What's on your mind today?



  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Well, it happened. They laid off five of my team, two of whom were my of my best workers. I cried so hard off and on all day. I’m heartbroken. 💔 Those that remain will be working only 32 hours a week. I will be transporting 32 hours per week and supervising for 8. My world is all kinds of sideways right now. 😭

    So sorry to hear this....and, of course, layoff the cream of the crop. Wish there was something more I can do than offer support.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member

  • cjane917
    cjane917 Posts: 688 Member
    @juliemouse83 so sorry about the layoffs. And how frustrating that they decided to include two of your best workers. I know it must be so hard to balance losing a lot of what you loved about your work along with losing a lot of the joys of life pre-covid. I hope that there are at least some things you still have that bring you joy that can keep you going, even if so many other things are rough right now.

    @lexabeep I agree-- there's a lot of whack medicine and dads out there. Even when finding solid sources, the recommendations seem to change (anti-fat, anti-gluten, anti-sugar?)

    In other news, I'm about abpoiund a way from transitioning into maintenance, though I think I'll still have some body recomposition happening as I continue to take long walks and do calisthenics. Do any of you have tips for moving into maintenance? How abruptly or gradually did you change your calorie allotment? Are there things you can ease up on?
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,398 Member
    cjane917 wrote: »
    In other news, I'm about a pound a way from transitioning into maintenance, though I think I'll still have some body recomposition happening as I continue to take long walks and do calisthenics. Do any of you have tips for moving into maintenance? How abruptly or gradually did you change your calorie allotment? Are there things you can ease up on?

    I am now ~ 1 month at the MFP recommended daily maintenance calorie level, after taking ~6 weeks to gradually, week-by-week, adding in the difference.

    I was given a recommended extra 200 pre-exercise calories per day for maintenance intake when I did the Goal Reset thing.

    It's just me, but I felt that by easing into the change - only adding ~50 calories a day (for a week at a time, then upping by another 50 again) plus eating more of my exercise calories meant that I could be more strategic about HOW I would add in the calories across the whole day instead of suddenly adding JUST high-calorie evening snacks. Especially in the current semi-lockdown environment with a very different scope for formal-exercise options than last year would have been (although that may be starting to change a bit in your area?) and my need to meet the corresponding increased NEAT-activity level despite (in my case) a "no end in sight WFH" situation and a tendency towards relatively sedentary hobbies.

    Are there things that you could start using a slightly more calorie-dense version of again (choice of salad dressing; low fat instead of no-fat yogurt for instance) that you could add at lunch or for earlier-in-the-day planned snacks? Or serving SLIGHTLY larger (measured) portions of?

    I know nothing about the macro-combo recommendations for body re-composition (although I imagine it would be strong on protein % age than the default MFP setting) but maybe there is a relevant thread or two in the Must Reads at the top of the Maintenance Board and/or the Gain Weight (name?) Board ... there is one Message Board specifically targeted for people into recomp / heavy lifting / cutting-bulking type exercise cycles and related nutrition, and am not entirely sure of the exact name. But I mean that one.

  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    @cjane917 go you! 💪

    I’m enjoying an active weekend of gardening and mowing, lots of chill time. The weather is perfect! I planted artichokes last night and DH replanted the corn, as the first batch washed away in the torrential rains we had right after planting.

    Not terribly excited about going back to work tomorrow. All the slack employees with longevity that got to keep their jobs are returning after two months of furlough, and many of them are not dealing well with their new schedules. I’d really like to tell them all to get bent, because while they have been reduced to 32 hours a week, they are still doing what they signed up for. Also, I am not the complaint department. It’s now above my pay grade. 😂 Still not sure how I’m going to cram all of my management duties into a mere 8 hours a week, but I’ll give it my best. It’s all I can do. It’s a plus that I don’t hate transporting patients, and it’s fabulous that the dispatcher was retired, so no more funny business within the dashboard. (She played favorites.)

    I appreciate all of your kind words.

    Also, @SuziQ113 , that recipe sound wonderful!

    Annnnd, I dropped another .7 pounds this week, so I only have 15 more to go!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,398 Member
    Annnnd, I dropped another .7 pounds this week, so I only have 15 more to go!

    @juliemouse83 Yay YOU!!!!
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,121 Member
    @juliemouse83 You're a star!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    @cjane917 congratulations on being one pound away from maintenance and @juliemouse83, congratulations on being 0.7 pounds closer to maintenance!!
  • cjane917
    cjane917 Posts: 688 Member
    @BMcC9 thanks for the advice! That makes a lot of sense-- it would seem too abrupt to suddenly increase by 250 per day. I like the idea of starting with just an extra 50 per day. Did you accomplish that by just making sure you stayed 150-200 under your calorie limit (in the green) after switching to maintenance settings?

