports clearly reveal what the problems are, nothing ever really changes because people in power like our PM turn a blind eye, and create racist policies, and thus time marches on bringing more deaths.

    I wish there was something I could say or do to make it better.
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    I found a new habit I need to form. I decided to try switching my afternoon snack and breakfast, and over the weekend I seemed to have good results with satiety that leads to less snack calories later in the day. The problem is, the now-breakfast is largely frozen berries that I have to take out to thaw the night before. I had planned on testing how the breakfast works for weekdays, but guess who forgot to take the berries out last night... Does anyone have tips for remembering things like this?

    I also included a comparison of calculated vs actual loss in my nerd sheet, and based on last week I'm really happy with my results. After one week of daily logging, weighing in, and following my trendweight and Fitbit burn, my total weight loss is 96,32% of predicted/calculated weight loss based on my deficit. Considering I rarely use my food scale and tend to eyeball/go by package size, that's a huge win. Now it's time to gather more data and see if the comparison stays consistent.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Luciicul wrote: »
    Maintenance zone: 62.5-66 kg/137.8-145.5lbs (6th January 2020)
    Maintenance duration: 5 months.

    @Beka3695 is the above goal zone okay for the new thing? I know it's kind of broad, but that's how much my weight can fluctuate during a month - lots of ups and downs on any given day (fluctuations in hydration included). Weight has been averaging out around my goal of 65kgs (143.3 lbs) over the whole month (so trend line is good despite fluctuations). Thanks

    This is great... but if you don’t mind, I will round to 138-146 just so it will fit nicely in the spreadsheet
  • iamworthy14
    iamworthy14 Posts: 413 Member
    PW ?
    CW 164.8
  • Remaincentered
    Remaincentered Posts: 14 Member
    edited June 2020
    Week 1: Sunday
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Week 1: Sunday

    Welcome to our team!!! We are very happy to have you!!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    samuel860 wrote: »
    Hi Guys !! So I'm alive after the longest weekend of food ever ! Like I promised you all see the pics of all the goodies I made.
    I did gain weight - but I tried to control myself while not missing anything so the damage wasn't so great (I could easly gain more LOL) 7rq2eh3b8n4p.jpeg

    This looks DELICIOUS!!!!
  • peachplace
    peachplace Posts: 67 Member
    Late with my weigh in and so not happy..

    PW. 246
    CW 250

    Gonna have to really focus.. I start back at work tomorrow. This might help keep me in line with a structured food schedule. Hopefully..

    June Goals
    - work out more often
    - Watch my macros
    - Start burpee challenge!

    I’ll share the burpee challenge later.. I need them considering I have a goal to do the spartan race when I turn 45 (that’s 2 yrs from now).
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Did some food prep today. In the spoiler below is lunch for the coming week. Ham/onion/pepper frittata. I also made bacon wrapped cabbage wedge and baked chicken.

    Ready for the week to come!!!

    I am still waiting on the bacon cabbage pics and recipe. I don't think you texted it back yesterday or I missed it lol
  • Curvybaja55
    Curvybaja55 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi everyone
    5/25 173.8
    6/01 173.0
    I am a bit tired from my 5 miles walk I have to take a nap, and prepare for work tomorrow. I work in a hospital so it is work as usual for me. Everyone have a great day.
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