    Also I realized in my original post I wrote "and dads" instead of "advice." Oops haha. I didn't mean to insult all the dads out there! ;)
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,398 Member
    cjane917 wrote: »
    @BMcC9 thanks for the advice! That makes a lot of sense-- it would seem too abrupt to suddenly increase by 250 per day. I like the idea of starting with just an extra 50 per day. Did you accomplish that by just making sure you stayed 150-200 under your calorie limit (in the green) after switching to maintenance settings?

    That making sure you stayed 150-200 under your calorie limit (in the green) after switching to maintenance settings might work for some, but not for me.

    Start at "HOME" and go to "GOALS". The "Guided Setup" is how you find out what MFP recommends in order to get you what want ( in this case switch up to Maintenance). Looks like you already did that and now know that you are to settle 250 up from your "still losing" value.

    That is also where you confirm that your "lifestyle setting" (sedentary / lightly active / very active) is realistic to your current situation. Save changes if you haven't already just tweaked it.

    Right below the "Guided Setup" link is the box showing your daily target calories and macro percentages. There is an edit button, and you can play with these numbers without going through Guided Setup.

    I went from 1200 to 1250 - made sure my activity was covering the difference with no issue - 1250 to 1300 - same thing, upping the exercise - until I got to 1400 and was still consistently breaking even in terms of calories in to calories burned as shown by my weight (Saturday to Saturday) was staying stable.

    I am an old enough hand at this to not be concerned about any given single-day variation. It is the trend (if you have a device that can track this) that is the more important measure.

  • cjane917
    cjane917 Posts: 688 Member
    Thank you so much! I had no idea you could edit it-- that's great! I will do that and try your method of increasing slowly by 50, gauging effectiveness at each level before increasing. Thanks!
  • lexabeep
    lexabeep Posts: 232 Member
    @cjane917 congrats on moving to the other side!
    The time before when I went to maintain I kept eating really healthy and instead of going to ‘ maintenance calories’ I just ate back what I worked out. After about a month of that I stopped keeping track. I knew enough about what food should look like, what things worked for me and how many calories were in most foods to just try to eat well. I think checking the scale is important. Some times things are trail and error. You will have to find out what works for you.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,398 Member
    There are several threads on the Maintenance Board about "how often do I need to keep logging / weighing" variations. Lots of anecdotal replies there to shift though to spark ideas about "that would never work for me" or "maybe I could try that for a month, then consider tweaking my approach"

    A lot will have to do with your own personality type / how you prefer to gather-compare data / how "ingrained" a behavoural habit has become or alternatively you realize that for YOU it will need to be an almost forever self-awareness tool ...
  • alligatorob
    alligatorob Posts: 736 Member
    Chinkiri asked for a picture of my yard, so here is a part of it. Been getting exercise lately by maintaining it. For now the riding lawnmower is down so I have been using the old push mower, great exercise. The whole lawn is a lot bigger than it looks in this photo.
    Saturday I am leaving for 10 days of vacation in Florida. Not sure I can keep up daily logging and pretty sure I won't be able to exercise every day. However I will do my best, stay here, and shoot for the winner's circle in July.
  • cjane917
    cjane917 Posts: 688 Member
    Thanks @lexabeep and @BMcC9
    That's a good idea to strive toward in the future-- once I slowly get up to what seems to be my personal maintenance level and am stable for a good amount of time I could try out not logging to see how accurate my "internal mental food scale" is.

    This might also change with circumstances too. I'm in my early/mid 30s and will probably attempt to start a family in a year or two. So I'm sure coming back afterwards to once again losing and maintenance, my body will have changed and I'll be readjusting.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    @juliemouse83, I just read your post from June 18th, and I actually gasped out loud. I am so, so sorry that this is happening to you. I hope your back feels better soon....those types of injuries are not fun at all! And I hope the job search yields a positive outcome!! (hugs)
  • jillebean86
    jillebean86 Posts: 79 Member
    Happy Juneteenth to my American friends! This American holiday commemorates one of the last announcements of the abolition of slavery in the United States, on June 19, 1865. Although it has existed for over 100 years, Juneteenth is now gaining popularity as a way to celebrate diversity and to reflect on our progress toward equality.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,398 Member
    I just found this amazing thread on the Success Stories message board:


    Tilte: Did you lose anything besides weight? (we so often talk about things gained / added into our lives as NSV - more energy / more strength etc) This is the other "postitive losses" type NSVs.
    • lost chins
    • lost defeatist attitudes
    • lost aches and pains
    • etc etc

    Take a read, and maybe share here some of your own "positive losses" even if it ISN'T the 15th of the month / our traditional NSV-sharing day.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,398 Member
    Happy Solstice! (astronomical longest day / shortest night in the Northern Hemisphere; opposite (start of increasing daylight) if you are south of the equator.